That in this world,
A handful of money
Is just fool’s gold."
=who isn't a fool in this world? haha
but seriously, i like what you're trying to say. The determination to be remembered and respected forever. to have a life worth living... we have the save dream dude.
however, there's still room for improvement for the rhyming. just let the emotions flow--and of course, practice
This is just so awe-inspiring! I can feel the strong determination in this. This is absolutely excellent and beautifully poetic! Its also a very raw piece. Enjoyed reading this very much. :)
This is beautiful.. sometimes the reality may not be what others want to see but is what gives us joy. Money doesn't matter... living our life to the fullest does though.
Also the rhythm of this poem is very good. Each line rolls off the next one like it is meant to be there. Great write sir
I would quote a line from your poem, but there are too many that I liked. I think it has an even flow and your word choice is inspiring. Your point is deep and I can't help but think of John Lennon while reading it. haha I like poems like this where they leave you thinking. Also it's very cool that you put dialogue in to it! I found it capturing, and even though it is a lengthy poem, as I read on I began to want to read more. Yet it is very complete in it's depth. Very inspirational. Amazing job!
"When they doubted me,
And called me a dreamer
Today they’ll see,
I’ve lived on forever
In the truth that has prevailed
And the song where I’m Hailed"
The great dreamers are the people remembered. People who could foresee the future with hopeful eyes. The world is getting harder. We need all people on all four corners of this world to stop. Demand the end to war and violence. Not allow over powering countries to expand hate and lies. All people want the same. A place to rest their bodies. A safe place to raise a family. Food and work. People are just people. Dreamers are few and rare in this world. Need more men of peace to lighten the way for the children being born. A outstanding poem. Each of us can see a sky filled with stars. We need the children of this world to be able to dream. Not fear the hate and the wars controlling the world today.
I hadn't read this before! The emotion was so real and the monologue was astoundingly good. The message you're trying to pass across is one we should all sit down and heed...reach for immortality through a good, courteous mode of lifestyle.
By the way i've seen a pocketful of dreams trounce a bag full of gold in my life so far...i'm 100% with you on that no objections.
I'd say the rhymes were very good, and if you can definitely them up a tad more you'll be a poetic force unstoppable and envied. This was truly fantastic bro! Start sharing them with me!
You're coming along quite well, young poet.
Let me just add that, in matters of importance, only listen to those whose opinion you respect--and when any of these begins to dishonor your respect, move on.
Most of the too-easily offered opinions and non-expert advice you'll hear in your life, is just so much annoying noise.
I like "The Dreamer," Murtuza.
Hi all :)
I love to write - be it poems, articles, stories and the like. Whatever I write mostly comes up from the spur of the moment and I don't really start off with a basic idea. I just write ba.. more..