#14 R.M.S. Titanic

#14 R.M.S. Titanic

A Chapter by Rhi

by Rhi. on Sun Jul 13, 2008 11:50 am

Soooo after that “fun” camping trip! We decide to take a break from all this woods stuff and go on a cruise (cuz remember from like 2 or 3 stories ago, pagan you may be the only one who remembers this, but we won the lottery. . . .) so the cruise is going to take us wherever we want! (Don’t ask me where. . . ., youre lucky enough I’m getting on the darn thing! . . .Titanic ringing any bells???!!!) so anyway we board the cruise ship and we go through the tour and all the safety exercises and all that fun stuff, then we go to our rooms (with are all in the same area) after that we meet back up and decide what we all want to do and of course we cant all agree so we split up then meet back for lunch, I don’t know where everyone wants to go on this awesome cruise ship so I’m leaving it up to all of you to decide where youre going. . . .i want to go out on deck or whatever and watch the ocean, and maybe see some dolphins or something so that’s where I head off to and Christy and damian follow, they want to see the dolphins too. So we head out and look for dolphins, but there are none to be seen, so instead we just decide to walk around and see keith in a wave pool looking actually kinda bored. We make our way over to him and he gets out and says
Keith-this is like a tease! I want waves! waves! not big ripples in the water! And this doesn’t help that we are on the sea but I cant surf!
Me- I’m sorry! But there was that one episode of Mythbusters where one of the guys was able to water ski behind a cruise ship so maybe if your really nice to the- *keith just gives me a dirty look* ok just kidding, well Christy damian and I we just walking around and seeing what all this ship has to offer, youre welcome to join us!
Christy- well actually damian and I saw a movie theater a while back so were going to go see what is playing! *and they walk of*
Me- well i guess I’m the one who is going to see what all this ship has to offer!
Keith- well hold on, let me go get changed and ill come with you!
So he goes off to get changed and I sit down on one of the lounge chairs to wait. That’s when ryan and pagan walk by,
Me- hey guys hows it going?
Ryan- pretty cool! We saw a dance club a few levels, decks, stories, I dont know, whatever they call them! It’s a few staircases down!
Pagan- yeah, and I thought we could go there tonight, and you could wear those chrismas lights and-
Keith- wait what about Christmas lights?! Oh, those things you wore to the concert?! I wouldn’t mind seeing you wraped in those again! What I don’t mean it like- I mean- uum. . .
Me- I get what your saying keith, don’t try to explain any more! Lol. *to pagan* I actually would but remember when I sat down I broke most of them on my behind. . .!
Pagan-oh that’s right! Well you can still wear them! Just don’t put all 5 strands on, maybeonly wear like one or 2.
Me- I’ll consider it. . .
Pagan- ok, well ryan and i are going to continue on, we’ll see you at lunch time!
Me/keith- bye!
Me- ok so are you ready?
Keith- yup
Me-ok so I saw a few interesting shops and stuff down this way so lets start there
Keith- sure, I’ll follow you!
So we walk around for about an hour and then it is time for lunch so we head back to meet up w/ everyone and see what all they did/found!

Sry its not that exciting of a story, but its just the beginning, and when are beginnings ever really exciting?!


by pagan on Sun Jul 13, 2008 3:17 pm

I just love it Rhi. We needed to get out of those woods and have some fun, fun, and fun for a change

So, there we are all at lunch munching away and discussing our morning. Christy and Damian found the theatre. They discovered four movies are playing at the same time: Wall--ee, Hellboy, Journey to the Center of the Earth, and Wanted. They opt for Wall-ee. Pagan and Ryan decide they'd like to see Journey Into the Center of the Earth.
"What is everyone else doing this afternoon" asks Pagan.
"Well we might take in a movie, "says Rhi.
"Speak for youself. You know I have problems sitting still that long,"says Keith.
"Then I'll go by myself," says Rhi.
"You're welcome to join us, isn't she Pagan," says Ryan.
"Sure," Pagan agrees. "Anyone else care to join us?"
"I think I'll soak up some sun," says Kerry.
"Did you know they have a golf course here?" says George. "I think I'll get in some holes before dinner."
"I'll join you ," says Pat.
"I'll go with Rhi, Pagan, and Ryan," says Paul.
"Me, too, "says Karen.
Teenangel just sits there brooding.
"What's the matter Hon?" asks Pagan.
"Everyone has someone to do things with but me," comes the reply.
"you come with me and Christy" says Damian. "Right Christy?"
"Yep," Christy says. "It'll be fun."
"right now that's settled," says Pat. "We'll meet back here say 7 for dinner okay?"
Everyone goes their merry ways.

Hey it's only the beginning of the story so let's just take our time and have some fun, okay?


by celticsusan on Sun Jul 13, 2008 3:42 pm

Kerry W wrote:Yeah... Sadly, you didn't manage to work me in.

My apologies, very sorry Kerry, I was getting so long-winded...I didn't work myself in either...


by Kerry W on Sun Jul 13, 2008 3:47 pm

(Ranting ) .... I go to church, shop, and come home to find that I'm exhausted from staying up until 3 in the morining... So when I finally wake up at 5 in the afternoon , I find that you have abandoned the other one... and now we're on a cruise ship ?!?!? Hmmm. I could do it... Definite fun. You say there's a dance club? (YESS!)

Jeez people. We vary too much... We have no consistency.


So while Kerry is out on the deck in her baby blue binkini (It's actually a decent one, and is not a string one. It actually covers. *glares at anyone who thinks otherwise*) She sees the waterpark on the boat, that no one managed to notice before, and decided to go for a spin.

It was about 2:00 in the afternoon when Christy, Damian, and Angel finally came out of the theater and decided to join Kerry out on the deck. Damian, being a fair irish lad, had to slather on a bunch of SPF 50 sunscreen that was in the room Christy and Kerry were sharing. (yeah, I do use that SPF... I'm too dark already. I don't NEED a tan...) Christy and Angel just got changed into their suits and cover up.

They went out to the pool, to find that Kerry wasn't there, but a kind woman directed them to the water park. The trio went and found her at the slides, which did look pretty fun. So the four ended up spending the rest of their afternoon at the pool...

George and Pat were actually having fun golfing. Pat was actually pretty decent at golf, having been dragged to it so much in her youth by her father and brother. George however, um, sucked. But they were still having fun.


Hey, If anyone wants to write what else happens b/t now and dinner, I kinda want to write a bit about what happens after dinner. (hint, hint.)

(Susan, I forgot you were in the story! I'll work you in in a bit...)


by celticsusan on Sun Jul 13, 2008 5:33 pm

Ok, now that we're on a cruise ship! I love cruising...so here goes...it may get a little "evil" as Ryan says,lol

So as Paul, Rhi, Pagan & Ryan are heading down the staircase on the way to the ship's theatre all of a sudden there is a sudden crash and the ship lurches sideways catching several passengers off balance. Looking out of a porthole Ryan yells to the group "We just hit an iceberg!" (Sorry, Rhi just couldn't help myself!!! heehee I'll get into the real story later...)


by Kerry W on Sun Jul 13, 2008 6:10 pm

*groans.* I thought this was just going to be a nice, fun story after having the scary thief in the woods story. This was meant to relax...

The pilot came up on deck, calling everybody together. "I apologize for the inco

Hey! I thought we were in the Carribean or the Meditteranean! There are no icebergs! Otherwise, how could I have suntanned/swam w/o freezing? It doesn't make sense.


by celticsusan on Sun Jul 13, 2008 7:08 pm

Kerry, it will be a nice fun story...I just did the "Titanic" bit to mess with Rhi after she had mentioned it! No harm meant! I just have a very warped sense of humour...as y'all have noticed!lol (Seriously, to Rhi I do apologize. I know that cruising can be scary to some.)

I agree should be in the Carribean or Med. Relaxing... I'll try to do better when I join the story later...


by Kerry W on Sun Jul 13, 2008 8:28 pm

Hey, I'm working on something, can you wait to post until after I get it up?

it'll be ready in about 30 min...


by Rhi. on Sun Jul 13, 2008 8:58 pm

celticsusan wrote:Ok, now that we're on a cruise ship! I love cruising...so here goes...it may get a little "evil" as Ryan says,lol

So as Paul, Rhi, Pagan & Ryan are heading down the staircase on the way to the ship's theatre all of a sudden there is a sudden crash and the ship lurches sideways catching several passengers off balance. Looking out of a porthole Ryan yells to the group "We just hit an iceberg!" (Sorry, Rhi just couldn't help myself!!! heehee I'll get into the real story later...)

*sighs* love it, even though i do not want to continue that lol. . .maybe possidon adventure would be better. . .lol jk!

i kinda like the idea of people posting that they are writing something, it makes it easier to know wheather youre typing when someone else is typing. what does everyone else think?


 by pagan on Sun Jul 13, 2008 9:01 pm

Gee how about the Aegean around the Greek Islands?
Okay Kerry, I'll wait. I know Susan was pulling Rhi's chain.
Now Kerry, smooth those ruffled feathers dear. To be honest I'd had enough of the woods myself and was thinking of ending it but Pat beat me to it. These things gotta come to an end sometime right? Now we are just having fun.
Aha, so ya found the water park. Keith is gonna be sooo ticked.
Now just jump in whereever. Yep Susan has MY kind of sense of humor. She knows what mine is, sorta right?
Rhi depends what time I'm on. ya know I go with the flow and respond to the others. Will wait until morning to see what you've all c ome up. doodoodoodoodoodoo......


by Kerry W on Sun Jul 13, 2008 9:28 pm

Yes, terrify Rhi more... (let's have her die of drowning in the freezing ocean, having not gotten rescued, like in Titanic... lol. jk Rhi.)

Let's see. this consists of CT, Christy (D), Angel, Me, Rhi (K), Pagan, Pat (G), and Karen. (Tell me if I forgot anyone! Mind if I put any extra fictional boys in the story to even out the numbers?)

So later that night, after showering and dressing up nicely for dinner, the group met up out on the deck at 7 for dinner. They decided to go to La Piazza de Italiano, the somewhat fancy Italian (obviously) restaurant on the 2nd floor.

So when they had ordered their food, Damian got slightly bored and started drawing on his napkin. Christy and Angel soon followed suit. Pagan started to scold them, but George said to let them be, they're young and bored, after all, what else can they do?

Keith finally started talking to Rhi out of sheer boredom. "Rhi, do you have a dog?"

"No. But I do have a cat, Randy. My brother named it that, and I got to keep the cat when I moved out." Rhi answered. She started to turn back to the convo that she was holding with Pat.

"Did I mention you actually look really pretty tonight?" Keith asked, flashing a brilliant smile at Rhi.

Rhi melted. "No, than... Did you say actually? Like I don't look pretty the rest of the time?" Her emerald eyes flashed. (Rhi, you're a brunnette w/green eyes. let me know if you wanna change it.) She was wearing a deep green halter topped dress that came to just above her knees. It looked satiny and very pretty on Rhi. (I wish I had a picture of it but I don't)

Keith, recognizing the signs of trouble, rushed to reassure her. "No, that's not what I meant! I just don't see you in outfits like these very often... You usually have your hair up in a ponytail w/ a tee and shorts, that's all..."

"Oh." Mollified, Rhi turned back to Pat, and the two started talking about phones. Keith sighed. He had escaped disaster.

The dinner finally came, and when they had finished eating their meal, it was about 9pm. Damian, Christy, and Angel opted to go watch a DVD in Christy and Kerry's room. Everyone else decided to sit outside and talk a bit, then go down to the club around 10.

Keith and Rhi were just enjoying being under the stars with the gentle breeze, and just being with each other. Keith was standing behind Rhi, with her leaning back into him, which nearly overbalenced Keith a few times, making them laugh. After a while, they started naming constellations.

Pagan, Pat, George, Paul, and Karen were sitting around a table on the deck, talking about sports. surprisingly enough, Ryan wasn't in this conversation. He and Kerry were on the other side of the deck, just talking.

"Sometimes, I think we're just specks in this whole world when I look up at the nighttime sky. Do you?" Kerry asked when he came up behind her.

"Occasionally. It makes you see just how fragile you really are. That big giant place out there, and we can see no end." Ryan spoke in response to her question.

"Fragile indeed. Do you think you're fragile? I don't think I am." Kerry smiled, still looking out to the sea.

"No. I am a big strong hulking macho of a man!" Ryan said this in a rather deep voice, flexing his muscles and trying to look like a body builder, making Kerry laugh. (I know he's short - somewhere from 5'8-5'10 but he's 6'0 here!)

"Well, I'm considered tall, so I can't be fragile." Kerry stopped leaning on the railing and stood up straight, adding height to her 5'8 status by wearing heels, bringing her to 5'10. Ryan laughed.

"But you're still shorter than I am," he smirked.

"Wipe that smirk off your face and scooch down to your real height you dork." Kerry poked him in the stomach, making him go "Ow!" and get off his tiptoes, making him less imposing.

"I work out you know." Ryan told her. "I can bench 135." (Idk if that's impressive for guys or what. It is for a girl.)

"Really. Ryan, I do volleyball, tennis, soccer, and track. I also do marching band. Which means hours of excercise per day. Not weekly. I could actually beat my last boyfriend 1/2 the time, arm wrestling. and he was bigger than I was! Do you even want to know what we had to do for track workouts this past year? Don't even get me started on my club volleyball coach. She's brutal. I'd actually like you to go through one week of the workouts I have to do and tell me it's not hard. Plus, I can squat about 175. Way more than I weigh." She smiled beautifically (sp?) at Ryan.

"Then how are you not bulked up? if you have so much muscle, you couldn't not be bulked up and look like that in that dress." Ryan accused.

Kerry glared, then thought about that statement. "Did you just give me a strange compliment in that statement somewhere?" (I'm wearing a mostly blue dress, it's kind of like a babydoll one with a puffed bottom, it comes to mid-thigh on me. it has blue, green, and brown in it. I also have dark brown heels which make my legs look twice as long. and they already looked long before... So now I have freakishly long legs.)

"I think so. Probably."

"Ahh. It's not a matter of bulking up. I swear I went up like two jean sizes ever since I started doing all the ridiculous high school workouts. I actually don't know why I'm not bulked up. Just probably eating right and actually doing more distance running than I should be. But I am one of the strongest girls in the high school." She grinned.

Ryan looked at his watch. "it's already 10:15. Want to head down to the dance floor and strut our stuff? See who dances better?"

"Sure. Lead the way." Kerry smiled, a devilish twinkle in her hazel eyes.

George lead the group down to the club.

( If you really want to know, the seating order for dinner was this: One big table, rectangular w/ one person at each end. George is at one end. Pattum is to his right, then Rhi, Keith, Karen, Pagan, Paul is at the other end, and to his right is Ryan, Kerry, Angel, Damian, and Christy.)


by Kerry W on Sun Jul 13, 2008 9:47 pm

Keith and Rhi had stayed out on the deck, still talking, but the group was having a terrific time out on the dance floor. Surprisingly, George had some pretty good moves, and Kerry and Ryan were having a mini-contest with Karen judging.

Finally, Kerry broke away, saying that she was going to get a water or something and cool down a bit.

At the bar, an attractive (around 18 or 19) guy came up and sat next to her and Susan. Asking for the bartender, Don.

"Can I buy you ladies a drink?" The guy said. Susan looked at Kerry, then replied. "Sure, why not."

"I'll have 2 mart---s and a b--r please -is that okay?" He asked. (technically, I'm not saying the alcohol names, so I won't get in trouble w/ the mods. This will be the last scene with a bar. at least for me. makes doe eyes at the mods. )

"Make mine virgin please." (It's legal on the ship to drink when 18, like in Ireland. It explains why he's drinking. I can pass for 18, but I'm not.) Kerry said, surprised when the bartender didn't ask for ID.

"I'm Devon. You ladies are?" Devon said with an British accent, raising his eyebrow.


by pagan on Sun Jul 13, 2008 10:24 pm

Hey I had first dibs on Ryan ya know But I will share I'd like to do something with George but can't cos he is married Aw shucks.
Devon is a tad too young for me so I am sticking with the others.
Paul and I hit the dancefloor. Ryan cuts in. Keith and Rhi return and join us. Pat hit the floor with George.
Susan, Kerry et al talk to Devon.


by Kerry W on Mon Jul 14, 2008 12:32 am

haha. I'm not taking Ryan. He's too old for me, and I'm jailbait for him. sadly, I'm not at least 21 so I could seriously think about dating him. So yeah. can't do anything legally. We're just going to end up really close friends.

Huh. This reminds me of the argument that my friends used when they thought that for a while I was dating (or might be dating) a 25 year old guy b/c we liked to talk a LOT. jeez. They teased me about it for months. They seriously thought I was actually dating him. One of them even got her mom to come talk to me. Talk about embarassing!


by Cait81477 on Mon Jul 14, 2008 3:40 am

kharkinfan wrote:Hey fellow CT fans, I just wanna say I have never met a fan base so dedicated like u guys are on here. I've also never met stars that interact with their fans as well as these CT guys do. I'm a new fan (since June 9th 2008 when I saw them on TV), and I'm surprised at how fast I got to being obsessed with them. I'm African, my boyfriend's Irish ( I looove Irish guys!!!), Even he's surprised, and a little jealous of how crazy I am about these guys, but I can't help it.
My question is do u guys ever feel like you spend hours on here? I'm not complaining, believe me, I'd rather do this than most of the other stuff I spend time doing. I just can't believe I've spent four hours of my saturday reading these boards and I'm still not tired of it.
Well...gotta go now, I'm very sleepy and I have a major exam in two days. just felt like sharing.

I am on here at 6am and the ONLY reason I'm not on at work (for now) is cause I don't have internet access but I'm on again the minute I walk through the door. So to answer your question I do feel like I spend all my time on here but I LOVE every second of it.



© 2008 Rhi

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Added on December 25, 2008

Do you feel you spend all of your time on the boards?