A Nation's Sensations Of Obsession's OblationsA Poem by Marvin Thomas Cox-Flynn de GrahamAs a Patriot who is a different breed of Moderate, this piece is a Poetic Alliteration attempt to honestly point out the many flaws which our nation, America, does possess and do need changing ...
AUTHOR'S PRELIMINARY NOTE: I am a Patriot who loves America, but does not love, nor embraces, the many flaws of our nations wrongdoings to peoples within our nation, and to other tinier nations around the world. I am a Patriot who is accurately aware that America's true beginnings were not those of "Taxation without Representation," but of seeking an independent share's position and rank in Great Britain's monopoly in trade with China in order to purchase Opium (a drug outlawed by the Chinese Government) to be sold and distributed abroad. The American Revolution was not at all about Tea, but about Opium, Opium that wealthy Colonialists wished to acquire without the tidy profit's tax which Great Britain's monopoly on the Chinese market afforded them. Like true Mates, Great Britain and America joined together after the Revolution to Tag Team (a far less technologically advanced for that day and time) peace seeking China in instigating a war with China, wherein underdeveloped and under-gunned China was invaded, its land pillaged and raped, and its many great National Treasures of artifacts hauled away as victor's spoils booty, with Great Britain's finest boast of victory's booty being the thieving coercion's acquisition of vanquisher's unleashed (100 year lease?) control over Hong Kong (author's note footnote 1) -- a period in Chinese history that came to be called The One Hundred Years of Shame.
Thus, our nation did not have its primal beginnings in any fashion of Glory, whatsoever, but of America's birth and existence beneath the pretext of a fine sounding Declaration of Independence and a United State's Constitution that appealed to and appeased the common man blinded to the reality of America's true birth as a vanquishing drug running nation. And so it remains to this very modern times day, which includes events just prior to America's entrance into World World II and Japan's unprecedented attack upon Pearl Harbor, an attack fueled by the historical facts of U.S. Diplomats encouraging Japan to invade, conquer, and civilize China, to then turn a duplicitous instigator's position of, after the Diplomatic manipulator's facts, standing against the very invasion which America assisted in bringing about in its feigned supportive role of Japan, and that against the very China who was alleged to be our friend and ally. America has repeatedly proven itself to be a nation of leaders who are finessed in the artful expertise of two faced traitorous betrayal of its own professed friends and allies, all except, that is, Motherland's Great Britain from whence we came and learned all the evil that greedy, unconscionable, men do.
In more recent times, America's invasions of tinier and weaker nations, such as Grenada, Afghanistan, and Iraq, also serve as prime, but not pristine, examples of America's insidiously nefarious methodology of vilifying and demonizing other nations in waging of wars of unjustifiable aggression via invasion and occupation of such victimized nations and their citizenry of innocent peoples.
Think for a moment. What might it have been that America really and truly sought control of from, and from within, that helpless nation of Afghanistan? ... The answer is another historically blinding poke in the eye: Poppies (author's note footnote 2) from which comes Opium and from which also Heroin is derived and manufacture. Again, America's ultimate hidden and secretive agenda is acquisition, control, and distribution of DRUGS which the U.S. Government claims to be waging an all out War against. Poppycock!
America the Beautiful, my a*s! Never has a bigger or greater lie been perpetrated upon the peoples of this Earth since that of the gullible masses being fed the mythological fabrications of men that is, and does comprise, The Gospels of the New Testament ... And I love America, but hate the stench of our nation's overdue need of coming clean to the origins of our own history of behavior's treacherous actions against other nations. It is time for a change of direction, before there is an America, no more ...
Please do invest the time to read author, James Bradley's books which do reveal facts of history that are totally unknown to most Americans, as well as to much of the World: Flags of Our Fathers, Flyboys, The China Mirage, The Imperial Cruise, available at Amazon.com: https://www.amazon.com/s?k=james+bradley+books&crid=2ERCDAFVSZBEV&sprefix=James+Bradly+%2Caps%2C185&ref=nb_sb_ss_retrain-deeppltr_1_13
A Nation's Sensations Of Obsession's Oblations Written By Marvin Thomas Cox-Flynn de Graham Copyright © 2013 Marvin Thomas Cox DBA: Marvin Thomas Cox-Flynn de Graham All Rights Reserved
In sizzling vibrations of sensual symbiotic sensations, of tantalizing tempestuous temptation's tenured terrors, in morbidly sought after glimpses of saddened wearers, as singing songs sing sadly of saddest of sad oblations,
voraciously seeking vividly vague values of our nation, gone grim in ghastly gobs of so gloomily ill gotten gain, where my right is the right of might ignoring your pain, caring less for your plight in focusing upon my elation,
my appetite insatiable in its ravenous raven like gorging, as all that really matters is my right to live ever so free, you must understand it is all about me, just me, me, me, ignoring ignorable ignorant idiot idioms gone a whoring,
as nations wear war waging whimsical wanton destruction, dreary disregard for death dictates a despot media's chatter, civilians slaughtered slowly daily seeking life find the latter, all hopes of peaceful lives lie limply lipid in lore disruption,
each life a universe uniquely unlike another now unraveled, becoming fodder for fonder fields of free food to swallow, consumed by belligerent bully black holes hungrily hollow, spirits left to wander winding roads of sadness untraveled,
while dumbly we sit drunkenly in dimly lit homes depressed, ranting in rages of randomly ridiculous ridicule running fits, want a better job, bigger boat, newer car, wet bar, bigger tits, caring less for dumb dopes dying daily, in our self obsessed,
submerged in sultry steaming selfishly cynical surreal reality, to give not a tinker's damn for a world's doomed desperation, not giving a slivering sniveling s**t for anyone but our nation, until one day Karma's Wheel visits upon us our own fatality,
our sins heaped to the heavens come round as sorrow's reality, the smoke of our destruction becoming incense to the world, a pleasant scent in their nostrils as our flag no longer unfurls, as our cries fall upon deaf ears in the midst of all our calamity ...
America the beautiful has become a used up ugly old w***e, banished from this earth, never seen or heard from anymore ...
(Written May 2nd, 2013) © 2022 Marvin Thomas Cox-Flynn de GrahamAuthor's Note
Featured Review
2 Reviews Added on August 5, 2022 Last Updated on August 5, 2022 Tags: Philosophy, America, The-American-War-Machine, America:-The-Evil-Empire, World-Affairs AuthorMarvin Thomas Cox-Flynn de GrahamSmalltown, TXAbout“Hello! Welcome to my profile page. As a Creative Writer, I pen a variety of material that ranges from piss poor attempts at Poetry, to morbidly Dark Fiction, to investigative, in depth, re.. more..Writing
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