#17 Masquarade

#17 Masquarade

A Chapter by Rhi

by christyboo on Wed Jul 16, 2008 10:33 am

So that night, all of the girls went to the dress store to buy there ball dresses and the guys went to get their tuxedos.

Whimsey: I think I'll pick out a light blue dress.
Kerry: That would look great on you, I think I'll get a lavender one.
Pagan: I'll get a pink one.
Pattum: I'll get a peach one.
Rhi: I don't know, should I get a light yellow one, or a pale green one?
Whimsey: A light yellow one, definently.
Christy: What color is Damian's tie goin to be? Because I want to match him.
Rhi: I'll go over there and see.

They guys....

Damian: Tonight is going to be great!
George: Yeah, It's going to be a lot of fun.
Paul: Ryan, who are you taking?
Ryan: Pagan, what about you?
Paul: I don't know.
Damian: I asked Christy this morning during our private breakfast.
Keith: Ooooooohhhhh! I asked Rhi.

*Rhi walks in*

Rhi: Hey guys! Wow, you look great! Hey Damian, what color tie are you wearing?
Damian: Red, why?
Rhi: Oh, nothing. Well, gotta go!

So all of the girls are walking together and all of the guys are walking together, coming from the opposite way so that their outfits can be a suprise.

Rhi: I am so excited!
Christy: Darnit! I left my bag in the room, I'll meet you at the ball, go ahead and dance,no need to wait for me.
Whimsey: Alright, Lets go!

Paul: This will be great!
George: I know!
Ryan: We're here! Let's dance!

So everybody starts dancing, when they all suddenly stop and stare at the top of the stairs.

Damian: What is everybody staring at?
Rhi: Look!

It was Christy. She walked down the stairs to meet Damian. She was wearing a red strapless dress, with lace. (If you've seen Cinderella Story starring Hillary Duff, Christy's dress is the one she wore at her school dance but red)


by Rhi. on Wed Jul 16, 2008 10:43 am

well i did a version of what we were gonna wear too and christy we think too much alike. . . read your dress. . .

Soooo after a bit of lounging w/ my umbrella drink that keith brought me (ooooh yeah. . . . ) we gals decide to go shopping for our costumes. . . .(I can see Paul taking a paper plate and cutting It up for his mask. . .lol) and so we find an awesome costume shop and we begin browsing. . . (everyone is welcome to change their costume to fit what they would like) whimsy finds a wonderful deep blue dress with beautiful gold accents and a peacock mask. Kerry finds an elegant emerald gown w/ a mask that cant be identified as an animal but is so intricate and jaw dropping she just had to get it. Pattum finds a deep royal purple gown and a cat mask. . . a hot cat woman mask. Christy finds a dress that resembles Cinderella’s ball gown and a beautiful butterfly mask. its shimmery white with purple accents. And I find a deep scarlet gown w/ emerald accents and I find a mask that resembles a rose intertwined around a dove. (and no not in a killing kind of way, in a delicate genital beautiful way.)don’t make be describe the dudes! someone else can do that!!!! But that’s all I got at this point in time, give me a bit and I’ll think of more to add to the actual story line. . .


by christyboo on Wed Jul 16, 2008 10:55 am

Here's what all of the guys wore:

Damian had a tux with a purple tie with a purple mask that has a bird nose.
Keith has a tux with an emerald tie and a emerald mask.
Paul had a tux with a blue tie and a blue mask.
Ryan had a tux with a yellow tie with a yellow mask.
George had a tux with an orange tie and an orange mask.


by Rhi. on Wed Jul 16, 2008 10:58 am

So then after Christy makes her beautiful entrance, damian takes he hand and twirls her out on the dance floor.(I think each of us girls should make our entrance down the stairs. . .) so any way I *sigh* and look around for Keith but he isn’t anywhere to be seen. . . we are in masks too though. . . so I step down the stairs slowly (clutching the banister so I don’t fall. . .) and there isn’t anyone waiting at the bottom of the stairs for me. . .so I take a deep breath and make my way over to the punch table. . . just when I’m about to take a cup someone tapes me on the shoulder, spin around (thinking its keith) but its edger, he lifts up his mask just a bit so I can see who he is and he asks if I know where pattum is. And as luck would have it, she is making her grand entrance just at that moment! I then turn to watch the dancers and I see Christy and damian dancing in the center of the floor, they’re wrapped in each others arms. . .and that’s when I see a tall handsome man (blond hair, 6 feet tall. . .odd tooth in the front of his smile) “keith!” I say under my breath, “how could you. . .” out on the dance floor was keith, and another girl dancing, smiling and having the time of their life. . .


by christyboo on Wed Jul 16, 2008 11:11 am

Rhi puts her cup down and walks over to them, stops them, and takes off her mask."Keith, how could you!!!" she says, and runs off, up the stairs, and runs to her room. I run after her. In the room, I walk in to see her with all over her face from her tears. I tell her,"I am SO sorry, I feel so bad for you." Just then a someone knocks on the door."Rhi, It's Keith" I tell Rhi, "I'll be right back" I step out into the hallway. "Keith, I am not mad at you, but you broke her heart." "I know, I thought that was her, because the girl I was dancing with told me she was her. I stepped on her foot and told her to leave me alone and that she was a jerk." "Well, give Rhi some time, then tell her what happened." "Ok, oh and by the way, Damian said that he wanted to meet you at the ice cream place and that you didn't have to change." " ok, well I guess I'll go then."


by christyboo on Wed Jul 16, 2008 11:22 am

I made some chocolate chip cookies and they are in the oven right now! they smell SSSSSSOOOOOOO good!


by Rhi. on Wed Jul 16, 2008 11:27 am

lol stepped on her foot. . .that was good! ROFL! maybe as i ran out i should have droped my shoe. . .lol *sigh*

any way so keith comes in the room and sees me laying on the bed staring at the ceiling.
keith- um, h-hi
keith- look i didn’t know that that wasn’t you, she said her name was Rhi, she looked like you behind the mask, how was i suppost to think anything differently? *puls up chair and sits by the bed*
keith- so now youre just going to ignore me?! thats really mature!
me- i'm not ignoring you, i-i just-
keith- you just what? hu? what?!
me- i dont know who that would have been! who knows my name and who knows that you asked me to go with you? i'm not mad at you, really i'm not. i just dont know who that would have been. . .
keith- well she stormed off when i stepped on her foot. so i doubt she'l come back. . .we didnt get to dance, and its gonna be going for a few more hours, do you want to go back?
me- sure, but u promos u'll only dance w/me? not some imposter?
keith- promise


by Rhi. on Wed Jul 16, 2008 11:28 am

christyboo wrote:I made some chocolate chip cookies and they are in the oven right now! they smell SSSSSSOOOOOOO good!

i want some! only i dont know how good they would be after travling through computers. . .lol


by christyboo on Wed Jul 16, 2008 11:35 am

Rhi. wrote:

christyboo wrote:I made some chocolate chip cookies and they are in the oven right now! they smell SSSSSSOOOOOOO good!

i want some! only i dont know how good they would be after travling through computers. . .lol

They were ok, but not the best!


by Rhi. on Wed Jul 16, 2008 11:37 am

hmmm. . .i thought of a different continuation, intead of me running to our room,this happens. . .it has more drama and i'm not sure that we would acually want to use it. . .

Me-*thinking* how- why- when- but he asked me- why?!
That’s when pagan comes over
Pagan- hey girl, why aren’t you dancing?! *she then follows my line of sight and sees why* hold on I’ll be right back.
Pagan walks over to ryan and asks if he knows who keith is dancing w/ and he just gets a confused look on his face and asks
Ryan- well isn’t he dancing w/ Rhi? Did she get taller? Those must be some heels shes wearing! *laughing at own joke then looks at pagan and realizes she isn’t laughing* what?!
Pagan- Rhi’s right there *points to me*
Ryan-oh no, this cant be good. What should we do? Should we tell keith?! Wait where did he go? I cant- where did Rhi go?
Fed up w/ everything I walked out onto the balcony thing (whatever the closest to a balcony on a shipis) and took a seat at one of he tables and watched the water roll by. Ryan walks out and
Ryan- there you are! Pagan is looking for keith, how are you doing?
Me- wonderful
Ryan- ha ha, well while pagan is getting that all sorted out, do you want to dance?
Me- w/ the dark destroyer? Sure!
S ryan taks me out onto the dance floor (and hes a wonderful dancer) and we are dancing and pagan sees us and a hurt expression covers her face and she runs to the bathroom, I follow but keith catches me before I can get to pagan. (Ryan also raced after her)
Keith- I dance with someone I believe is you and you then turn and dance w/ ryan?! I didn’t know you were that kind of girl.
Me- but I wasnt- I didn’t- its not what you think! Wait. What kind of girl does that make me?!


by Rhi. on Wed Jul 16, 2008 11:51 am

ok so i thought i wouldnt be fighting/geting hurt w/ keith anymore but BAM there it is again!


by christyboo on Wed Jul 16, 2008 4:01 pm

I think Damian and I should get in a fight, but I don't know how to write it!


by Rhi. on Wed Jul 16, 2008 5:18 pm

Rhi to the rescue!!!!!

by christyboo on Wed Jul 16, 2008 5:25 pm



by Rhi. on Wed Jul 16, 2008 5:35 pm

i have it workedout perfectly sohang in there for about 30 min. and you and damian (and some other peolpe) will be victums of mistaken identity!!!


by celticsusan on Wed Jul 16, 2008 6:07 pm

Rhi, we're waiting patiently...not! Come on back, you're so good at this...

Pagan, are you gonna join in? I'm trying to come up with something but want to wait until Rhi & you have a chance first. I just can't fathom D & C fighting!!! He's much too sweet! So are you Christy!


by Rhi. on Wed Jul 16, 2008 6:28 pm

Me-*to Keith*never mind I don’t want to know what kind of person I am!!!
So I break free from his grip and go and get some punch and Damian is standing by the table looking kinda down so I go over to him and
Me- hey Damian what’s wrong? Where is Christy?
Damian- I don’t know, she said she had to go to the bathroom but she hasn’t come back yet. . .and my feet are really starting to hurt
Me- well common lets go outside and have a seat.
Damian-but I told her that I would meet her right here.
Me- Christy’s a smart girl, she will figure it out!
So we walkout onto that balcony thing that I was on before and we take a seat at one of the benches and we start talking and Damian starts asking my advise about what all is going on, and he isn’t sure about what he is feeling and so on. . . and after a bit of my advise giving Damian and I hug and over his shoulder I see Christy walk out the arched doorways and so I pull away fast to push him towards her but Christy sees it as I’m trying to hide our embrace. So she just stands there hurt in the doorway for a second and she then bolts. (which is a miracle for how many layers of skirt she is wearing!) and Damian and I run after her but neither one of us can find her in the ballroom or the bathrooms so we assume that she has left the ballroom, and just as I’m about to rush up the stairs to leave, pagan and Ryan appear and
Pagan- I’m sorry for over reacting Rhi, I should have known that you weren’t trying to steal Ryan. . . .
Me- ya ya ya apology accepted, I gotta go!
So I run up the stairs and out the grand double doors and into the cool night air. Damian isn’t any where to be seen, I choose to go to Christy and my room first but she isn’t there, she has been there though because her dress is laying on her bed and the room is a mess of clothes. So I then run to the pool, nope. Next I check a few bathrooms and again, nope. Then I think that maybe she and Damian made up and maybe they are in his room. So I rush back to Damian’s room and start banging on the door.
Me- Damian are you in there? Christy? If either of you 2 are in there open up!
There is the sound of locks unlocking the door opens up, its Keith.
Keith- what in the world do you want?!
Me- have you seen Damian or Christy?! There was a-
Keith- Christy came by, she was making a huge racket and when I went over she told me what happened.
Me-what!? No Keith it isn’t what you, well she thinks, you see Damian was-
Keith- *laughing (but not the happy kind)* first Ryan now Damian, I cant believe I- you know what it doesn’t matter. I don’t care; j-just leave me alone. *closes and locks door*
Me- no Keith! Please you don’t *sigh* understand. . .
So then I go up deck and sit on a bench. . . I have no idea how much time passes but Damian comes by and sees me and sits down next to me. We then trade stories of what happened and Damian says that he finally found Christy in a café some where and they had a similar fight that Keith and I had, had.
Me- but Damian you can go tell Keith what this was all about! Just go tell him that I was just talking to you and you were asking advice! Please just tell him that, he’ll have to believe it!
- oh so now you’re going to decide an alibi to cover for what you did?!
Damian- Christy! What no! That’s just what happened! I was just-
Christy- I don’t want to hear it. *she walks towards her room, but stops short, writes something on a piece of paper and shoves it under Keith’s door* and soon a loud THUMP/BANG/CRASH can be heard
Me-well I can guess what that paper said.
Damian-I don’t get it. What would it have said
Me- “I just confirmed our suspicions, Christy” probably written w/ a heart above the ‘i’. *sigh* well I call this bench; you can have that lounge chair.
Damian- what for?
Me- well we aren’t going to be aloud back into our rooms tonight. . . (Christy and I roomed and Keith and Damian roomed right?)
Damian- oh, I guess your right. . . I’m thirsty, I’ll be back in a bit. . .*walks off*


by celticsusan on Wed Jul 16, 2008 7:27 pm

All of a sudden the door slams open (open??) Keith is red-faced and so angry he is spitting nails. "Just as I thought!" he snarls. "You just couldn't leave Damian and Christy alonefor even ONE minute. You just HAD to get involved, didn't you, Rhi?" "But, it's not what you're thinking at all", Rhi tries to explain pitifully. "Damian asked me for advice about him and Christy". "Honestly, you really expect me to believe that? No, on second thought, DON'T even try to answer that.There's a name for a woman like you, but I being a gentleman, I won't say it. But I think you can guess what it is!" Rhi starts sobbing. "But you don't understand, they are so young...and Damian loves her so much", says Rhi. "Keith, don't you think I would be above doing anything to hurt Damian and Christy's relationship? Keith, taken aback sits down for a minute on the bench...he furrows his brow in thought...then he admits, "You know, you are right, Rhi. Deep down I know you'd never really do anything to jeopardise that new-found love of those two". "I just get so jealous...and you and Ryan...and then Pagan getting so mad about that, I guess I just didn't stop to think what I was doing, or saying for that matter", Ryan admitted. At this point Rhi sees a look like she's never seen in Keith's eyes...she pauses...then "Can you forgive me for not acting in the best judgment, Keith?" "YOU didn't act right? I didn't act right. I acted like a right jerk...and I know better, me mother raised me so. I should have believed you from the start. Now will you dance with ME?" Keith is very hopeful. "Well, I...well...I take it this is an apology?" asks Rhi. "Does this answer your question?", as he sweeps her into his arms and onto the dance floor.

Yeah, I know it's a little corny, but I just couldn't have Keith & Rhi ticked off at each other TOO long!


by celticsusan on Wed Jul 16, 2008 7:30 pm

Oops! Sorry. That should have read Keith admitted near the ending. Anyone tell I have Ryan on the brain!


by Rhi. on Wed Jul 16, 2008 7:35 pm

celticsusan wrote: me mother raised me so.

I LOVE this line!!!!!!!!!!

celticsusan wrote:Yeah, I know it's a little corny, but I just couldn't have Keith & Rhi ticked off at each other TOO long.

*cracking up* a little corny?! you sure its just a little?! lol i LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!! *sigh* wow *wipes tears from eyes* that was good! i love cory stuff. . .well as long as it doesnt have do do w/ real corn. . . lol


by Rhi. on Wed Jul 16, 2008 7:40 pm

so then after dancing in the moonlight (i'm still on deck right?!) we get tired and thats when i realize damain hasnt come back yet and i still dont have a place to sleep. . . keith and i tried knocking on my/christy's door but she wouldnt ansewer and we tried talking to her through the door but still no answer and just my luck! i cant find my room key. . .


by teenangel on Wed Jul 16, 2008 7:41 pm

this is absolutely hilarious...I couldn't even begin to write a story on here so I'll just sit here and watch...I might be tempted tho....maybe you should change the title to funny made up stories


by Rhi. on Wed Jul 16, 2008 7:43 pm

youre welcome whenever. . . changing the title would make it too obviouse what we are doing.. . and then there would be tooo many people trying to write. . . it gets hectic when too many people come on at once. . .


by teenangel on Wed Jul 16, 2008 7:52 pm

Thanks...I think I'll go to bed now...maybe tomorrow..see ya


by pagan on Wed Jul 16, 2008 9:42 pm

well obviously Ryan and I patched it up enough to go to the ball Sorry gals I was busy this am and then had to go that thing that somehow enables to pay my bills called dundundundun work.
Pagan and Ryan come along to poor Rhi in tears.
Pagan: Hang on Rhi I'll go talk to Christy.
Rhi: Wwwwwilll you rrreally?
Pagan: Yup. Be right back.
Pagan goes and knocks on Christy's door.
Christy: Go away I hate you.
Pagan: Now Christy what did I ever do to you?
Christy: Oh it' s you Pagan. C'mon on in.
Pagan: Now Honey you and I are going to have a chat here. Damian and Rhi were just talking. After all you were mad at Damian and stormed off. They are just friends. Rhi is head over heels for Keith.Rhi is your best friend. Now really, is losing her over some guy really worth it? Well, it isn't believe me. Guys are a dime a dozen but true friends like Rhi are hard to find. Trust me, I know from experience. When I was your age my boyfriend dumped for my best friend. I hated her for it. Well, he soon dumped her for someone else. We never, ever spoke again and I was really sorry. So you go and talk to Rhi cos she is feeling awful. Then you go find Damian and talk to him. Do you know what that numpy Ryan did not that long ago? Wanted to watch a lousy Celtics game I wanted to push him overboard. He sent me a dozen red roses with the most beautiful apology on it you've ever seen. Now if I can forgive him for that, surely you can do the same with Damian and Rhi.
Christy: Okay Pagan. I KNOW you'd never lie to me. I'll go find Rhi first. I guess cos this thing with Damian is sooo new I am kind of insecure.
Christy goes to find Rhi and they talk. They both end up crying and hugging.
Then Damian and Ryan come by. Christy looks as Damian and runs to him in tears.
Christy: I am sooo sorry. I have been an idiot. Can you ever forgive me?
Damian holds her tight. "Sure I can now let's go have some ice cream, " he says and they go off hand in hand.
Ryan: I'd like some of the chocolate chip cookies Christy just made.
Pagan hits his arm. "You ninny that was before we came on here. You owe me lots of dances." Tosses her head "Men!" and walks away. Ryan goes after her.
"Aw Honey I am soo sorry. I 'm kind of hungry but let's go dance."
So they go back to the ball and do just that.
George is dancing with Karen. Pat is dancing with Edgar. Rhi enters with Keith.
Paul, well........he's doing his version of the funky chicken much to everyone else's amusement.

George can be with Karen and the other unattached/unescorted females. So that way he can still have fun without being seen as a cheater. etc. You know what I mean.


by Rhi. on Wed Jul 16, 2008 10:54 pm

*sigh* if only we could actually see Paul do that. . .well we dance the night away and before we know it, its midnight and Christy’s outfit turns to rags- jk get it she was wearing Cinderella’s dress? Hahaha, isn’t that funny?!? Sry. . . .Anyway so the clock strikes 12 and that marks the end of the masquerade and we are all TIRED from the past few hours so we all go back to our rooms and we are all asleep before our heads hit the pillow. The next day we plan to take it easy so we decide to stay by the pool. Us girls lounge in our chairs w/ our umbrella drinks. . .and we watch the guys play a game of water volley ball (3 on 3. . .George edger and Ryan vs Keith damian and Paul. . .) surprisingly George’s team is winning, but its only because Paul keeps making jokes causing his team to be laughing so hard that they miss the ball. . . everyone in a while one of us girls will get involved and call out a fowl or distract the other team . . . after a while things start to wind down and some of the guys get out of the water and get something to drink and lounge on the chairs. Around this time I‘ve run out of sunscreen so I rush back to my room grab my spf 10billion and rush back out then Keith asks if he can- G rated G! rated!!!! So I come back and lather myself up again and then I go over to get another drink (damian and paul are the only ones left in the pool) and just as I pass the deep end a big blob comes out of nowhere and jumps into the pool taking me with it. When I surface Keith is treding water next to me w/ a huge smile on his face.
Me- you weirdo! If you- ah-!
That’s when someone grabs my ankle and pull me under. When I finally break free and surface again the first thing i hear is a shrill scream and SPLASH! Christy was now in the pool! When she surfaced she immediately shoved a wall of water in damians face which stared a whole water fight , which somehow involved Paul pulling out a water gun (I swear he got it from whimsy, I think they had it all planned out. . .) and we soon found out how good Paul’s aim really is. . .


by teenangel on Thu Jul 17, 2008 6:46 am

that is hilarious!!!!!!! Who is Edgar?


by christyboo on Thu Jul 17, 2008 6:51 am

I think that this cruise ship story is long enough. What should we write about now?


by christyboo on Thu Jul 17, 2008 7:01 am

How bout we all go and stay at a lake house! That would be So----- cool! My great aunt and uncle have a lakehouse up in North GA that is the most fun place in the world! We should do that! And we could go jet skiing and have picnics on the pontoon boats! The setting should be the 4 of July cuz some people set off a firework show off of one of the islands and everybody goes out on their boat and watches it!


by Rhi. on Thu Jul 17, 2008 7:18 am

teenangel wrote:that is hilarious!!!!!!! Who is Edgar?

he is a singer dude that i made up to sing to christy and damian. . .he rox!


by Rhi. on Thu Jul 17, 2008 7:22 am

christyboo wrote:How bout we all go and stay at a lake house! That would be So----- cool! My great aunt and uncle have a lakehouse up in North GA that is the most fun place in the world! We should do that! And we could go jet skiing and have picnics on the pontoon boats! The setting should be the 4 of July cuz some people set off a firework show off of one of the islands and everybody goes out on their boat and watches it!

didnt someone say this cruz was gonna b a month long???? we only stayed about a week at most. . . we didnt evn make port to do sight seeing!

if we do a lake house it cant be anywhere near the woods! ! ! we all know what happened last time. . . lol




© 2008 Rhi

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