#6 The Doritos Know All . . .

#6 The Doritos Know All . . .

A Chapter by Rhi

by Rhi. on Tue Jul 08, 2008 5:48 pm

lol that was good!

Ryan- Harry!? how did you get in there? *picks up harry*
Paul- its a cat? thats what has been doing this? seriously?
Pagan- well its a cute kitty!
keith- how did it get into the fridge? and what is w/ the doritos bag filled with cheetos? and what about the footprints? noi dont think it was the cat, i think someone wants us to think it was the cat. i'm not buying it! *crosses arms*
george- he has a point. . .
ryan- uh oh that means they were in my house! *races back to his home and everyone follows* (when we all get to the house ryan is in the door way just staring in, so we all try to find a space to see in, and what we see is astonishing, the living room is filled w/ feathers)
damian- wow. . .that must have been some pillow fight!
ryan- i better go check on molly, here pagan hold harry. *races into back of house*
george- (inside house now looking at the feathers) hey heres a note! it says-
ryan- Molly isnt here! i check everywhere!
george- well that makes sense since this note says they have taken her
ryan- what?! what does it say?
george- doritos cheetos and feathers are only the begining, if you want your dog back you'll have to solve the riddle on the next note! Sincerly, M
ryan- well where is the next note?! i need to find that riddle!


by Rhi. on Tue Jul 08, 2008 5:50 pm

Maggie wrote:Sure, Rhi...
first, I complimented you on your creativity;
Then, I went on to answer the thread question; Do you feel like you spend all of your time on the boards?
It was meant as a response to the general public.
Sorry for the confusion!

OH! i thought you were still talking to me! that makes SOmuch more sense!


by pagan on Tue Jul 08, 2008 10:21 pm

I love the way you Pat and Whimsey jump right in. This is getting better and better. Funnier and funnier with more
Now we gotta help Ryan get Molly back.
We all search high and low for the next note. Keith still has the pickle jar in his hand ready to throw it just in case.
No note. Ryan is close to tears. I put my arm around him(breaks my heart ya now to comfort him.
Damian says "I gotta go to the bathroom" and departs. A couple of min. later we hear a shout "hey look what I found".
We all rush to the bathroom. There is a note on the mirror written in bright red lipstick: BE AT THE GRANDSTAND IN THE PARK BY 8PM OR YOU'LL NEVER SEE MOLLY AGAIN.
Ryan is really upset now."But we have gig" he wails. "Now what?"
Me ever practical as usual says " Let's call Sharon and explain the problem. Here, let me do it." Ryan dials the no and I tell Sharon what is up. She knows how much Ryan loves Molly so she promises to cancel the gig. Meantime, we have a LOT of time to kill before 8pm.......


by Rhi. on Wed Jul 09, 2008 10:53 am

So now it’s about 8 AM and Ryan and Pagan are sitting on the couch and Pagan is trying to comfort Ryan and trying to get him to believe that Molly will be back soon. Keith is sitting on the couch and staring at his pickle jar when he suddenly bursts out with “I have an innovative idea! Close your eyes and imagine! That Ryan’s dog has been stolen there are feathers everywhere and we are hungry . . . this is a perfect time for *drum roll* Coconut Pancakes!”
Everyone- what?!
Keith- well there is a coconut in the fridge, I want pancakes . . .soooo combine the 2 and bingo Coconut Pancakes!
Me- so are you going to make them . . .?
Keith- no I’m going to sit on the counter and supervise while you and Damian make them.
Damian- why do I have to cook? You know what happened when I tried to make toast! Do you really want that to happen again?
Keith- good point. Fine Rhi its you and me! This is a 2 person job
Me- *heavy sarcasm* thanx for volunteering me, really appreciate it!
Keith- you’re welcome! Now come on!
So we go in the kitchen and get out all the ingredients, which I swear he just made up as he went along . . . and so we mix everything together then we get out the coconut. . . and Keith finds a screwdriver and a hammer and tries to crack the thing open but instead it slipped off the rounded surface and hit the counter (luckily it didn’t crack)
Keith- this isn’t safe . . . can you hand me that nail?
Me- sure . . . here you go.
So then he tries to hammer the nail into the coconut and again it doesn’t work . . . that’s when I step in w/ the drill and make a few holes in the form of a circle and pop out the circle and voila the coconut is open!
Keith- well fine if you want to take the easy rout! (so he then takes it and tries to poor the milk out but instead a thick purple syrup comes out)
Me- I dare you to try it
Keith- eww no! How much you paying?
Me- I’ll give you the lucky penny . . .!
Keith- what? You have the lucky penny? How did you get it? Hand it over!
Me- heck no, you have to try that purple gunk first!
Keith- *hesitates* what if it is poison?
Me- then you die . . . and I get to keep the penny and no one will ever know I have it!
Keith- well if you give me the lucky penny maybe it would save me from death!
Me- nice try, now eat it.
Keith- *sticks finger in the purple gunk* hmm! Its grape jelly! Now hand over the lucky penny!
Me- here you go *hands him a piece of paper that says Lucky Penny on it*
Keith- you’re joking right?
Me- yup but I just told you I was going to give you the lucky penny, this is a lucky penny, see it even says so! Right there!
Keith- hahaha. Well the pancakes are now going to be grape jelly coconut pancakes! And I will get that penny from you sooner or later! Mark my words!
So we make the pancakes and bring them out and we explain about the purple pancakes. And while we are sitting there on the couch the door bell rings . . . Ryan jumps up to get it and when he opens the door an orange w/ an apple stem coming out the top is sitting on his door mat . . . .


by pagan on Wed Jul 09, 2008 10:02 pm

Erm Rhi, how did the grape jelly get into the coconut?
There is a note on the fruit that says: Molly is fine and well looked after. Now.....all five of you need to be in the park. No funny business. Don't call the police or the humane society. In the meantime here is token of goodwill.
Ryan: Goodwill They have my baby. How can that be goodwill? They want all of us. At least Molly is being taken care of.
Me: Now now Ryan. Take it easy. You'll just get sick if you don't calm down.
Keith: Good now we can have orange juice.
Ryan: How can you eat at a time like this?
Keith: Cos I am hungry.
Ryan: You are ALWAYS hungry.
Keith: I am still growing ya know. Gotta have food to live. You haven't eaten since supper yesterday. You need to keep up your strength.
Ryan: My baby is has been kidnapped. I am not hungry.
Me: Why don't we go for a walk? Or better yet the gym so you can work out some of that anxiety?
Ryan: Sounds good to me. Let's go.
They leave.


by Pattum on Wed Jul 09, 2008 10:12 pm

Ryan is about as speachless as an Irishman can get ..."What the...(fit your favourite expletive here).
Everyone is staring at the orange and muttering. Ryan carefull picks the thing up, puts it on the table and stares at it some more. He assigns Pagan to watch it.
Ryan: "Make sure nobody eats that thing, my girl. From what's happened so far, we don't know what it really is."
He looks around carefully. "Is anybody unaccounted for?"
"Only Keith", Pagan replies.
"I'm just in the kitchen", Keith hollers, "Ryan, where did you hide the beer?"
Ryan rolls his eyes, tosses a pad and pencil to Pattum and signals her to follow him. They go out the back door and sit at the table in the middle of the yard.
Ryan: "Nobody can hear us out here. I suspect this might be an inside job. Lets go over the facts. How's your shorthand?"
Pattum: "Not bad if you don't talk too fast."
Ryan: "Fact 1, the house was empty most of yesterday but nothing seemed strange when we got here. Fact 2, Molly was here when we got home last night and so was Harry. Fact 3, there were people sleeping all over my house all night, it wouldn't be easy for a stranger to move around without hitting something or stepping on someone."
Pattum: "Keith stepped on Rhi in the kitchen, he's also the one that saw something move in the fridge."
Ryan: "That's right and that something scared him. I don't know if he's a good enough actor to have faked that."
Pattum: "Okay, probably not Keith. Back to isolating facts?"
Ryan: "The Cheetos in the Doritos bag, somebody made a switch, but why?"
Pattum: "And Harry ending up in the bag? He was probably after the Cheetos but why was the bag in the fridge to start with? Why was Harry in the fridge and how did the bag with Harry still in it get outside?"
Ryan (Shrugging): "Those aren't the strangest things I've found in my fridge. I remember after one party...oops! Sorry, I can't tell you that. Lets get back to the footprints from the back door. It's too bad that we walked all over them like the Keystone Kops chasing the bag. Make a note to find out who saw the footprints first and can describe them."
Pattum: "Noted, did you take Molly walkies this morning?"
Just then screams are heard from the house and Ryan jumps up into his fabulous run. After admiring him for a moment (hey, I'm old, not dead), I follow.


by pagan on Thu Jul 10, 2008 8:07 am

Ryan, Pagan, and Pat fly into the house. Keith is on the floor with Rhi standing over him.
Ryan: What happened?
Rhi: He found the beer, drank some and collapsed.
Pagan takes the beer bottle and sniffs: This doesn't smell very good.
Ryan: We best call an ambulance.
Pat: They said no cops.
Pagan: We're not talking cops here. We are talking medical aid for our downed comrade.
Ryan calls an ambulance. The ambulance promptly comes. Keith is fast taken to the hospital.The others follow in Ryan's car.
Keith is in the emergency room getting checked out.

Pat I just love it. Interesting twist to the story. Can't wait for more.


by Whimsey on Thu Jul 10, 2008 9:31 am

Whimsey had been watching the goings on from her porch. She was somewhat amused until the ambulance showed up. She was less amused when they wheeled Keith out on a stretcher and sped away. Barring a missed pickle jar toss, resulting in a concussion, there was definitely more going on than met the eye. It probably had something to do with the mysterious looking woman wearing a red hooded cloak who had disappeared into the woods carrying a cat. Women in cloaks are always mysterious and usually up to no good. Maleficent wore a cloak. The Evil Queen wore a cloak. Red Riding Hood wore a cloak. She wasn't up to no good, just far sighted.
Whimsey ventured over to the house to check things out. She would not be breaking and entering because the door had been left wide open. A quick sweep through the place revealed an ominous note on a mirror, a kitchen in complete disarray and an empty Guinness bottle. She picked the beer bottle up and sniffed. Not really any tell tale scent so she put the bottle to her lips. Yuck, definitely a bitter taste, even by Guinness standards. She wasn't a pharmacist but her bet would be on nepeta, also known as catnip. That would do a number on a cat and could play havoc with a human's muscular system and sleepiness.
Whimsey figured the cloaked one had cut through the woods to reach the park and bandstand and she guessed she'd have to follow on a subversive cat rescue. With the bottle in hand she headed out the door, heard the sound of squealing tires, a sudden brake and a car door slamming. Before she could hide she was overtaken by Damien.
The ER personnel had decided that there job might be considerably easier if they had the bottle and Damien had volunteered to go back before anyone could stop him. He'd been wanting to drive Ryan's car just marginally more than he wanted his drivers license and had seized the opportunity. An intelligent lad, he spotted Whimsey holding the bottle and reached the natural conclusion. He picked up the pickle jar and advanced.
Damien: You're the person that poisoned Keith and probably kittynapped Molly.
Whimsey who had known along that the pickle jar meant trouble for her had no time for lengthy explanations.
Whimsey: Nice try kid but I'm not the one you're looking for but I know where she is.
She shoved past him and was outside before he could launch the pickle jar.
Damien: I need to take that bottle to the ER. Keith may die. Keith is my hero, I don't want him to die.
Whimsey: It's catnip and it's not going to kill him. He's just going to be a little physically unstable and really sleepy. I'm going to go track the cat culprit, against my better judgement. If you're coming, let's go. And bring that pickle jar.


by Rhi. on Thu Jul 10, 2008 9:38 am

pagan wrote:Erm Rhi, how did the grape jelly get into the coconut?

same way the cheetos got into the dorito bag. . . and the apple in the orange (i have no idea!)


by Rhi. on Thu Jul 10, 2008 11:00 am

so the plot thickens!
So we are at the hospital waiting room and some of us are passing others are fighting with random things and so on. . .but we are all worried about Keith, (well all but one. . .)
Me- *plopping down on a chair next to pagan* when is the doctor going to come out!? He’s been in there for a long time! Does that mean its serious? Is he going to be ok? *sighs* I hate hospitals!
Pagan- remember I only know as much as you do, and really who likes hospitals?
Me- well I gotta do something to keep my mind off of this! Who needs coffee? Or tea? (a few raise their hands) ok I’ll be right back.
George- I’ll go with you!
So we walk down the hall towards the drink vending machine and there is a sign posted on it “Out of Service”
Me- oh great now what?
George- I thought I saw one farther down that way. . .
So we walk do in that direction and when we get there, there is another note taped to it so I just turn around thinking its also out of order when George calls me back and shows me the note. It says THAT WAS A WARNING, REMEMBER NO FUNNY STUFF OR SOMEONE WILL REALLY GET HURT!
Me- oh no! we have to show the rest of the group! (So I grab the note and run but when I get back to the group George isn’t with me! I could have sworn he was right behind me!) Ryan we found another note! I don’t know what happened to George but here! (I hand ryan the note and just as he is about to read the note the doctor appears)
Doctor- we have found the substance that he swallowed. He ingested a substance called catnip, you all are probably familiar with it. It’s the stuff that you give to cats. (‘round of “oh ya’s”and “I know what that stuff is!’s”) Mr. Harkin will be fine but he will have to stay here for a bit longer. (exits)
Everyone- well thank goodness he is going to be ok! (and so on)
Paul- so what does that note say and how did you find it? And where did you say George is?
Me- (so I describe what happened and finish w/) I don’t know what happened to George! I thought he was right behind me! The I get here and he isn’t. . .
Pattum- he probably just went to the bathroom
Paul-ya probably, anyway about that note?
Ryan reads the note allowed
Pagan- what does this person mean by funny stuff? Maybe the police or something?
Pattum- well the last note said something about just the 5 of them so maybe you, Rhi and I aren’t supposed to be here. Maybe we are just as bad as the police!
Ryan- that’s a good point, but I don’t want you guys to leave but I also don’t want you all to be in danger either!
Me- well I don’t know about you (looks at pagan and Pattum) but I’m not afraid of this person who ever it is! I’ve read over 70 Nancy drew books(this it true too) and (evidently) I have a black belt in (was it Judo?) so I’m ready for whatever this person has got! Who is with me
Pattum/Pagna- I am
Ryan- me 2 (duh)
Paul- me 3
We do that circle thing with our hands in the canter
Pagan- for molly
Me- for Keith
Paul- for whatever else happens (then we break)


by CVaughn on Thu Jul 10, 2008 11:51 am

Okay, so back at Ryan's house , Whimsey and Damian are following the elusive Hooded lady into the woods. Whimsey instructs Damien to mark their trail with the jagged pickle jar in case they get lost. They follow the trail of the cloaked mystery woman all afternoon. Just when they thought the quest was hopeless, they see the hem of a red cloak dragging along in front of them so they push on deeper and deeper into the woods. Before they realize it the shadows begin to lenghthen and darkness begins to fall. Damian becomes frightened as darkness closes in on them and clings more closely to Whimsey. " I don't know about this Whimsey, I'm scared and I'm hungry and I'm worried about what has happened to Kieth. What if we can't find our way back?"
"Not to worry, baby boy," croons Whimsey," that's why you've been marking the trail. If we can't find our way out, the others will be able to find us."
Meanwhile, back at the hospital, Kieth has rallied and the Dr. finding no reason to admit him has realeased him to go home with instructions not drink out of any more bottles that smell funny .


by CVaughn on Thu Jul 10, 2008 12:07 pm

Since Damian has made off with Ryans car, the entire group is forced to take the bus back to Ryans house. When they get there, they find Ryans car, but Damian is gone. While Kieth rests, Ryan and Pagan head for the park to investigate the clue to Molly's disappearance. Rhi, George, and Paul go outside to investigate Damian's disappearance. They soon discover the markings on the trees from the jagged pickle jar. They go back inside to tell Kieth that they are going to follow the pickle jar trail. Kieth insists that he is well enough to go along and he wants to get to the bottom of this. So he and the others start off for deep woods. After several hours of following the trail, they finally overtake Whimsey and Damian. Damian is overjoyed to see them and his fears are calmed. But now they have the task of finding shelter for the night. As if in answer to their need, they come upon an abandoned bunkhouse and go inside. The room is dusty but adequate and equipt with beds and dusty blankets. They shake out the blankets and begin to bed down for the night. Kieth and Damian go outside to explore for awhile before bed. Finally everyone has found a blanket and has settled down for the night . George and Damian are sharing a blanket on the floor. All is silent, except for the chirping of the crickets .


by CVaughn on Thu Jul 10, 2008 12:25 pm

Finally, George breaks the silence by saying, "Alright ,Damian. That's enough of that."
No response from Damian. In a few moments. George speaks again, "Okay, Damian, ' nuff
ticklin' of the feet." Still no response from Damian. "Damian," Damian finally replies,
" George, I'm not doing anything." "Well, by thunder," George sais,"Somebody's ticklin' m'feet." With that, he pulls back the blanket and looks squarely into the eyes of a big, fat frog. In a frenzy, George grabs the frog and tosses it onto Rhi's blanket, who grabs it and tosses it onto Pauls blanket, who lets it get away. Then there is a mad scramble to catch the frog. The frog is finally captured and escorted out of the bunkhouse. After all that excitement, everyone is really tired so they all settle back down for a good nights sleep. When all is again silent in the bunk house and the group is almost asleep, the sweet innocent voice of Damian breaks the silence with, "Kieth, what did you do with the other one?"

Oh, my gosh I am so sorry. I didn't mean to hog the story. I just got started and couldn't stop. Please feel free to delete or edit as you see to fit to make it fit the story line.


by Rhi. on Thu Jul 10, 2008 12:49 pm

NO i really like it!!!!!

we finally find the other frog and all settles down again and soon everyone is asleep
then suddenly a crash breaks the silence.
George- oops sry! Forgot that there was a chair there!
Paul- (half asleep) George what are you doing up?
George- oh I just had to use the can, no worries, go back to sleep.
So all is quiet and only the sounds of heavy breathing can be heard, this goes on for the next few hours when I suddenly awake with a start. I lay in my bed silently, trying to fingue out what woke me up, no sounds other than breathing can be heard so I do my best to go back to sleep, and that’s when the feeling that I’m being watched begins to creep up the back of my neck, so I roll over and there in the dark is a pair of glowing eyes, just staring in from the window. My years of reading mystery stories tells me not to scream so instead I pretend to fall back to sleep but I keep my eyes open just enough to keep and eye on the glowing spheres, not too long after I do this does the thing w/ the eyes slowly creep away. That is when I silently rush to the window to see what it is and where it is going. As soon as my eyes adjust to see clearly enough outside, I see a tall figure in a red cloak slowly slipping away into the thickness of the wood and shadow. Quickly I put on my shoes and coat to follow after the figure I saw but a hand on my shoulder stops me.
- what are you doing? *A harsh whisper asks*
me- *jumps* who are you?
- its me Keith! Duh
Me- oh sry! I saw a figure outside and I’m going to try to follow it!
Keith- not alone you aren’t!
Me- well if you’re coming hurry up cuz I’m leaving! *quietly out the door I go w/ keith right behind me holding his shoes and coat, the darkness surrounds us*
Keith- *beginning to put on his shoes* *mutters to self* wow I can’t see my own hand in front of my face!*to me* Rhi which way did it go?
Me- that way. Come on! *I rush after the way I saw the figure go, be careful to watch where I put my feet, so not o make a sound, Keith isn’t!* Keith quiet! You’re being too loud! That thing is sure to hear you! Keith? Keith where are you?
Keith- I’m right here
Me- where?
Keith- here!
Me-oh not this game again! Where are you?! Give me your hand! *I feel around and finaly find it, he was right next to me, I hold on tight and tug him along*
Me- I should have brought my pen light!
Keith- here use this! *hands me his cellphone*
Me- ok this will work! Lets get going! So we head deep into the forest w/ a cell phone as a light and the further we go on the darker it becomes, there isn’t any sign of the cloaked figure and we soon find out that the sun wont be up for 6 more hours, we have lost our way and our light’s battery has just run out. . .


by Rhi. on Thu Jul 10, 2008 12:50 pm

CVaughn wrote:"Kieth, what did you do with the other one?"

i LOVE IT!!!!


by mad_about_ct on Thu Jul 10, 2008 12:54 pm

i like your story


by mad_about_ct on Thu Jul 10, 2008 1:01 pm

how many more characters could you use? i would love to join in!


by Kerry W on Thu Jul 10, 2008 3:47 pm

While Rhi and Keith are alone in the woods, with the unknown, The others are back at the house, having woken up from a crash.


"OW" Ryan yelled.

"Sorry" damian whispered.

George wakes up and looks sleepily around. "Huh? Damian, what are you doing over there?" "I was going to get a glass of water. Sorry I woke you up." "echh. It's okay" George replied, getting up and walking over to Damian.

"Ow! Quit stepping on me!" Ryan complained. George looked down and quickly stepped off of Ryan.

"Hey guys!" Damian said.

"Sorry Ryan! It's rather hard to see you after all, with you down there and having dark hair..." George apologized, rubbing a hand over his head as he muttered the last part. He took another step away from Ryan to give him room and help him up.


"Sorry Paul. You've got dark hair too!"

"Keith and Rhi are missing!" Damian tapped George, but George ignored him.

"now what's all this racket?!" Pagan said grumpily as she looked at the guys all standing up.

"Yeah, it's 1 in the morning. Must you wake everyone up?" Whimsey agreed.

"It's not MY fault. George here stepped on me and Paul with his great big honkin' feet!" Ryan accused.

"Rhi and Keith are missing!" Damian repeated, louder this time. No one responded.

George retaliated. "My feet are not that big, and it's not my fault you and Paul are hard to see in the dark!"

"says you with that great big white shiny head! It could be used as a BEACON!" Paul said.

So the three were up in each other's faces, starting to really get into the argument, with Pagan and Whimsey trying to calm the guys down when...

"EVERYONE BE QUIET!!! PLEASE!" Damian finally yelled.

The 5 heads swiveled suddenly to Damian. He blushed from the sudden attention, but continued. "Did anyone else notice that Keith and Rhi are gone?"



by Kerry W on Thu Jul 10, 2008 3:53 pm

Yeah... I've been gone for a while. Hope you don't mind me just jumping in...

Feel free to add me into the story if you want.


by celticgirl on Thu Jul 10, 2008 5:32 pm

Me too these are all very creative


by christyboo on Thu Jul 10, 2008 5:55 pm

Yeah. I would love to be added to the story! And if I do, please let me do something cool with Damian! LOL!!


by Pattum on Thu Jul 10, 2008 6:48 pm

Paul starts tossing the blankets all around the room.
"Paul, stop." yells Ryan. "I doubt that they hid in those flimsy blankets. Did anyone notice a restaurant nearby, a garden, anything food? Keith's probably hungry again."
Damian (giggling): "Maybe we shouldn't have tossed out those two frogs."
George stares at Damian: "Maybe we should put you back to bed for a nap."
"OK, everyone," says Ryan in his most authoritive voice. Paul, Damian and George snap to attention, the rest of us swoon...
"We have no choice. We have to look for Keith and Rhi and we have to keep an eye on the time because we have a date at a little after eight, hmmmm, where's my notebook, there might be a song in that."
Paul tries to hide his smirk behind his shirt collar. Damian giggles again.
"This is serious, my friends." Ryan continues.
" My Molly is still missing, now Keith and Rhi are gone and, and, we've actually had a gig cancelled. How much worse can it get?"
"Oooohhh, I really wish you hadn't said that." says Pattum.
Everybody turns to stare at her as she falls into Ryan's arms.
"Come on now," says Paul. "This is getting rather bothersome."
Ryan has discovered a bump on Pattum's head and his notebook in her hand. He carefully slips the notebook into his pocket and asks that someone get a wet cloth. Pattum stirs slightly, then opens her eyes in fear.
"Paul, back up and give me room to breath please."
Paul stands up and moves to the far wall and the window.
Ryan leans in toward Pattum and whispers in her ear.
"We need reinforcements. You were hit by someone in this room. Stay near me from now on."
"Gladly", Pattum sighs.


by celticsusan on Thu Jul 10, 2008 7:46 pm

Ok, Pagan, Pattum and all, I'm just getting into this thread.. Feel free to delete anything, add anything, you know me I'm just flying by the seat of my pants, er slacks. Right Pagan?

>Just then Damian yells "what was that?!" Ryan jerks away dropping Pattum on the floor "Yowch, watch out for my head!" screams Pattum. "Damian what did you see or think you saw", queries Ryan. "Over there in the trees, look!" replies Damian. "Where I can't see anything", says Ryan. "You dummy, you have to look OUT the window", says Damian. "Oh, I couldn't see, Paul was standing in the way looking at his reflection" chortles Ryan, "Yeah blame it all on me and my pink shirt" shouts Paul. (Damian meanwhile has gone over to the window.) "I swear I saw something out there", he says. "Something BIG". (Ryan rushes over to the window dragging Pattum with him feet first so her head keeps bumping on the hardwood floor.) Thump. "Youch!" Thump. "Youch!" Ryan jerks Paul out of the way and screams "what is it and where did it go?" "Where did WHAT go replies Keith. "What are you guys talking about?""Let me UP!" yells Pattum." I don't care WHAT it is or WHERE it went! Ryan, just hold me"(!"closes eyes and slumps against him again).( Ryan holds Pattum for a moment and then runs toward Keith shaking his hand vigorously), "We thought we'd lost ya mate! Glad to see you're still among us". "Look what I found down that path that runs by that barn that was once owned by that farmer that you used to date his daughter", replies Keith. "Whew! That was one lonnng sentence!" "I found a new energy drink down at that pub that we used to hang out at". "What pub?" says Ryan. "That could only be one of a million of 'em". (Just then Rhi comes slowly dragging herself over to where Pattum is standing). "What's wrong with you?" asks Pattum. "While all of you were having fun and the time of your life, I got bitten by a snake!" "If it hadn't been for christyboo here, I would have probably died!"says Rhi. "She said she had had some first aid training and I asked here if that meant snakebites and she said no but what difference does it make?" "So I said, go ahead, have at it, Keith definitely wasn't going to suck out any poison!" (Keith nods his head up and down REALLY confirming this statement). "christyboo saved my life!" "Thought one of you gents(meaning Keith) would surely have taken the opportunity to save a lady fair!""But nooooo, couldn't be bothered. Something about "Messing with my surfer image", or something like that". "I swear, chivalry is truly dead in this country!"says christyboo. ( A split second later christyboo sees Damian headed her way and swoons.) "AHHHH", Damian" (she starts to fall in a faint and our gallant young man catches her before she hits the ground) "My sweet Damian, ahhhh", is all that christy can muster. "Yes, my love you were so brave to save the life of your friend". "So brave"...."replies Damian. "But what about Molly and Harry?" yells Ryan. "My "babies" are still missing"...(Pagan shivers...) (Paul comes swankying around the corner, one eyebrow raised)...<

Ok, that's as far as I can go with this. Hope you didn't all yuck out. My apologies to Keith and Paul. (and Ryan for being more concerned with his "babies" than Pattum's head or a snakebite victim!)They're ALL really stand-up guys and not the least bit conceited or ones to shy away from any danger. The ball's in y'all's court, now. Have fun girls! And Ryan if you're reading any of these, poor guy!!! lol




© 2008 Rhi

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Added on December 25, 2008

Do you feel you spend all of your time on the boards?