#10 A Story Started but Never Finished . . .

#10 A Story Started but Never Finished . . .

A Chapter by Rhi

by Rhi. on Fri Jul 11, 2008 2:24 pm

so we girls are having a nice walk along the beach when we come across a group of guys sitting around a bon fire, so we go over and introduce ourselves and that is when we realize who these guys are. We tell them that we are big fans and everything and they invite us to join them. (luckily there is more seating) I don’t care where all you other people are going to sit but i claim the seat next to Keith! (and his guitar) so we start talking about random stories and every once in a while one of them will sing a song for us. . . after a while some of us begin to migrate to the edge of the water. That’s when Keith begins to point out certain waves and how you could surf them or how you couldn’t and so on. . . after a while of listening to this i begin to zone out and i start looking for seashells and start my way down the beach, after a few minutes of walking i find half of a sand dollar and a few cool looking rocks, and that’s when i hear foot steps behind me, thinking it was just one of the girls i continue walking, thinking that whichever one it is will just walk up beside me and start talking (were all friends here right? and isn’t that what you do w/ friends?) but who ever it is just follows behind me, not saying a word. so i just keep walking keeping my look out for shells, when suddenly I hear
- you missed one
me- *turning around* what?
- here you missed this one
me- oh, uh, thanx keith! wow its a whole sand dollar! that is so awesome!
keith- ya, well after being on the beach so often you kinda start knowing where to look.
me- well thank you very much! *put my awesome sand dollar in my pocket* wait where did everyone go?
the beach now only has about half the amount of people that we started out w/
keith- well its pretty late, i think most went home, there were a few that decided to go to a club or something, i think paul went with them. I know george went home and so did damian, but i'm not sure how far he got because when he left a bunch of girls followed him! *keith smiles and laughs* i'm not sure how he thought about that! oh and ryan is still here, he's over by the bonfire serenading the ladies! *he laughs again*
me-*glancing at ryan* is he singing heartbreaker!?
keith- yup thats about the 3rd time they've asked him to sing it!
me-well how did you get away from the attention?
keith- just started taking about surfing and bored most of them to death! then when paul said he wanted to go to a club a lot of them left with him! then i didnt want to go back to the fire because i would then have to sing The Island and i'm not really feeling like singing that song right now, so i saw you looking for shells and thought i'd join you, then we started talking and-
me- well i'm aware of what happened next! *ilook atmy watch* wow its 2 in the morning! wow how time passes when youre having fun! we'd better head back!
so when we get back to the bonfire Ryan is now singing Desperado and everyone is swooning!(but really who wouldnt!? if only he had a black chair to stradle!lol). . .


by christyboo on Fri Jul 11, 2008 2:28 pm

are the girls you are talking about You, Pagan, Pattum, Whimsey, Kerry, and me? If so, COOL! And again, I wanna do somethin with Damian!!cuz as you know, I love Damian and always want to do somethin special with him. Would you mind adding something about us?


by Rhi. on Fri Jul 11, 2008 2:34 pm

who ever wants to continue the story wll be in it. you can go off w/ damian when he leaves! that would be cool!


by christyboo on Fri Jul 11, 2008 2:44 pm

since ur such a good writer, can you write it for me. cuz it would sound weird if I was writing about me and Damian. At least that is what I think.


by Rhi. on Fri Jul 11, 2008 3:01 pm

i just wrote about me and keith walking down the beach, just remember to include other people! thats the key! lol and thank you very much for saying such a nice thing about my writing!


by Kerry W on Fri Jul 11, 2008 3:10 pm

You know what. The first story was actually okay... Can we do mysteries for now? and just make it up with no ending in mind... and can it transcend genres? (Ie: fantasty, supernatural, sci-fi, things like that.) (This just gave me a zillion ideas now. I hope you don't mind...)

Rhi - You actually make it not weird to write about yourself and a member of CT. YAY! So kudos to you!


by Rhi. on Fri Jul 11, 2008 3:34 pm

Thanx so much Kerry W!!!

Ya mysteries are fun! i wouldnt mind another mystery! only we may want to be careful on how supernatural/sci-fi we get! we need some basis of reality! lol


by Kerry W on Fri Jul 11, 2008 4:08 pm

Has anyone here actually read Twlight by Stephenie Meyer???.......

*heh heh.*

That's probably the extreme. Let's go for another mystery:

Paul and George were walking along the beach one night, when...

Take it away!

(remember, introduce characters gradually! we're starting completely from scratch!)


by Whimsey on Fri Jul 11, 2008 4:44 pm

Black chair? I saw black chair mentioned. I'm in! Soon as I figure out what's going on, I'll join in. And I promise this time to try and remember which member of the animal kingdom I trying to rescue.



© 2008 Rhi

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