#9 Back to the Story and the End

#9 Back to the Story and the End

A Chapter by Rhi

by christyboo on Fri Jul 11, 2008 7:09 am

It was 9:00 at night, and everyone was sitting around a fire just talking..........
Paul: What was that noise?
Ryan: Paul, stop joking, we all know you're trying to trick us
Kerry: Yeah, it's not funny anymore
* a low growl *
Christy screams and leaps into Damian's arms
Whimsey: Now that was freaky!
Keith: Let's go find out what it was!
George: That will be to risky
Damian: No, that's a good idea. Everyone who wants to go, grab a flashlight I'll give everyone a partner. If you don't want to, stay here.
Christy can go with me, Pagan can go with Paul, and Keith can go with Whimsey. George, Kerry, Ryan, Pattum, and Rhi will all stay back at the camp. Is that ok?
Everyone: Yeah, sure.
Christy: Let's go!

So everybody went their own ways.....

Damian and Christy:
Damian: Wait, I hear something, a rustling sound.
Christy: I'm scared!
Damian: Just grab my hand and it will all be ok

Keith and Whimsey:
Keith: Look at those footprints in the ground!
Whimsey: They look like bear tracks!
Keith: Let's follow them!

Paul and Pagan:
Paul: Whoa! Watch out Pagan!
Pagan falls and starts crying. Her leg is bleeding.
Paul: I'll go get help.

To be continued.......


by Pattum on Fri Jul 11, 2008 8:32 am

Something hits Keith from behind, causing him to drop Pagan and slam into Damian. The three roll over and over each other down the hill. Whimsey and Christy slide down beside them, trying to stop Pagan from becoming more injured. They all land in a pileup at the bottom of a deep ditch.
Keith: "What in the name of Surferdude Heaven was that?"
Damian: "Don't know. I didn't hear a thing."
Keith: "You must have seen something, you were facing that way."
Damian: "I was trying to watch where I stepped so we wouldn't fall like this. Where's Pagan?"
The other girls are trying to get Pagan into a wheelbarrow that they found in the ditch. Keith picks her up easily and Damian arranges both of their jackets for her comfort. This will be a much easier way to transport her and hopefully a lot faster. The bleeding has pretty much stopped but Pagan is pale and very still.
The boys lift the wheelbarrow to the top of the ditch and climb out. Damian helps the girls up as Keith starts to push the wheelbarrow along the side of the road. Suddenly the ground starts to shake beneath them...


by Kerry W on Fri Jul 11, 2008 9:10 am

"Earthquake!" Ryan exclaimed, looking around for a safe place they could go. The group's surroundings consisted of the street, with trees and wildland on one side with a few, sparsely spread houses on the other. "We need to find a place where objects can't fall on top of us or hit us, and get help for Pagan."

George ran up to the wheelbarrow, "We need to get into a doorway."

I really have to go, I'll come back and continue this later. I wanted it to be longer... But gotta go!


by christyboo on Fri Jul 11, 2008 9:42 am

They all ran together to a rest stop .5 miles away from their campsite. When they got there, Christy used her knowledge from her first aid training(see some of the other posts) and fixed Pagan's leg. Then, since he is squeemish, Keith fainted from looking at all of the blood....

Damian: I'll get some water for Keith.
George: Good idea.
Ryan: I'll go look for Paul, because I am worried about him.
Kerry: I'll go with you
Pattum: Me too
Rhi: I think I'll go too, the more help, the better.

So after they left, they checked back on Pagan.

Christy: Pagan, will you be ok?
Pagan: Yeah, thanks for your help.
Christy: Any Time!
Damian: Now that the earthquake is over, lets go back to camp.
Whimsey: We might want to wake up Keith first.
Everyone: Good Idea!
George: I'll get Pagan

As they were walking, they heard someone yell...

They all turned around to see Christy lying on the ground.
Damian: Christy!! *ran to her side*
Keith: What happened?
Whimsey: *nelt down to Christy's side* She was knocked out and has a goose egg the size of a baseball on her head. Looks like she fell and hit her head on a rock. Ok, we need some ice, some blankets, and some pillows.
Keith: We have that all back at camp.
Damian: I'll carry her.
George: Need some help?
Damian: No, I've got it.

To be continued.


by christyboo on Fri Jul 11, 2008 2:12 pm

When they got back at camp......

Keith: I'll go elevate Pagan's leg and get some ice for it.
Whimsey: I'll go help
Damian: I've got Christy covered.
George: I'll start cooking dinner.

I don't know what else to write, so please add on!


by Rhi. on Fri Jul 11, 2008 2:23 pm

this is starting to get out of hand. . .so i suggest we start a whole new story line

maybe something on the beach or something. . . .like we are on the beach having a party w/ a bonfire and we are all sitting around it telling stories, the guys play songs for us and stuff like that . . . but we really need to get this story out of the woods!



© 2008 Rhi

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