Human Beings possess, both, Paternal & Maternal (Mitochondrial) DNA. Where did Adam & Eve acquire their DNA. If Eve was made from Adam, her DNA was identical to his, & he mated a clone of himself.
Eve was truly created from one of Adam's ribs, then, her DNA had to
have been identical to Adam's, with, both, possessing no paternal
Y-DNA from any father short of God, Himself, which, if true, would
have made them the Son and Daughter of God as virtual reality,
literal, Creation Scenario versions of God incarnate to be likened
unto that which was claimed and alleged of Jesus. Yet, even Jesus
required a mother's mitochondrial DNA (mt-DNA) in order to make him a
human man who was also alleged to have been God incarnate. For,
unless such a wildly incredulous theory is true, then, neither Adam,
nor Eve possessed Paternal Y-DNA, for there was no human father who
sired them and no human mother by whom they were given birth, as the
closest thing that Adam had to a mother was a handful of dirt, which
metaphorically may tend to allude that the Earth (Mother Earth?)
itself was his mother, with God pounding sand, and poor Eve (women
singled out for blame in several overtly conspicuous instances in the
Bible) supposedly come to existence via the maternal ingredients of a
surgically removed rib robbed from the chest of a sleeping unawares
Adam which truly is that purest of nonsense of which fairytales are
made of ...
above question serves to spawn another curious question: Where did
Eve come by the mitochondrial DNA, necessary for her genetic makeup,
in order to pass that DNA on to her sons and daughters? She could
not have attained her mitochondrial DNA through Adam, for Adam,
himself, possessed no mitochondrial DNA, possessing neither father,
nor mother -- unless one truly does consider the Earth as the mother
of that very first alleged man, with God pounding sand in his hand
check your shoes folks, 'cause we done stepped off into to some deep
religious a*s bullshit, heretofore, concealed by the mysticism of
deceit and treachery of lie after lie, after lie ...
Hello Marvin. Nothing like a bit of science to put paid to some of those bible stories. It reminds me of a very early conversation I had about Eve being created from one of Adam’s ribs. As a ten year old I didn’t believe it then, but queried why Adam was so mean he could only spare one of his ribs. An entertaining read on a Thursday afternoon with my afternoon cuppa. Hope all is good in your world .
Posted 2 Years Ago
1 of 1 people found this review constructive.
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2 Years Ago
Thank you so very much, Chris, for the raw guts courage you have so well demonstrated in daring to r.. read moreThank you so very much, Chris, for the raw guts courage you have so well demonstrated in daring to read this most unorthodox piece of purely wanna be Prose Poetry that is truthfully nothing more than an improvised & hybridized Po-Article, a paradigm's paradox in that truth, truth pure & untainted, raw, and ugly as it so often, in reality is, is always much stranger, much more intriguing, than ever is Poetry … Though, I do love and always value Poetry ...
From beginning to end of what has been assumed, alleged, proclaimed and disdained, as becoming the so called Christian Bible, there has been appearance after appearance of various assorted situations wherein MEN commit the alleged sins, and WOMEN received the passed over and glossed over responsibility's blame, as though men, in those supposed most ancient of days, did not possess the self control's withal to make their own decisions, nor take responsibility for their own, self determined actions, and those action's consequences: Adam & Eve in The Garden of Forbidden Fruit, The Sons of God, Mythological men of great prowess & renown leading up to the insidiously nefarious murderous drowning of what is alleged to have been all Mankind, save 8: Genocide & Eugenics nicely dolled up in one nicely wrapped package: With defenseless women taking all the responsibility for has beentruthfully, ethically, and morally transformed into that which is,what has religiously and historically become, none other than: The Blame Game ... Please do read my reply to Dave Brown's Comment above, begin to fit together a few more pieces of the ever puzzling puzzle, upon which Organized Religion has attempted to place a blinders' muzzle ... Again, thank you!
I would be inclined to say that is merely one small figment of imagination offered along the religious trail
It must have been a long, involved journey from microbe to human being with many flaws yet to be corrected and bible stories, however ridiculous, likely made for better reading.
Posted 2 Years Ago
1 of 1 people found this review constructive.
2 Years Ago
Thank you so much, Dave, for taking the time to read this unusual, probably controversial to some, l.. read moreThank you so much, Dave, for taking the time to read this unusual, probably controversial to some, little piece of my wondering and wandering mind set to pen of page ...
In his excellent book, James, The Brother of Jesus (As well as his book, The New Testament Code) renowned Archeologist & Professor of Middle Eastern Religions (Judaism, Christianity, Islam) Emeritus, Dr. Robert Eisenman takes a moment to explain that in ancient times when something, some event, considered as important enough to seek to insure that the event was never forgotten, then the happening would be purposefully & intentionally exaggerated, blown out of context of reality to magically miraculous proportions' but some true to life and death event actually did take place on a much smaller, non-miraculous scale ...
In this case, Man originated upon this planet some how of some fashion of some way that, perhaps, we shall never have an adequate, plausible, believable answer to, aside from that realm of religion's fairytales ...
I do believe that one simple fact can easily be deduced from all the mumbo jumbo of ribs and afterthoughts of a all knowing God who created Eve as what, on the surface, gives forth the appearance of women being secondary to men, somehow of less importance in such a twisted fashion that it gave rise's birth to the tale of the forbidden fruit, with Adam & Eve ousted from thge alleged Garden and, immediately thereafter, Eve is knocked up, clarifying that the forbidden fruit was that of someone having sex with Eve, and the true issue was that of prohibited, FORBIDDEN & UNAUTHORIZED, reproduction, as there is a repetitive trend that is easily seen and discerned within the Old Testament where certain particular events of a reproductive nature take place, and women always appear to be bearing the merciless brunt of the blame ... For example: The alleged events leading up to Noah's Flood, with obvious forbidden and unathorized reproduction taking place, and how was any woman or her father to resist whomever the alleged Sons of God actually, if they, indeed, did possess any type of Star Trek styled magical, miraculous, or supernatural powers? ... But women got the rap for God committing the first recorded act of Mass Murder's Genocide/Eugenics' purifying/eliminating of undesirable bloodlines, which makes God a murder who took his rage out against innocents and those who (like Adam?, the Serpent?) c**k blocked him, to later enter the realm of ridiculous Fairytale land's Religious hocus pocus in the Gospels to impregnate a known engaged as betrothed woman, thus making God an adulterer by hovering over Mary in customary Missionary fashion to impregnate her with that child to be born as Jesus: Jesus, if he was also God, was therefore impregnating own mother in order to create himself in her womb, thus, spitting in his own face in hilarity's teargas of disgrace ... And, again, the woman got the blame ... Go figure!
Hello Marvin. Nothing like a bit of science to put paid to some of those bible stories. It reminds me of a very early conversation I had about Eve being created from one of Adam’s ribs. As a ten year old I didn’t believe it then, but queried why Adam was so mean he could only spare one of his ribs. An entertaining read on a Thursday afternoon with my afternoon cuppa. Hope all is good in your world .
Posted 2 Years Ago
1 of 1 people found this review constructive.
This comment has been deleted by the poster.
2 Years Ago
Thank you so very much, Chris, for the raw guts courage you have so well demonstrated in daring to r.. read moreThank you so very much, Chris, for the raw guts courage you have so well demonstrated in daring to read this most unorthodox piece of purely wanna be Prose Poetry that is truthfully nothing more than an improvised & hybridized Po-Article, a paradigm's paradox in that truth, truth pure & untainted, raw, and ugly as it so often, in reality is, is always much stranger, much more intriguing, than ever is Poetry … Though, I do love and always value Poetry ...
From beginning to end of what has been assumed, alleged, proclaimed and disdained, as becoming the so called Christian Bible, there has been appearance after appearance of various assorted situations wherein MEN commit the alleged sins, and WOMEN received the passed over and glossed over responsibility's blame, as though men, in those supposed most ancient of days, did not possess the self control's withal to make their own decisions, nor take responsibility for their own, self determined actions, and those action's consequences: Adam & Eve in The Garden of Forbidden Fruit, The Sons of God, Mythological men of great prowess & renown leading up to the insidiously nefarious murderous drowning of what is alleged to have been all Mankind, save 8: Genocide & Eugenics nicely dolled up in one nicely wrapped package: With defenseless women taking all the responsibility for has beentruthfully, ethically, and morally transformed into that which is,what has religiously and historically become, none other than: The Blame Game ... Please do read my reply to Dave Brown's Comment above, begin to fit together a few more pieces of the ever puzzling puzzle, upon which Organized Religion has attempted to place a blinders' muzzle ... Again, thank you!
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As a Creative Writer, I pen a variety of material that ranges from piss poor attempts at Poetry, to morbidly Dark Fiction, to investigative, in depth, re.. more..