![]() Chapter 2A Chapter by MshotstuffBurenna’s P.O.V We
practically ran down the stairs bursting with excitement, then when we got
there we found Pattie? “Umm
isn’t that Just-?” I started but got cut off though by Mrs. O though. “JUST
come in the kitchen for a second Pattie, Burenna, and Ania please?” Mrs. O
said. “Fine
with us” We all chorused. When
we got in there she started to talk business. “I
know you guys know who Pattie is, you talk about her son enough.” She mumbled Me
and Ania look at each other and our eyes got round as UFO’s, we started having
a conversation with our eyes ‘Is that who I think it is mother????!!!!!’ Ania
signaled, ‘I think soo!!!!’ I signaled back. We both let out I high pitched
OMSB IT CAN’T POSSIBLY BE HER!!!!!!!!!!!!”I screeched and Pattie chuckled. “Yes
I am his mother. By the way why can’t I say Jus-“ Pattie asked but got cut off. “NOOOOOOO
don’t say his name!” Mrs. O, Ania and I said together. “Why?”
Pattie asked confused. “She
HATES him with an 846379687896378 capital sized H! “ Ania and I chorused. Pattie’s
eyes grew huge once this information settled in and thought over the
possibilities. While she thought over that for a bit Mrs.O started talking
again but in a hushed tone. “Well
Justin is getting off tour for a few years so we decided that he would stay
here because this place can fit all of us and there is no point for them staying in a hotel.” Mrs. O concluded. “How
do you know Pattie?” Ania asked curiously. “We
went to school our whole lives from kindergarten to graduation, heck we even
got pregnant at the same time and had our children at the same time too. Justin
is only 2 minutes earlier than Kayden so when Kayden and Skyar were born he was
right there crying along with them.” Mrs. O replied laughing, probably thinking
back to the memory. “WOW”
Me and Ania said in unison. “Yea
I know, well Justin is arriving on Friday and he is staying in same room with
Skyarlette.” Pattie said nervously. “This
means war.” We all said together. “Well
girls both your parents are going on business trips for a couple months and it
will be on again off again soooo……” Mrs. O trailed off. “Soooooooo”
I trailed off, along with her. “I
asked them if they would mind you being here and they said it was a great idea
so you wouldn’t have to be dragged all over the place for summer.” She spoke
slowly while easing her hands to cover her ears. “AHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thank you so much! I can’t believe we are gonna be living in the same house as
JUST-“ We screeched; as in me and Ania. That’s when their hands flew to their
ears to block out our enthusiasm. “JUST
keeping the noise level down! “she spoke, indicating that Skyarlette might hear
us screaming. I
nodded, understanding what she said. Then I started to wonder how in the smurfin
world are we gonna live under the same roof as Sky when Justin gets here……. Skyarlette’s
P.O.V As
I sat down in the living room I started to get bored, ‘what in the world is
taking them so long in there??????? And who was that lady my mom was with?’ Finally,
they came out the kitchen and Ania looked dazed while Bre looked plain crazy. “So
mum, you gonna explain to me who this lady is and why she’s here?” I asked
politely. I
just took notice that lady looked like she was in her mid 30’s but something
about here seems oddly familiar, like I’ve seen her somewhere lonnnnnnng time
ago……………………….. “Well
her name is Pattie first of all, and she is going to be staying here for a few
years with her son…..” she said nervously. “Oh
cool, it will be nice having more ladies in the house! By the way mom when is
dad getting back from work?” I asked genuinely interested. “Well
he gets off at 3:30 but he has a short meeting after so he won’t get home till
4:00” “Oh
and Pattie have I seen you before? And also about your son when will he be
staying?” I asked curiously while tilting my head to the side. “Ummm
you may have seen me before and my son will be staying in the room with you.”
She said nervously. “It’s
ok, but if he does any funny business I swear I won’t take any responsibility
for my actions. And by the way I have taken taekwondo my whole life.” I stated
seriously and proudly. Pattie
let out a breath of air after I said that. “So
when is your son coming?” I asked. “He
is coming tomorrow because he’s umm busy, yea busy but you’ll meet him when we
come back from the airport tomorrow.” She replied while looking around the room
rather than anywhere near my face “Ooh
cool, we mom we are gonna go shopping for a little while is that ok?” Iaasked
while looking at my nails, I really gotta take off this nail polish that Ania
put on me, it’s already chipping; I told her I don’t like doing my nails but
does she ever listen? “Sure
as long as you don’t go over your 10,000 dollar limit” Mom joked, she knows I
barely spend over 500 dollars when I go shopping. “You
know I don’t tke money for granted mom.” I replied glaring at her. She
just laughed and ushered us out the door. “BYE
mom, bye Pattie!” We yelled before heading to my purple hummer named Sasha
Swagger. (Lol I am weird like that ) As
we jumped in the car Pray by Justin Bieber came on. This is pretty much the
only song of his I like so I blasted it up then started to sing while I turning
on the engine. I
close my eyes and I can see a better day I
close my eyes and pray,pray I
close my eyes and I can see a better day I
close my eyes and pray,pray I
close my appetite Knowing
kids starve tonight Am
I a sinner? Cause
of my dinner, there’s still food left on
my plate Ooh
I got a vision to make a difference and its starting today I
know there’s sunshine behind that rain I
know there’s good times behind that pain Someone
tell me how I can make a change I
close my eyes and I can see a brighter day, I
close my eyes and pray,pray (And I praaay) I close my eyes and pray,pray, pray After that song we got out the car because we were
already at the mall when we
saw……………………….. © 2012 Mshotstuff |
Added on June 27, 2012 Last Updated on June 27, 2012 |