That Pot Of A Skillet That Is All Humanity

That Pot Of A Skillet That Is All Humanity

A Poem by Marvin Thomas Cox-Flynn de Graham

Philosophical thoughts regarding the importance of retaining and preserving our own individual individuality in a World Society that openly seeks to strip us each of our identity as packages the same.


That Pot Of A Skillet That Is All Humanity

Written By Marvin Thomas Cox-Flynn de Graham

Copyright © 2023 Marvin Thomas Cox

DBA: Marvin Thomas Cox-Flynn de Graham

All Rights Reserved

This Societal World in which we all do live,

that pot of a skillet which makes us each,

but ingredients of all Humanity,

ingredients of delectable dishes:

beef, pork, chicken or fishes?

It seems to me that we, simply, cannot see,

for the sea that we saw without proper awe,

awe at the wonders of us all:

Each and every one under the sun

Short, fat, skinny, or tall.

It seems utter nonsense that we be obsessed,

obsessed with being politically correctly processed,

categorized, patronized, idolized, or terrorized,

sardines in a can of what we can,

or, all too often, cannot.

Seems to me that we, as but drops

in an endless sea of Human diversity,

that which is all Mankind's Humanity:

that only Race of Man: The Human Race,

One Race, with many faces,

where we all do deserve equality's places.

It is time to amend that sea, which is you and me,

as a Society comprised as a Presser-Cooker,

of Peer-Pressure's Societal-Correctness

of one and the same, same as all, for all's everyone,

upon Human Beings, to look, act, think, and feel,

identically the same, without individual's, individuality.

For to be overly concerned, about Man as Humanity,

seeking to package, shape, prod, mold, and form,

all Humanity, as though we were but vacuum sealed boxes,

containers all, relegated to being, identically the same,

in thinking same thoughts, same ideas, of believable beliefs?

What's next, of where shall it end, in reducing individuals,

to, mere, mentally packaged products, of one shoe fits all,

same linguistic language, cultured culture, correct complexion,

and nameable names, John, Joe, Sue, Dick, or Jane as boxes or,

manufactured peoples coerced to existences, meaninglessly same?

Culture is but an elegantly tasty recipe,

some bland, in the frying pan, become spicy,

flavorful, to the tongue.

Complexion is but the color of a shoe,

worn by me, she, him, or you.

Dare to be different, dare to be you,

an individual, like no other,

dare to engage, in diversity,

dare to, remain Human,

rather than, a generically packaged product.

Dare to be a nonconformist in world seeking,

to mold us each into Sheeple-People Cattle.

Dare, to be you: A uniquely genuine individual,

that is you, and none other individuality but you,

and you alone: Un-imitated, Un-canned, and Un-Cloned!

(February 19th, 2023)

© 2024 Marvin Thomas Cox-Flynn de Graham

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1 Review
Added on April 7, 2023
Last Updated on June 17, 2024
Tags: Philosophy, Mankind, Humanity, Individuality, The-Human-Race, Sheeple-People-Cattle


Marvin Thomas Cox-Flynn de Graham
Marvin Thomas Cox-Flynn de Graham

Smalltown, TX

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