#2 Red Socks and Purple Hair

#2 Red Socks and Purple Hair

A Chapter by Rhi

by Rhi. on Wed Jul 02, 2008 8:20 am

pagan wrote:I'll be sure to bring extra ones Rhi If they ask us what they are for we can always tell them we got kicked out of our hotel rooms and need a place to crash. Ask them if they have any ideas where

lol we would get kicked out for stealing all of their pillows! "we promis were going to bring them back! we just need them for a few hours we swere!!*pleading look*"

ok now think if we were in the room right next to one of them!!!! we could go next door saying "the ice mecine is broken. . . do you have any??? *sweetst smile ever seen* (but we are thinking, "of couse there isnt any ice! their hotness has meted it!")". . . i wonder if they would be rooming together. . . .i doubt it cuz paul said that he hasnt ever slept in the same room as any of them. . . .but for the sake of fantasy they are! and Ryan answers the door cuz he is such a gentleman and he doesnt know if they have any ice so he calls to keith (who is of couse rooming w/ him. . . right next door to us. . . .!) then Keith comes to the door and we take our potato sack that we have hidden behind our backs and steal them away for the night! but of couse they will be back in time for whatever they have to do the next day. . . .hopefully they wont be TOO tired. . .


by pagan on Wed Jul 02, 2008 9:57 am

Rhi. wrote:
lol we would get kicked out for stealing all of their pillows! "we promis were going to bring them back! we just need them for a few hours we swere!!*pleading look*"

ok now think if we were in the room right next to one of them!!!! we could go next door saying "the ice mecine is broken. . . do you have any??? *sweetst smile ever seen* (but we are thinking, "of couse there isnt any ice! their hotness has meted it!")". . . i wonder if they would be rooming together. . . .i doubt it cuz paul said that he hasnt ever slept in the same room as any of them. . . .but for the sake of fantasy they are! and Ryan answers the door cuz he is such a gentleman and he doesnt know if they have any ice so he calls to keith (who is of couse rooming w/ him. . . right next door to us. . . .!) then Keith comes to the door and we take our potato sack that we have hidden behind our backs and steal them away for the night! but of couse they will be back in time for whatever they have to do the next day. . . .hopefully they wont be TOO tired. . .

This is down right hilarious. I love it! Gee are we now trying to find out which hotel they will be staying at so we can be right there,too? I mean, the get together part is real, at least for me it is and I am dead serious on putting one together. But the rest is pure fantasy and fun. We know they all have separate rooms. But as you said, for the sake of fantasy: we got to the ice machine. None to be had. We here noise coming from one of the rooms on the same floor. Kind of loud. We go to investigate. Knock on the door with a scowl on our faces to give the noisemakers what for. The door opens and it is Ryan. They are having a party. He invites us to join them . Of course, we say yes. We find all the ice in the bathtub keeping the bottles cold. The rest, well........


by Rhi. on Wed Jul 02, 2008 8:50 pm

!!! were sitting in our hotel room and we are talking about the concert and all and we start to hear guitar music and then something sounds off and all goes quiet then there is yelling but we cant fully understand, its something about breaking a guitar string . . .then there are more raised voices and then there is a slam of a door so of course we have to investigate and when we open the door there is ryan in the sittin on the hall floor! and now he is out of a room so we insist on him staying w/ us! but then we find out that he had been playin keith's guitar and he broke a string so of course (because i've planned for this, i plan for everything. . .well at least in fantasies. . .) i pull out my spares and run next door and become keith's savior and then he is no longer quite as mad so he come ove rto our room and we have a huge party and they sing for us! but keith no longer lets ryan come within 5 feet of his guitar

(on one of the PBS trips didnt ryan break one of keith's guitar strings?)


by CVaughn on Thu Jul 03, 2008 7:15 am

Hi. Sorry to interupt here but i think I'm losing my mind. Celtic Thunder is invading my dreams. Just before I woke up this morning I dreamed that I was at some kind of convention (church convention, maybe?) Anyway I was going into this sort of a convenience mart to do my laundry. As I went through the door I noticed the place was packed with people. Then I saw them! They were giving an interview right there in the convenience mart. The first thing I saw was sweet Damian . I wanted to call out to them and anyone within earshot how great they all are but I was speechless. Just my luck I had walked in on the tail end of the adventure and they all started walking away surrounded by camara crews,etc. After they were gone, I was glad I had not gotten their attention. I would have been real embarrassed to get their attention and then been standing there with a basket of dirty laundry. The entire episode didn't take more than 2 or 3 seconds,and when I woke up I realized that I am taking this whole Thunder Craze much too seriously for an old lady. Maybe I need counciling or to get a life,you think? Nah! This is way too much fun. Hmm.....I wonder where the closest convenience mart is to the Fox Theatre.


by pagan on Thu Jul 03, 2008 7:33 am

CVaughn not to worry. You fit right in. Let's see, you're doing your laundry when one of the guys realizes he forgot something and has to return for it. Naturlly, by that time Rhi and I have joined you cos we have laundry, too. We are talking about, who else, when Ryan walks in and says "Hi I'm Ryan". OMG. Well after a while, Keith comes to find him cos he's late for another promo. We get to talking. Eventually Paul, Damian, and George come and the five give us a song. Then they leave, but not without pics, autographs, and a promise to return.
Don't feel bad. I am an "old lady" too. But does that stop me Nooooooo
Now back to Rhi:
We're winding down from the concert and ,at last, trying to sleep. Then we hear a bunch of noise. Doesn't quiet down. We get quite perturbed. We call the manager and things are quiet for a while. Then start up again. We get dressed and go to investigate. We find a door open and the guys are partying merrily. We tell them we would like to get some sleep so could they please tone it down a few decibels? They say okay. We return to our room. Pretty soon we hear the sound of the guys singing "Goodnite Ladies". They sing us to sleep. In the am we find a note under our door apologizing for the racket and inviting us to breakfast. Of course, we go. We end up spending the time with them until we all have to go our seperate ways.


by Rhi. on Thu Jul 03, 2008 9:45 am

OMG! That’s all I got. well actually i have more. . .

First I have to address the laundry issue!

Ok so were doing laundry and everything just like u said and Ryan walks in and everything and he says he forgot some stuff and when he pulls it out everything is a funky salmon pink. (ya know the whole red sock in the laundry deal) first he is like Oh man how did this happen! I’ve never done this in my life! And so on . . . then it occurs to him that he doesn’t own any red socks . . . but someone standing behind him trying to be inconspicuous and trying very hard to stifle his giggles, does have red socks. . .in fact just the other night when they were bored to death in their hotel room they had played sock puppets w/ those red socks. . . so then Ryan turns around (because the stifling of giggles, although a good plan, isn’t working) and Ryan says "you did this? Do you realize what you st did? (Ok so a whole array of star wars jokes just entered my mind) you purposefully put a red sock in w/ these whites? I don’t believe you know the full extent of what you did." so Ryan starts pulling everything out and puts it on top of the washer and says to Keith "ok look at your damage" so Keith goes up to the pile of soggy pink clothes a little confused and starts pulling things out, "that’s weird that looks kinda like my shirt, hu, Ryan I didn’t know you wore this brand of underwear too, aren’t they SO comfy! hey wait, this looks like my blondie shirt, that weird it even has the same- These are my cloths aren’t they." Ryan- yup. *saying materaffactly* you sabotaged your own stuff." he then pulls out a little note pad from his back pocket "That makes it 6 to 2 me in the lead!" Keith- wait what? 6! i thought you only had 5! *looks around wildly for the missing prank/windup* Ryan- did you look in the mirror this morning?
Keith- no. . . .y . . .?
Ryan- I dunno just a suggestion. . .*smiles and walks to pagan*
(and of couse because like i said before i am always prepared in fantasies so i just I happen to have a mirror in my pocket so I rush over to Keith (I’ve also been standing behind him the whole time and have noticed something under his hat) me- uu Keith I have a mirror but I don’t think you want to know. . .he grabs my mirror and looks at himself, and trys to figure out what is wrong "well what is it????" Me- take off your hat. . . so he does and underneath is a huge pink and purple stripe that goes from the very back to the front of his awesome blonde hair.

dang! that was long!

ok so w/ the singing goodnight and all i just thought of them singing rock aby baby and ya know so they are singing it and then keith just stops playin the guitar and says to ryan "this song is discussting! the bow breaks and the cradle falls! and the baby DIES!"

but I would die if they were singing to me. . .soooo. . . ya. . .

think of that breakfast!!! i wonder what they would eat. pancakes? waffles? eggs (scrambled omlelet sunny side up. . .)? hashbrowns? the list goes on. . .eww what if they are messy eaters and they get food allover their mouth think if keith hadlet his stubble grow out just a bit and something got stuck . . . that is so wrong! (the weirdst things gross me out)


by pagan on Thu Jul 03, 2008 9:04 pm

CVaughn I hope you are not angry over me expanding on your dream. I meant no harm. Rhi I knew you were going to be hysterical and you didn't let me down
As long as we are doing laundry: the Suave Swanky Tenor walks into the laundry mat behind the Dark Destroyer and Surfer Dude. Of course, those eyebrows are doing their thing. "Hmmm" we all think. "Now what can they be up to?" They go to the dryers for their laundry only to find out something is amiss. "All right, who put the starch in my stuff" asks Ryan. "What purple clothes?" asks Paul. Then poor Keith "nono someone gave me the wrong stuff. It's all green." The sound of giggling from off in the distance is heard. Damian and George can't contain themselves. Of course, we all go to their rescue. I rewash Ryan's clothes for him to rid them of the starch and Rhi gets the dye out of Keith's and Paul's clothes. They are so grateful they ask us out to dinner. They lock Damian and George in the closet so they can't do any more damage.
We make sure Keith has a big napkin to wipe his chin just in case. We get lucky and the guys sing us a song or two. Somehow Damian and George have escaped and join them in their miniconcert. Rhi falls to the floor cos Keith sings to her the whole time and he has to stop to help her up. Make sure she is all right etc. Ryan sings his heart out to Pagan who just sits there all starryeyed.

Take it away Rhi. CVaughn feel to jump in anytime. Your input would be valuable and am sure you can add to the fun Anyone else care to join us? Come on in cos we are having fun.


by Rhi. on Thu Jul 03, 2008 9:20 pm

pagan wrote:Rhi I knew you were going to be hysterical and you didn't let me down

wow i dont know how to feel, i'm laughing my head off but i'm also thinking "man i'm REALLY predictible!!!" pretty sure that isnt spelled right. . .

pagan wrote:Take it away Rhi.

no big story right now i'm WAY! too tired and i'm not in a very creative mood. . .sry but i'm sure comin back in the morning so just you all wait! lol

pagan wrote:Anyone else care to join us? Come on in cos we are having fun

ya anyone who wants to join in PLEASE do!!!! i like reading these storys just as much as i like writing them lol!!


by CVaughn on Fri Jul 04, 2008 4:02 am

Wow! What a hoot! Sorry , I'm not very creative when it comes to making things up but I'll go back to sleep and see if I can have another dream.LOL. In the meantime, I'm lovin reading this story.


by pagan on Fri Jul 04, 2008 7:13 am

Good CVaughn cos I was concerned you were upset cos I took butted in on your dream. Actually, just a good imagination is all it takes. It is a fantasy and I am sure we all have those. Just jump in and add yours to it.
Yeah Rhi I gotta think too. No you are not predictable: I just know what you have to add to this is going to be hilarious that's all. Cos we are having fun aren't we?
Well, we've eaten breakfast and neither Keith nor Ryan needed bibs. They decided to take us sighseeing and rent a car for that purpose. The car breaks down and you have two men turning the air purple trying to figure out the problem. Us being women, we take out our bobby pins, high heels et all, do some banging etc and voila the car is fixed. Two men are shaking their heads in puzzelment. We tell them not to worry: yrs of experience. We then run out of gas. Take it Rhi.



© 2009 Rhi

Author's Note

start of the story . . .

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Added on December 25, 2008
Last Updated on January 16, 2009

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