#1 Pillows Anyone???

#1 Pillows Anyone???

A Chapter by Rhi

chating from the begining of the board . . .


by Rhi. on Tue Jun 17, 2008 11:24 am

since summer has come and school is out, for the time being, my rutine (sp?) has urned into 'wake up, turn on comp,check a few sites/email and then i'mstuck on here till i cnt think/find anything else to do! and wen that happens i read (but i cant concentrate onone story so i have started 5 books and i'm only a few chpters into each!)' oh and by the time i'm reading, its about 4 pm and i have just waisted another day. . .man, having a car would so b helpful right now. . .but then i would have to acually look for a job . . . and then no more endless hours here. . .that could be good, or really bad. . .lol


by Kerry W on Tue Jun 17, 2008 1:19 pm

Haha yeah. I just joined recently and already I'm obsessed with this website. I wake up, go to APE and work out for 2 hours, come home, COMPUTER!!! CT is the 1st thing I check! After that I spend the rest of the day on here until my mother gets home. She's starting to get annoyed b/c I have a correspondence course I'm supposed to do first... but as long as it gets done, she can't complain... lol.

Darling, CT is simply ahmahzing!


by CVaughn on Wed Jun 18, 2008 12:14 pm

It is fun to browse and chat with people with like interests, even though you may have never met. I asked a question on a thread in George's forum the other day and was very flattered that he answered it himself. I was rather surprised at that. I belonged to a fan site for another group several years ago and really enjoyed it. I got to know the people on the board by their names only until one day they had a fan get together that I was fortunate enough to get to. It was a thrill for me to actually travel to the get together and meet in person some of the people that I had come to know. It was then that those names became faces and I found out that they were real people just like me. My husband,(who was not even a fan of the group) and I had one of the most fun week-ends of our lives with this group of friendly nuts. We still like to look at the pics and remember when.


by Rhi. on Wed Jun 18, 2008 3:47 pm

that sounds like somuch fun!!


by Kerry W on Wed Jun 18, 2008 3:52 pm

wow. That's really neat! I wish I could do something like that...


by pagan on Wed Jun 18, 2008 9:45 pm

CVaughn I've got to do that a couple of times myself. Just fantastic isn't it? Hopefully will be able to do the same with Celtic Thunder.



by TiffanyRene' on Thu Jun 19, 2008 12:10 pm

YEah i fine my self on here most of the day
since im outta school and don't have a summer job
i get on at like noon and then its like midnight and i wonder were all the time went lol



by Beat111 on Thu Jun 19, 2008 5:04 pm

the people here are funny and great to get to know so its kinda hard not to spend so much time on here...i actually feel like i know many of you


by kharkinfan on Thu Jun 19, 2008 11:09 pm

Beat111 wrote:the people here are funny and great to get to know so its kinda hard not to spend so much time on here...i actually feel like i know many of you JJJ

I feel the same way too Beat 111
J , I love the interesting conversations and how the guys come on here once in a while to answer our questions and join in the discussions, It's really hard to get that anywhere else.
As for CVaughn and Pagan, if there ever is a 'thunderheads' get together you guys hear about in the future or plan to organize, keep me posted. If I'm free, I would love to be a part of it


by pagan on Fri Jun 20, 2008 7:10 am

Trust me we will but it is gonna be tough since we are scattered all over the US and the world. We'd have to pick a midway point and those that can make it come. So far I am the only one on here from Wisconsin. I recall lurking before I joined and saw another Wisconsinite in here but that person seems to have disappeared. Oh well. I can manage for now


by Rhi. on Fri Jun 20, 2008 10:40 am

we need like a comvetion or something. . .OH! we could all do like a video conference. . .only idont know exacty how/if that would work. . .hmmm. ..


by pagan on Fri Jun 20, 2008 9:12 pm

Maybe we could find a midway point or something. Ya know like a what would halfway from whereever. Hmmm. Brainstorm needed here :D


by Rhi. on Sat Jun 21, 2008 7:53 am

HAPPY TIME!!!! its my b-day today!!!! i LOVE birthdays!!! they just make you feel so happy. . . .well that is until it gets closer to thirty. . . . then not so much. . .hehehe ITS MY BIRTHDAY! i shouldtotaly somehow get keith or ryan to sing welli guess type happy birthay to me. . .lol


by kharkinfan on Sat Jun 21, 2008 2:13 pm

Rhi. wrote:HAPPY TIME!!!! its my b-day today!!!! i LOVE birthdays!!! they just make you feel so happy. . . .well that is until it gets closer to thirty. . . . then not so much. . .hehehe ITS MY BIRTHDAY! i shouldtotaly somehow get keith or ryan to sing welli guess type happy birthay to me. . .lol

Happy Birthday Rhi!!!, I hope all your wishes come true. Enjoy your birthday.
haha, I love birthdays too, I announce mine like a month before the actual day, it's always crazy at my house.


by pagan on Sat Jun 21, 2008 3:26 pm

Happy Birthday Rhi. Hope you have a good one. I wish Ryan and/or Keith could sing to you. Just pretend you are permanent 29 like I do Then it doesn't hurt so much


by Rhi. on Sat Jun 21, 2008 11:06 pm

kharkinfan wrote:

Rhi. wrote:HAPPY TIME!!!! its my b-day today!!!! i LOVE birthdays!!! they just make you feel so happy. . . .well that is until it gets closer to thirty. . . . then not so much. . .hehehe ITS MY BIRTHDAY! i shouldtotaly somehow get keith or ryan to sing welli guess type happy birthay to me. . .lol

Happy Birthday Rhi!!!, I hope all your wishes come true. Enjoy your birthday.
haha, I love birthdays too, I announce mine like a month before the actual day, it's always crazy at my house.

thank you so much! well so far none of our fab 5 have sung/typed happy birthday to me. . .hrumph. . .lol but it was a pretty good day and HOPEFULLY when i 'blew' out my candles (they acually werent lit. . .coulnt find matches! lol) but hopefully the wish that i made will come true!


by pagan on Sun Jun 22, 2008 9:47 am

I hope so too Rhi. Oh well, the guys were a tad busy. Maybe next yr tho Ya think when the time comes I could get them to sing it to me a few weeks early? Cos my concert is mid Dec. and my birthday in Jan


by kharkinfan on Sun Jun 22, 2008 1:49 pm

I agree with Pagan, I'm pretty sure you'll get a song next year.

It's good to hear you had a great birthday


by Rhi. on Sun Jun 22, 2008 8:38 pm

pagan wrote:I hope so too Rhi. Oh well, the guys were a tad busy. Maybe next yr tho Ya think when the time comes I could get them to sing it to me a few weeks early? Cos my concert is mid Dec. and my birthday in Jan

that is TOTALY worth a try! think how awesome that would be to have all 5 of the sing happy birthday to you! i would die!


by Rhi. on Sun Jun 22, 2008 8:45 pm

kharkinfan wrote:I agree with Pagan, I'm pretty sure you'll get a song next year.

It's good to hear you had a great birthday

well maybe next year they'll do another pbs tour and i'll acaully be able to be there! lol
that would be so cool to go upto keith and be like "so my birthday is like in a day. . .would you mind wipping out your guitar and singing something for me??? *big smile*" then of course since this inmy fantasy keith would be like "awesome i love the birthday song!" then he would play it onhis guitar and sing to me and we would get it on video and. . .i think i would die likehalf way through. . .that would be bad if that happened! so i guess i'll just melt into a puddle! lol Ah! i'mmelting! i'm MELTING! . . .Wizard of OZ anyone?lol


by pagan on Sun Jun 22, 2008 9:49 pm

Rhi. wrote:

pagan wrote:I hope so too Rhi. Oh well, the guys were a tad busy. Maybe next yr tho Ya think when the time comes I could get them to sing it to me a few weeks early? Cos my concert is mid Dec. and my birthday in Jan

that is TOTALY worth a try! think how awesome that would be to have all 5 of the sing happy birthday to you! i would die!

I can try to put a bug in a few ears at the concert eh? Maybe hold up a sign
Rhi that is a fantastic fantasy. Hope it comes true. Me, I'd never get off the floor if Ryan sang to me. Oh sigh. hey, I'd like to retire early anyhow


by Desperado on Sun Jun 22, 2008 10:28 pm

pagan wrote:Rhi that is a fantastic fantasy. Hope it comes true. Me, I'd never get off the floor if Ryan sang to me. Oh sigh. hey, I'd like to retire early anyhow

I'll be on the floor right with you!


by pagan on Mon Jun 23, 2008 8:59 am

At least I'd be in good company Des


by Rhi. on Mon Jun 23, 2008 12:09 pm

we should just call ourselves the floor crew or something cuz that is were we will all end up! lol and just think, we all fall to the floor wjhen we see them, then they all come running over to see if we are ok,and they sit on the ground next to us and feel our foreheads and things like that to make sure we are ok and OMG! think of having ryan's face like 2 inches away with a look of concern on it! a look of concern ment just for you! OMG! i. would. die.


by celticgirl on Mon Jun 23, 2008 3:35 pm

OMG Rhi!! I got chills and my heart was racing just from reading that!! That would be awesome...like a tiny piece of Heaven...


by Desperado on Mon Jun 23, 2008 9:09 pm

Rhi. wrote:we should just call ourselves the floor crew or something cuz that is were we will all end up! lol and just think, we all fall to the floor wjhen we see them, then they all come running over to see if we are ok,and they sit on the ground next to us and feel our foreheads and things like that to make sure we are ok and OMG! think of having ryan's face like 2 inches away with a look of concern on it! a look of concern ment just for you! OMG! i. would. die.

I would be thinking "that's what heaven looks like.."


by pagan on Mon Jun 23, 2008 9:40 pm

OMG Rhi you sure know how to word things don't you? Gee, what an excuse to stay on the floor After watching Sat's vid of the guys (didn't Ryan look OMG WOW etc ) I can just imagine what having that man near me would do Is our floor carpeted? Fess up ladies: how many times have ya watched that yummy vid? I even sent it to a penpal



by Rhi. on Tue Jun 24, 2008 10:24 am

Rhi. wrote:we should just call ourselves the floor crew or something cuz that is were we will all end up! lol and just think, we all fall to the floor when we see them, then they all come running over to see if we are ok, and they sit on the ground next to us and feel our foreheads and things like that to make sure we are ok and OMG! think of having Ryan’s face like 2 inches away with a look of concern on it! a look of concern meant just for you! OMG! i. would. die.

so for everyones reference that is what i wrote *points up*

celticgirl wrote:OMG Rhi!! I got chills and my heart was racing just from reading that!! That would be awesome...like a tiny piece of Heaven...

i acually forgot what i wrote so i had to go back and look! lol. . .but now that i know what everyone is talking about!
ya, i would be on the floor dead.
my heart would have been pumping too fast and something would burst and I would be gone. OMG! I just thought of something!!! if my heart stopped. . .then i would need CPR. . . and if I needed CPR then either keith or ryan could do it . . .!!!(because this is my fantasy so they know how to do it. . .) wait! is CPR just the chest compressions or does it involve the mouth to moth too. . . cuz I just want the mouth to mouth. . .*i am trying so hard now to keep a straight face. . .its not working*

Desperado wrote:I would be thinking "that's what heaven looks like.."

I SO cracked up when i read your comment! I wasn’t expecting to read that! *laughing* but its SO true!

pagan wrote:OMG Rhi you sure know how to word things don't you? Gee, what an excuse to stay on the floor After watching Sat's vid of the guys (didn't Ryan look OMG WOW etc ) I can just imagine what having that man near me would do Is our floor carpeted? Fess up ladies: how many times have ya watched that yummy vid? I even sent it to a penpal

wait! first. what? hu? what vid are you talking about!?! i wanna see it!!!!
you mean word things that we are all thinking? or that we have dreamed about? (cuz i'm pretty sure i'm not the only one. . .lol) again i am trying so hard not to totally loose it right now! (the laughter that is. . .)
yes our floor is carpeted with the BIGEST pad underneath it cuz if w are all going to end up there we still to look pretty! and not break our neck! WAIT! So imagine we have all fallen to the floor ryan comes to you pagan, keith to me (cuz personally i would want keith's look of concern to be for me. . .considering i'm closer to his age group than to ryans. . .) and the floor wasn't padded so we hit our head, and being the awesome gentlemen they are they stay w/ us till emergency crews come, and while we are waiting for then to come, the guys are on the floor with us, telling us everything is going to be ok, and our heads are in their laps! their hands are on our face and. . . ummmm oh crud i just lost it. . .hold on. . . oh! Ok so then the emergency crew comes but they are so worried about us that they want to come with us to the hospital (man we really hit! our heads didn't we!) but they cant because they have to finish the show, so we are hulled off and we have concussions i guess. . .and we have to stay over night (all in the same room too, cuz we have to talk about what happened! i cant keep that inside for long) then (beacuse it was the last tv thing they were doing before they were to leave and had some time, and they, of course, were SO worried about us) they come to check on us and when they enter our room they have flowers, and cards and candy just for us and then they come over to us and- i think we all get the picture. . .


by Rhi. on Tue Jun 24, 2008 3:13 pm

wow i just read my horiscope and this is what it said

It's hard to stay on track today for every thought that arises in your mind can turn into a string of fantasies that take you on a pleasant journey. You may be able to get quite a bit of traveling logged in your day dreams, but the real work now is back here on Earth. Enjoy a diversion or two, but don't let an obsession with your inner world interfere with your day.

now that doesnt sound anything like me now does it!? lol


by Desperado on Tue Jun 24, 2008 4:19 pm

pagan wrote:OMG Rhi you sure know how to word things don't you? Gee, what an excuse to stay on the floor After watching Sat's vid of the guys (didn't Ryan look OMG WOW etc ) I can just imagine what having that man near me would do Is our floor carpeted? Fess up ladies: how many times have ya watched that yummy vid? I even sent it to a penpal

I haven't seen it yet! I usually watch video clips on the weekend when I have more time.



by pagan on Wed Jun 25, 2008 7:44 am



Rhi wrote:
wait! first. what? hu? what vid are you talking about!?! i wanna see it!!!!
you mean word things that we are all thinking? or that we have dreamed about? (cuz i'm pretty sure i'm not the only one. . .lol) again i am trying so hard not to totally loose it right now! (the laughter that is. . .)
yes our floor is carpeted with the BIGEST pad underneath it cuz if w are all going to end up there we still to look pretty! and not break our neck! WAIT! So imagine we have all fallen to the floor ryan comes to you pagan, keith to me (cuz personally i would want keith's look of concern to be for me. . .considering i'm closer to his age group than to ryans. . .) and the floor wasn't padded so we hit our head, and being the awesome gentlemen they are they stay w/ us till emergency crews come, and while we are waiting for then to come, the guys are on the floor with us, telling us everything is going to be ok, and our heads are in their laps! their hands are on our face and. . . ummmm oh crud i just lost it. . .hold on. . . oh! Ok so then the emergency crew comes but they are so worried about us that they want to come with us to the hospital (man we really hit! our heads didn't we!) but they cant because they have to finish the show, so we are hulled off and we have concussions i guess. . .and we have to stay over night (all in the same room too, cuz we have to talk about what happened! i cant keep that inside for long) then (beacuse it was the last tv thing they were doing before they were to leave and had some time, and they, of course, were SO worried about us) they come to check on us and when they enter our room they have flowers, and cards and candy just for us and then they come over to us and- i think we all get the picture. . .

Check the news section of the forum Rhi. The vid is there. OMG! I am holding my sides with laughter. W oman you are just oooo funny for words. You realize we'd all get kicked out of the hospital for our noise. Now gee, where we would go from there I love how your mind works. I know I'd have to share Ryan with Des but I don't mind. I am sure he could pay proper attention to the two of us. Actually, I am closer to George in age but.......My head in Ryan's lap What a lovely image and his hands stroking my cheeks. Hokay. Must pick myself up off the floor and go to the rest of the site. Keep it coming cos I love it


by Dancemom on Wed Jun 25, 2008 8:49 am

pagan wrote:OMG Rhi you sure know how to word things don't you? Gee, what an excuse to stay on the floor After watching Sat's vid of the guys (didn't Ryan look OMG WOW etc ) I can just imagine what having that man near me would do Is our floor carpeted? Fess up ladies: how many times have ya watched that yummy vid? I even sent it to a penpal

Oh my yes! That video is amazing! It really makes me anxious for time to speed up to the tour dates. There are going to be so many of us in danger of landing on the floor.



by abbysmom on Wed Jun 25, 2008 8:51 am

maybe we should bring lots of pillows and ice???


by Rhi. on Wed Jun 25, 2008 12:16 pm

abbysmom wrote:maybe we should bring lots of pillows and ice???

and like 10 emergancy kits!

Before the show we should sell "Celtic Thunder Survival Kits"
and inside there willbe ice and pillows, green banaids, a paper bag for hyperventalating, primping suplies (makeup, hairbrush. . .), a big sign that says I LOVE U ______. (the sign name wil have the name of the person's kit they buy) so their will be a kit for every member and within those kits there will be unique things that you will need to survive meeting that person. i'm not sure at the moment what those items would be . . . oh! and on the outside of the kit there will be thier picture on it!so if you buy Ryan's kit, it will have the most awesome picture we can find of him on it and it would be temping tohave the kit in the shape of a light saber but i dont think that he would approve. . .! maybe keith's should be in the shape of a surf board,damian's would be. . .a puppy. . .? pauls would be. . .i have no idea! and georges would be. . .???. . . .


by abbysmom on Wed Jun 25, 2008 12:20 pm

lol that would be cute, good idea Rhi


by Rhi. on Wed Jun 25, 2008 1:04 pm

pagan wrote:Check the news section of the forum Rhi. The vid is there.

criminitly! that took a while to find and to load. . .but i did and OMG! keith was lookin FINE! and ryan looked really tan. . .and damian looked really out of it durring his first close up. . . but OMG they proformed on my birthday!!!! that is SO awesome!! and so while i was watching it i pretended keith was singing to me. . .*sighs*


by Desperado on Wed Jun 25, 2008 9:09 pm

Rhi. wrote:

abbysmom wrote:maybe we should bring lots of pillows and ice???

and like 10 emergancy kits!

Before the show we should sell "Celtic Thunder Survival Kits"

That is such a cute idea.


by kharkinfan on Wed Jun 25, 2008 9:24 pm

abbysmom wrote:maybe we should bring lots of pillows and ice???

I'll volunteer the ice


by pagan on Wed Jun 25, 2008 9:59 pm

Well Paul did say his personal life was between him and his teddy bear. So we could give him a teddy bear. Ryan maybe a dark destroyer thingy cos that is his nickname. Our Damian sure is growing up isn't he? I almost fell on the floor when I saw Ryan. OMG! And WOW! Pillows fer sure. I get to see their last concert sooo... I am counting on EVERYONE to fill me in beforehand of what to expect Oh yeah don't forget the smelling salts in those kits cos man we might need em


by Rhi. on Thu Jun 26, 2008 11:09 am

pagan wrote:Well Paul did say his personal life was between him and his teddy bear. So we could give him a teddy bear. Ryan maybe a dark destroyer thingy cos that is his nickname. Our Damian sure is growing up isn't he? I almost fell on the floor when I saw Ryan. OMG! And WOW! Pillows fer sure. I get to see their last concert sooo... I am counting on EVERYONE to fill me in beforehand of what to expect Oh yeah don't forget the smelling salts in those kits cos man we might need em

maybe they'll do someting special for the last concert!!!! that would be cool!

we definately need smelling salts! OH! we should also include posters w/ their photos on it with sharpies just in case there is a chanceof autographs. . .



by pagan on Thu Jun 26, 2008 9:19 pm



Rhi wrote:maybe they'll do someting special for the last concert!!!! that would be cool!

we definately need smelling salts! OH! we should also include posters w/ their photos on it with sharpies just in case there is a chanceof autographs. . .

I sure hope so Rhi. I'll let you know if they do. Let's see what else for the survival kits: kleenex in case of tears, green glow sticks to wave at concerts so they know we are there, green flashing lights so they know we are there...signs maybe?
gee how big are these things gonna be? Oxygen just in case


by Rhi. on Thu Jun 26, 2008 10:12 pm

pagan wrote:Let's see what else for the survival kits: kleenex in case of tears, green glow sticks to wave at concerts so they know we are there, green flashing lights so they know we are there...signs maybe?
gee how big are these things gonna be? Oxygen just in case

i dont think they are going to be kits anymore. . .we may want to be selling these in duffle bags!!!

i can totally see myself dressing in green chrismas lights for the concert!
(if any of the guys are reading this WATCH out! and look out for a greean blazzing ball of lights! lol i should wear a fire warning!)



by pagan on Fri Jun 27, 2008 7:44 am


Rhi wrote:i dont think they are going to be kits anymore. . .we may want to be selling these in duffle bags!!!

i can totally see myself dressing in green chrismas lights for the concert!
(if any of the guys are reading this WATCH out! and look out for a greean blazzing ball of lights! lol i should wear a fire warning!)

Rhi I was thinking the same thing myself. This is getting to be pretty big. Hmmm....what next?
Me I am settling for a green scarf and glow stick. We want the guys to sing, now fall over laughing


by Kerry W on Fri Jun 27, 2008 7:50 am

*reading over entire converstation...*

*falls over on floor laughing so hard that she starts crying b/c of laughing so hard*

Oh my gosh you guys! I'm just going to wear like jeans or a nice skirt w/ a green shirt... no christmas lights for me!


by Rhi. on Fri Jun 27, 2008 11:37 am

ah come on guys it would be somuch fun trying to get past security and trying to convince them that this isnt a fire hazerd. . . and then just think! durring a slow song you put the lights on a slow blink and durring a fast song the lights go on hyperspeed!

and then over my heart i should put red lights in the shape of a heart and have that constantly 'beating'! just think if i did get the opportunity to meet the guys. . . .a girl dressed in chrismas lights and when keith steps closer the red sploch on her chest blinks faster. . . .people would think they are seeing an alien! or the swat team would come in thinking i'm a bomb. . .that would be bad. . .i think i'll stick to a green shirt. . .


by Kerry W on Fri Jun 27, 2008 12:30 pm

*snorts again*

YOU are a fire hazard. You are going to spontaneously combust if Keith even gets CLOSE to you. Plus the lights would only make it worse, so the SWAT team needs to be informed that you'll be at the concert...

A person wearing christmas lights does not qualify as an alien. (You ARE going to wear clothes under those lights, right? I suddenly got scary and scarring images of ppl garbed in only x-mas lights. EW.) (These smileys combined could be an alien though. )

GAHHH. I''m tired. and going to bed at 2:30 in the afternoon... (Yes, I am extremely strange. )


by Rhi. on Fri Jun 27, 2008 1:26 pm

Kerry W wrote:*snorts again*

YOU are a fire hazard. You are going to spontaneously combust if Keith even gets CLOSE to you. Plus the lights would only make it worse, so the SWAT team needs to be informed that you'll be at the concert...

A person wearing christmas lights does not qualify as an alien. (You ARE going to wear clothes under those lights, right? I suddenly got scary and scarring images of ppl garbed in only x-mas lights. EW.) (These smileys combined could be an alien though. )

GAHHH. I''m tired. and going to bed at 2:30 in the afternoon... (Yes, I am extremely strange. )

*sighs (well acually like snorts sighs and laughs all at the same time. . .)* you just made my day! *deep breath* ok . . . whew, i can see it now, i get the opportunity to meet keith and he is talking to someone else (and i am dressed in my chrismas lights w/ a red blob over my heart) and he sees me out of the corner of his eye and he does a double take. (either that or one of the other guys elbows him and points to me) and he gets a strange look on his face and come causiously over to me and says "hey uuh, i come in peace. . .? *does the hand finger thing*" (meanwhile i have pumped up the heart beat to max) and FLUME! i'm in flames. . . and then of course keith thinks i'm a demon child and runs and damian comes over and goes SISTER i found you! (the omen anyone?)
or. . .
keith is standing like 20 feet away from me and i just burst into flame

!!! just thought of 3 things!
1. i shouldnt just wrap myself in green lights! i should make myself into a shamrock! yup those extra parts for the leaf things wouldnt make it anymore flamable. . .not at all. . .
2. if i did combust into flams and have to go to the hospital then maybe the next day keith would visit me and be like "sry i caused you to uh, catch on fire. . .i didnt know i was that hot. . .*smile*" *i burst into flame again*. . . 3. in the kits need to include fire extinguishers. . .

yes i will be wearing clothes, i dont want to go camando. . . thats just wrong, and i would totaly be needing to wear a fire retardent thing so i dont get seriously hurt! lol you know this is starting to sound a LOT like the baby from the incredibles. . . .

oh and sleep good! or is it well. . .lol u think your strange! i'm talking about dressing in chrismas lights for a concert! lol maybe i could get invited up on stage. . . .

oh and just in case anyone is questioning my sanity, i wont acually wrap chrismas lights around myself, its just a story that is amusing, and besides think how long that extention cord would be. . .


by music=life on Fri Jun 27, 2008 2:38 pm

You can actually get a cord of Christmas lights with a battery pack. just sayin'.....

(I've worn Christmas lights to things before. I only got a couple of weird looks )


by Kerry W on Fri Jun 27, 2008 4:42 pm

oh. my. gosh.

You actually can???!!! *cracks up and falls out of chair* Ow.

Jeez... I wonder if we could actually get/create a photo that would go with what Rhi said... It'd definitely win the caption contest! lol.

The green shamrocks might work just as well.


by pagan on Fri Jun 27, 2008 9:55 pm

I am rolling on the floor here Don't worry Kerry, we are just having fun. The floor squad doing its thing right Rhi? Maybe next tour we should plan a get together somehow. Pick a concert near the center of where we all live and attend together and then invite the guys to join us after for a drink. Now THAT would be fun wouldn't it? Could you just see that one? Here is my little fantasy: we are all in the bar talking about you know who, when Paul and Ryan come in and catch some of the conversation. I'll let you ladies pick what we've been discussing so they can catch it. They look at us like "Huh" and we kind of sidestep it or just maybe a remark in reference to it and let it drop or hang. Then we just shoot the breeze. Not to forget pics and autographs etc.
I am wearing all black Kerry. My pants are black and white pinstripes and my top is black. I'll have a green scarf and maybe a green glow stick. Some such light anyhoo.
Rhi are ya sure wouldn't see the lights and just run? Just kidding! Gee, he just might be flattered at the heat he generates. Your lights could always spell out "I love you Keith and I think you are hot"


by Kerry W on Sat Jun 28, 2008 6:46 pm

I'd be wearing black pants w/ a halter top and a green vest. It looks classy and hot. It sounds a little odd, but it works. Hopefully my hair will be a few inches longer by then...

Keith would LOVE that. Say, where do you guys all live? I'm in the DFW area.


by pagan on Sat Jun 28, 2008 9:04 pm

Yeah I am growing my hair, too, Kerry. So it should be a few inches longer by my concert. Nope doesn't sound odd to me at all. Am sure you look great in it.


by Rhi. on Mon Jun 30, 2008 11:07 am

music=life wrote:You can actually get a cord of Christmas lights with a battery pack. just sayin'.....

(I've worn Christmas lights to things before. I only got a couple of weird looks )

oh goodness. . .!!!! think if one of the guys read this. . . .*looks down shaking head*

how many lights did you wear?


by Rhi. on Mon Jun 30, 2008 11:11 am

Kerry W wrote:oh. my. gosh.

You actually can???!!! *cracks up and falls out of chair* Ow.

Jeez... I wonder if we could actually get/create a photo that would go with what Rhi said... It'd definitely win the caption contest! lol.

The green shamrocks might work just as well.

OMG! just think if the guys read this and kept a look out just in case i did this! and then when the night of the concert comes around i acually did wrop myself in lights! wow when the lights go off it would be me lighting up the staduim. . . .think of the people siting next to me!!!!!


by Rhi. on Mon Jun 30, 2008 11:52 am

pagan wrote:I am rolling on the floor here Don't worry Kerry, we are just having fun. The floor squad doing its thing right Rhi? Maybe next tour we should plan a get together somehow. Pick a concert near the center of where we all live and attend together and then invite the guys to join us after for a drink. Now THAT would be fun wouldn't it? Could you just see that one? Here is my little fantasy: we are all in the bar talking about you know who, when Paul and Ryan come in and catch some of the conversation. I'll let you ladies pick what we've been discussing so they can catch it. They look at us like "Huh" and we kind of sidestep it or just maybe a remark in reference to it and let it drop or hang. Then we just shoot the breeze. Not to forget pics and autographs etc.
I am wearing all black Kerry. My pants are black and white pinstripes and my top is black. I'll have a green scarf and maybe a green glow stick. Some such light anyhoo.
Rhi are ya sure wouldn't see the lights and just run? Just kidding! Gee, he just might be flattered at the heat he generates. Your lights could always spell out "I love you Keith and I think you are hot"

That was good!

i think that we should be in the bar like you said and everything, and (you know that sound that lights make on TV, that weird buzzinf sound?? well my lights are on blink so every time the come on thats the sound they make) the guys com in (and i am SOOOO not gonna write "I love you Keith and I think you are hot" in chrismas lights. . . .its too long, it wont fit on my body. . . .lol) and we would probably be discussing the kilts. . . . and everything goes like you said and when the autographs com around, i go up to keith and say (oh i thought of the best thing to say but this is a G rated sight. . . )

me-"hey can you uh. . .sign my um *looks for something to sign* umm shoe?!" (which i have duct taped green lights to)
keith- "uh yah, sure!. . .*takes shoe and tries to find somewhere were there arnt any lights* so uh you sure like lights dont you?"
me- well they are pretty uncomfortable and when i sat down. . .i uh broke some bulbs *shows keith my butt which is a mess of wires and the only thing not lit*
(and this of course makes keith laugh and the tesion in broken)
keith- ya when i came out for the first song and was looking around a bit i saw this green blob blinking in time to the music! and the first thing i thought of was that someone had brought in a chrismas tree! but then i saw the funny things coming off of it *fingers my shamrock leaves* and thought wow someone must be in love with the green lantern (i think hes a superhero. . .?. . .)
me- (well i would be dieing at this point if it was real life...) oh no! *laughing* i'm a shamrock! ya know a 4- well i'm a 3 leaf clover!
keith- oh you are? *stands back* oh i see it now! that pretty cool! how did you get past security?
me- well i first had to prove i wasnt a bomb, then i had to prove i wsnt a fire hazerd or a distarction. . . luckly my forum friends, we call ourselves the floor crew, were there so i had some back up. . .only for the concert i had a big body guard next to me and a fire extiguisher pointed at me, luckly i didnt have to get up to go to the bathroom. . .

yah, and then the other guys come over (they now know what i am) and damian comes over and says in an odd voice "ET phone home" which i reply with "WaAall-E"

this is what happends when you havent been on the comp for about 2 or 3 days and have just woken up. . .


by Rhi. on Mon Jun 30, 2008 11:54 am

Kerry W wrote:I'd be wearing black pants w/ a halter top and a green vest. It looks classy and hot. It sounds a little odd, but it works. Hopefully my hair will be a few inches longer by then...


pagan wrote:Yeah I am growing my hair, too, Kerry. So it should be a few inches longer by my concert. Nope doesn't sound odd to me at all. Am sure you look great in it.

weird . . . i am too. . .


by pagan on Mon Jun 30, 2008 9:18 pm

I love it Rhi I am just dying reading your fantasy. Next tour, and we know there will be one, we gotta find a concert midpoint from where we all live and get together. What a riot that will be I live in Wisconsin so anywhere I can go halfway to the furthest member of the floor crew is fine by me. Me with my green scarf, glow stick and blinking light, you with your Christmas lights and everyone else with whatever. Of course, when the guys stroll in the drinks are on us. I'll wave my glowstick at them and yell "over here". Then they come join us. Keith "hello tere", Ryan "Hi I'm Ryan", Paul wiggles his eyebrows and says "hello", Damian "with hi" and George arms open wide for hugs. The sound all of us make as we hit the floor. The guys rush to help us up. Group hug. Drinks come and chat. Pics and autographs. I give my scarf to Ryan.
Sigh. The fun we'll have


by Rhi. on Tue Jul 01, 2008 8:27 am

well there had BETTER be another! if there wasnt then i think there would be some complaining happening and maybe a strike? now how we would do it i have no idea but we would make it happen! lol umm i dont know if i would be able to go anywhere cuz next year we are doing this BIG trip around europe, so i may be lucky if i can even afford tickets! but oh well i'll see what i can do in a years time! i know this is SO random and off topic but i HAVE to ask has anyone seen WALL-e? and if someone has, did you see any of their previouse charactors in there? ya know cuz they normally put something from their past films in there but i couldnt find any! now back on topic. . . . think if we met them and everything and instead of wondering about the glows sticks and chrismas lights, think if they knew who we were. . . and said something like Hey its the Floor crew! or something like that! that would be SO weird! and totally awesome! then think if they wanted picture w/us!!!!! because we were the most awesome fans!!!! (hopefully i wouldnt combust or electricute anyone. . .) it would also be funny if ryan was like No one fell to the floor! I was looking forward to rescuing someone! and then Pagan you drop to the floor.lol that would be helariouse! (and how you spell that i'm not really sure. . .)


by pagan on Tue Jul 01, 2008 12:21 pm

Okay Rhi....here is how we'll go about our little get together: we find out where everyone is from and which concert would be the easiest for all of us to attend as a group. We decide on the concert and then take it from there. Once that is decided, we order our tickets and make travel plans. Since four can sleep in the same room, we get our rooms like that: four to a room. One person makes the reservations and the others pay their share. Then we find a restaurant close to the venue where we have our preconcert dinner and make dinner reservations. Then we decide where we will meet afterwards for drinks. Once that is decided (maybe we should warn the place some diehard, devoted Thunderheads will be there) we invite the guys to join us for a drink. I will gladly be the one who makes a donkey out of myself and fall on the floor for Ryan's benefit. I am good at that without even trying so what the hey? We sit together during the concert(which most likely means one person will have to get the tickets and the others reimburse her) and make a sign that says "Thunderhead Floor Crew" so they know who we are. Am sure they will know when they walk into the bar and see a bunch of giggling women with stars in their eyes they will know it's us. Must make sure to order a Cape Cod for Ryan and a soda for Damian if his parents will let him come. I say we invite his parents, too, just to be safe. George is welcome to bring Carrie and Sarah with him if they are with him that nite. We just can't forget when George opens his arms for the hug we all go to him for a group hug That way we can get the others involved, too. Then we pretend to fall on the floor overcome by the sheer wonder and joy of it all. My income is limited, too, but somehow we will manage. In the meantime, we can have fun
No I haven't seen Wallee. Sorry


by Rhi. on Tue Jul 01, 2008 1:01 pm

sound perfect to me! we just need to remember to bring pillows. . .for when we fall. . .lol


by pagan on Tue Jul 01, 2008 9:07 pm

Rhi. wrote:sound perfect to me! we just need to remember to bring pillows. . .for when we fall. . .lol

I'll be sure to bring extra ones Rhi If they ask us what they are for we can always tell them we got kicked out of our hotel rooms and need a place to crash. Ask them if they have any ideas where




© 2009 Rhi

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you changed things up and now im confused

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