#5 Keith's Under the Table . . .

#5 Keith's Under the Table . . .

A Chapter by Rhi

by Rhi. on Mon Jul 07, 2008 2:08 pm

OMG! I LOVE IT! Keith running the guy up the tree! Awesome.

Next we go to . . . SLEEP! And roans house is the closest! so we all go to his place and we aren’t quite tired yet so we put in a movie (tempted to put in the CT and see what they have to say. . .) and then when watever movie we watch is over we are all kinda groggy so Ryan goes into the back and gets a bunch of blankets for all of us (I don’t know how big his house is so I’m gonna assume its a one bedroom house. . . Ryan if you read this, feel free to fill us in!) and we decide that Pagan will gets one couch, and Paul gets the other (there was a lot of debating and rock paper scissors that went on) Damian and George get the living room floor, I get the kitchen floor, and Keith gets the space under the dinning room table. . . . So when Ryan comes out w/ the blankets I go up to him and
me- hey Ryan?
Ryan- ya? do you need anything else?
Me- yeah, um do you have a broom, or some sweep like thing?
Ryan- ya, I’ll be right back! (he goes off into the back again, and comes back out w/a broom) here you go. *hands me the broom and dust pan* but why do you need this?
Me- I kind of wanted to sweep up the kitchen floor a bit before I sleep on it. . .
Ryan- oh I can do that for you!
Me- nah, I like sweeping, and besides Damian looks like he may need your help. . .(Damian has become tangled in the blanket)
Ryan- how in the world . . . ? *begins to walk off, then stops and turns around again* oh I forgot *hands me a quilt* for you to put underneath you, since you'll be on the hard floor
Me- (isnt ryan SO sweet) oh thank you *gives Ryan a hug*
so I start sweeping (surprisingly clean!) then Molly comes out from the back and sniffs everyone and then goes over to Ryan and gets some love then goes to pagan and lays down next to her. Soon everyone is situated and Ryan says
"anyone need anything? (round of no's,) Keith are you sure you’re going to be ok under there?"
Keith- yup *stretches and moves a chair, witch screeches against the floor*
Ryan-ok. . . last call for anything.
Pagan-*mumbles* sing us to sleep. . .
Ryan- what was that?
Pagan- uuh n-nothing, it was nothing.
Me- she said sing to us! Only I think you should tell us a story too *yawn* it should be about a leprechaun. . .
Ryan- *smirking* ok anything else?
Paul- you may need to tuck domain in. . .
Keith- I’m kind of thirsty. . .
Ryan- there are water bottles in the fridge, anything *yawn* else? no? ok. I’ll see you all in the morning
Keith- *pushes back some chairs and struggles to get out from under the table, walks into the kitchen and has to step over me* excuse me, sorry *opens fridge* AAAAHHH! *closes fridge door and jumps back and trips and falls on me*
Me- OW!!! What was that for?
Keith- *sits up, still on top of me* what was that!
Me-own, what?! *kicks Keith w/ free foot* you’re heavy!
Keith- own! There was a thing in the fridge!
Me- get off of me!
Paul- what are you 2 doing in there?
Keith- there is something in the fridge!
Paul-*comes over w/ blanket tied around his neck like a cape, I give him a pleading look* why are you on top of Rhi?
Keith- oh sorry! *Gets up, finally* I swear there was something in the fridge! *a jiggle of bottles is heard from inside of it* SEE!
Me- oh gosh! *I reach up and open the fridge door* nothing *close fridge again*
Keith- there was something there, it was on the second shelf!
Paul- a bug maybe?
Keith-*evil glare* there was something there! Why would I lie about it?
Me- SLEEEP! I need sleep! And apparently so do you! Your seeing things in the fridge!
*another jiggle of bottles can be heard, Keith races over(stepping on me, on his way over) and yanks open the fridge door*
Keith- SEE! Wait what is that? That wasn’t there before!
Me- how do you know? You opened the door and slammed it! How did you have time to take inventory of the fridge?
Keith- *evil glare, opens the door wider so Paul and I can see in* its kind of hard to miss a bag of Doritos! In a FRIDGE!
Paul- maybe Ryan likes his chips cold, and that doesn’t seem very terrifying. . . I’m goin back to bed
Me- Keith? *tug on pant leg* (just a thought but what are they sleeping in???) you’re on my sleeve. . .can you move you foot? And can you pass me a water bottle? Keith?! *slaps leg* what are you doing?! The bag of chips isn’t gonna talk to you or tell you your fortune! In the morning we’ll ask Ryan about it!
Keith- *sighs* I am not crazy *ands me an apple*
Me- *staring at apple* of course you aren’t . . . *looks from apple to Keith and back* sooooo if I asked for an apple what would I get?
Keith- oh sorry *takes apple, and give me a peach*
Me- . . .*thinking* well I guess this looks kinda like an apple. . .*out loud* and if I asked for milk? *hands me a diet coke* hmmmm and a coconut? *hands me a coconut* what in the world does Ryan have in his fridge?!
Keith- *smiling* here’s your water bottle *takes bag random things, making sure not to disturb the Doritos, then closes the door quietly and very gently, as if not o disturb its contents* ok, well, night! *walks off and soon I hear the sound of Keith fixing the chairs around him, and then soon the sounds of deep breathing and someone’s slight snore fill the air, and the next thing I know it that it is morning and there is whispering in the living room, so I go out to see who is up*
Pagan- *whispering*hi, what are doing up?*pats seat next to her*
Me- dunno, but I couldn’t go back to sleep *sits down*
Pagan- ah, well Paul just filled me in on what happened last night, weird!
Me- yup *glance over at Keith who now has most of his upper body under one chair and his feet up on/in the chairs* I think yesterday really wore him out *Damian starts mumbling in his sleep*
Paul- anyone have shaving cream? *evil smile*
Pagan- *harsh whisper* Paul!
Paul- what? Well I know I don’t have any right now. . . Keith doesn’t shave really. . .George? no George’s suitcase is too hard to go through. . . . and Damian? Well sweet, young, Damian. . . .I’ll go check Ryan’s bathroom! *silently jogs out of room, pagan and I look at each other and shake out heads, soon Paul comes back*
Pagan- he didn’t have any?
Paul- no he caught me in his bathroom . . . going though his stuff. . .*Ryan walks in*
Ryan- what are you 3 doing up?
Me- up? I’m up? Hmmm couldna sworn I was sideways. . . .*me-grin Ryan-scowl* oh sry, too early for jokes?
Ryan- too early for anything! Wait were did Paul go? *cabinet closes and sink faucet turns on, Paul comes out w/ warm water in a cup*
pagan- who you gonna do that to?
Paul- hehehe *walks over to Damian*
Me- eww whose gonna clean that up?
Paul- oh, I forgot about that part . . .*walks over to Keith* this will be better he isn’t on carpet!
Ryan- oh no you don’t! you’re not going to ruin my floor! *takes cup away from Paul* now go back to sleep!
Paul- no not while you have that cup! *Ryan rolls his eyes and walks into the kitchen and dumps the cup into the sink, then opens the door and finds the bag of Doritos*
Ryan- who put this in here?*we look at each other then the glances fall onto me*
Pagan- did you start this? Is this a prank?
Me- no, definitely not me! I wish it was but nope, I’m not that creative that late at night! Nor would I have wanted him to continue to fall or step on me!
Paul- I wonder what it was . . . hu, probably just sleep deprivation! . . . *Ryan walks out of kitchen w/ the chips and opens the bag* wow, that’s weird!
All- what?
Ryan- the bag is full of cheetos!


by pagan on Mon Jul 07, 2008 9:56 pm

Keith wakes up: Hey can't anyone get any sleep around here?
Me: You're the one who opened the fridge door.
Rhi: Yep you did it. And stepped on me.
Keith: I was thirsty.
Ryan: now every behave or I won't feed you breakfast.
Me: Uh Ryan those cheetos ARE breakfast.
Ryan: You have weird eating habits. OMG. This thing is moving.
Paul snickers.


by Rhi. on Tue Jul 08, 2008 11:11 am

the bag of cheetos starts rumbling and suddenly POOF! the cheetos explode out of the bag
Ryan- . . . this is starting to get creepy
Keith- *trying to get out from under the table but his foot it caught so it an amusing sight, then he gets free and runs over to the fridge, and opens it* I’m telling you something is up w/ this fridge! *rummages through it*
Ryan- what are you doing to my fridge?! Keith! Stop it and someone tell me what is going on! (we tell him about Keith and the fridge) ok that is really disturbing! it almost sounds as if someone is in the fridge!
Keith- exactly so *opens the fridge back up and starts rummaging around in it again* I’m going to find out what it is!
*pickle jar falls, smashing on the floor*
George- *just woken up* what in the world is everyone up for?
Me- basically the fridge is possessed
pagan- *laughing* well that’s one way to put it! I’m going to go outside and see if it is something out there
me- I’ll come w/ you! (so we go outside and begin to investigate and that’s where we find the footprints. . .)


by Maggie on Tue Jul 08, 2008 11:41 am

Hey RHI, that's some story...LOL!
And, NO I don't fel that way at all. I am just happy as a clam that I have the summer off and can log on all day if I want to..from September to June I am in the classroom ( as I signed a contract to be there ). But end of June to Sept 1st, its gonna be all Celtic Thunder all the time! Hubby is used to it by now, he's falls asleep every night in front of TV whether I'm online or not, sooooo...!


by Whimsey on Tue Jul 08, 2008 12:19 pm

I truly hope you weren't kidding about this jump right in thing. If you were just delete me.

Rhi and Pagan have discovered footprints. I would know this because I'm on my back porch, 3 doors down. There's been a bunch of suspicious activity going on over there and I'm nosy. They employ the tried and true female warning device and scream. Every bit of testosterone in the house goes to def com 5 and the males act accordingly. Damsels. Distress. Must rescue. There is a fight to get there first with Keith holding a slight lead until he goes back for the pickle jar. You should never go unarmed and a pickle jar makes a fine projectile.
Ryan and Paul comfort, going with their strengths. George starts following the foot print trail. Keith is looking for something, anything to heave the pickle jar at. I draw pack into the shadows feeling no need for death by pickle jar. George announces that the trail leads into the woods. Well of course it does. He keeps following with the comforted damsels and their protectors not far behind. Keith is tossing the pickle jar up in the air and catching it with one hand. I'm watching the activity more than a little amused. Have none of them ever seen a horror movie? Do the names Michael Meyers and Freddie mean nothing to them? You wouldn't catch me venturing off into those woods. I've seen what went out there and I'm not going to tangle with it.


by Rhi. on Tue Jul 08, 2008 1:07 pm

lol that was good! And yes we totally meant what we said! Well I did and I can’t speak for pagan but I’m pretty sure she meant it too!

I would so be behind Keith all that time cuz I don’t want to be alone in that house and he has the weapon! lol

so we go into the woods dun dun dun! and (wizard of oz just entered my mind. . . .hmm. . . maybe it should have snowed over the night and that is what we are following the tracks in, so they are tracks in the snow. . .)
I’m staying right behind Keith, nope I am not going to budge!! Pagan and Ryan stick close and Paul George and damian fill in the gaps. . .
damian- (he just woke up and has no idea what we are doing) why did you guys get me up? what are we doing? and what is so scary about being in these woods?*crow caws and takes flight above us*
Paul- SHH! quiet!
Keith- *stops suddenly* the tracks ended- oof!
Me- oh sorry, didn't know you had stopped
Pagan- where do you think they went?
Keith- I have no idea, there isn’t anything for him to have lept onto or anything. . .
Paul- so it is a flying dude that likes refrigerators . . . hmmm. . .*strange crinkling sound, Paul jumps* what was that!?
Pagan- *points behind Paul* is that a Doritos bag?


by Rhi. on Tue Jul 08, 2008 1:10 pm

Maggie wrote:Hey RHI, that's some story...LOL!
And, NO I don't fel that way at all. I am just happy as a clam that I have the summer off and can log on all day if I want to..from September to June I am in the classroom ( as I signed a contract to be there ). But end of June to Sept 1st, its gonna be all Celtic Thunder all the time! Hubby is used to it by now, he's falls asleep every night in front of TV whether I'm online or not, sooooo...!

i'm sry i must have forgoten everything i wrote other than this story! lol so can you clarify what youre talking about?


by christyboo on Tue Jul 08, 2008 4:15 pm

I get on the board whenever I am on the computer


by Pattum on Tue Jul 08, 2008 5:17 pm

I hope you like my ending to this exciting tale!

The doritos bag is making a loud screeching sound and moving about frantically. Ryan signals all the women to get behind him, Keith sneaks toward one side of the bag, Paul toward the other and George carefully tiptoes around to the far side. Ryan and Damian slowly creep forward side by side with the women following close behind. All of the men edge closer to the bag, Keith holding his pickle jar up high, Damian with a stick he's found and the others at full defensive stance. The bag is really jumping around now and the men are ready to attack. One step, two, three, they are right there, poised to strike whatever has caused all the commotion.

Ryan reaches out and grabs the open edge of the doritos bag but the thing sommersaults out of his hand and lands back on the ground. That's when a golden and white furry face peaks out and questions everyone. "Meow?" says Harry.


by Maggie on Tue Jul 08, 2008 5:33 pm

Sure, Rhi...
first, I complimented you on your creativity;
Then, I went on to answer the thread question; Do you feel like you spend all of your time on the boards?
It was meant as a response to the general public.
Sorry for the confusion!



© 2008 Rhi

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Added on December 25, 2008

Do you feel you spend all of your time on the boards?