It's always at the sad times in my life where I tend to write the most powerful poetry. The "..." really help emphasize the hurt & longing in this piece. It was beautiful...
I know exactly how you feel. This feeling comes to me all too often and it makes me feel like writing. I love how the rose tells a story.. a love story I would guess, but in the same sense, maybe not.. a classic.
wonderfull, i think you did a great job with the flow of the poem, the metaphor refurring to the rose as a person you onced loved was agan wonderfull! but what i like the most was how you included the rose belonging to another. this poem shows the hurtfull side of love, i do hope you continue with your poems. ^^
Posted 15 Years Ago
This is kinda sad sounds like a lost love but you can't let go. I like this love rips us apart but can mend us back together again.
Two thumbs up and a little pinky
I was so impressed by this writing that I had to respond in kind...poetic, of course.
from a young beautiful bud,came the rose,it's scent filling the air,it's grace and beauty made each day sparkle,the thorn is just a prick,tormenting the rose into solitude,greedy for love,but only thinking of itself,
the thorn is hard,sharp and unforgiving,while the rose remains tender, beautiful and compassionate...
It doesn't sound right to say "I really like this poem", because the content is pretty sad, it's almost like you're saying "Man you should be depressed more often, it makes for good poetry." Obviously this isn't what I mean, but I will say this is done very well. A rose is the perfect metaphor for a relationship gone bad, particularly if you still have feelings for that person, so beautiful on the surface but underneath the flower will cut you. I can picture the poor girl stroking the pedals weeping to herself, how sad, hopefully there will be a happy ending.
The only criticism I have, and I'm no poetry buff so I guess take it with a grain of salt, but I think the flow and rhythm could use a little work. Mostly eliminating words, like "Her fingers had been pricked by these thorns before", maybe take out "had been", or "she saw her rose behind her watering eyes", maybe take out the "her" before "watering eyes". That's really the only suggestion I have.
Salut! Je m'appelle Michelle! Je suis 17 ans.
(Hello! My name is Michelle! I have 17 years!)
Part-time daughter of a single parent, Part-time girlfriend to loving guy, and a full-time pain towards.. more..