#16 And They Called It Puppy Love . . .

#16 And They Called It Puppy Love . . .

A Chapter by Rhi

by Rhi. on Mon Jul 14, 2008 12:43 pm

okso i guess while kerry's storyis going on, this is what is happening somewhere else on the boat!

Ok so Pattum, Whimsey and I all meet up around 5:30 so we can agree on our plan. . . I have been able to get the info of where C+D are going and they are going to a quiet dinner place w/ a live vocalist. And so at 6 sharp, damian arrives (glad he’s on time. . . .lol) and Christy and Damian set off on their little date (is this a date??? I guess it is. . .lets hope D never actually reads this. . .or hope hisgirlfriend never does. . . .we would be in trouble. . .lol) anyway we follow them (we know what they are going to, but where it is located ) and we’re doing the whole hiding behind walls and statues and stuff. . . and while I’m hiding behind Pattum, someone taps me on the shoulder
- what are you doing?
me- *practically jumping through the sky*keith?! what did you do that for?!
Keith- *looking so confused* what did I do? Youre the one that has been hiding behind statues and peeking around walls! And you want to know why I tapped you?!
Me- shhh! They’ll hear you!* I motion for pattum and whimsy to continue on so we don’t loose them* were following C+D so we can have a little fun w/ their romantic night!
Keith- and what are you planning on doing?
Me- I’m not going to tell you! you wont let me do it if I do! *I turn and hurry to catch up w/ P+W, but keith catches my arm before I take 2 steps. . .*
Keith- what are you planning on doing? Tell me or I’m not letting go
Me- (hmmm dedicate puppy love to C+D or be held captive by keith. . . .) I’m not going to tell, but I will say this is going to be fun and that youre welcome to come along! (that’s when I use my awesome Judo skills! That pagan gave me, and break free from keith, but I don’t hurt him of course! And I hurry after W+P, and keith follows)
When we finaly catch up to Pattum and Whimsey they are outside the restaurant
Pattum- what took you so long?!
Whimsy- they went inside about 5 min. ago- keith your going to be in on this too?
Keith- i guess so, but I still have no idea what you 3 are planning!
Pattum-well that doesn’t matter now because we’ve got to get in there! Come on!
So we go inside and get a table that we can see them but they wont see us
Whimsy- (after we’ve sat down)I don’t think they would notice us if we went over and started a conversation w/ them!
Me- well I could dress up as a waitress and test that theory out! *raises from seat to act as if I’m actually going to attempt it*
Keith- *putting a restrictive hand on my arm* Don’t.
Me- party pooper. Ok so the soloist hasn’t come out yet, and I have no idea who it is, but hopefully he knows the song and I hope he is willing to do it!
Keith- what song are you talking about?!
Whimsy- you’ll find out soon enough, but until he comes out, I suggest we order something! I’m famished!
And so some time passes and just when we start thinking this soloist will never come out, (in that time we are drawn between watching the curtain and watching how cute Christy and Damian look!) and finally the solist appears! And guess who it is! Its Donny Osmond!- no I’m just kidding, that would be really weird if that happened . . . ok it’s a very nice looking man, somewhere in his mid 50’s w/ salt and pepper hair and a very kind smile and he is VERY good looking too. . .and his name is uuuh, Edger! (first name that popped into my head. . . anyone watch deadliest catch????) anyway so Edger sings a few songs, all very romantic and all very well done, he has a wonderful voice (and yes I am aware that we are on a boat w/ 5 wonderful vocalists. . .) any way so after a bit edger takes a 5-10 min break and that is when pattum goes over to him and works her charm and gets the awesome edger to agree! So when he goes back on stage he sings a couple more pretty songs (we all get our food) and then
Edger- ok so I’ve had a special request for a song. Is there a Christy and a Damian in here tonight? (Christy looks up first and gives a puzzled look to damian, who shrugs his shoulders and edger calls their names again and then Christy kinda raises and waves her hand very timidly) oh, there you 2 are, well this song is for you 2. (he then motions to his band to begin playing, and that is when keith figures everything out!)
Keith- youre going to have him sing puppy love! OMG! I need to get a picture of damians face!!! Look at him! He is blushing! *craks up*
Us 3 girls- *sigh* that sooo sweet!
Me- look how cute they look together! See keith, nothing to be worried about!
Pattum- I dont think Christy’s smile could get any bigger!
Whimsy- and I don’t think damian’s blush could get any deeper!
Me-oh no! he’s looking around to see who did this! Duck!


by christyboo on Mon Jul 14, 2008 2:12 pm

Damian: So, wasn't that camping trip a blast?
Christy: yeah, it was pretty cool!
Damian: hey look! some guy is going to sing!
Christy: Cool! Whoa whoa whoa, did he just say our names?
Damian: Oh, My, Gosh!!!!
Christy: Who did this?
Damian: Hey, why is there a blond head sticking out behind that curtain?
Both: KEITH!!!!


by Rhi. on Mon Jul 14, 2008 2:45 pm

OH! i have the perfect story line to go after this!!! no continuations of this story till i post! mwahahaha! itll be like 20-30 min. . .


by Rhi. on Mon Jul 14, 2008 3:28 pm

So when I said duck, I guess to keith that ment run to back stage and peer out the curtain? That guy can do some crazy things. anyway, so then keith ducks behind the curtain and then damian spost us girls! So then Christy + damian finish up their dinner and pay and so do we. And then we bolt!
We 3 girls hide in a shop next door and we have no idea where keith went after he hid behind the curtain. . .Pattum and Whimsey elect me to be the look out (yeah me!) and so I am hiding behind some postcards and keeping an eye out the window. Soon enough C+D can bee seen looking in the window and because my hiding spot sucks, they see me. . .luckly there is another way out of the store so we bolt out that way and just start running, we go down some stairs, turn a few corners and soon we don’t hear any footsteps behind us. Soo we take a breather and when we begin to look around to find out where we are, we find that we are lost.
Whimsy- anyone have a map of the ship?
Pattum/me- nope
Me- maybe we should try to go back the way we came?
So we try that but none of us can remember what path we took, so we are ledt wondering around. . . about 10minutes later we hear a “Christy look! There they are!” and we run off again, (hopefully we aren’t wearing heals!) and we take a sharp turn and we crash righ into, who else but George! (thought I was gonna say keith didn’t you?!) so we pick ourselves up from the floor and
George- what in the world is going on here? why are you 3 in such a hurry?! *rubs shoulder and helps us up*
All 3 of us- *breathless* well we- we were at this- then damian ran and-
George- wow wow wow, slow down! One at a-
Damian- there they are!
3 of us- sry gotta go! So we then run off (man I don’t think I could ever be up for this much running!) and we run in the first door we see, which unfortunately is the men’s bathroom. . . So we lock the door(or is it just women’s bathrooms on TV that have doors that lock. . .?) anyway we lock it and catch our breath
Me-whew! Never again, never again! So tired, need air!
Pattum- it stinks in here!
Whimsy- *unlocked the door and is now peering out a little crack* oh no! someone is coming! *She shuts the door fast but before she has time to lock it the man walks in*
- oh, pardon me did I walk into- hey what are you 3 doing in here?
Whimsey- uh hi Paul! Nice to see you tonight! Are you having fun? *big smile*
Pattum- I think I’ll leave you 2 be. . .come on Rhi, lets go
So we hurry ou of the men’s room and look around
Pattum- I think the coast is clear, lets-
- there you are! I’ve been looking all over for you! *we turn to see Edger!* you left so soon, that I didn’t get to talk to you after the show!
Pattum- oh sry we were in a hurry, you did a lovely job tonight!
Me- yes and thank you so much for singing our request! It was wonderful!
Edger- well I’m very glad that you all enjoyed it! Its not very often that I get to do such an upbeat song! Now I was wondering, if it wasn’t too much to ask, but I wanted to know if I could treat you fine ladies to a drink or something?
Me- I’m a little worried, as to where keith went so I think I’ll go look for him, edger you didn’t happen to see him around did you?
Edger- no I’m sorry, I’m not fully sure I know who your talking about
Me- that’s fine, I’ll just start in the most obvious places and work from there. Night!*I depart*
Pattum- well I don’t have much else to do so yes, I would love to go have a drink w/ you! Only nonalcoholic please, maybe tea or coffee?
(I can totally change this Pattum if you would like! No hard feeling about it!)


by Pattum on Mon Jul 14, 2008 3:50 pm

I'm fine with Edgar. I'm trying to decide what he should look like and though I adore Cliff Richard, I'm seeing more like an older George Clooney type. Or maybe Fabian. Anyone remember him? Fabian would sing Young Love quite well and sometimes his voice was Ryan-like.


by Rhi. on Mon Jul 14, 2008 4:20 pm

you can have him look however you would like!


by pagan on Mon Jul 14, 2008 9:32 pm

"Turn me loose, Turn me loose I say," Edgar sings in his best Fabian voice.
"Oh Edgar, I just love that song" Pat says.
Meanwhile on still another part of the ship, Ryan and Pagan are having an argument.
Ryan: Hey no tv here.
Pagan: I should hope not.
Ryan: There is Celtics game on tonite.
Pagan: Oh for heavens sake, we are on vacation. Forget the Celtics.
Ryan: I can't, they are in the playoffs and I gotta see who wins.
Pagan: Didn't anyone ever tell you about a little machine called a DVD recorder?
Ryan: Yeah but that's not the same.
Pagan: We are here to have a good time. Besides, even there were tvs here I don't think they'd have those channels anyhow.
Ryan: Maybe if I called home I could at least listen to the game.
Pagan: Ryan, forget it. I doubt if your cell would carry that far.
Ryan: Well maybe the ship to shore phone would do the trick.
Pagan: Ryan, we are on a cruise ship. We are supposed to be having fun. Dancing, etc. We were supposed to meet Susan and Kerry for dinner a while ago. We are late. Now come on, let's go get changed.
Ryan: Well, maybe they'll have a tv in the dining room.
Pagan: Ryan, we are sitting at the captain's table. Forget it for awhile.
Ryan: Maybe I could try my laptop.
Pagan: Ryan Kelly you are impossible.
She stamps her foot and walks off.

I am with you Pat. I'd never do half the things these gals have us doing. Even if I was younger. But this is fun.
Yep Susan. Stare at Keith and then Ryan. Or is that the other way around? Who cares? They are both fantastic. Sigh.....


by christyboo on Tue Jul 15, 2008 6:21 am

SO now everybody is back in there rooms except for Damian and Christy who are just about to walk in them.....

Christy: *slams door behind her* Thanks a lot Rhi!! I can't believe how nosey you are!
Rhi: But I, But I, is all she could say
Christy: I thought tonight Damian and I could become closer, but all we could think about is how mad we were at ya'll!!
Rhi: I am sorry, I didn't mean...
Christy: You didn't mean what? To get into my business? To ruin my first date?
Rhi: Listen..
Christy: Well you know what? Now I am not going to hook you up with Keith! You blew it! I am going over to Damian's to watch a movie! *slams door behind her*
Damian: *hears knock on door and answers it* Hey Christy!
Christy: Hey, It was all Rhi's fault! She and Whimsey did it! Anyways, let's just watch the movie.


by Rhi. on Tue Jul 15, 2008 10:41 am

Yeah me! I get in a fight w/ my roommate on the first- wait what night is this???? Anyway. . .

So after Christy leaves I try to fall asleep but I just cant get Christy’s voice out of my head so I decide to go out on deck and lay back on one of the benches and watch the stars (and that’s when keith comes running out and threatens to jump off the back of the ship- sry just another Titanic joke. . . ) so i’m watching the stars and trying my darndest to find the big/little dipper (I can never find them!) but it just aint happening so I rollover on my side and stare at the few people that are still up who are looking out over the rail at the water.
As I lay there, I notice an elderly couple intertwined in each others arms. They seem to be whispering sweet nothings into each others ears and one of the times this caused the woman to burst out into giggles, and in that instant they became young lovers again. Watching them I could almost see the wrinkles disappear from their face, and their grey hairs regain their rightful color but in an instant it was gone as they walked off arm in arm into the darkness of a distant hallway.
Sighing I rolled back over and stared at the stars again, and there they were! The big and little dipper were just shining right in front of me, “why hadn’t I seen them before?!” I asked myself. “How could I have missed them? They were right in front of me the whole time!”

- what was right in front of you?
This scared the **** (fill it in w/ your best guess) out of me and I somehow managed to fall off the bench ‘THUNK’
Me- OW!
Keith (who else?!)- *helping me up* do you realize how many times you’ve gotten hurt in my presence? Should I wear a warning that beeps when I’m within 30 feet of you or something?
Me- *sitting back down/rubbing shoulder* no, because then the sound would either startle me just the same or people would think I’m a bomb. Maybe you should try not coming up behind me to announce your presence? Maybe you should be, I don’t know, like a normal person and walk in front of me to say hello, instead of coming up from behind and asking questions or answeringmy thoughts.
Keith- *laughing* you mean like this *walks around the whole bench and stops in front of me* hello!
Me- *sigh and shakes head*
Keith- *sits down next to me* So what was it that was right in front of you?
Me- *mutters under breath*well not you! That’s for sure.
Keith- *laughs*well we already established that
Me- well I finally found the big/little dipper!
Keith- *puzzled expression* you found the dippers, that’s what you couldn’t find?
Me- yup I could see almost every other constellation but the 2 that were right in front of me
Keith- hu, well . . .
And we spend the rest of the night staring at the stars . . . we're gonna b tired in the morning that’s for sure!

well if thatisnet cheezy and kinda borring i dont know what is. . . well i'll think of something a little more exciting in a few. . .


by christyboo on Tue Jul 15, 2008 5:19 pm

Good job rhi!


by christyboo on Tue Jul 15, 2008 5:22 pm

It's 9:30 am onn the ship and Christy is sitting in bed wondering where she is eating breakfast when she hears a knock on the door.........

Christy: Come in!
Rhi, Whimsey, and Pattum all come in with a tray of breakfast.
Rhi: Well, we wanted to make it up to you for what we did.
Whimsey: Yeah, we are totally sorry.
Pattum: Will you forgive us?
Christy: Only if there are chocolate chip pancakes on that tray!
All of the girls start laughing.


by Rhi. on Tue Jul 15, 2008 7:26 pm

oks o i just HAVE to do this!!!!

suddenly there is a knock on the door(morelike a banging) and i open it and a guy dressed as a waiter is standing there
guy- did you steal those pankackes? *points at pancakes on bed*
me- well uh- we didnt- umm, no. . .?
guy- *barges his way through and takes the tray of pancakes and rushes out of room*
christy- HE TOOK MY FOOD! *screams*
damian- oh no, christy what ever could be wrong!?
christy- he. stole. my. PANCAKES!
damian- i'm on it! *spins around and is suddenly dressed in spandex w/ a big D over his chest! and a cape on his back that flows even w/ no wind! and he then races after the pancake stealer!! and soon he returns w/ everything in tact*
christy- *sigh* my hero. . .
*big cheezy ending w/ the black out w/the circle thing. . .only its a heart not a circle. . . lol*

i couldnt resist!!!!!


by Pattum on Tue Jul 15, 2008 7:50 pm

It's after 9:30 am on the ship and Christy is sitting in bed wondering where she is eating breakfast when she hears a knock on the door.........

Christy: "Come in". Nothing.
Christy: "Is someone there? Please come in." Nothing again.
Christy realizes the door is locked and gets out of bed, puts on a robe and opens the door. Damian is standing there.

Damian: "Um, sorry, I thought you'd be up. I came down to invite you to join me for breakfast. I got a waiter to pack me up a picnic for us and I thought we could go to the upper deck where it isn't too busy and spend some quiet time together."

"That would be great", Christy says. "Wait for me in the hall, I won't be long." She turns around.

It's 9:30 am on the ship and Christy is sitting in bed wondering where she is eating breakfast when she hears a knock on the door.........

"Christy, wake up. Everybody's at breakfast and waiting for you. Your friends thought you were right behind them."

"Damian, are you really there?"

"Why, were you expecting someone else to come looking for you? Well, that can be arranged."

"No, no, I'll be right out, just wait for me." Christy rushed to dress and hurried out the door.

"It looks like it will be just you and me." Damian grinned at her.


by pagan on Tue Jul 15, 2008 9:03 pm

Rhi that is soooo romantic How come you and Keith are always picking at each other? Do I smell LOVE in the air Cute Christy. Pat nice take on Groundhog's Day


by christyboo on Wed Jul 16, 2008 7:31 am

It's after 9:30 am on the ship and Christy is sitting in bed wondering where she is eating breakfast when she hears a knock on the door.........

Christy: "Come in". Nothing.
Christy: "Is someone there? Please come in." Nothing again.
Christy realizes the door is locked and gets out of bed, puts on a robe and opens the door. Damian is standing there.

Damian: "Um, sorry, I thought you'd be up. I came down to invite you to join me for breakfast. I got a waiter to pack me up a picnic for us and I thought we could go to the upper deck where it isn't too busy and spend some quiet time together."

"That would be great", Christy says. "Wait for me in the hall, I won't be long." She turns around.

Christy: So, where is everybody else?
Damian: They all ate and are swimming. When they asked me to eat, I said I wasn't hungry and told them that I had to go somewhere. I didn't tell them that we were eating together because I don't want them following us again.
Christy: Yeah, I am still mad at Rhi.
Damian: So, *slips his hand in hers* let's go!

It's 9:35 at the pool........

Keith: I wonder where Damian went.
Whimsey: Yeah, I bet he is doing something with Christy but didn't tell us cuz he didn't want us following them again.
Rhi: Christy is mad at me, and we haven't talked since last night when she went over to Damian's room to watch a movie.
Ryan: Hey Keith, what movie did they watch?
Keith: They watched 27 Dresses, then fell asleep. I came in at 1:30 and woke them up so Christy could go to her room and sleep.
Pagan: wow, they must really like eachother.
George: Yeah, they do.
Pattum: How can we make it up to them, you know, for what we did.
Kerry: maybe ya'll could make breakfast in bed for each of them, say that you're sorry, and then maybe that will work.
Paul: Can we stop thinking all about them and start having fun? Because I really want to go on the water slide!
Whimsey: Last one there is a rotten egg!!
They all start laughing and running to the slide


by Whimsey on Wed Jul 16, 2008 8:09 am

Cruise ship? We're on a cruise ship? Oh ladies I can do cruise ship. I can also do lifeboats but we won't go there. Gotta get all caught up here before I wade back in. I think I was stuffin' my face. How well you know me. I'll be back.


by christyboo on Wed Jul 16, 2008 9:28 am

Damian and Christy's Breakfast........

Damian: So, are you going to the ball?
Christy: Yeah, i guess.
Damian: Well, you want to go as my date?
Christy: Sure.
Damian: You know Christy, I reall like you.
Christy: I like you too, Damian.

At the pool...

Rhi: I'm going to get a drink.
Keith: Hey wait up Rhi!
Rhi: What is it?
Keith: Well, I was wondering, do you want to go to the ball with me?
Rhi: But I don't have a dress!
Keith: There is a store where you buy all of that stuff.
Rhi: Ok, sure, I'll go with you! *Thinks to herself: Yes! Finally! Whoo Hoo!!*


by Rhi. on Wed Jul 16, 2008 9:49 am

pagan wrote:Rhi that is soooo romantic How come you and Keith are always picking at each other?

i have no idea. . .i think i read way too many teen romance books in my day. . .wow that made me sound old! lol but ithink i'm tired of falling and slamming into him. . .i buise easily, when i finaly get home my friends are gonna wonder what really happened! lol


by Rhi. on Wed Jul 16, 2008 9:54 am

man christy! a BALL!? oh how i wish this was REAL life!!!!!! ah, dancing at a ball with keith- wait i cant dance, can keith dance? ok so maybe fantasy would be better. . . .lol


by christyboo on Wed Jul 16, 2008 9:57 am

sometimes there is a formal dance on cruise ships, at least that is what I heard. So I thought Everyone can have a date to the dance, and that would be pretty cool, but George shouldn't cuz he's married.


by christyboo on Wed Jul 16, 2008 10:00 am

i'm gonna get off for a while. I'll probably be back on in 15 minutes, so suprise me with some more story when I get back.


by Rhi. on Wed Jul 16, 2008 10:11 am

when is the ball gonna be? in a few days? tonight????


by Whimsey on Wed Jul 16, 2008 10:14 am

At the Pool:
Whimsey, Pattum and Kerry settle in lounge chairs, with umbrella drinks. Not neccessarily alcoholic, they were in it for the umbrellas.
Pattum: So, are we going to chance the slide?
Whimsey: Maybe, I just want to see how George and Paul fare first.
Kerry: Wanna place any bets?
Pattum: Naw. They'll both make it down but in varying amounts of dignity.

Keith and Rhi stroll up and Keith excuses himself to fetch Rhi something with an umbrella.

Rhi: Keith asked me to attend tonight's ball with him.
Kerry: You go girl.
Pattum: What are you going to wear?
Whimsey: You are aware that tonight's gala affair is a masquerade ball, right?
While Kerry, Pattum and Rhi contemplate the possibilities with sly smiles, Whimsey witnessed Paul flying down the slide at an alarming rate of speed. Just great. A costumed affair and Paul was well on his way to needing a Mummy get-up. Lots of bandages hanging from that lanky frame. It could work. Did the cruise ship even have that much gauze?


by Rhi. on Wed Jul 16, 2008 10:18 am

do i see a Much ado about Nothing story line coming along????


by Whimsey on Wed Jul 16, 2008 10:21 am

Rhi. wrote:do i see a Much ado about Nothing story line coming along????

Oh yeah. Mistaken identities are such fun.


by Rhi. on Wed Jul 16, 2008 10:28 am

give me like 10 minutes. . .i think i'm onto something. . .



© 2008 Rhi

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