#15 A New Beginning

#15 A New Beginning

A Chapter by Rhi

by christyboo on Mon Jul 14, 2008 6:31 am

I have got a new beginning for the cruise story, hope you like it!!

Ok, so Keith called everybody that went camping and asked if they could go somewhere special. He didn't tell them where, cuz he wanted it to be a suprise. He just told them that they would be gone for a month, they would need to bring beachy clothes, and they would need to meet him at the pier.....

Keith: Hey everybody! Guess where we are going? On a cruise to the Carribeanns!!
Christy: AWWWW, how romantic!
* Damian slips his hand into hers and they smile at eachother with puppy eyes.
Rhi: What are we waiting for! Let's go!

On the ship....................

Pagan: Who are we sharing rooms with?
Kerry: Yeah?
Keith: Ok, for the girls it is Christy and Rhi, Pagan and Kerry, and Pattum and Whimsey. For the boys, it is Ryan, Paul, and George in one room, Me and Damian in the other.
Pattum: Great!
Kerry: Those are perfect!
Ryan: Let's have some fun!
Damian: I am going exploring, Christy, you wanna come?
Christy: Sure *slips her hand in his and walks off*
Paul: They are so cute together!
Whimsey: I know!

In the rooms.....

Christy and Rhi:
*Rhi is doing Christy's hair*
Rhi: So, you really like Damian.
Christy: Yeah, he is SO amazing! You like Keith, huh?
Rhi: Yeah, but I don't think he knows.
Christy: I could set you up with him!
Rhi: Are you kidding me? I would love that! Would you mind?
Christy: No
*The song "Puppy Love" starts to play*
Christy: Sorry, It's Damian.

Damian: Hey Christy! Are you busy tonight?
Christy: No, why?
Damian: I was wondering if maybe you would like to get a bite to eat with me?
Christy: I would love to. What time?
Damian: I'll pick you up at 6:00.
Christy: Ok, sounds great.
Damian: Ok, love ya, bye.

Back to Christy and Rhi:
Christy: i am going out with damian tonight!!
Rhi: Are you serious? Let me help you pick out an outfit.
Christy: Great!

Pattum and Whimsey:
Pattum: What should we do?
Whimsey: I know, let's go to the spa!
Pattum: good Idea!the good part is, Keith has to pay for it!
Whimsey: Oh, yeah! In that case, let's go shopping too
Pattum: You are so smart!!

Kerry and Pagan:
Kerry: So Pagan, What should we do?
Pagan: I know! Let's prank call someone!
Kerry: Who?
Pagan: Ryan, Paul, and George!
Kerry: Can I say it?
Pagan: Sure!

* phone call between the guys and them*

Ryan: Hello?
Kerry: Hey honey, it's Zara.
Ryan: Hey!
Kerry: just wanted to say that I love you and...
Ryan: You wanna marry me??
Kerry: no, that you just fell for the best prank call ever!!
*hangs up*

Pagan: that was perfect!
Kerry: i know!

that's all i could think of so far! hope you like it!


by pagan on Mon Jul 14, 2008 8:46 am

I am on this thing first thing after breakfast and last thing at nite. 1am is now early for me to go bed. If there are things to be done in the am,they just have to wait until I am done on here. If I can't get on because of appointments and overtime at work, I feel the withdrawal.

Kerry I hadn't a clue. Sowwy. I am old enough to be Ryan's mother but does that stop me? Nooo...We can go one of two ways with this: older woman/younger man thing which ends when we all have to return to the states, or have me younger and go that way. I think it would be interesting to explore the May/December romance angle yet I doubt if that would be realistic and doable. I leave it to you gals what you want to do with it.
Christy, your beginning is cute.


by christyboo on Mon Jul 14, 2008 8:48 am

thanks! I like it too! LOL!


by pagan on Mon Jul 14, 2008 8:50 am

You are very much welcome.


by christyboo on Mon Jul 14, 2008 9:02 am

Pagan: Let's do it to Damian!
Kerry: This time you talk
Pagan: Ok!

Damian: Hello?
Pagan: Hey Damian, It's Christy
Damian: Hey! Why didn't the ringtone i have for you play?
Pagan: Well, I wanted to suprise you!
Damian: Aww, you're so cute!
Pagan: I wanted to tell you that you are amazing and....
Damian: and what?
Pagan: And that you fell for the best prank call ever!!
*Hangs phone up*

Kerry: That was the best!
Pagan: I know!!

Whimsey and Pattum:
Whimsey: Aren't Damian and Christy adorable together?
Pattum: Yeah, they are a great example of Puppy Love!
Whimsey: Yeah, I told Rhi that we had to do something special for them and she would call me if they were doing anyhthing tonight.
Pattum: That was a good idea!

*phone rings*

Whimsey: It's her!
Rhi: hey wimsey?
Whimsey: Hey, so what's up for tonight?
Rhi: Ok, tonight at 6:00 they are going out, but I don't know where.
Whimsey: I guess we'll just have to follow them!
Rhi: But you have to do is secretly.
Whimsey: thanks! I'll ltalk to you later!!
*hangs up phone*

Pattum: ok, so what's up?
Whimsey: they are going out tonight but we have to follow them cuz we don't know where they are going.
Pattum: What are we going to do for them?
Whimsey: We are going to ask whoever is playing the music there to dedicate the song Puppy Love to them
Pattum: This is the best idea you have ever had!



by Pattum on Mon Jul 14, 2008 9:11 am

That's cute, Christy. I'm so glad you joined the writing fun. I wouldn't do the things you're writing for me at all but am enjoying what you wrote otherwise. I'm even older than Pagan and really out of the romance thing though if I was younger I'd be giving people some competition for Ryan. George is married and we shouldn't play too much with his image in these tales but there's nothing wrong with some of us being friends of him and his family in them.

I will be spending less time on here for a while but I'll still pop in off and on and try to catch Ryan or any of the lads online and catch up with what this bunch is doing.


by pagan on Mon Jul 14, 2008 9:23 am

I agree Pat. No messing with George. I like the idea of us being friends with him. For me, that is good. I know what you mean Pat about the romance dept. I am with you in regards to Ryan yet if I was 30 yrs younger look out Keith Just clean fun and fantasy. Eventually we all will have to "go home". I love what you are doing Christy and the younger ones. I am having fun reading these things. Kind of like we older ones are looking out for the younger ones and reliving our own memories of young love.


by Pattum on Mon Jul 14, 2008 9:49 am

My daughter is a Keithcouger too, Pagan. It's fun being able to relive the fluttering crushes of youth.


by pagan on Mon Jul 14, 2008 10:18 am

Pattum wrote:My daughter is a Keithcouger too, Pagan. It's fun being able to relive the fluttering crushes of youth.

Sure is Pat. I like Ryan's personality but when I look at Keith. Sigh.


by Rhi. on Mon Jul 14, 2008 11:21 am

Kerry W wrote:Yes, terrify Rhi more... (let's have her die of drowning in the freezing ocean, having not gotten rescued, like in Titanic... lol. jk Rhi.)

then i could come back and haunt you all! Sweet! lol jk

Kerry W wrote:"No. But I do have a cat, Randy. My brother named it that, and I got to keep the cat when I moved out." Rhi answered. She started to turn back to the convo that she was holding with Pat.

i acually do have a dog and a cat (u can see them in the thunder pets section) but i dont mind only having a cat!

Kerry W wrote:Keith, recognizing the signs of trouble, rushed to reassure her. "No, that's not what I meant! I just don't see you in outfits like these very often... You usually have your hair up in a ponytail w/ a tee and shorts, that's all..."

and you hit the nail on the head right there! that is like the only thing i ever where and my hair is normally in a pony tail!!! lol


by celticsusan on Mon Jul 14, 2008 11:33 am

Yeah, Pagan we ARE alike! Just like you like Ryan's personality but you sigh when you look at Keith!
Well, I really like Keith's personality (and he IS really cute!) But something about Ryan's voice...and my heart just goes pitter-patter! That man (and yes, we're both old enuff to be his mum and I'm even older than you!) just has so much charisma, and he's so sweet and considerate. And those eyes...


by celticsusan on Mon Jul 14, 2008 12:15 pm

Ok, I'll try to keep the actors in this story straight! If I verge off, Pagan, Patt, Kerry et al, get me back on again! Old age is H---.
I'll go with this "Devon" guy, Kerry. He sounds cute!

Kerry with this really dreamy look, ""Melting in your eyes...oops, I mean I'm Kerry."
Devon replies very earnestly, "So very glad to meet you, Kerry."
Kerry stammers- "Gl-a-ad to meet you, too Devon".
Meanwhile the waiter brings all the drinks to the table. Kerry really doesn't notice as she's still drowning in Devon's beautiful blue eyes.
Susan asks "don't you want your Mar----? If you don't, I'll certainly have yours!" Kerry still isn't paying attention. Susan decides she'd better take
control of the situation before Kerry actually begins drooling all over the table. "Kerry. KERRY!" she yells. "Pay attention, you're almost spilling your drink!"
Devon answers, "Yes and you wouldn't want to spill anything on that beautiful dress, now would you? I mean, you'd have to go and change and I would still
be waiting here for you..."*sighs heavily* (Yes, guys sigh too, they just don't admit to it!) Kerry snaps to attention. "You mean you'd still be here when I got back?"she asks Devon breathily. "Oh, yes, I'd sit here all night if it meant you'd return" says Devon a bit too slick in Susan's opinion. Thinks to herself "this guy is just too good to be true". Kerry finally sits up straight and looks in Devon's eyes. "No guy has ever said that to me before" she gulps, seeing herself in his eyes because now he is about two inches from her face. "Oh, honey, men should have been telling you this all your life" purrs Devon. Susan, getting thoroughly fed up with this man's line is about to puke now and says so. Kerry screeches, "You wouldn't dare do that now, not here!" "No, I wouldn't do that here, but only because we're friends and I wouldn't want to embarrass you! But as far as Devon, I'd like his lap to be the basin!" Susan pulls Kerry to one side all the while Kerry is blowing kisses at and apologizing to Devon, "I'll be right back, Devon. Please don't go anywhere...Please!" "OK, Susan, what is your problem?" Kerry snaps. "I don't want to see you hurt and I'm much older and wiser than you are and can't you see right through this guy???"Susan explains. "But I think he's really nice and sweet and he's so gorgeous" pouts Kerry. "No, RYAN is nice and sweet and gorgeous. And his eyes are bluer than Devon's will EVER be. This guy is just a very slick number who will only break your heart", says Susan. (Ok, I just had to put that reference in there, heehee,) "Really?" asks Kerry. "Gee Susan, how do you know so much about guys? Was he really gonna be a love 'em and leave 'em kinda guy?", she questions in disbelief. "Oh yeah, I've seen his type before", replies Susan. All of a sudden both girls look around and Devon is nowhere to be seen! But in his chair is a big paper sign that reads "HEARTBREAKER...FOR REAL". As they look out the door of the bar, Randy (Kerry's cat) gives them a very self-satisfied smirk as he licks the Sharpie marking off his paws and whiskers.

(Yeah I know, weird, but I somehow just had to bring a cat into this! You know, cats being afraid of water and all.heehee)



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