#7 Snake Bite

#7 Snake Bite

A Chapter by Rhi

by Kerry W on Thu Jul 10, 2008 8:25 pm

Yeah... Sadly, you didn't manage to work me in.

Just then, a knock was heard from the front door.

Paul jumps, ruining the swanky image that he was striving to have, but quickly rearranges his face into an expression of polite swankiness as he goes to answer the door.

Ryan gets there first, elbows Paul out of the way and yanks open the door.

"Um, hi? It's Kerry from across the street... I can actually hear you from my bedroom window, and came to see what all the fuss was about." said the brunette teen timidly.

Pagan came up behind Ryan and started apologizing, "Oh no, I'm so sorry we disturbed you Kerry. We'll be sure to be quiet from now - HEY!"

"Have you seen a dog, around this size, light tan w/ white (Ryan, if you pop in, feel free to correct me. I have no idea what molly looks like.)" Ryan gently pushed pagan out of the way and smiled at Kerry, hoping to coerce some information out of her.

"Er. um. no? I don't think so anyway. I did see a lady around here earlier. She was wearing all red w/black and I didn't recognize her. What's going on?"

Keith popped up. "Ryan's dog Molly, and Henry the cat were dog and cat-napped. They're his babies. and a ton of weird things have been happening."


Pagan sighed. "Just come on in. Mabey you can help us."


After the whole story had been explained to Kerry, sitting next to Rhi and Damian on the couch, she suggested that the entire group this time go out to investigate what Rhi and Damian thought they saw earlier. (at different times earlier in the story, remember)

"Now why didn't I think of that before?", exclaimed Ryan.

"You were too busy dropping me, catching me and dragging me all over the floor," said Pattum, a bit sourly.

And so, at that point, the entire group trooped out to search for clues. George meanwhile, suggested that they split up in groups of 2 or 3.

Group 1-George, Pagan, and Whimsey
2-Ryan and Pattum
3-Paul and Christy
4-Keith and Rhi
5-Damian and Kerry

I realized that at this point, this is contains the 5 guys, Rhi, Pattum, Christy, Kerry, Pagan, and Whimsey. we need to add another guy to even out the girl to guy ratio, but we don't have to... and group 4 and 5 are unchangeable. sorry guys.

Take it away!


by Pattum on Thu Jul 10, 2008 8:36 pm

"Oh no, not another one". yells Paul. "What is it with these women anyway, always falling all over the other guys."
George replies: "Uh, Paul, nobody's falling all over me."
"Yea, I noticed. We seem to be the only ones not distracted so lets put our thinking caps on." He hands George a tinfoil cap. Each puts a cap on his head, looks at the other, takes it off and switches to the other one's hat, looks again and switches back.
"That's better." says Paul. "Now down to business. Somehow we have to get back to rescuing Molly and solving a riddle that we haven't got yet and how did grape jelly get into the cocoanut in Ryan's fridge and what's with the mixed-up fruit. You know, answer the really important questions. Maybe our reinforcements have some new ideas. "
George looks around the room. "Well, Christyboo is teaching Damian first aid or something like it and celticsusan is playing secretary for Ryan who is comforting an injured Pattum. Rhi is getting her ankle bandaged by Keith since she told him he could draw some pictures on the bandage. Oh, and Keith sent the other women out to find more food. It looks like we're it."
Paul's eyebrows start bouncing up and down. "Just the way I want it." he says in a smarmy voice.


by Pattum on Thu Jul 10, 2008 8:40 pm

Phil, Neil, Nigel and Brendan haven't joined us yet. I wonder why Sharon didn't send them out when she cancelled the gig as she was asked to. She knew there was trouble. Maybe they have been looking for us. Does anyone know?


by Kerry W on Thu Jul 10, 2008 8:42 pm

hmmm. That's a good question...

I'm ready to hit the sack. Let's continue this tommorrow?


by pagan on Thu Jul 10, 2008 10:01 pm

I just love the way all of you have jumped in and continued the story. Kerry hun, everyone has just been jumping in and continuing on. All of you are doing a fantastic job and I just love it Christyboo you just jump in whenever you feel like it. I know the ending I have envisioned
The reason Nigel, Neil etal haven't joined us is because the first note only said CT nothing about band members. Actually we are a day late cos we were all supposed to be at the grandstand at the park the previous evening. But I just love the way the story is going.
Here goes:
All of a sudden a rock flies thru the window and smacks George on the head. Unprintable expletives come out of his mouth. Paul picks up the rock: YOU ARE LATE BY OVER 24 HRS. NOW HIE YOU ALL TO THE PARK ASAP OR ELSE.
Paul says: We gotta get the crew together.
George: My head is killing me.
Paul: Ryan will kill you if we don't get to the park.
George: Okay.
George runs to the door, sticks his head out and yells: WE got another note.
There is the sound of something crashing thru the trees and everyone flies into the house.
Ryan reads the note.
Okay, he says. Everyone in my car.
We all pile into his car and he speeds to the park.
But the park is closed. We all get out of the car and I take my trusty lock pick from my purse. I've been watching lots of those detective stories and have read ALL the original Nancy Drew books. I pick the lock and we head for the grandstand. No sign of anything. Just a note that says SING. So we all start singing.
So the rest of shut up while the guys sing a couple of songs. Then there is sound of running feet.
"Molly" cries Ryan joyfully as she flies at him. "Harry".
"SURPRISE" yell a bunch of people and break into a chorus of Happy Birthday.
Ryan looks around to all of his family and friends.
Paul and George clap each other on the back. "We did it," George smiles.
Zara emerges in a red cape and kisses Ryan on the cheek.

Okay guys this is the ending I had in mind. But feel free to change it or add on. Cos I don't want the story to end. We can start a new one if anyone is game>....
Once upon a time there were five lads from Ireland who auditioned for a group called Celtic Thunder.....


by Rhi. on Thu Jul 10, 2008 10:21 pm

ok so i was writing this and about ready to post it whaen pagan posted hers (LOVE IT PAGAN!!!!!) but i dont want the past half hour to go to wast so here you all go. . . .

I just want to make a note that we shouldn’t be adding peoplein because they want to be in it. If they want to be in it then they can write the next part of the story.

Ok so I’m not really sure how me and Keith got out of the woods but we did. . . and no I have a snake bite!? Ok. . .

Me- ow this really hurts!! Does anyone have aspirin or anything?!
Keith- stop kicking me! Or I’ll really give you something to complain about!
Me- well you go out in the woods and get yourself fanged and see how much OW! You like it!
Keith- do we need to get you to the hospital?
Me- ow! I don’t know, I-I don think so, not yet!
Keith- was the snake that bit you poisonous?
Me- I don’t know I didn’t see it! Ryan went after it though, maybe he was able to catch a glimpse of it.
Keith- hey Ryan did you se the snake? Do you know if it was poisonous?
Ryan- I don’t think it was but if the pain gets any worse or the swelling gets any worse we are going to have to find a way out of here fast!
Keith- *looking me straight in the eye* you’re sure you didn’t see it? You’re sure we don’t need to start finding our way out of here?
Me- I think I’ll be ok but I really need a painkiller!
Pagan- I just found these in the bottom of my bag, I don’t know how old they are but-
Me- I don’t care! Just give them to me! (I grab them and swallow them dry)
Keith- eww! I could have gotten you some water. . . well anyway you’re all wrapped up! Can I sign it now?
Me- ya sure whatever.
Keith- sweet! Now hold still! *starts writing* “sry bout your foot! And I’m sry that you cant do anymore swanky walkin!- Keith
Me- *trying to read what he wrote*, swanky walking? That is just mean!
Keith- *laughing* now I shall draw a surf board and me riding it! w/ a big wave! And then I’ll. . .
Me- you’re so odd. . .pagan thank you SO much those painkillers are working miracles over here!
Paul- I’m kinda hungry. . .is there any food around here? *starts opening cupboards* hey look cheez-its!*opens box* great that weird food switcher has struck again! *pours the contents of the box out on the counter* its all jelly beans!
Keith- jelly beans?! Awesome! *jumps up and starts picking certain colors out of the pile, then comes back to his picture with a handful of jelly beans* do you want some?
Me- did you grab any white ones?
Keith- yup! *Picks out a few and hand them to me he then picks out a pink one w/ speckled dots* yum tuti fruti!!! My fav! *pops it into his mouth* eww that wasn’t tuti fruiti! *spits it into his hand* that was vomit . . .excuse me for a minute *runs to bathroom*
George- what’s wrong w/ Keith?
Me- he ate a vomit jelly bean. . .
Damian- eww. . .why would he do that?! Hey can I sign your cast thing?
Me- sure if you can find an open space. . .
About ten minutes later any open space on my cast was now covered in ink! And Keith hadn’t come back yet. . .everyone else had gone outside to find a way out of the woods, so it was just me, so I yell for Keith and get no response, I try again but still nothing, so I get up and hop over to the door and knock and again no response, so I warn that I’m opening the door and peer in and Keith isn’t in there, so I look around and I see a gap between the wall and the mirror, I peer in and notice the spider webs and musty smell . . . Keith must have gone this way I tell myself and to I hop back out to get my bag w/ my pen light and I grab a big sick that damian had found and use it as a cane, then I enter the passageway, as I begin walking the wall begins to slide closed but unfortunately I’m unable to stop it and soon all I can see is a small circle of light coming from my miniature flashlight. . .Keith I hope your close!



© 2008 Rhi

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Added on December 25, 2008

Do you feel you spend all of your time on the boards?