#21 The Exterminatoer

#21 The Exterminatoer

A Chapter by Rhi

by teenangel on Fri Jul 18, 2008 8:01 pm

Okay so the next morning everybody is just a little bit cranky (especially Damian since Keith woke him up during a really good dream because of the cockroaches) for a restless night. Christy and I stayed up late talking about random things and watching movies on my laptop [wish I had one] so we were really tired. We decide to go take a slow walk out around the lake.

That was really pointless...just trying to get all of us awake


by Rhi. on Fri Jul 18, 2008 8:07 pm

s not pointless

see now someone can write about what we did while you were out or what u guys did on your walk... you can even expand on your story and say what you did on the walk!


by teenangel on Fri Jul 18, 2008 8:09 pm

one problem with that...my 11yr old nephew is watching Spiderman 1 (the scene in the burning house) so anything I write would be influenced by that lol


by Rhi. on Fri Jul 18, 2008 8:15 pm

that is totally fine! write what you feel, just make sure it fits in w/ what was writen before and that someone can work off of what you just wrote

hold on and i'll give you a "for instance"




by celticsusan on Fri Jul 18, 2008 8:20 pm



Rhi. wrote:

Celticsusan wrote:I'm getting such a kick out of reading everyone's stories. Maybe somebody should put these in a scrapbook for the guys? But let Sharon see it first! Are we that daring????

i've been saving the stories (save a few) in word (76 pages. . . ) so yeah. . .




by Rhi. on Fri Jul 18, 2008 8:21 pm


So for instance I just changed my light bulbs to the energy saving ones, 75 watts and when I put them in it was like it was daylight again! Sooo. . . .

While Christy and angel are on their walk most everyone is falling asleep on the couch. . .i noticed a few of the light bulbs had burned out so when Keith and I went to the store I bought 2 packs of the new energy saving ones, and while everyone was waking up I replaces he burned out bulbs w/new ones! Well it was still kinda dark out. . . the sun hadn’t come up full yet and so when I turned on the lights WHAM! The sun was UP! and now so was everyone else! And they were not happy. . .


by Rhi. on Fri Jul 18, 2008 8:23 pm

celticsusan wrote:

Rhi. wrote:

Celticsusan wrote:I'm getting such a kick out of reading everyone's stories. Maybe somebody should put these in a scrapbook for the guys? But let Sharon see it first! Are we that daring????

i've been saving the stories (save a few) in word (76 pages. . . ) so yeah. . .


i did miss a few so i will eventually have to go though and find them . . . i'm not looking forward to doing that. . .lol


by Kerry W on Fri Jul 18, 2008 8:26 pm

lol. Keith would be so embarrassed if he read that...

This is right before everyone gets up and Christy and Angel go on their walk. say it's just a little something that got left out.

So after the commotion in the middle of the night, poor Keith got stuck sleeping on the couch downstairs, but didn't really sleep until 4ish b/c of worrying about the cockroaches.

At 8am, Christy, Kerry, and Angel woke up bright and early (for staying up until 2ish that is.) and decided to wake everyone up with a surprise brekky in bed. They decided to make waffles, eggs and bacon, with some flavored vanilla syurp that Kerry made. (It's actually quite good.)

They decided to wake up the rest of the other girls first, and Pagan, Rhi, Pat, and Whimsey woke up quite easily, and were glad for the breakfast. The trouble started with the guys though...

Kerry, Christy, and Angel walked into Ryan and Paul's rooms, (knocking first, then just going right on in) to be greeted with an interesting sight.

Paul was actually between his bed and the wall, in boxers and a shirt. He was wedged quite tightly, halfway to the floor and still sleeping soundly.

Ryan was curled up in a ball under the sheet on his bed with a stuffed dog peeking out from under the covers...

Christy started snickering. Angel giggled, then ran out of the room to get her camera. Kerry just went out into the hall, sat down and started laughing. (They couldn't hear her inside.)

When Angel had gotten the pictures, the three girls decided to wake Paul up first. Kerry set the trays on the bedside tables and tapped/shook gently Paul on the shoulder. He didn't stir.

Christy leaned over and whispered loudly, "Wake up Paul!"

He didn't stir. Angel decided to tickle his ear and nose with a feather in the nightstand.

Paul didn't stir.

Kerry shrugged. "We can wake up Ryan first instead. He'll tell us how to wake Paul up." So Christy, slightly annoyed, sat on Ryan's bed. Kerry and Angel started singing "Heartbreaker", girl-style.

Ryan woke up and started when he saw the three girls. He quickly hid the dog, then sat up fully, revealing that he slept in shorts. (But hey, we see the guys at the beach. No biggie.)

Christy blushed. Kerry rolled her eyes at Christy and gave Ryan his tray.

"Do you know how to wake Paul up? We shook him, tickled him, and said his name." Angel asked. "We don't know what else to do."

"Give me his breakfast?" Ryan suggested, eagerly digging into the waffles. "This syurp is good!"

"No, it's for him, and thanks. How do we wake him?" Kerry insisted.

Ryan sighed. "You have to...."


Be creative! going for wild and unusual here!


by Rhi. on Fri Jul 18, 2008 8:33 pm

!!!!!!OMG!!!! cant breath! cant breath. laughing. too. hard!!!!!!! LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!


by Kerry W on Fri Jul 18, 2008 8:36 pm


What do you think we should have to do to wake Paul up?


by teenangel on Fri Jul 18, 2008 8:37 pm

that is sooooooooooooo me!!!!!!!! My neice wouldn't know if you put an elephant on the bed next to her...you have to shake her for about 1&1/2 minutes to actually wake her up

Aw heck you figure it out!lol


by teenangel on Fri Jul 18, 2008 8:39 pm

I can delete it if you can think of something better...which you probably can


by teenangel on Fri Jul 18, 2008 8:45 pm

can someone pm me about the word document they have with all of these stories...I would really like to have it


by Rhi. on Fri Jul 18, 2008 8:46 pm

here is my version

So finally when ryan is done eating keith walks in (he smelled food) and asks ryan what the girls are trying to do
Ryan- they are trying to wake Paul up
Keith- hu, they do know that they aren’t don’t it right, right?
Ryan- probably. . .
Keith- is that food?!
Kerry- its for paul!
Keith- oh. . .fine then *walks out of room*
I walk in right after he leaves
Me- what are you doing?!
Christy- wer’re trying to wake paul up!
Me- where is- *cracks up* how did he get- wait no, I don’t want to know! Can I have a shot at it?
Angel- *sigh* sure. . .but I don’t think he is ever gonna get up
So I go over to him and poke him in the shoulder, then the cheek, next the eye, nothing. . .
Me- hmmm
That’s when I go right up to his ear and say in my sweetst voice
Me- paul, its time to wake up sweaty, we have breakfast for you. Its time to wake up paul. *kiss him on the cheak. . . nothing*
Keith- what in the world are you doing?!
Me- *startled* trying to get him up! I thought if anything THAT would get him up!
Keith- man maybe i should fall asleep around you more often! *big smile then sighs, looks at ryan* should we?
Ryan- *shrugs*
Keith- *sighs again* ok. . .you 4 move, *we do, keith goes up to the bed and takes the side of it and pulls THUNK. paul is now on the floor*
Paul- do I smell syup! And *sniff* waffles?! *pops up from behind bed*


by teenangel on Fri Jul 18, 2008 8:48 pm

that is wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyy better than my version...gonna go delete it


by celticsusan on Fri Jul 18, 2008 8:55 pm

Can y'all give me a few minutes? I'm coming up with something.


by teenangel on Fri Jul 18, 2008 8:56 pm

do we have a choice? lol...just kidding


by Rhi. on Fri Jul 18, 2008 9:00 pm

Kerry W wrote:lol. Keith would be so embarrassed if he read that...

he wouldnt be the only one!!!! think if he read about our "relationship" i. would. die.


by Kerry W on Fri Jul 18, 2008 9:10 pm

Paul slicks back his swanky hair and sits down on the bed. "Brekky in bed? How fantastic!"

Kerry, still snickering, hands Paul the tray.

Christy told Keith, "Your food's in the kitchen, we were going to wake George and Damian, then you."

Ryan snorted. "He's like a dog with that nose. Paul's the hamster, burrowing between the wall and bed."

"Hey" Paul complained. "And you're supposed to be what, a horse? Oh, no wait, you're apparently 5 years old with a widdle theddy bear."

Ryan threw his pillow at him.


George's waking was pretty much uneventful, but Damian's.... Oh Damian. (sorry for doing this to you bro)

Christy wanted to wake him up by whispering in his ear, but Ryan and Paul had followed the girls to watch them wake Damian up. They were currently mouthing 'Puppy Love' and "Young Love" to Christy's embarrassment.

Christy sat on Damian's bed and shook him. "Wake up Damian, " she said in a quiet but clear voice.

No response.

She shook him slightly harder. "Wake up sweetheart."

Damian bolted upright, smacking into Christy's lips. She was startled but went with it.

Damian broke away, blushing, and took the breakfast tray from her hands quietly.

The girls melted, but the moment was nearly ruined - "Interesting way to wake up." Ryan commented.

"Why couldn't Rhi or Kerry have woken me up that way?" Paul agreed. (Let's pretend for the santicity of this story that I'm 18. okay?)

"Just for fun!" He jumped when both Rhi and Keith glared at him.


by teenangel on Fri Jul 18, 2008 9:12 pm

lol...Christy will loooooooove that


by Kerry W on Fri Jul 18, 2008 9:13 pm

Oh shoot... I didn't see that post Susan... I can fix mine to fit yours if you want, after you post it.


by Rhi. on Fri Jul 18, 2008 9:16 pm

*stiffling a giggle*

me- uuh paul. . .? you got a kiss on the cheek. . . you didnt get up. . .
keith- *looks from paul to me then back to paul and glares at him*


by teenangel on Fri Jul 18, 2008 9:20 pm

so I guess everyone eats breakfast and christy (who is still staring at Damian) and I take our walk.

what happens while we're walking/gone?


by celticsusan on Fri Jul 18, 2008 9:22 pm

Sorry to take so long posting. I have memory problems, have to keep going back n forth to remember who is in what! Feel free to delete mine if anybody wants to.

Paul is drooling now, sliding around on the sheet on the floor while trying to get his balance to get to the waffles "Waffles, mmmmmmmm" "One of my favourites! "He finally reaches for his plate and...drops it. "*!@@" he yells as the rest of the group dissolves into laughter. " "Good one, Paul!", sniggers Ryan. "I wouldn't be talking if I were you, Ryan" says Angel who has mysteriously come back into the room without anyone else noticing. "Yeah", echoes Angel. Christy turns her head trying not to show the "boys" she is laughing. "All of a sudden the three girls just can't hold it in any longer and just burst out laughing so hard that tears are running down their faces. "What the heck is goin' on?" asks Keith. Ryan gets this dark, worried look on his face. "Uh oh, they've been up to something." he answers Keith. Paul is crying now because his waffles aren't going to materialize again from think air...or ARE they? Christy says "I'll be back in a few". Runs downstairs. "Now where the heck is SHE off to?" Keith wonders. "And what's so DARN funny?" Angel sheepishly produces her camera from behind her back...hands it to Ryan and DASHES down the stairs still laughing. "If tshe did what I THINK they did..."ponders Ryan. "Yup, they WERE all here, wait, all except one...ANGEL!" Keith yells lunging for the camera in Ryan's hands. Ryan starts laughing hysterically. "Ya know, if I didn't know better I'd say that our photos were taken while we were asleep!"
"What say we all are good sports about it and don't kill the girls!" Keith grabbing the camera, "Yeah, but you don't know what all they may have SEEN." Yells at Paul, "Will ya stop cryin' ya big baby???" About this time Christy walks into the room with a fresh plate of waffles, EXTRA vanilla syrup, eggs, sausages, the whole nine yards. She goes and sets the plate down beside Paul as he is bending down onto the floor doing the "I'm not worthy" action. (Y'all know what I mean?) Ryan *baby talks to Paul* "Aw how sweet, Paulie has his ittle waffles back, now doesn't he?" Paul is cramming his waffles down and suddenly stops in mid-bite. "Did I hear something about a CAMERA?" Looks at the camera still in Keith's hands. "You girls took pictures of us???!", he grins. "Wow, bet THAT one destroys Ryan's "Dark Destroyer" image! Laughs "HAHAHAHAH!" Ryan throws stuffed dog at Paul, misses and hits Keith in the face...

Can't seem to write myself into this, was going to be the exterminator Ryan was trying to summon a few stories back! Ah, well...there's next time!


by pagan on Fri Jul 18, 2008 9:25 pm

I am just dying here laughing. I was thinking to throw a glass of cold water on Paul. If that didn't wake him up, nothing else would. As to the guys reading this stuff, why not? They don't know our real names or what we look anyhow so who cares? I think they'd get a good laugh. Bet Keith would roll on the floor over some of the stuff. I already left a message for Ryan to come over and read this stuff. Don't know if he has or not.
Now, I have decided I can't hack being in a cabin with cockroaches anymore so I have a rented a cabin cockroach free. I have fumigated the place first to make sure no bugs are there. Sorry but Ryan has only me and me and me here. He cheats and he's toast George is married so he is a pal. Others can be pals, too. I was going to say we need to keep the continuity going but Rhi beat me to it. Also, some of these things have been awfully short. I really enjoyed our cruise and had more stuff planned but...I love ya all anyhow. Let's just stick to one story for a while and have fun with it for about a week or so. Our first one was quite long so any future ones can be, too, okay?
Will wait to see what Kerry and celticsusan come up with before I add any more. I work a 12 hr shift so won't be on, at least to post before work. Maybe I'll have a few min to stop by and lurk before I go tho. Enjoy and can't wait to play catch up when I get home


by celticsusan on Fri Jul 18, 2008 9:25 pm

Kerry W wrote:Oh shoot... I didn't see that post Susan... I can fix mine to fit yours if you want, after you post it.

if you want, you can, but not necessary, it just takes me so long I can type fast, I just can't THINK fast and I have to think before I can type.


by Rhi. on Fri Jul 18, 2008 9:27 pm


by Kerry W on Fri Jul 18, 2008 9:34 pm

lol. wow Susan. That's really, really good!!!

Both versions are good, and since we're moving on to later, I guess it doesn't matter which one we go with since they end the same way.


by Rhi. on Fri Jul 18, 2008 9:36 pm

Soooooo. . . now I’m hungery (real life). . .i hope ryan does read this!!!!!! That would be awesome! He would have to have a lot of timeon his hands though. . .lol

Pagan walks in (youre not leaving this cain that easily!)
Pagan- Rhi? There are cockroaches all over our room! When is that exterminator gonna get here!?
Ryan- I called them a few days ago and they said they would send someone on Saturday. . .what is today?. . .Saturday? yea so they’ll be here today!
Pagan- oh thank goodness! When will they be here?!?
Ryan-*trying to remember, then DING DONG*
Pagan- maybe that’s them! *runs down stairs and yup the exterminator is here! YEAH!*


by celticsusan on Fri Jul 18, 2008 9:39 pm

pagan wrote:I am just dying here laughing. I was thinking to throw a glass of cold water on Paul. If that didn't wake him up, nothing else would. As to the guys reading this stuff, why not? They don't know our real names or what we look anyhow so who cares? I think they'd get a good laugh. Bet Keith would roll on the floor over some of the stuff. I already left a message for Ryan to come over and read this stuff. Don't know if he has or not.
Now, I have decided I can't hack being in a cabin with cockroaches anymore so I have a rented a cabin cockroach free. I have fumigated the place first to make sure no bugs are there. Sorry but Ryan has only me and me and me here. He cheats and he's toast George is married so he is a pal. Others can be pals, too. I was going to say we need to keep the continuity going but Rhi beat me to it. Also, some of these things have been awfully short. I really enjoyed our cruise and had more stuff planned but...I love ya all anyhow. Let's just stick to one story for a while and have fun with it for about a week or so. Our first one was quite long so any future ones can be, too, okay?
Will wait to see what Kerry and celticsusan come up with before I add any more. I work a 12 hr shift so won't be on, at least to post before work. Maybe I'll have a few min to stop by and lurk before I go tho. Enjoy and can't wait to play catch up when I get home

He cheats & he's toast? Better not write that story about the exterminator then! heehee...Maybe Ryan'll have some time to read this stuff since he's not feeling well now. Poor baby! Gotta go study my Irish ladies. With my memory it takes alot outta me! See y'all tomorrow, wait it's tomorrow already. Ok, see you later tomorrow! Have fun. Y'all are such a great bunch of ladies!


by celticsusan on Fri Jul 18, 2008 9:40 pm

Kerry W wrote:lol. wow Susan. That's really, really good!!!

Both versions are good, and since we're moving on to later, I guess it doesn't matter which one we go with since they end the same way.

Thanks much!


by Rhi. on Fri Jul 18, 2008 9:41 pm

stop talking about food!!!! first waffles and syup now toast!!!!! its too late to eat!!!!


by celticsusan on Fri Jul 18, 2008 9:42 pm

Hon, it's NEVER too late to eat!!!


by Rhi. on Fri Jul 18, 2008 9:43 pm

lol true, true. . . marshmallows here i come!


by Kerry W on Fri Jul 18, 2008 9:43 pm

lol. true... I'm eating a banana right now. (I'm a monkey!)

It's late here but I guess the story has a different idea of time...


by Rhi. on Fri Jul 18, 2008 9:45 pm

lol it anyone writing anything?!


by Rhi. on Fri Jul 18, 2008 9:47 pm

Sooooo the exterminator comes and sprays and says that we will all be gone in the next day! So we’ve all eatn and then we decide what we are going to do today. . .


by celticsusan on Fri Jul 18, 2008 10:04 pm

Pagan opening the door "Hello, thank God you're here!" Then she does a double-take because the exterminator standing in front of her is not of the masculine sex. (Oooh, I said that?) In fact SHE is a rather foxy-looking chic of about 25 years of age with her long blond hair piled up on top of her head underneath a cap that says "Whatever you've got, I can fix it". "Hi, I'm Susan, from XYZ Exterminating. I believe that someone called for me?"she purrs. Rhi is looking over Pagan's shoulder and her jaw drops as she manages to fix her face in a smile. "Oh sure, come on in, I'll take you upstairs where the problem is its worst", she offers. Pagan stumbles back a few steps, "Sure, come on in". "Let me introduce myself, I am Pagan, this is Rhi and...THIS is RYAN", she declares in an authoritative voice. "I assure you, the pleasure is all mine", Susan replies sweetly. Ryan is looking worried, having heard the tone is Pagan's voice. "Hi, there...I'm Ryan and I've VERY glad to meet you", he dares. Pagan glares at him and he just shrugs. "Up here!"yells Rhi skipping (???) up the stairs. "This is where the infestation seems to be the very worst" she explains, not realizing that Pagan is still downstairs sizing this other woman up. "Oh, I'm talking to myself, am I?" Shouts, "I SAID THE WORST BUG PROBLEM IS UP HERE,NOT DOWN THERE!!!" Pagan slowly starts walking up the stairs. "This way, Susan", she snarls. (Do ladies snarl??) "Thanks", "I'll be up in a minute", Susan replies. She is smiling at Ryan and slowly running her fingers up his arm. Ryan gulps and grins half-heartedly, kind of sheepishly. After all he DOES love Pagan. "Oh, they're crawling out of the woodwork up here!" screams Rhi. "Pagan, where IS that exterminator??" She pokes her head out of Keith's room and nearly collides with Pagan who is now making her way back down the stairs. Rhi and Pagan hear whispering as they near the end of the stairs. "Shhhh", says Rhi. " making her steps even more quiet than Pagan's. "WHAT in the world is going on here?" Pagan is red-faced and Rhi grabs her by the arm...


by celticsusan on Fri Jul 18, 2008 10:11 pm

pagan wrote:We are all gonna check out my cabin. Now do you honestly think I'd move and not take you guys with me? Besides, with all the fighting, getting up in the middle of the night, I figured a bigger place was in order.
Okay if Ryan cheats he wakes up dead the next day If he wakes up at all Food did someone say FOOD

You are so FUNNY! Love that!


by Kerry W on Fri Jul 18, 2008 10:33 pm

hhmmm.... Interesting.

"I could make things, let's say, very interesting for you" Susan whispered into Ryan's ear. (Rhi and Pagan have super hearing!)

Ryan started stammering, "Uh, umm. You know... um..."

Kerry and Whimsey, coming around the corner, sense trouble. Paul is right behind them. Kerry looks at Whimsey, thinks, and sweeps around the corner, passing Rhi and Pagan, who hadn't noticed her until then.

"Hey Ryan!" She bubbled. She somehow managed to get Ryan away from practically being under Susan and have her standing a good 3 feet away in one fluid motion, with out seeming intentional.

"Hi." Ryan said, dazed.

"So, I was thinking..." Kerry dropped her voice, making sure Susan couldn't hear her, and sent a look at Pagan, trying to reassure her.

"Ryan, when I tell you to, say " 'Okay, do I need to change?' run over there preassumely to your room to change,(The stairs are behind the corner, right?) but you'll grab Pagan and go out the back door to the cabin. We'll meet you there after we take care of her." Kerry gave Susan a look. "Now give me a hug, and go!"

Ryan squeezed Kerry tightly. "Thanks!" In a louder tone, he said, "Okay, do I need to change or anything?"

"Yeah, just put a nice shirt on. You're meeting the parents! Go on! Change!" She shooed him out. (Whimsey nearly got trampled by him on his way out, he was so freaked.)

Whimsey and Paul came up next to Kerry, flanking her.

"The rooms we need done are all upstairs. We need to go see to something but we'll be back in a bit." Whimsey said icily.

Suzy pouted. "Okay." Her eyes lit up, "So the roaches are in the bedrooms?" (She's hoping to walk in on Ryan changing-but he won't be there)

"Yup." Paul bit off the word.

Kerry went to find the others, (except Ryan and Pagan) and to decide what to do for the remainder of the day.

Pattum decided that she'd wait the 1/2 hour it's take Suzy to finish, and then leave after that so they could meet up at the cabin to talk.


Keith suggested that they all drive to the beach, about a 2 hour drive away, to surf. This was greeted with a chorus of groans, "Typical Keith"s, and an idignant "Is surfing all you think about?!" from Rhi.

Paul suggested that they pick a few movies and watch them. "Have a sort of movie day!" was actually what he said.

"I'd like that." Christy said.

"Sure, why not?" Whimsey agreed.

And so it was decided. They would go to the cozy little cabin that Pagan rented and watch movies for the rest of the day.

Christy wanted the Fantastic 4 movies. Damian of course, agreed with her.

The others somehow managed to agree on the Pirates of the Carribbean movies. (The girls outnumbered the guys)

(If you want a diff movie, let me know and I'll change it.)

(Sorry. I had the last half of this all typed out, then it told me that susan made a new post, so I added the 1st half. sorry if it's a little choppy.)


by celticsusan on Fri Jul 18, 2008 10:59 pm

That's great!!! I almost get the guy! (But I'm not outa the house (cabin) yet...maybe I'll go for one of the other guys? Poor Ryan, he'll never know what he missed heeheedon'tkillmepagan


by celticsusan on Fri Jul 18, 2008 11:02 pm

Kerry, thanks to your story I'll have sweet dreams tonight!!! See you ladies later.*snoozes* (notice I didn't say snores)


by teenangel on Sat Jul 19, 2008 6:32 am

It's Saturday Morning (here) 8:15...I look at my alarm clock and think that I can sleep for another hour or two...phone rings, neice answers it...comes to me and says "Gramma needs help the cows are on the highway" I am still asleep mind you, I jump up, force my eyes open enough to put in my contacts, run down stairs to find jeans (didn't wake up until I couldn't find them in the laundry room) go back upstairs, throw on my clothes and a t shirt with about 4 billion holes and stains and run outside...THEN MOM CALLS AND SAYS NEVER MIND!!!!!

Oh well...great stories I love the part about my camera!...I would never have just given it to them...they would have had to bribe me




© 2008 Rhi

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Added on December 25, 2008

Do you feel you spend all of your time on the boards?