#4 Taxi!

#4 Taxi!

A Chapter by Rhi

by Rhi. on Sun Jul 06, 2008 12:00 pm

lol I was a girl scout and all we did was make cards for mothers day and stuff. . .i got bored and quit. . .random fact of my life. . . .haha surfer dude! i like it! Maybe we should give them all- wait no we shouldn’t . . . knowing me I’ll get confused. . . .

ok lets see what i can do!
ok so were in the taxi (lol clown car taxi!) we told the taxi driver (who has a big scar from his forehead to his ear) that we need to go to a restaurant and fast! Before Keith blows his top and turns into a mad, no sense making monster! so the taxi guy pulls out and begins driving at a quick pace so we all think we'll be somewhere in a few minutes or so. . .so we start chatting, [Keith is in the front passenger seat staring out the window (remember that’s on the left. . . not the right) . . he doesn’t look too happy. . .]

then we start looking at our surroundings and notice that the city has disappeared and that we are now driving on a country road in the middle of this green hilly valley and I’m not seeing any restaurant. . . .! so I nudge pagan and point out the window, so she starts signaling to Ryan, who misinterprets her signaling and he and Damian start singing happy birthday.

pagan-*puts hands on head in frustration* she then takes out her pad of paper and pen that she had been using to keep score and writes "look out side, do you know where we are?" and shows it to Ryan (making sure the driver isn’t aware of what we're doing) Ryan looks out side and then shakes his head no. Pagan taps the driver and asks where we are going and he replies that it is a place he thinks we will like and that we should be there in just a bit. So we sit back and wait a while, but if anything we have just gotten further and further from civilization.

so Ryan pagan and I put our heads together and agree that we need to keep this to ourselves for as long as we can so the driver doesn’t know we are onto him. then we start formulating a plan . . . I use my mirror to see if there is anything that can be used as a weapon by the driver and yup, there is a metal bat between him and the door, a place were we cant get to it but he can very easily. . . and of course there isn’t anything for use so we go a different rout. Ryan brings up that when Keith gets really mad he normally leaves the situation and calms himself down (I really have no idea what Keith would do in real life but oh well, if he ever reads this he can inform us!) so we then decide that I will start 'accidentally' bumping his seat and begin to annoy him until he needs to leave(yeah me!) then when the car stops Ryan will jump over on top of the driver and pagan will hold his head, and then we will yell to get everyone out of the car.

So our plan begins. I’m behind Keith so I act as if I’m going though my bag and bump his seat, then I pull out a book and then I lounge back, pressing my feet into the back of his seat. (So far he is ignoring me) I wait about 30 seconds then act as if I’m uncomfortable so I shift shoving his seat forward again, still nothing, so then I put my foot next to the headrest right by his head and with the other foot I kick again, still nothing (this guy is hard to crack!) so finally I put my feet down and decide I’ll let him in on the plan somehow and hope he has good acting skills, so I reach over and poke him. and BOOM! he is off! Keith goes off on how I’m so inconsiderate and everything but of course I have to keep it up so I yell back and continue to feed the fire (everyone who wasn’t in on this is staring at us like were crazy and a few are trying to stop it) suddenly Keith becomes REALLY mad like crazy hulk raging mad and demands that the driver stop the car (yes! it worked) and the driver not wanting to pull over says a few things to get him to calm down and tells him that we’ll be there very soon! but Keith doesn’t have it, he again demands that the car be stopped and fearing his safety he pulls over and before the car has come to a complete stop Keith hops out of the car and slams the door HARD! And stops off. Just after it happens Ryan springs into action and just as pagan grabs for his head a car door slams and George is out of the car! He races over and yanks the driver’s door open and going along w/ it Ryan pushes the driver out and George jumps in, puts the car in gear makes a U and races off. Everyone is astonished at what just happened. Ryan gets back to his seat holding his side that he fell on and pagan asks George how he knew and he replies he hadn’t known he just reacted to what we were doing . . . and he then asks what was going on and so does everyone else so we tell them as we drive back to civilization . . . and then about half way there we realize that a certain someone is missing . . .and has been left with a crazy taxi driver. . . who took the bat. . .dun dun DUNNNNNN!


by pagan on Sun Jul 06, 2008 9:50 pm

Okay the plot thickens. The one we haven't lost George pulls over and we hold conference. We gotta go rescue Keith from the lunatic taxi driver. Well, pagan says she has black belt in karate. Also pepper spray in her purse. Rhi says she has a black belt in judo. The guys think we are nuts. Sooo we search the woods for nice thick branches to use as weapons. George also searches the glove compartment of the taxi and finds a big flashlight. Ryan gets the tire iron out of the trunk. We rae ready, or so we think. We go back to rescue Keith only to fine he has chased the taxi driver up the tree. He was so mad he charged the guy like a bull. The guy feared for his life and discovered how high he could jump. Keith has been trying to get him out of the tree by chucking rocks at him. Never mess with a hungry, angry surfer dude.
We tell the guy to strip down to his underwear and throw his clothes down to us. He has trouble doing so but he does. We toss the smell shoes and socks as far as we can. After all, we don't need the reek in the taxi. Then, we hop in the taxi and head back the way we've come. Paul and Ryan have managed to calm Keith down by saying food will be served soon. We finally come to a pub/restaurant that is open. The day is saved. We order. Seems to take forever for the food to come. We fill Keith in on what happened. He thanks us for our quick thinking and pays for the food. We then decide to walk around to explore our surroundings. All of a sudden a policeman comes up and askes us where we got the taxi. Ryan explains what happened. The policeman offers to give us a ride to the nearest bus station after he takes our statements. We take him up on his offer. Get on the bus and head out of town. Can't wait cos we've had enough for one day. Destination......



© 2008 Rhi

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Added on December 25, 2008

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