![]() Economic Reset Via Hybridized TrinityA Story by Marvin Thomas Cox-Flynn de Graham![]() A bit of food for thought presented as an article of theoretical speculative conjecture ...![]() Economic Reset Via Hybridized Trinity
Written By Marvin Thomas Cox-Flynn de Graham Copyright © 2020 Marvin Thomas Cox DBA: Marvin Thomas Cox-Flynn de Graham
All Rights Reserved
A Harsh Reality 101: The truth has been staring us in the face for many years now, as we fail to understand the true animalistic nature of the world in which we live: “Dog eat dog; Lions are the king of the jungle; s**t happens; s**t runs downhill; life's a b***h and, then, you die.” We all know these expressions are (in reality of the real world), all too often, true, but we have been mentally programmed and conditioned to only view one aspect (one angle) of each expression as an evident evil, as an enemy, as the ultimate enemy of freedom and liberty, when, in fact, there are two (feigning opposition one towards the other) enemies actively present and working among us (one working for and with the other in allied cooperative tandem just as there are two sides to every coin: a head, and a tail), working within our nation, and working intently to achieve a most diabolically planned goal around the Globe: A Capitalist-Globalist's (the coin's Head) planned and funded, designed and fully established, empowered and orchestrated, implemented and effectively enforced Socialist/Communist One World Police State (the coin's Tail). To sum up in simple terms as viewed from the Elitist's, as well as the future peon's perspective? “Heads, I win! … Tails, you lose!:” The filthy rich (the Elite) fully intend get even richer at our blinded-by-extremism's-calamity-expense, and we, the Sheeple Peoples of this soon to be fettered-in-the-UN-chains-of-economic-slavery-Earth, are about to get the s**t end of the stick once again as the magic Reset Button of ingeniously capitalizing upon the COVID-19 Pandemic enables the Elitists to turn back time in effective causation of dissolving the sovereignty and economic stability of every nation on Earth. If the Elitist Philanthropist Multi-Billionaire Capitalist-Globalists a******s have their way, if they succeed in this greatest ruse of diabolical subterfuge ever perpetrated upon Humanity, History shall again repeat itself in proving (once and for all Humanity) that those who possess money do indeed possess power, and those who possess money and power shall not fail to require the very prostrated acquiescence, subservience, and obeisance reserved only for the gods -- for in truth, of our soon to be realized too flucking late reality, for all practical purposes money is God, and God is money as we will soon worship upon the golden altars of our own mind blinded (by extremism) ignorance in cud chewing grunting chants of wanting more, more, more to the striving-to-get-ahead-redundancy of that not-so-melodious tune of, ching-$, ching-$, ching-$, which translated from dollars and common cents gibberish goes something like this: “Upon the golden altar of intelligent-stupidity (Dumbed Down), I present my life to the gods of the All Mighty Dollar as a faithfully obedient One World Citizen: “Fed-n-watered, milked-n-sheared, and, in the name of Global Sustainability -- slaughtered:” A One World Pledge of Allegiance ... Have I lost my mind? Don't be too sure of that. Hang on for a few more humorous moments before drawing your rightful personal conclusions. To coin another aspect of my theory of speculative conjecture, we each tend to view a coin from the perspective of that which draws our attention most, as in a coin toss wherein we wish to believe that our call on what is best for the world and our nation is the best choice and that one which is sure to win. In this particular instance I am speaking of an expressly designed and intentionally purposed mind minting of an ideological coin upon which one side is stamped (Right Wing) Conservative and the other is stamped Progressive (Left Wing Liberal), as we have been mentally conditioned to instinctively view the opposite side of such a coin as our political ideological enemy, while, in reality, ignoring and failing to see the true enemy that lurks before our very mind's eye. For example, if it just so happens that you are aligned on the Conservative side of the ideological coin, your perspective will be similar to this: You have been taught all about the evils of Socialism (there are bad points as well as good) and so tend to view Capitalism as being the lesser evil (the only economic system that appears to work), forgetting that is evil is evil no matter the shade of its pay grade. On the other hand, those who have come to favor Socialism have been mentally conditioned to view Capitalism as the same pay grade flavor of evil that you and I have been programmed to view Socialism as. It's called playing both ends against the middle ... The bottom line of s**t detail insanity? We have all been brainwashed and blinded to a cunningly crafty reality: Capitalism was never intended for the common people, but expressly and only for the Elite, the filthy rich and powerful who do intend to retain and soon regain (via the magic Reset Button) their power of absolute control over the masses of Humanity upon the Earth -- no matter the people or nation. To cut to the chase: What the hell am I trying to say? What the fluck am I really talking about, here? In a nutshell, the Socialist movement within the Democratic Party, the Socialist agenda appearance of the United Nations, the Socialist motivations of Globalism are not intended (were never intended) to destroy Capitalism and bring about an end to Elitism's strangle hold upon Humanity. In fact, it is the very Elite (all of whom are openly confessed Capitalist-Globalists: George Soros, Bill Gates, Kraus Schwabb, Prince Charles, Al Gore, Pope Francis, J. Sachs, etc. to name a few) who seek to regain and strengthen their (anciently held) stranglehold over the masses of this world by bringing all Sheeple-Peoples into subservient equality of one class of worker ants, One World Citizens ruled by a One World Government wherein we shall all be equally miserable in eking out poverty stricken existences as common members of the Proletariat. There will be no middle class and no hope of advancement. Worker ants live only to work, produce, and give their lives in defense of The Colony: The One World. Whether a red ant, a black ant, an army ant, or a piss ant, worker ants never ascend or attain to becoming Drone Ants or Queens (Elitists or members of the Elite). If my theory holds forth any possibility of soon coming to a frighteningly sobering reality, if the world's filthy rich Capitalist-Globalists succeed in culminating their meticulously designed plan of ultimate capitalization in having literally duped all the Sheeple-Peoples of this world, fooled into believing that, somehow, the Elite and Elitism could/would be done away with in the sacred name of Democracy, while working mindlessly-blindly to ignorantly and inadvertently lift these very Elitists to an even loftier throne of power and control over all Humanity than history has ever witnessed before, then -- we are all flucked! ... This is the harsh and bitter truth of our coming reality. You think my theory laughable, an overly imaginative fictional nightmare that will never come to pass, with the very notion of the existence of Capitalist-Globalists a sheer absurdity? Okay, explain this: How is it that filthy rich Philanthropists and Multi-Billionaires exist and operate within every major nation of the world, even those nations ruled by Socialist or Communist governments where all is about equality with all sacrificed for the alleged good of The People, but somehow men find a means to get filthy stinking rich, somehow Capitalism finds a way to seed and breed a ruling class of Elitists -- and this within those very nations whose governments profess to stand against the imperialistic inequality driven evils of Capitalism? Consider this filthy stinking rich reality: It will come as no surprise that the United States, a nation that operates upon a Capitalism/Free Enterprise based economy, ranks as boasting the largest number of Billionaires per nation in the world: 705 Billionaires. It will also come as no surprise that the United Kingdom, a nation that operates upon a Capitalism/Free Enterprise based economy coupled together with Socialist programs, is able to boast to its credit a total of 97 Billionaires. What is shocking, however, are these inexplicable monetary facts: Russia boasts a total of 102 Billionaires to its credit. Vladimir Putin, a Russian Billionaire, is often said to be the richest man in the world, while ruling over a Communist nation. China boasts 285 Billionaires to its credit. As of 2020, Ma Huateng, a Chinese Billionaire, is said to be the wealthiest man in China, a Communist nation. Thus, it becomes stunningly clear that no matter the form of ideologically derived economic governance the peoples of any nation of the world are ruled by, Capitalism mysteriously operates freely among every nation's Elite. Even more clearly (in your face flucking obvious), the Elite of every nation tend to never stand in opposition to their given nation's form of government. The Elite recognize their position of prestige, power, and control in the world around them. They are fully aware of who and what they are. And they accurately assess the allotted position of existence allocated expressly to the masses of Humanity as the veritable Sheeple-People Cattle of this world we call planet Earth … (Written August 28th, 2020) © 2022 Marvin Thomas Cox-Flynn de GrahamAuthor's Note
3 Reviews Added on June 10, 2022 Last Updated on June 13, 2022 Tags: America, Capitalism, Socialism, Communism, Fascism, Elitism, Classism, Racism, Globalism, United-Nations, George-Soros, Vladimir-Putin, Donald-Trump Author![]() Marvin Thomas Cox-Flynn de GrahamSmalltown, TXAbout“Hello! Welcome to my profile page. As a Creative Writer, I pen a variety of material that ranges from piss poor attempts at Poetry, to morbidly Dark Fiction, to investigative, in depth, re.. more..Writing