![]() Suicide Tsunami: Vol One: 13 Poems: Guilt & Suffering Endured By Those You Leave BehindA Poem by Marvin Thomas Cox-Flynn de Graham![]() Title says it all: Suicide Tsunami: Vol One: 13 Poems: Guilt & Suffering Endured By Those You Leave Behind ... Suicide is an irreversible mistake!![]() Suicide Tsunami
Written By Marvin Thomas Cox-Flynn de Graham Copyright © 2024 Marvin Thomas Cox DBA: Marvin Thomas Cox-Flynn de Graham All Rights Reserved
Volume One: 13 Poems:
Guilt & Suffering Endured By Those You Leave Behind
This work represents a compilation of poetry
based upon the muse and inspiration
of, all too tragic, true life events.
For Melanie and Mel
May they truly rest in peace
Suicide Tsunami
“There no greater anguish, any human being can suffer, than being, helplessly, swept away, by a Suicide Tsunami, of losing someone, they loved dearly, to that irreversible act, of taking their own lives.” -- Marvin Thomas Cox-Flynn de Graham
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Suicide Tsunami Volume One Table Of Contents
Missing Melanie …...3
Twenty Six She'd Be …... 4
One Text Too Many …... 5
Two Months …... 6
Cold In The Cup …... 7
Where Once I Saw Your Face …... 8
When Suicide Lays A Friend's Daughter To Rest …... 9
Within Her Eyes Her Smile Her Laughter Sweet …... 10
Why Awaken? …... 11
All Alone In The Crowd …... 12
Here Alone …... 13
Author's Note of Disclaimer …... 14
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Missing Melanie
Seems that missing Melanie, is what I do best, from my first waking moment, 'till I lay my head to rest.
To remember her eyes, her smile, the joy of her laughter. memories I will so greatly cherish, here to ever after.
I loved Melanie so much, so dearly, and so my tears fall. a life here without sweet Melanie, is simply not life at all.
Life must go on, that's what they say, I must give it a try. just know I will love you Melanie, 'till the very day I die.
(Written November 1st, 2012)
Page 4 Twenty Six She'd Be
As numbing doubts assail me, Cast adrift in an endless sea, Lost within shadows silence, Heart torn asunder in violence.
I seek from you yet an answer, As one within a fire a dancer, Sobbing screaming a wailing, The ship of truth never sailing.
Why is it that she's gone away, Someone's sickly idea of play, Stealing life so young so sweet, Torn prey beneath a lions feet?
What secret words were uttered, As her bread you aptly buttered, Feeding her your serpentine lie, Craftily leading her away to die?
Did it put a smile upon your face, As she put the rope noose in place, Was your evil appetite at all sated, As from this world her life faded?
Were your eyes filled with ecstasy, Setting loose the wailing banshee, Tasting the sweetness of her death, Her breasts no more rising in breath?
Her mom and dad sobbing in heaves, As you enjoy the evil you conceived, The lowering of the casket to ground, Dirt thrown making a ghastly sound.
November 16th twenty six she'd be, Yet another birthday she would see, Except for you O' Mighty Macbeth, Proving your prowess in her death.
One day we shall meet face to face, Your lies no longer finding a place, Upon her shoulders so sweet to ride, As you talk young girls into suicide.
On that day not a one will protest The gallows putting suicide to rest, Then peace shall return like a dove, Leaving me to long for her true love.
(Written Nov 15th, 2012)
Page 5
One Text Too Many
For the second time in weeks, I was texting her goodbye, I was in love with her, she was with another guy ...
She told me how I hurt her, in her very first reply, how I could do it again, I cannot answer as to why ...
Afraid I was ruining her life, a reasonable enough lie, reason enough to let her go, never thought she would die ...
I was deleting all of her texts, her phone number too, wiping her from my life, as I got the message from you ...
She was gone, suicide deleted, wiped from my phone, wiped from my life, around her neck a noose, in my heart a knife …
(Written January 4th, 2013)
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Two Months
Two months since I held her hand last, her hand so cold the last time I held it.
Two months since I gazed into her eyes, her eyes so beautiful now sewn closed.
Two months since I bathed in her smile, her smile wonderful for a man to behold.
Two months since I rejoiced in her laughter laughter that would make your heart soar.
Two months since I received the phone call, telling me that you weren't here anymore.
(Written November 27, 2012)
Page 7
Cold In The Cup
My coffee grows cold in the cup, it seems tasteless this morning, as I sit and think about Melanie …
This sad thought enters my mind, it breaks my heart to even consider …
She will be in the cold cold ground, ten, twenty, fifty, years from now, And, if alive, I will still be missing her …
… Missing her! … Loving her! ...
(Written November 1st, 2012)
Page 8
Where Once I Saw Your Face
O' Darkness O' Heartbreak O' Loneliness shout to the heavens of grief's tear stained sorrow!
From where inside Doth such emptiness abide haunting my yesterdays Raining on my today Destroying my tomorrows?
O' inexplicable O' Infinitesimal O' Torrential pain with you gone swallowed alive!
O' Death drowning all my smiles In tears of bile With no hope of refrain Only vacuum remains!
A Black Hole in Space Where once I saw your face ...
(Written December 2nd, 2012)
Page 9
When Suicide Lays A Friend's Daughter To Rest
I can't begin to imagine, what must go through your mind, as you look back in time, to when she was but a little girl, ever so sweet and blind, to all the evil in this wicked world, when living was life, and the thought of dying unkind …
(Written June 6th, 2013)
Page 10
Within Her Eyes, Her Smile, Her Laughter Sweet
There is more to a woman's beauty, than that which men see upon the outside ...
While some chase after a sexy figure, those smarter look deep into her eyes ...
A woman's smile can outshine the sun ... If she does not smile your life has no light ...
Without such wonderful light in your life, you will wander your days in darkness ...
The joy of a woman’s' laughter brings rain, rain upon a most desolate land called man …
Blessed is that man on whom the rain falls, to find his heart taken prisoner, forever lost, within her eyes, her smile, her laughter sweet …
(Written January 22nd, 2013)
Page 11
Why Awaken?
To your loving memory, I awaken each morning, your face ever before me, your name upon my lips.
How long shall I miss you, call your name at night, see your coffin lowered, knowing in it you lie?
What peace is there found, after the saddest of days, your life tragically over, my life no longer a life?
What hope can be had, I will see you no more? Life must go on it's said. I pray, it goes on, without me ...
(Written November 22nd, 2012)
Page 12
All Alone In The Crowd
“Sometimes no line or rhyme can adequately express that which your heart desires to say” -- Marvin Thomas Cox-Flynn
The light has gone out of the house on Alexander Street ... It left when the sound of your laughter ceased to be heard, and the brightness of your beautiful smiling eyes departed, as much, too, damn late, we came to realize, in tearful eyes, that you were, always, alone in the crowd -- that loved you so …!
If you only knew or even had a clue, that pain would come down as rain, upon all so blue who loved you true, drowning in beers and so many tears, of sorrow with no sight of tomorrow, since that day you chose to go away, breaking our hearts in two over you ...
You would be so sad to see your Dad, now a broken old man without a plan, or a tomorrow without tears of sorrow, he misses you so more than you know, each day cruel to live on without you, drinking like a fish in hope of one wish, that you knew how much he loved you ...
Longing to pick you up for work, just one more time, and not caring how long -- he has to wait to see his baby girl …
Melanie …
(Written September 25th, 2013)
Page 13
Here Alone
Dark thoughts surround my heart, emotion unbridled rages within. She's gone, I can't bring her back. No amount of crying will do so. Death has revealed itself to be, life without this world's troubles. Life with Melanie, wherever she is, is better than life here without her. My hell, is to be here -- alone …
(Written November 27th, 2012)
Page 14
Author's Note of Disclaimer:
Suicide Is An Irreversible Mistake
“The poetry shared above represents an emotion filled attempt at painting, to canvass of page, a true-to-tragic-events-of-life mental & emotional visualization of the consequences of opting out of this life via that deceptive mechanism called suicide. Suicide is not a cardinal sin as taught by the mythological fairy-tale fabrications of men, known as Organized Religion. Suicide is nothing more than a mistake; a life ending irreversible decision; an act that can never be undone; a departure upon a journey that leads to nonexistence, from whence there is no return ... Suicide, and its impact upon others, is realistically (though metaphorically) equivalent to a 9.4 magnitude earthquake that begins by destroying one person's life at its epicenter, to, then, generate a consequences-to-foolish-acts-emotional-tsunami that speedily ravages the hearts & lives of all those who loved you, as they are swept away within a mental stormy sea of guilt, regret, and relentlessly unceasing thoughts of anguish as to what they could have done to save you, what they should have done to save you and failed to do to save you -- feeling a never ending responsibility, without a moment's reprieve, for an act you chose to commit in leaving those who loved you with lives that will never be the same, ever, again, as they pay in tear stained remorse, of guilt they do not deserve, for your mistake -- a decision you made that they will pay as debt of regret for the entirety of the rest of their lives, because they still love you, and will always love you … Suicide
is not a video game. There is no reset button, or prize you can
attain, as a good player, that awards you with more lives, or a
second chance … Suicide plays for keeps!
If you suffer from suicidal thoughts and imaginary scenarios of killing yourself and ending it all, please do call for help, NOW, before it is too late, as that next round of playing with thoughts of offing yourself in your mind might just be that time when your private little fantasy, of release from the problems and torments of this life, becomes an all too surreal reality that can never reversed or undone, in suddenly and calmly materializing as that life ending act known as suicide ... Don't wait! … Get help now! … Before it is too late … Why
have I shared this poetry compilation? In order that those who may
be considering ending their own lives might know the sheer
devastation of broken hearts and lives of friends and family they
leave to drown in the tsunami wake of their self inflicted deaths
Each poem is written from the muse's perspective of someone who truly
cared about a young woman who chose to kill herself, when she had the
entirety of her young life ahead of her. But no more … Her death
utterly devastated her family. They will never be the same, ever,
again, as the fine people that I know personally. In
addition, I share this compilation in the hope that doing so will
keep a wonderful girl's memory alive and burning in the hope that
learning about her, who she was, and how she died, might just cause
someone, even if it is only one person's life saved, to reconsider
ending their own lives, as they witness the devastation and unending
grief that she, unintentionally and unwittingly, brought upon all the
many folks who loved her -- and continue to love her today.
As for me? I do not believe in Heaven or Hell, or any form of Eternal Afterlife. I believe this one life is all that we have to live. Therefore, I will never piss off the shot at living that I have. I do hope that you will choose to do the same: LIVE! Your life matters! Thank you for reading …”
-- Marvin Thomas Cox-Flynn de Graham
© 2024 Marvin Thomas Cox-Flynn de GrahamAuthor's Note
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Added on January 21, 2024Last Updated on January 30, 2024 Tags: Consequences-Of-Suicide, Romantic-Tragedy-Poetry, Suicide, Suicide-Prevention, Life, Death, Humanity, Loss, Relationships Author![]() Marvin Thomas Cox-Flynn de GrahamSmalltown, TXAbout“Hello! Welcome to my profile page. As a Creative Writer, I pen a variety of material that ranges from piss poor attempts at Poetry, to morbidly Dark Fiction, to investigative, in depth, re.. more..Writing