In A World Of The Utterly Beleaguered

In A World Of The Utterly Beleaguered

A Poem by Marvin Thomas Cox-Flynn de Graham

Telling it just I have come to see it after a life of Scholarly Biblical study & research as an EX-Preacher, Intelligent Design, Free Thinking, Agnostic-Minded, Atheist!


In A World Of The Utterly Beleaguered

In A World Of The Utterly Beleaguered

Written By Marvin Thomas Cox-Flynn de Graham

Copyright © 2024 Marvin Thomas Cox

DBA: Marvin Thomas Cox-Flynn de Graham

All Rights Reserved




In a world of the utterly beleaguered,

mind-bedeviled, foolishly-foolhardy, believers,

those who so desperately -- illogically -- determine,

to eke out their facsimile's excuses of minuscule lives,

upon the magically mystical fairytale's, illusory, premises,

of none other than that mind-blinding phrase called: “Blind Faith!”

Come now, O' please come now: Give us a --

May-all-God(s)-be-damned,! -- Friggin' break!


Tell me! If, you can? The question is: Can you?

Answer me …! Answer me …!! Answer me …!!!

Answer me, in some semi-sane-said quasi-intelligent fashion

that is not a cop-out excuse, or another superstition laden bold faced lie.


What truly does come to mind, when one visualizes,

contemplates, and meditates upon the word: BLIND!?


Does, perhaps, a total lack of insightful eye-sight,

both eyeball's physically and intellect's mentally,

as accurately determinable -- a totally sheerest-lack

of any and all's sense's sense of sight's defining definition

sight that in hindsight is definitively not any sort of sense

of all-seeing sight as blind sight is no sight at all to stop a fall?

Does a total lack of sight”s plight of comprehension come to mind?

It damn well should: May-all-God(s)-be-damned

-- b*****d Sun-God, Jesus, too!



And, why is that? Why is it, that, the word BLIND!,

always conveys to the Human mind, a most dark and sinister,

a most dismal, a most terrifying connotation's sensation,

which cannot be expressed in any fashion, short of that ignoble

trippin'-n-stumblin' state of defunct-deficient eyes done gone

plum dumb a*s, sightlessly sight blind, bumblin' in mists of darkness,

of both body and mind, even that of a mind's-eye poked-afflicted

and astute perception of sight deprived -- deprived of sight and

done gone sight denied! -- done gone s**t house rat friggin' blind!


Or, better yet, visualize(?) “O' say can you see,?

eyes and minds, unduly, rendered deaf and dumb!


Blind Faith: A Gospel's God-Spell cast against men-as-Man,

and that at its height of darkest grandeur that can onliest

best be expressed as men-as-Man's epitomized expression

of all within Man, himself, expressed as purest EVIL!


Dost not a singly single man as a Human Being possess

the integrity of mind to ask a question that is I.Q. inclined?

If there were a “God,” as per the wiles of Organized Religion,

why would such a “God” give to Man intelligence of mind,

supported by five defined senses as proof of all that he knows,

all that he thinks, all that he aspires to hope to ever do,

and then piss all of those wonderful gifts away upon a stupid,

a ridiculously stupid lack of sight, known as Blind,!

that flies in the very face, is totally, diametrically opposed,

to all that any alleged and/or claimed divinity labeled “God”

is said to have given to Man's Humanity who are men-as-Man?


To propose such an idiotically ridiculous concept is equivalent

-- is unbelievably unequivocally-equivalent -- to stating that such an alleged

“God” gave to Man, legs, feet, fingers, and hands, never to be used,

but for Man to lie fallow, limp and gone to shriveled seed, with well-wishes

for Man to exist via Blindest Dumb-a*s' Friggin' Fool's Fodder Faith,

as a mind-mentally-crippled, stretcher ridden, self induced quadriplegic,

to idiotically adopt a totally total dependency upon that which belies all concept

of logic and reason, and as such in favor pissing off intelligence,

in baffling favor of a stupidity's moronic imbecilic state of

going no where f****n'-friggin' fast that makes monkeys

and apes that Evolutionary(?) far brighter light of some sanity's home

any day or hour of any given moment of any day's time or year …


The only true cardinal sin that could be worse than suicide's self-murder,

is that of intentionally blinding oneself in both body and mind,

via the wraith's false hope's lie taught to men-as-Man as Blind Faith!


May-all-God(s)-be-damned! -- as the imagination's,

fabrications-creation's Lies of the evil minds of men-as-Man,

who deceive the superstitiously ignorant masses in order to attain:

power, control, and profits from their meager eked out lives existences:

The wholly-unholy wicked trinity of Taxes, Tithes, & Lies!

Awaken! Smell the reality-roses: Organized Religion --

is tantamount to worshiping Organized Crime!


(Written March 24th, 2024)


Author's Note Of Disclaimer: As an EX-Preacher who has come to consider himself an Intelligent Design, Free Thinking, Agnostic-Minded, Atheist, please allow me to share that the above article or poem of speculative conjecture is a shared expression of my, personal, views, beliefs, and opinions, only, and is not, necessarily, a statement of indisputably established sustainable facts -- with the exception of evidential footnotes when provided -- nor, is this article or poem intended to be offensive towards anyone of any given faith or religion.


Christopher Columbus believed the world was round in a world of peers who devoutly attested the world was flat. His personal belief was an unpopular opinion, that later proved to be truth. However, opinions are like arseholes: Everyone has one. Albeit, there are those Free Thinkers who dare pose opinions as to commonly held truths that may be readily revealed as untruth upon scrutinous studied and researched inspection. I am simply sharing my studied and researched opinion upon such commonly held and widely accepted truths, many of which are based solely upon Blind Faith:


Unquestioning faith (in someone or something) that is not supported by reason, logic, or evidence. I just think it's foolish to place such blind faith in elected officials without asking whether they have your best interests at heart. You may dismiss it as blind faith, but my religious beliefs are held in my heart and my soul, not my mind.'”


The phrase "blind faith" usually means believing in something without questioning or asking for evidence. It's an unconditional trust or belief in something or someone. The concept of blind faith could pertain to various aspects of life, such as religion, relationships, ideologies, or leaders. In short: It is about believing or trusting something without seeking proof or rationale. It represents a deep level of trust, often without understanding or evidence.


The origin of the phrase is not clear, but it may have been influenced by several sources. One possible source is the Bible, where Jesus tells his disciple Thomas: “Because you have seen me, you have believed; blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed.” (John 20:29). This verse suggests that faith is more than sight and that there is a blessing for those who trust God without seeing him.


Another possible source is the philosopher Søren Kierkegaard, who coined the term “leap of faith” to describe the act of believing in something that lies beyond reason and evidence. He argued that faith is a personal choice that requires risk and commitment. He wrote: “The absurd is precisely the object of faith … it is only in virtue of the absurd that I can have faith.”


Historical Example:


The only place for blind faith is in religion. Now let me remind you of some of the things which blind faith has led people to do, and is leading them to do, in religion. It leads them to hunt people to cut off their heads, for the glory of God, in the Philippine Islands. It leads them to lie for their lifetime upon beds of spikes, to hold the hand clenched until the finger nails grow through it, or hold the arm raised until it grows stiff and cannot be lowered, in India.”- "Blind Faith" by E. Albert Cook, 1919



If asked, every person will respond that they seek only truth and never lies, but the search for truth is not an easy or smooth path, and truth, when discovered and uncovered, is not always a pretty thing to behold, nor is it, necessarily, a tasty treat to be savored, for, all too often, accurately established truth revealed, and no longer concealed, is a shocking revelation of bitterest reality ...” -- Marvin Thomas Cox-Flynn de Graham



© Mar 24, Marvin Thomas Cox-Flynn de Graham    philosophy religion god jesus organized-religion-is-organized-crime

© 2024 Marvin Thomas Cox-Flynn de Graham

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So here is my thoughts. Blind faith for me is about believing without physically seeing. It doesn’t mean that you to cruel vial things simply because of faith. For me when Jesus walked the earth and taught love that changed things from Old Testament.

I also do not see God as most people do. I believe he is an intelligent energy being that surrounds us all the time.

I’m not going to hate someone because they believe differently than myself. I believe judgement is for God and Jesus only!!

Posted 11 Months Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Marvin Thomas Cox-Flynn de Graham

11 Months Ago

Poetic Beauty,

What a lovely, kind, and generously respectful review of a piece that .. read more
Poetic Beauty

11 Months Ago

Being rude or disrespectful isn’t going to make it better. People shut down when we get angry and .. read more


So here is my thoughts. Blind faith for me is about believing without physically seeing. It doesn’t mean that you to cruel vial things simply because of faith. For me when Jesus walked the earth and taught love that changed things from Old Testament.

I also do not see God as most people do. I believe he is an intelligent energy being that surrounds us all the time.

I’m not going to hate someone because they believe differently than myself. I believe judgement is for God and Jesus only!!

Posted 11 Months Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Marvin Thomas Cox-Flynn de Graham

11 Months Ago

Poetic Beauty,

What a lovely, kind, and generously respectful review of a piece that .. read more
Poetic Beauty

11 Months Ago

Being rude or disrespectful isn’t going to make it better. People shut down when we get angry and .. read more
I suppose you'd prefer to have your steps determined by the puppetry of a god who does not allow for the mistakes of human thinking and behavior. To pass through life with no free will would be something less than nothing at all. Maybe you should blame Allah? Or Zeus?

Posted 11 Months Ago

Marvin Thomas Cox-Flynn de Graham

11 Months Ago

I blame no one, my friend ... I simply state my personal beliefs and views in exercising my Freedom .. read more

11 Months Ago

When you write something to challenge the beliefs of others it behooves you to accept answers. It is.. read more
Marvin Thomas Cox-Flynn de Graham

11 Months Ago

This piece does not challenge anyone but those who choose to feel challenged ... To
accept o.. read more
To be blunt..this is a true damning of God and religion.... and that any one who is a believer has blind fate..."a mind mentally crippled.."man himself expressed a purest evil"...a total lack of insight amounts to blind and even with all of your senses, one can still be blind, for lack of insight.....I believe this only applies to those who are believers....I guess Marve you really are an atheist or pounded this one!!!
Warmly, B

Posted 11 Months Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Marvin Thomas Cox-Flynn de Graham

11 Months Ago

you do earn your keep as WC's website police ... LOL! ... Sadly, it is a form of polic.. read more
Betty Hermelee

11 Months Ago

I don't deny anyone any rights in this universe, i am parroting what you said about religion... and .. read more

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3 Reviews
Added on March 25, 2024
Last Updated on March 26, 2024
Tags: Philosophy, Life, Existence, Humanity, Religion, God, Jesus, Organized-Religion-IS-Organized-


Marvin Thomas Cox-Flynn de Graham
Marvin Thomas Cox-Flynn de Graham

Smalltown, TX

“Hello! Welcome to my profile page. As a Creative Writer, I pen a variety of material that ranges from piss poor attempts at Poetry, to morbidly Dark Fiction, to investigative, in depth, re.. more..
