#8 Random Stuff

#8 Random Stuff

A Chapter by Rhi

by pagan on Thu Jul 10, 2008 11:52 pm

Keep it up Rhi. Yup ya want to be in it just continue the story with yourself in it. Love it Rhi. Just love it. Cos there is a lot we can fit in there sooooo......
Once upon a time Sharon Browne was holding audtions for a new group called Celtic Thunder. Well, five guys got the parts: Damian McGinty, Keith Harkin, Ryan Kelly, Paul Bryom and George Donaldson. As luck would have it, they ended up being the subjects of the above story.......


by Pattum on Fri Jul 11, 2008 5:14 am

The women who wrote the story were big fans of the five singing heros and each had her favourite guy that she wanted to have the lead in the tale. The best way to highlight a man in a story is to make him a romantic icon. It always helps if he has the looks to carry it off and is capable of heroic action and all of the men of Celtic Thunder fit the bill. Of course, a hero needs a maiden to rescue and animals and/or kids are good for a man's image too and so the story developed from the rich imaginations (and fun fantasies) of a group of beautiful and funny women as have other fables in the past and more to come in the future.


by christyboo on Fri Jul 11, 2008 5:38 am

celticsusan wrote:Ok, Pagan, Pattum and all, I'm just getting into this thread.. Feel free to delete anything, add anything, you know me I'm just flying by the seat of my pants, er slacks. Right Pagan?

>Just then Damian yells "what was that?!" Ryan jerks away dropping Pattum on the floor "Yowch, watch out for my head!" screams Pattum. "Damian what did you see or think you saw", queries Ryan. "Over there in the trees, look!" replies Damian. "Where I can't see anything", says Ryan. "You dummy, you have to look OUT the window", says Damian. "Oh, I couldn't see, Paul was standing in the way looking at his reflection" chortles Ryan, "Yeah blame it all on me and my pink shirt" shouts Paul. (Damian meanwhile has gone over to the window.) "I swear I saw something out there", he says. "Something BIG". (Ryan rushes over to the window dragging Pattum with him feet first so her head keeps bumping on the hardwood floor.) Thump. "Youch!" Thump. "Youch!" Ryan jerks Paul out of the way and screams "what is it and where did it go?" "Where did WHAT go replies Keith. "What are you guys talking about?""Let me UP!" yells Pattum." I don't care WHAT it is or WHERE it went! Ryan, just hold me"(!"closes eyes and slumps against him again).( Ryan holds Pattum for a moment and then runs toward Keith shaking his hand vigorously), "We thought we'd lost ya mate! Glad to see you're still among us". "Look what I found down that path that runs by that barn that was once owned by that farmer that you used to date his daughter", replies Keith. "Whew! That was one lonnng sentence!" "I found a new energy drink down at that pub that we used to hang out at". "What pub?" says Ryan. "That could only be one of a million of 'em". (Just then Rhi comes slowly dragging herself over to where Pattum is standing). "What's wrong with you?" asks Pattum. "While all of you were having fun and the time of your life, I got bitten by a snake!" "If it hadn't been for christyboo here, I would have probably died!"says Rhi. "She said she had had some first aid training and I asked here if that meant snakebites and she said no but what difference does it make?" "So I said, go ahead, have at it, Keith definitely wasn't going to suck out any poison!" (Keith nods his head up and down REALLY confirming this statement). "christyboo saved my life!" "Thought one of you gents(meaning Keith) would surely have taken the opportunity to save a lady fair!""But nooooo, couldn't be bothered. Something about "Messing with my surfer image", or something like that". "I swear, chivalry is truly dead in this country!"says christyboo. ( A split second later christyboo sees Damian headed her way and swoons.) "AHHHH", Damian" (she starts to fall in a faint and our gallant young man catches her before she hits the ground) "My sweet Damian, ahhhh", is all that christy can muster. "Yes, my love you were so brave to save the life of your friend". "So brave"...."replies Damian. "But what about Molly and Harry?" yells Ryan. "My "babies" are still missing"...(Pagan shivers...) (Paul comes swankying around the corner, one eyebrow raised)...<

Ok, that's as far as I can go with this. Hope you didn't all yuck out. My apologies to Keith and Paul. (and Ryan for being more concerned with his "babies" than Pattum's head or a snakebite victim!)They're ALL really stand-up guys and not the least bit conceited or ones to shy away from any danger. The ball's in y'all's court, now. Have fun girls! And Ryan if you're reading any of these, poor guy!!! lol


I love the part that Damian catches me! LOL!! Thanx!


by christyboo on Fri Jul 11, 2008 5:38 am

Pattum wrote:Paul starts tossing the blankets all around the room.
"Paul, stop." yells Ryan. "I doubt that they hid in those flimsy blankets. Did anyone notice a restaurant nearby, a garden, anything food? Keith's probably hungry again."
Damian (giggling): "Maybe we shouldn't have tossed out those two frogs."
George stares at Damian: "Maybe we should put you back to bed for a nap."
"OK, everyone," says Ryan in his most authoritive voice. Paul, Damian and George snap to attention, the rest of us swoon...
"We have no choice. We have to look for Keith and Rhi and we have to keep an eye on the time because we have a date at a little after eight, hmmmm, where's my notebook, there might be a song in that."
Paul tries to hide his smirk behind his shirt collar. Damian giggles again.
"This is serious, my friends." Ryan continues.
" My Molly is still missing, now Keith and Rhi are gone and, and, we've actually had a gig cancelled. How much worse can it get?"
"Oooohhh, I really wish you hadn't said that." says Pattum.
Everybody turns to stare at her as she falls into Ryan's arms.
"Come on now," says Paul. "This is getting rather bothersome."
Ryan has discovered a bump on Pattum's head and his notebook in her hand. He carefully slips the notebook into his pocket and asks that someone get a wet cloth. Pattum stirs slightly, then opens her eyes in fear.
"Paul, back up and give me room to breath please."
Paul stands up and moves to the far wall and the window.
Ryan leans in toward Pattum and whispers in her ear.
"We need reinforcements. You were hit by someone in this room. Stay near me from now on."
"Gladly", Pattum sighs.

I like that


by christyboo on Fri Jul 11, 2008 5:40 am

Pattum wrote:Paul starts tossing the blankets all around the room.
"Paul, stop." yells Ryan. "I doubt that they hid in those flimsy blankets. Did anyone notice a restaurant nearby, a garden, anything food? Keith's probably hungry again."
Damian (giggling): "Maybe we shouldn't have tossed out those two frogs."
George stares at Damian: "Maybe we should put you back to bed for a nap."
"OK, everyone," says Ryan in his most authoritive voice. Paul, Damian and George snap to attention, the rest of us swoon...
"We have no choice. We have to look for Keith and Rhi and we have to keep an eye on the time because we have a date at a little after eight, hmmmm, where's my notebook, there might be a song in that."
Paul tries to hide his smirk behind his shirt collar. Damian giggles again.
"This is serious, my friends." Ryan continues.
" My Molly is still missing, now Keith and Rhi are gone and, and, we've actually had a gig cancelled. How much worse can it get?"
"Oooohhh, I really wish you hadn't said that." says Pattum.
Everybody turns to stare at her as she falls into Ryan's arms.
"Come on now," says Paul. "This is getting rather bothersome."
Ryan has discovered a bump on Pattum's head and his notebook in her hand. He carefully slips the notebook into his pocket and asks that someone get a wet cloth. Pattum stirs slightly, then opens her eyes in fear.
"Paul, back up and give me room to breath please."
Paul stands up and moves to the far wall and the window.
Ryan leans in toward Pattum and whispers in her ear.
"We need reinforcements. You were hit by someone in this room. Stay near me from now on."
"Gladly", Pattum sighs.



by christyboo on Fri Jul 11, 2008 5:48 am

Kerry W wrote:Yeah... Sadly, you didn't manage to work me in.

Just then, a knock was heard from the front door.

Paul jumps, ruining the swanky image that he was striving to have, but quickly rearranges his face into an expression of polite swankiness as he goes to answer the door.

Ryan gets there first, elbows Paul out of the way and yanks open the door.

"Um, hi? It's Kerry from across the street... I can actually hear you from my bedroom window, and came to see what all the fuss was about." said the brunette teen timidly.

Pagan came up behind Ryan and started apologizing, "Oh no, I'm so sorry we disturbed you Kerry. We'll be sure to be quiet from now - HEY!"

"Have you seen a dog, around this size, light tan w/ white (Ryan, if you pop in, feel free to correct me. I have no idea what molly looks like.)" Ryan gently pushed pagan out of the way and smiled at Kerry, hoping to coerce some information out of her.

"Er. um. no? I don't think so anyway. I did see a lady around here earlier. She was wearing all red w/black and I didn't recognize her. What's going on?"

Keith popped up. "Ryan's dog Molly, and Henry the cat were dog and cat-napped. They're his babies. and a ton of weird things have been happening."


Pagan sighed. "Just come on in. Mabey you can help us."


After the whole story had been explained to Kerry, sitting next to Rhi and Damian on the couch, she suggested that the entire group this time go out to investigate what Rhi and Damian thought they saw earlier. (at different times earlier in the story, remember)

"Now why didn't I think of that before?", exclaimed Ryan.

"You were too busy dropping me, catching me and dragging me all over the floor," said Pattum, a bit sourly.

And so, at that point, the entire group trooped out to search for clues. George meanwhile, suggested that they split up in groups of 2 or 3.

Group 1-George, Pagan, and Whimsey
2-Ryan and Pattum
3-Paul and Christy
4-Keith and Rhi
5-Damian and Kerry

I realized that at this point, this is contains the 5 guys, Rhi, Pattum, Christy, Kerry, Pagan, and Whimsey. we need to add another guy to even out the girl to guy ratio, but we don't have to... and group 4 and 5 are unchangeable. sorry guys.

Take it away!

Why can't I be with Damian?


by Kerry W on Fri Jul 11, 2008 6:57 am

B/c I'm already w/ him...

rock paper sisscors? (sp?)

or we can trade off. lol.



© 2008 Rhi

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