#3 Touring Ireland

#3 Touring Ireland

A Chapter by Rhi

how many times does the car break down again??? lol


by Rhi. on Fri Jul 04, 2008 9:46 am

pagan wrote:Good CVaughn cos I was concerned you were upset cos I took butted in on your dream. Actually, just a good imagination is all it takes. It is a fantasy and I am sure we all have those. Just jump in and add yours to it.
Yeah Rhi I gotta think too. No you are not predictable: I just know what you have to add to this is going to be hilarious that's all. Cos we are having fun aren't we?
Well, we've eaten breakfast and neither Keith nor Ryan needed bibs. They decided to take us sighseeing and rent a car for that purpose. The car breaks down and you have two men turning the air purple trying to figure out the problem. Us being women, we take out our bobby pins, high heels et all, do some banging etc and voila the car is fixed. Two men are shaking their heads in puzzelment. We tell them not to worry: yrs of experience. We then run out of gas. Take it Rhi.

are we having fun?! well if writing down your crazy fantasies about hanging out wit the most awesome guys (and best looking) is called having fun then I have a feeling that’s what we are doing! lol!

they don’t need bibs?! oh thank GOD! only think how funny it would be if ryan was eating and he brought the fork up and hit his cheek?! "Ryan, you been eating long?"

soooo were going sight seeing. . . .where? is this still after the concert?! Think if we saw them in Montana!!!!! (i visit there pretty often, my dad used to live there, and i got ton of relatives up there too they are all kinda odd. . . .but then again who has sane relatives????) then we go sight seeing. . . there is a tree there, a bush there WOW look at the sky! !!!!we could see a sunrise (why we are up that early i have no idea, maybe we never went to sleep?) we just drive out to some random location and sit on the hood of the car and watch the sun rise. that would be cool!

well i took it and RAN!

but anyway how can they take us sight seeing?! they dont live here!!!! OMG! this fantasy has just gone completely into the story book! no reality is LEFT!!!!! or will be left once i begin my story! *drum roll*

ok so we weren’t able to agree on a concert in the states but, they were going to perform a concert back home (yes Ireland and yes we all won the lottery too) so we all get flights to see them perform but we only bought a one way ticket cuz we didn’t know when we were coming back (we need to do some sight seeing!!!!) so we fly over, get a rental car and anyone but me gets to drive! I am SOOO not gonna drive on the wrong side of the road!!! so we get to the hotel, which is right next door to were they are performing. and not too long after we get there were go next door and get seats or whatever and we see them perform(yes pagan you have your glow sticks and i have my green Christmas lights) and then we do the whole bar thing (oh and this concert is just a VERY small thing, i'm not sure on how we even found out about it.. . . but we are the only ones from the states there) then we go back to the hotel and all that stuff happens(just pick your version) and then we go to the laundry mat (assuming they have them in ireland, our cloths stink of something thing from the plane. . . ) and that whole shebang happens and then they like us so much they have to take us out for breakfast (hopefully its just like bacon and eggs and stuff. . . i dont really know what the people of ireland eat for breakfast. . . . ) then they take us sight seeing of their homeland!!!!! there we go! now they will know what they are doing!!!!

ok so the car breaks down and so on and then (is every one w/ us??? like all of the fab 5??? cuz that would be a bus not a car. . . oh! there were 2 cars each could hold 5 so Ryan and Keith are in one w/ me and pagan and who ever wants to fill that spot and in the other one is Damian, George and Paul, and the other 2 spots can go to who ever wants them!) ok so George’s car goes ahead of us and we loose them cuz we we’re behind and then we break down. . . .and no one is picking up their cell phones!!!!! so then we get back in the car and we're driving and then we begin to slow and the granny car passes us, (oh I forgot to address seating arrangements! Umm. . .right now I’m thinking the 2 guys are up front and us 3 girls are in back, I’m behind Keith (so I can stare at the back of his head! I’m gonna find out if he is a natural blonde or not! Lol no i’m not!) Keith is in the passenger seat, I think ryan should drive and pagan you can sit wherever and the third will take the remaining seat. oh! And that person may never talk. . .she is a very quiet person! Lol)
Keith- "Ryan? There isn’t anything here why are you stopping?"
Ryan- *tour guide voice* "well it would seem that we have run out of gas"
pagan- "well were is the nearest gas station?"
(i'm still trying everyone’s cell phone. . . and leaving random messages. . .) when suddenly a cell phone rings!
keith- "maybe that’s one of them! *round of cheers from everyone in car* hello?"
me- "i got one of them! hi! its Rhi we’re- hello? Oh hi! Um where are you?
Keith- in . . . the . . . front seat. Why?
Me- no I meant where are you?
Keith- you know where I am! I’m on the side of the road, same as you! *turns around in seat to look at me, but I’m already getting out of the car looking around*
Me- hey guys he said they are on the side of the road too! Maybe they are around here!!
Pagan- (also out of the car now) *laughing* Rhi do you know who your talking to?
Me- oh yeah! Who is this?
Keith- who do you think?!
Me- I don’t know that’s why I asked! *under breath* Duh!
Keith- *out of car now too, looking straight at me, doing his beast not to laugh* Rhi you seriously don’t know who your talking to?
Pagan- *trying best not to laugh* think about it
Me- *looks a phone screen* “calling Keith” oops, dang I thought I was on to something!
Everyone bursts out laughing, and we get back in the car except for me because now I’m cold so I go to the trunk to get my coat (oh ya this was our rental car. . .) and I take my coat out and whats underneath? A thing of gas! Wahoo! Were free! Well at least for the next mile. . . it rained and were an a dirt road. . . our tire is stuck. . .


by pagan on Fri Jul 04, 2008 10:36 am

Did I forget the guys have a guide book? And a list of places they want to see? So that will bring it back to reality. I mean, they could always drive down the main drag ya know. It's after breakfast the morning after the concert. No, they didn't need bibs cos they had the shortstacks with the scrambled, oj and tea or whatever they drink. I know Ryan doesn't like coffee.Maybe milk or water with HIS breakfast. Haven't a clue about Keith.
As long as we are in Ireland with them, our other passenger could be Paul. Can you imagine being stuck in the middle of nowhere with him? What a riot.
Sooo, after Rhi finds the gas can, gallant Ryan fills up the tank. When we get out of the mud we got stuck in, a tire blows. Keith changes it. A little further down the road another one blows. Actually we are all riding in a Landrover or SUV whatever they have in Ireland than can haul a crowd like the floor squad. So we are stuck. Rhi's cell rings. Well, come to find out she accidentally hit redial and hung up. It's Keith. They go back and forth for awhile. Cos both have gotten out of the vehicle to answer the call of you know who and got separated. Poor Rhi hasn't a clue where she is. So Pagan and Ryan have to find her. Pagan says"describe where you are". Rhi says "In some bushes." Ryan says" Bushes where? They are everywhere."
Rhi "I don't know . OMG. Do they have bears in Ireland? C os either I had a few too many last nite or there is bear here. Help!"
Ryan says "Ah now I know where you are. Pagan, stay behind me cos this is gonna get hairy."
Pagan says "Behind you? What makes you think I am gonna budge?"
Paul cracks one of his famous jokes. Keith says "Paul this is no time for jokes. Rhi needs us."
So Paul starts to sing. George says "What are you doing?"
Paul says "Don't you know music soothes the savage beast? I am trying to get it away from Rhi."
The bear emerges from the bushes dancing.
Damian says "Ha that's just a dancing bear from a circus." So we all dance away from it. As far as we can go.
Finally, we are back to the safety of the vehicle. Keith dials a no. and says'" help is on the way. Sit tight."
We get back to civilization and head for the showers. Then it's time for lunch. Keith has promised us somewhere safe.
We hit a pub called The Bear's Den......


by Rhi. on Fri Jul 04, 2008 6:56 pm

pagan wrote:Did I forget the guys have a guide book? And a list of places they want to see? So that will bring it back to reality. I mean, they could always drive down the main drag ya know. It's after breakfast the morning after the concert. No, they didn't need bibs cos they had the shortstacks with the scrambled, oj and tea or whatever they drink. I know Ryan doesn't like coffee.Maybe milk or water with HIS breakfast. Haven't a clue about Keith.
As long as we are in Ireland with them, our other passenger could be Paul. Can you imagine being stuck in the middle of nowhere with him? What a riot.
Sooo, after Rhi finds the gas can, gallant Ryan fills up the tank. When we get out of the mud we got stuck in, a tire blows. Keith changes it. A little further down the road another one blows. Actually we are all riding in a Landrover or SUV whatever they have in Ireland than can haul a crowd like the floor squad. So we are stuck. Rhi's cell rings. Well, come to find out she accidentally hit redial and hung up. It's Keith. They go back and forth for awhile. Cos both have gotten out of the vehicle to answer the call of you know who and got separated. Poor Rhi hasn't a clue where she is. So Pagan and Ryan have to find her. Pagan says"describe where you are". Rhi says "In some bushes." Ryan says" Bushes where? They are everywhere."
Rhi "I don't know . OMG. Do they have bears in Ireland? C os either I had a few too many last nite or there is bear here. Help!"
Ryan says "Ah now I know where you are. Pagan, stay behind me cos this is gonna get hairy."
Pagan says "Behind you? What makes you think I am gonna budge?"
Paul cracks one of his famous jokes. Keith says "Paul this is no time for jokes. Rhi needs us."
So Paul starts to sing. George says "What are you doing?"
Paul says "Don't you know music soothes the savage beast? I am trying to get it away from Rhi."
The bear emerges from the bushes dancing.
Damian says "Ha that's just a dancing bear from a circus." So we all dance away from it. As far as we can go.
Finally, we are back to the safety of the vehicle. Keith dials a no. and says'" help is on the way. Sit tight."
We get back to civilization and head for the showers. Then it's time for lunch. Keith has promised us somewhere safe.
We hit a pub called The Bear's Den......

OMG! i can bear (hahaha) ly type i am laughn SO absolutely hard!!!!!wow i'm not even sure how i ended up in the bushes but wow!!!! that was GREAT!!!!!!!!

so quick question before i go into my head, is this a pub/resturant or just a pub??? are we eating too? or just drinking? lol i'm good either way. . .


by pagan on Fri Jul 04, 2008 9:08 pm

Rhi you ended up in the bushes cos ya had to go potty. Don't know if we can say that on here. Oh golly, I'll let you decide. It's lunchtime so we don't want to be TOO polluted to enjoy the rest of the day It is your turn now my friend


by Rhi. on Fri Jul 04, 2008 10:08 pm

OH! i totally thout that you ment i had like fallen in! lol! i would be SO like me to fall in. . .*sighs*

Well because I’m hungry at this point in time I’m gonna say that it is a restaurant w/ a bar (random thought, how many calories do you think we burn by typing? Maybe we should be eating celery while we type! We could burn like 2 calories! Oooooh yeeeeeah!) anyway so we ladies go in the ladies room to freshen up and so I can get those twigs outa my hair, (I could create my own new fashion statement! Bush a la Rhi!*smirk*) and the guys get a really big booth (or a table. . .) and we com out and sit down(seating arrangements: were at a table, now do we want to face the guys or do we want then next to us. . .? hmm well Keith wont be facing me cuz I’m not the prettiest eater so I don’t want him to see my full face and I don’t want to accidentally start a not so welcomed game of footsy. . . so on one side it is me Keith George and another person then on the other side it is pagan haha you get to face me! Just don’t watch me eat!lol then Ryan Paul then damian go heres a (not so awesome)visual there is room for more cuz I don’t know who all would be there. . . .any everyone is welcome to change the seating arrangement (except I stay by keith! Gggrrrr!lol)) so we start some small talk, the waiter dude comes over (cant be a girl cuz she wont leave once she sees the fab 5. . .and maybe we can get his #!) and he takes our drink orders I order a soda cuz I am SO not gonna end up in a bush again, unless- no lets just leave it at no. and then ryan gets cape cod? I am SO not good w/ drinks! I just know what a martini looks like. . .(obviously not a big drinker) uuu keith gets a Guinness pagan you can have what eva youd like! And I have no idea what anyone else gets. . .well I guess damian would also have a soda. . . or water, or tea. . . maybe lemonade? OH! I am SO getting a lemonade! The pink kind, cuz it is pretty! Anyway the guy takes our drink orders and leaves, and then Keith starts fidgeting w/ his napkin and damian wips out his cellphone to text his girl friend and george tryes staring a conversation (paul is trying to have a staring contest with his refection) but it doesn’t go anywhere, then the drinks come and still the acwardness continues then suddenly something moves by pagan’s foot and she jumps and accidentally hits the table which causes paul’s drink to spill (ruining his staring contest), luckily it lands mostly on the table but some drips off onto the floor and in his lap which then breaks the tension and causes him to start a whole array of jokes! Wich has us busting w/ laughter! And the waiter guy comes back and takes our food orders (So is the bear den a steak house? Or a place where there is a little of everything? Or is it all traditional irish food?. .. (pagan you can cover the food if you would like, you don’t have to though, no pressure!) so then we’re all talking and everything is great, then I start to un role my silverware and my fork falls to the ground and keith and I both bend to get it and KLONK! Our heads collide and I see stars and he probably does too! So we both jump back and hold our heads
Me- I’m sorry!
Keith- no no I’m sry! Ow. But next time you can get your own knife
Me- *bending over to get my fork* fork.
Keith- what? ow. Pork? *leans over to look at me, just as Im coming up with my fork* ow!
Me- SORRY! I didn’t- I’m sorry! I was just showing you it was a fork . . .not a knife, I’m sorry!
Keith- man I should start calling you double O 6
Me- isn’t it 7?
Keith- no, ow you don’t have licence to kill you have licence to hurt! *Rubs head and cheek* (were I got him w/ my fork)
Paul- and for your next trick!
Pagan- *to keith* I think youre starting to bruise!
Me- *mainly to self* so what did you do in Ireland?fell in a bush. . .stabbed keith. . .
George- so who is keeping score?
Pagan- ME! *Pulls out a little notebook* its. . . like 7 to 4 from what ive seen. . .rhi youre in the lead! But I don’t know if that’s really a good thing. . .
Me- what 7?! How did that happen?
Pagan-Well when keith was trying to fix the car and you sat there for a while then when he had given up you pointed out the hose that wasn’t attached, then you tricked him once w/ the phone and a few random things in the car and I just added these 2. . .
Keith- what only 4? You must have counted wrong! Let me see that!
Pagan- *holding notebook out of reach* you only had 2 phone tricks and thing were you got her to pull out her pocket dictionary to look up gullible and the 006 thing. . .other than that your loosing not that this is a race!!! Because it so isn’t and one of you is going to get hurt if this goes into a race!!
Me- *to keith* truce
Keith- *hesitates* truce
Things go back to normal and our food comes. . .while were are eating keith gets up to go to the bathroom and when he comes back he leans over and whispers “you may want to watch your back”
Me- ditto! *keith sits down and PPZZZZSH!!!*
Keith- whoopee cushion?
Me- yup!
(pagan silently ticks another mark on her paper. . .)


by pagan on Sat Jul 05, 2008 7:48 am

Now that is just too funny for words. I'll sit across from you and next to Ryan. We'll call the Bear's Den a pub/restaurant. Well, it is time for dessert now that we have survived the meal with very little spillage. The whoopie cushion has started off a nice discusion on pranks played by all. Paul, of course, keeps us in stitches with his wonderful wit. Ryan just mostly grins. Then we discuss what we want to do after lunch. Since the drive in the country was a fiasco we decide to go to the park. I mean, how much trouble can we get into in a park right? Well, we'll soon find out. Strolling along a dog comes racing by and knocks me over. Ryan rushes to see if I am hurt. Mostly my pride. So we continue our walk. We come to a fountain. Keith peers in and Rhi looks over his shoulder. She accidentally pushes him in the water. He grabs her hand and yanks. Splash. They splash each other like little kids and then finally come out dripping wet. Luckily it is a nice warm day. Someone grabs pagan's purse. Ryan and Paul take off in pursuit and get it back. Now the park trip has been a fiasco. Gee, maybe the zoo would be safer. On second thought, too many cages full of wild animals for comfort. Back to the pub for drinks and chat.


by Rhi. on Sat Jul 05, 2008 8:59 am

lol! wow i can just see me acually doing that too! "so what you lookn at?" "the bottom of th- AH!" *yank* SPLASH! (lots of muttering) i try to get out and keith pulls me back"oh no you dont! you started this you can stay in i the longst *attemps to get out*(slips, and makes a big wave, which starts a water fight) george walks by shakes his head and leaves

i cant think of anything to continue w/! maybe later today i'll get some inspration. . . .


by Rhi. on Sat Jul 05, 2008 4:34 pm

ok so so we go to the pub and chat for a bit then we decide to go for a walk and keith starts reading off random things like street signs, billboards or licence plate #'s. . . etc. . . and so we start doing it too then he gives us a funny look. . .so were like "what, i'm sry are we doing it wrong?"
keith- yes you are!
us- hu? there is a system?
ryan- oh no, dont go there. i tried to ask him and, oh! i'm still recovering!
keith- uh yeah! duh theres a system!
us- well what is it?
keith- that is for you to find out and me to keep a secret
us- what? that doesnt make any sense! how are we suppost to figure it out if you keep it a secret?
Keith- well you know what i mean!
me- i have no idea how to even begin to understand what you mean
pagan- we're lost
keith- well sorry if youre brain cant-
pagan- no were lost, where are we?
keith- were here.
me- where?
keith- were here, as in we have arrived as in you will soon find out were we are, as in dont ask again *goes through a door*
us- *all looking at eachother*
me- o. . .k. . .
paul- he gets like this when he is hungry
george- *pulls out a granola bar, and follows after keith*
we all go in though the door and i wonder what we'll find. . . .


by celticsusan on Sat Jul 05, 2008 7:43 pm

Yeah, I sometimes feel like my husband thinks I''m putting in too much time on the boards, but that's only when he starts feeling neglected! Sometimes (like at 4 am) he gets a little ticked at me, but then I remind him that this really makes me happy! I'm on here with other people who share the same...er..I hate to say it, but I guess I'm not the only one, obsession?! The amazing talent and personalities of all of Celtic Thunder brought me out of a major depression from a botched surgery. I've been able to get off ALL pain meds, half of my anti-depressants and I am generally in a GREAT mood all the time now...much different than the lazy, moody witch I had been...As far as ME thinking I'm spending too much time??? Not a chance! I've met some really great guys (guess who they are? lol) and I've met some really nice friends on this board... So here I am this giddy middle-aged woman (I hate that word!) totally absorbed in CT! Happy as a lark!


by pagan on Sat Jul 05, 2008 9:20 pm

celticsusan I am middleaged, too, and loving every min. here. If you like, feel free to join in Rhi's and my little game The more the merrier I, too, have met some very nice people here.

Okay Rhi here goes nothing:
Pagan: I was a girlscout in another life. I'll get us out of here, somehow. Let's see Rhi stand still so I can see which way your shadow goes. Aha. No shadow. High noon. Any trees? Moss grows on the north side. No moss. Hmmm. Finger in the wind test. No wind.
Rhi: pagan forget it. We are good and truly lost.
Pagan: Nah theres a pub. Let's go in, feed Keith and ask for directions out of here.
Ryan: Now I know why I like that woman so much
They get to the pub only to see it is closed for renovation.
Rhi: Now what?
Pagan: we just keep walking. Aha! Look! Taxi!
Taxi stops and all get in. (hey it's a fantasy we all fit).
Rhi: driver take us to the nearest restaurant. Surfer Dude is hungry.


by Rhi. on Sun Jul 06, 2008 9:45 am

celticsusan i and SO glad that you feel happy all the time now! I'm glad this boad has brough such good into your life! how does your husband feel about celtic thunder? and YES please, like pagan said, feel free to join in on our odd fantasy story we have going on! (i'm starting to run out of ideas! but SH! dont tell any one! lol)



© 2009 Rhi

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Added on December 25, 2008
Last Updated on January 16, 2009

Do you feel you spend all of your time on the boards?