#11 Back to the Woods We Go!

#11 Back to the Woods We Go!

A Chapter by Rhi

by christyboo on Fri Jul 11, 2008 4:48 pm

The guys decided to go camping, so they decided to bring some friends. Christy, Rhi, Pattum, Pagan, Whimsey, and Kerry. So that night, and everyone was sitting around a fire just talking..........
Paul: So then I looked under my bed and..... AAAAAAAAHHHHH
Christy: * jumps into Damian's arms* You scared me!
Damian: Don't worry. You've got me to protect you.
Kerry: Yeah, she feels much better!
George: I think that's enough stories for tonight. I am going to bed. Goodnight!
Pattum: I am right behind you.
Rhi: Same here!
Keith: I think everybody is.
Ryan: Ok, boys in these two tents, girls in the other two.
Paul: Good night everybody!
Everybody: good night!

The next morning........

Damian: I'm going for a walk, who wants to come?
Christy: I definantly do!
Keith: I do!
Kerry: Same here!

George: Does everybody else want to go find food with me?
Everybody else: yeah!

When everyone's back......

Christy: OK, who took my diary?
Rhi: Everybody else went to go find food, so none of us did.
Christy: It is really important to me. It has special pictures of a special person and has all of my special memories in it.
Pattum: Who could have taken it?
Ryan:I don't know. I guess we have a mystery that needs to be solved.
Whimsey: Now this will be fun!!
George: Well, before we look for anything, we should have some breakfast.
Pagan: Good Idea!

After breakfast.....

Paul:Everyone get a parner and go searching for some clues. I'll go with Whimsey. I bet Damian wants Christy and Christy wants Damian, so ya'll get eachother. Um, Keith and Rhi, George and Kerry, and Ryan, you get Pagan and Pattum.Grab a pen and paper and some water and then go!

Kerry: Who took my hairbrush??
Ryan: We were all together when we had breakfast. Let's go find what is taking all of yall's stuff.

All I could think of so far, please add on! (add something romantic, but not too romantic about me and Damian)


by Whimsey on Fri Jul 11, 2008 5:35 pm

Whimsey: You. Me. Together. Now this is a situation just fraught with possibilities.
Paul: You mean like madness, mayhem and the end of civilization as we know it?
Whimsey: It could happen.
Paul: I'm more concerned about Christy and Damien strolling off together.
Whimsey: Oh, like you were never young and just looking for an excuse to find some privacy with a pretty girl.
Paul: That's hardly the point. They're supposed to be looking for clues. Trying to find the petty thieves that have been in the camp. Do you honestly think they're doing that?
Whimsey: If they are they are missing a rare opportunity to get to know each other better.
Paul: Well, Damien definitely looked like he'd like to get to know Christy better.
Whimsey: There you go! Now, what is it we're out here doing besides discussing the budding Christy/Damien relationship?
Paul: You really need to learn how to focus. Diary. Hairbrush. Thieves in the night. I'd also appreciate it if you'd watch where you're going. I've got better things to do then pick your butt up when you trip over a log.
Whimsey: You talkin' real caveman stuff? Slinging me over your shoulder and carrying me off.
Paul: I really can't imagine you letting anyone do that.
Whimsey: For you, I'd make an exception.
There follows one of those should he/shouldn't he, will he/won't he moments.
Paul takes it as a challenge, figures if she resists he's got a good 8 inches in height on her and he can take her. He bends, grabs and slings. He neglects to watch where he's going and practically falls over Damien and Christy who are indeed getting to know each other better. Hand holding, puppy eyes, sheepish grins, blushes, the whole bit. Their shock at being caught was quickly replaced by the shock of seeing Whimsey being carted around over Paul's shoulder.
Whimsey: You kids go back to whatever it is you were doing. We'll continue tracking. I'm checking trees above the 6 foot mark.
As they stumble away Paul wonders out loud where the others are and what they're doing. Whimsey reminds him that Keith and Rhi, George and Kerry and Ryan and Pagan and Pattum are trekking around also and it would be really nice if he refrained from running them down like he did Damien and Christy.
Paul suggests that it may have been a good thing that they had interrupted them. Whimsey rolls her eyes and shakes her head.


by christyboo on Fri Jul 11, 2008 5:47 pm

Rhi: Hey Keith! Look what I found, some pages from Christy's diary.
Keith: Let's read them. They might be someone elses.
Rhi: *reads* I love damian. damian is my hearthrobber!
in unison: It's Christy's!
Keith: Let's take these with us, but first, let's follow the trail of pages.

Ryan, Pagan, and Pattum:

Ryan: Look at these footprints!
Pagan: They've been there since we started.
Pattum: Let's follow them.

Whimsey, I like it A LOT! Write one about me and Damian on our discovery!


by karen on Fri Jul 11, 2008 7:58 pm

Ryan, Pagan and Pattum are following the footprints when all of a sudden Pagan and Pattum realize they're alone.
Pagan: Ryan seems to have disappeared.
Pattum: Wonder where he went? He just vanished into thin air.
Pagan: Maybe we should go back to camp and tell the others.

When they get back, everyone else was already there.

Pagan: I hate to tell everyone, but we lost Ryan. We have no idea where he went.
Keith: Maybe there's a clue in the pages of this diary we found.
Rhi: Yeah - its Christy's diary and there are some thing written in here that I don't think she meant for us to see.
Christy: How did you find those? I thought I put them in the recycling container.
Damian: Maybe the wind blew them out.

All of a sudden they could hear giggling.

Paul: It sounds like its coming from one of the guys' tents.

Everyone tiptoed over to the tent. Paul grabbed the flap and threw it back. Inside, he found Ryan....with Karen.

Paul: Where did you come from Karen? You weren't here last night.
Karen: Well, I thought maybe you guys might be hungry so I brought you some Ulster Frys.
Ryan: Yeah -- I smelled them from 300 feet away and had to come back to camp. You know how I just love Ulster Frys. No one makes them like my Mum, but these do smell good. Care to join us? We've Bloody Marys and Mimosas too.
Damian: But Ryan, we already ate breakfast. Sure it was just oatmeal, but it was still breakfast.

As everyone stood there smelling the wonderful eggs, bacon, potatoes & sausages, they looked at each other trying to decide whether to eat another breakfast or continue looking for the thief. It smelled so good, but that thief was still on the loose.

(Okay ladies - this is my first attempt. If it doesn't fit in, let me know and I'll delete it...if I can figure out how. Lost track of all the characters so I played safe and put myself in. )


by Rhi. on Fri Jul 11, 2008 8:36 pm

Great job everyone! i really like how everyone is now working as a team!

sooo we are all eating and suddenly the wind picks up and a peice of paper flies through the air and lands near where keith is sitting so he reaches over and grabs it and begins reading it first w/ a look of concentration then a slight grin begins to play on his face and next a full out smile speads (including dimples!) and then
keith- I dont think this is Christy's Diary . . .
me- *total sarcasm*duh its only one page!
keith- *gives me funny look* ok, i dont think this is [img]from[/img] Christy's Diary!
me- well how do you know? what does it say?
keith- oh, i think you know . . . i think you know very well!
me- what?! give me that!
keith- *holding the paper just out of my reach* no, i think i want to keep it, maybe hang it on my wall
me- give me that paper! oh no! if you have a peice of my- oh no!
so i run into my tent and search for my diary, remarkably i find it
me- thats odd. . .(i start flipping through it) what is missing? i dont- oh no, someone took out that whole section- that is sonot good! now there are- oh (whole aray of curse words enter mind, i rush out of the tent and run past everyone) if anymore of my pages fly by keith dont- i mean no one read them! (so i run off in the direction that my diary page came from, soon I hear footsteps behind me)
pagan- Rhi! wait up! i'll help you find them! with this wind rushing around the way it is, its going to be a 2 person job!
back at the camp sight keith is siting proudly holding my diary page, but not letting anyone else see (thank goodness!) and paul comes out of his tent holding a shoe
ryan- what are you going to do with that shoe? kill a bug or something?
paul- dirty my shoe? yeck no! do you know how much this thing cost?! what i'm doing with it, is looking for the other one! i cant find it anywhere!



by pagan on Fri Jul 11, 2008 9:46 pm

Hey ladies do we have toilet tissue with us? Cos if we don't......
Let's see, first we are in the woods, then we are on the beach, now we are back in the woods again. How about we tidy this up a bit okay? As in:
after Pagan's leg was attended to and all was well the beach scene. Then...we went camping. So the bit with Paul's shoe...
Paul: No Ryan this is to use as a weapon in case the thief pulls a sneak attack.
Ryan: Man you need some odoreaters cos, well, let's just say...Please put the shoe back on. Only take it off if we are threatened by the thief.
Meanwhile Keith is busy reading the pages he stole from Rhi's diary. He is grinning from ear to ear.
Damian and Christy return smiles on their faces and eyes all aglow.
Pagan and George give each other a knowing look. How well they remember young love.
Then thunder rolls.....


by Pattum on Fri Jul 11, 2008 10:25 pm

Geoge signals Pattum to follow him down the beach a bit and the two pretend to be looking for firewood for the bonfire later that night. They're walking close together and keeping their voices down because you know how voices carry near the water.

George: "Has anything of yours gone missing yet? I've lost my good kilt pin. I know it's foolish but it was a gift from my daughter and I always carry it like a good luck charm."

Pattum: "Someone took my good luck turtle necklace. I wonder if Keith is missing one of his rings or bracelets? If so, that would make me suspect someone has a ritual of some sort in mind. Paul's shoe would fit (no pun intended) and so would Kerry's hairbrush but dairy pages don't really fit into that scenerio. I think we need to try to find what the others have lost."

George stood scratching his head for a moment with a thoughtful look on his face.
Geoge: "If Ryan and Damian have lost what I think they have, the diary pages will fit in. I don't want to say too much yet because if I'm wrong I want you thinking of other possibilities. As the two oldest members of this group, I think it's up to us to watch the others closely."

They get back into the camp in time to watch Ryan tossing his clothes frantically out of his duffle.
"My shamrock boxers, they're gone. I know they were in here. I saw them just before breakfast, em, brunch."

"One more down, now Damian's item. If I'm right about that........"

Just then Pattum noticed Damian wrapping a large beach towel around himself and Christy. He looked at her almost in tears. "My special hoodie jacket is gone. I was going to let Christy wear it and it's not here. I can't sing without my special jacket." Christy held him closer and stroked his hair.

"That's it." said George quietly. "I think I may know what's going on. We have to wait until everyone has lost something and then we might be able to put it all together. I think we should keep this to ourselves for now. We don't want to upset the younger ones. I'll try to keep Keith calm and find out what he lost and you keep an eye on the rest of the girls. Nobody should lose more diary pages but there will be some other paper disappear. Oh, don't let Ryan write anything down either. You know what he's like about keeping records or at least partial lists."

"I'll alert Pagan." said Pattum. "Between us we should be able to keep an eye on Ryan and Whimsey will watch Paul. I really hope Keith hasn't lost anything that's special to him."


by Kerry W on Fri Jul 11, 2008 11:08 pm

While Rhi (blushing horribly) and Pagan are going and finding pages of Rhi's diary, Ryan came out of the tent to find that Christy and Damian were nowhere to be found, Keith was reading Rhi's diary and grinning madly. The aforementioned and Pagan were running around frantically gathering pages, and Whimsey and Paul are now doing some giant routine again. Kerry is just sitting quietly on a log laughing at the group. Now George has just joined Karen to eat one big brekky...

"Why are we the only sane ones in this camp?" Ryan commented to Kerry.

"I don't know, mabey it's because we're not in any sort of budding relationship or just are not crazy? I personally think it's the second one." Kerry responded.

"Hey! Thanks for helping!" Rhi panted. She had finally gotten all of the diary pages flying around, and was now trying to get the last one from Keith.

Just then, Christy and Damian stumbled out of the woods, laughing and holding hands, Damian having forgotten about the jacket for now. Ryan and Keith instantly set up a chorus of "Wooo!"s, while Paul gave them a look. Christy blushed and shyly took her hand out of Damian's.

"See what I mean?" Kerry was grinning. George was just shaking his head, shoulders shaking with laughter.

"Gimme back my page!" Rhi was yelling, and jumping for it. (I say Keith is 5'11" or 5'10". Rhi is 5'3". sorry) Keith gave an resounding "No! Mwahahahaha!" and ran off into the woods, Rhi following.

"Gahh! You are so aggravating!A great big stupid PRAT! absolutely devious, evil, horrendous, AND utterly atrocious!"

"I know! That's what makes it so fun!" Keith grinned like the little boy that he was inside. Rhi, in one last final attempt, made a flying tackle.

"Oof! For such a small person, you're heavy!" Keith grumbled. Rhi grabbed the page and ran off screaming, "I've got it, I've got it!!!"

This time it was Keith that tackled her and they started rolling down a slight hill. (I read too much Nora Roberts ) When they finally stopped, they were breathless, but Rhi still had the paper but was at an disadvantage since she was still under Keith. She immediately started trying to crawl away, clutching the paper safe to her chest, but Keith grabbed her ankle and kept her from moving away any further.

Rhi just gave up. It was too much for her. A mysterious theif, random people showing up, plus general stress just caught up to her all at once. She drew her knees up to her chest and started crying softly.

Keith was alarmed. " Hey! I'm sorry, I didn't hurt you did I?" She shook her head. Keith sighed. He wasn't around crying girls that often. They tended to faint instead, but Rhi was different. She wasn't just another fan, but someone he could talk with, whom he liked. liked?!

He moved closer and gingerly drew Rhi onto his lap. "Hey, I'm sorry if I hurt your feelings about the diary. I'm actually honored. I do like you too in case you hadn't noticed."

Rhi looked up. Her face was stained with the remants of her tears. "Really?" "No lamebrain. I hate you." Keith deadpanned. He laughed and gave Rhi a hug. He helped her up, then on impluse, leaned over and gave her a chaste kiss on the cheek.

She blushed. Madly.


15 minutes later, another couple walked into the camp, holding hands.

"Pay up Ryan!" Paul said gleefully, rubbing his hands together.

"You couldn't have done this another day Keith?" Ryan asked woefully, digging out his wallet.

sorry if that was too sappy...


by pagan on Sat Jul 12, 2008 7:36 am

so now we are missing a hairbrush, hoodie, diary pages, and boxers. Hmmm...Two couples. I'd say this is a set up of some sort.
Ryan paid Paul. The two plus George broke into a chorus of Young Love for the couples.
Just then Ryan's phone rang. "Hello?" he said. He listened for a while then let loose a string of four letter words.
"My laptop has gone missing. I gotta get home," he said.
"Ry it can be replaced," George said.
"No it can't. I have all sorts of personal stuff written down etc. That is where I record everything when I am home or on the road," Ryan said. "I gotta get back."
He goes packs up his stuff and he and Pagan take off.
"This isn't good" says Pattum. Too much stuff is turning up missing. "I think some of us need to stay here and see what we can find. S omehow this all has to tie in."
"Yeah we'll figure it out somehow," said George.
Meanwhile Paul has gone off to think. Then HE yells "Some idiot stole my hiking boots".

The plot thickens......


by Whimsey on Sat Jul 12, 2008 8:13 am

Whimsey has just been watching, quietly, until Paul can't find his hiking boots.
Whimsey: Am I the only one who has had something stolen or lost.
Paul: I can think of some things you lost last night.
Whimsey shoots him a look, a mix between shock and shut the heck up.
Whimsey: A gentleman never tells.
Paul: And therein lies your problem.
Whimsey: You are aware that we are quickly becoming a standup comedy routine.
Paul: We could sit down.
Whimsey: That's about all we can do since your hiking boots are missing. Do you get the feeling that all the missing items are an attempt to split us up?
Paul: It's working. Ryan and Pagan have gone to try and recover his laptop. You think it's because of all the personal stuff he has on there about his feelings for Pagan?
Whimsey: Could be. It would probably make good material for the tabloids. I know that Keith/Rhi kiss would. I love having a cell phone with a camera. I even caught the roll and the blush.
Paul: You wouldn't. A lady doesn't tell, or publish.
Whimsey: And therein lies the problem.
Paul: Can you do anything besides smart a*s?
Whimsey: Yes, but I like to stick to my strengths.
Paul: Where have Damien and Christy wandered off to?
Whimsey: Don't have a clue. I'm more concerned about George, Kerry, Karen and Pattum sitting over there conspiring.
Paul: Does look suspicious doesn't it? And how come George has three, count 'em three girls and I'm stuck with you.
Whimsey: Hey, I can share. You can just mosey on over there in your overly expensive shoes any time you want. Besides George can handle 3 females.


by pagan on Sat Jul 12, 2008 8:31 am

Paul: Butbut I thought you liked me.
Whimsey: Not when you behave like that. I think you are jealous. Did it ever occur to you George might be easy to talk to? Besides, I think he and Pattum are trying to find a solution to all of this mess."
Paul: blushes. "Sorry. Never thought of it that way. Shall we go and join them?"
Whimsey: "Only if you promise to behave."
Paul: "I am ever the gentleman."
Whimsey "Therein lies your problem. Don't you know a woman likes to be asked stuff now and then?"
Paul: "As in would you like to go for a walk?"
Whimsey: Yes when we get back to civilization. Right now that wouldn't be a good idea. You don't have your hiking boots and something could happen."
Paul: Dont you trust me to protect you?
Whimsey: Yep but what if someone knocks you out? Then what?'
Paul" I think you are afraid to take the risk"
Whimsey "Okay lets go."
George and Pattum exchange knowining looks and smile as the two walk off.


by Kerry W on Sat Jul 12, 2008 8:49 am

Meanwhile, George and the rest of the girls are talking quietly in the corner.

"This is getting very strange, and we need to stop it now before it gets completely out of hand." George said.

"True. What exactly can we do?" Karen replied. "What if we set a trap for the thief, and caught him/her red-handed?" Kerry suggested.

"That actually sounds like a good idea Kerry, but how would we do that?" George wondered.

"Well, they're somewhere around nearby, so what if we make a huge scene that one of us has a working cell phone, and we're debating calling for help. I'm guessing that they probably don't want that to happen. Then we storm off, leaving the phone. We wait a minute, then sneak back to the edges of the camp to see if anyone is coming to get the phone, and when they do, voila! We have our thief." Kerry grinned devilishly. "Who's in?"

"I am!" Pattum said.

"Me too." Karen agreed. The three turned to stare at George.

George sighed, resigned. "I have no choice do I?" "Correct!" Kerry said. "Okay, Kerry's plan is a go." George said.

by christyboo on Sat Jul 12, 2008 9:29 am

great job so far!


by Rhi. on Sat Jul 12, 2008 11:21 am

SKIMMING IS BAD!!!!!! no more skimming!!!!! Christy, Pagan is w/ Ryan at his house, and for many others the story has forgoten some details. . .not trying to be rude at all! because i am also to blame for skimming. there also seems to be a posting problem, it seems like people are posting at the same time so the fluency disappears, and while it is fun to hear all the different versions, it is hard to read through sometimes because we dont know where we are in the story. . . my suggestion is that we save our draft or something, check if anyone has postedanything new, then make adjustments as needed, and if you cant change your story to fit and you still want to post it (which is totally fine) but just let us know that that is what youre doing. i just hope that this can make it a bit easier to read . . .


by christyboo on Sat Jul 12, 2008 11:28 am

I am lost! I will just delete what I wrote and someone else can write where we are!


by Rhi. on Sat Jul 12, 2008 11:30 am

Kerry W wrote:"Gimme back my page!" Rhi was yelling, and jumping for it. (I say Keith is 5'11" or 5'10". Rhi is 5'3". sorry) Keith gave an resounding "No! Mwahahahaha!" and ran off into the woods, Rhi following.

lol i love this! i just got 3 inches taller! only i think keith is about 6 feet. . .either way its awesome!

Kerry W wrote:15 minutes later, another couple walked into the camp, holding hands.

"Pay up Ryan!" Paul said gleefully, rubbing his hands together.

"You couldn't have done this another day Keith?" Ryan asked woefully, digging out his wallet.

sorry if that was too sappy...

that rocked! and ya it was a little sappy but we are surrounded by trees. . . lol jk. i really like it! even if it was about someone else i would be saying the same thing! *sighs*


by Pattum on Sat Jul 12, 2008 11:54 am

Pattum and George held back from the others.
"Thank goodness Pagan got Ryan away from here. He appears to be the one in the worst danger. Kerry's plan will distract the others and Damian has Paul's boots. It's time for us to do some sneaking into the tents and find out who is hiding what. "

More later....



© 2008 Rhi

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