#20 A Beautiful Sunset and Some Rules and Regulations

#20 A Beautiful Sunset and Some Rules and Regulations

A Chapter by Rhi

by christyboo on Thu Jul 17, 2008 6:43 pm

So then we all head inside and go to sleep. The next day we find out that Christy ended up getting the flu, blue lips and all. Damian becomes on the dark side all of a sudden, and Christy suddenly stops talking and is always upset. She never does anything that Damian is doing, and spends most of her time on the couch curled up in a blanket ignoring everybody.(poor me, lol!) Rhi and Keith decide to go Jet skiing, Pagan and Ryan play checkers, Whimsey, Paul and Angel go swimming, George does a crossword and Damian is trying to find out why Christy is upset and isn't talking.


by Rhi. on Thu Jul 17, 2008 6:45 pm

uuuuh wow. . .? g2g dont do anthing crazy while i'm gone. . .


by christyboo on Thu Jul 17, 2008 6:52 pm

It's lunch time and everybody is back and hungry. Whimsey and Pagan make sandwiches for everyone with chips and pickles. Paul eats his in one bite, Christy won't eat anything, Damian is staring at Christy eating a bite every 5 minutes, Keith and Ryan are having a race to see who can eat the fastest, Whimsey and Pagan are picking up everything before they eat, and everyone else is eating outside. Keith, Paul,Ryan, and Damian all go outside and see who wants to go tubing. So everyone except for Whimsey and Pagan who stay back to find out why Christy isn't talking or eating. So they go over there and start talking to her.


by pagan on Thu Jul 17, 2008 9:30 pm

I've got news for you, if there are cockroaches in the place I am SOOO out of there. Ugh. Have you seen those things up close and personal? I have. Madagascar hissing ones to be exact. Blech.
I won't even touch what TA stands for where I come from. I want to stay on the forum angel glad you don't mind us calling you a nickname.
Hmmmm. So Christy is upset about something. Now what? I am not used to the teeanged stuff. Ya know it's been awhile. Think I'll let someone else handle it. Then Christy starts to cry. More than I can take. I hold her and just let her cry. Finally,
Me: honey what is wrong?
Christy: Damian is just sooo mean.
Me: What do you mean? You two were getting along so well.
Christy: We were. But all of a sudden he wants to do "guy" stuff with the others.
I raise my eyes heavenward. 'Ya know this is FINE time to land me with this stuff.' I take a deep breath.
Me: Honey he is just a normal guy. Sometimes they need time away from us like we need time away from them. We need to have 'girltalk' and do 'girl stuff' No matter how much you love someone, you need some time apart now and then to do your own thing.
Christy: Like you and Ryan with the sports thing?
Me: That's right. I try to watch the Celtics and get interested cos I love him but man, that stuff puts me to sleep. You've seen what happens then. Me, I need to go off and read or something now and then.
Christy dries her eyes. :Thanks Pagan. Ya know I don't feel so good."
Me: Yeah I kind of figured. I'll get a hotwater bottle. Helps with that." I go and get a hot water bottle. Put it on Christy's tummy. She falls asleep.

I had to think of some reason Christy wants to be off by herself for awhile. Only thing I could think of, if ya get my meaning The reason for her moodiness and supersensitity.


by Rhi. on Thu Jul 17, 2008 10:48 pm

Lol racing to see who can finish it first!. . . sooo we are going tubing are we? Hmmmm ok so we are going out on the boat (or should it be a yacht?!) neway we go out on the thing that floats on water and I get out my tube of spf 10 billion and start lathering up, Paul walks by and asks if he can have some so I squirt some in his out stretched hand and he puts it all on his nose. . .
Me- were gonna be out in the sun all day and that is the only thing your worried about getting burned?!
Paul- nope its just where I store all the extra! So if I ever need more all I have to do is wipe my nose on it!
Me- hu, so is that how you get all the ladies?!
Ryan- no, that show I get all the ladies!
The whole boat cracks up, then Paul starts singing The Voyage . . . that’s when I go over to Keith. . .
Me-make it stop, make it stop!
Keith- I’m on it!
Keith goes over to Paul and starts talking to him then he suddenly shoves him off into the water.
Keith- *walking back over to me* better?
Me- no, now he is all wet and AH! *Paul comes running over to give wet hugs, so I dart behind Keith so he gets the brunt of he hug. And when Paul lets go of him here is a big white smear on his chest (are we allowed to talk about their chests?!)*
Keith- eww! I’ve been sun screened!!!! *wipes it off and (because Paul has gone over to Ryan now and I’m the only one near him) he wipes it all over my arm*
Me- you know if I hadn’t, not gotten this arm I would be really mad at you! But you really just helped. . .
Keith- well that wasn’t the reaction I though I was gonna get but you’re welcome! *smiles*
Me- *to everyone* well whose ready to go tubing?! (is that what you call it?)
Most say ME! But others just came out to get a tan so they stay quiet. . .
Paul- I wanna go first!!!! Iwanna go first!!!
George- *driving the boat* ok lets get this thing rigged up!
After a few minutes of trying to get the line hooked to the boat, Paul finally gets onto the tube and George drives off.
Paul- you old timer! Go faster! faster I say!!!
George- you want faster? I’ll give you faster!
So he floors it and begins to turn just a bit so Paul’s tube starts going over the wake of the boat and it begins to catch a bit of air
Paul- *sreaming* too fast! Too fast!!!!


by teenangel on Fri Jul 18, 2008 5:07 am

lol...where am I in all of this? lol


by christyboo on Fri Jul 18, 2008 7:21 am



by christyboo on Fri Jul 18, 2008 8:57 am

So everybody has gotten back from tubing, and they are all sitting in the living room on the couches and chairs talking. "We need to do something all together because that is why we came here. What should we do?" George asks. "Why don't we all take a nice ride on the pontoon boat during the sunset?" Angel suggests. "That's a perfect idea. We'll leave at 5:00." George replies. "Is there anybody who opposes?"Wimsey asks. Many "I don't mind"s and "Sure let's go" are chorusing all over the room.

It's 4:57 and everybody is getting on the boat and finding a seat. Pagan and Pattum brought tea and chips for a snack. Then Ryan turned the key and they were soon off.


by christyboo on Fri Jul 18, 2008 9:12 am

I'm going to Alligator Point in 19 minutes, so I wanted to post one last thing.



by Rhi. on Fri Jul 18, 2008 11:37 am

Ok so we leave to go out to watch the sunset which sets about 6:15. so we ride over to the opportune spot to see the sunset. That is when it begins to get cold, and its not just cold its cold! Luckily we brought blankets! So when George pulls out the blankets he realizes there aren’t enough for everyone so we have to share! (hehehe) and the blankets are passed out and I was off rummaging around in a bag so when I finish finding whatever I was looking for all the blankets have been passed out and Keith is he only one left w/ a blanket, so I go over to him and ask
Me- soooo you wanna share the blanket. . . ?
Keith- no
Me- but I’m cold
Keith- so?
Me- share the blanket!
Me- why?
Keith- cuz its mine.
Me- how about a corner?
Keith- nope
Me- youre cruel!
Keith- yup!
Me- common, share! I’m cold and I’m a girl and i'm freezing!
Keith- what does that have to do w/ anything?
Me- it has everything to do w/ anything! Share, you blanket hog!
That’s when another boat goes speeding by which causes a big wave –ish thing to rock the boat causing me to loose my balance and land in Keith’s lap (are we allowed to talk about their laps???)
Keith- hi!
Me- you know I would normally jump off immediately but youre really warm, I’m not budging!
A round of ooooo’s fill the boat (I blush)
Keith- fine I’ll share! Just get off of me
Me- no
Keith- but you’re on my bladder and now I really have to pee!
Me- so?
Keith- move!
Me- no
Keith- why?
Me- cuz now you know how I felt! and youre warm!
Keith- *sighs* well could you like- never mind
Me- what?
Keith- never mind! It doesn’t matter anymore!
Me- ok, if you say so.
Keith- could you like move your elbow?
Me- *I shift position* better?
Keith- you have no idea! *he reaches up to scratch his nose and brushes my arm as he does so(I melt)* wow your skin is like an icicle!
Me- that’s why I wanted some of the blanket!
Keith- sry, I just thought- well here *lays some of the excess blanket over my back but it falls off, he tries again, but it falls again, so he ends up putting his arm over me to hold the blanket in place (I die)*
and so everyone is all curled up and that’s when Pagan remembers the tea/hot chocolate (we need hot chocolate!!!!) and she gets out of Ryan’s arms just long enough to get the thermoses out of her bag and pass around cups to everyone and a thermos to each bundle of blankets and just as we are all situated again, the sun begins to set. . . how romantic. . .


by teenangel on Fri Jul 18, 2008 12:33 pm

that's so sweet...why couldn't I fall on someone or something? lol


by Rhi. on Fri Jul 18, 2008 1:17 pm

cuz everyone is taken . . . lol


by teenangel on Fri Jul 18, 2008 1:24 pm

well one of you could break up...preferably Christy...I nearly posted something like that when she was pouting...lol


by Rhi. on Fri Jul 18, 2008 1:31 pm

well that would be pretty mean!


by teenangel on Fri Jul 18, 2008 1:33 pm

the only thing keeping me from doing it was I didn't want to make any enemies on here...yet...lol


by Rhi. on Fri Jul 18, 2008 1:38 pm

some advice? enimies really arent worth it


by Kerry W on Fri Jul 18, 2008 3:00 pm

wait- so pagan is w/ Ryan???

who's w/ Paul?

So who am I with??!!!We need more guys in this story....

Yeah. I was gone all week due to Youth camp... It was amazing.


i'm so glad that you had a great time!!!!

keith and I
ryan+Pagan (and a few others i think. . .)
paul+Whimsey ? ? ?
george is married. . .

by Kerry W on Fri Jul 18, 2008 4:26 pm

*Sobs* If Ryan was taken, I was going to take Paul!!! The swankiness!!!

gosh. We need more guys in this story...


by Rhi. on Fri Jul 18, 2008 4:33 pm

i added edger, he was left w/ the boat. . .we can bring him back from time to time. . . and if you want you can bring in another guy. . .but im just afraid that this will all get too hectic if too many characters are introduced. . .


by Kerry W on Fri Jul 18, 2008 4:42 pm

It already is.

Okay... so where are we in the story??? Everyone was in the boat, warm, safe, happy... This actually seems like a pretty good way to end it, right now. Do you want to go on with this story or start a new one?


by Rhi. on Fri Jul 18, 2008 5:21 pm

lets stick w/ this one for a while, we've started like 2 or 3 storys in not much more than a week! lol


by teenangel on Fri Jul 18, 2008 5:24 pm

introduce some guy for me...


by Rhi. on Fri Jul 18, 2008 5:35 pm

ok i need to make this clear!

if you want something to happen in the story you need to write it in.

if you want to be in the story you write yourself in (but be considerate, not pushy)

this story is hard enough to control as it is, adding more people is going to be difficult, we all need to work together!

we don’t all need to be in a relationship, what ever happened to just having friends?! that is how this whole thing started out!

if you want to join in the story you need to read the whole of the story that we are currently working on! and it would be even more helpful if you would read the whole thing but i know that that is asking a LOT (ive been keeping most of the story's in word and it is almost 90 pages. . .)

PLEASE be consiterate of other people!


by Rhi. on Fri Jul 18, 2008 5:58 pm

Soooo back to the story. . . the sun has just set and none of us are ready to go back to the house yet so we stay out on the boat for a while and soon we are all falling asleep, so a groggy George drives us back and soon we are all curled up in our beds safe and warm. . .a yelp/scream breaks the silence, its Keith
Keith- those stupid, cockroaches! Get them away! Get them away!
Damian- *muffled and inaudible*
Keith- I don’t care! Get them away! Oh, their in my stuff!? That is soo! Freaking ****. . .
A lot of thumping can be heard, and peoples doors/lights begin to open and as we are staring at each other wondering what we should do, then Keith’s door suddenly bursts open and he runs out and slams it behind him, that’s when he sees that he has woken everyone up.
Keith- uuh, hi everyone!
Damian- *opens the door to their room, throws Keith’s bed sheets out* you can sleep in the living room tonight *and closes the door again. . .*


by teenangel on Fri Jul 18, 2008 7:52 pm

sorry about that...won't do it again


by Rhi. on Fri Jul 18, 2008 7:58 pm

no, its not just you, its been happening from time to time and i thought that it was time that i made it so everyone would notic it, thats why i chose the color and everything. i have stated the same stuff before but now since it is in bold and in red i hope more people will notic it, thats all.

now lets get back to the fun stuff!!!!



© 2008 Rhi

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Added on December 25, 2008

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