Everyone we meet has a role to play, and that too has a time period.No everyone we wish to stay, stay forever...That's the irony of life sigh*
We may not plans life has for our life, but it surely has a better plan, than we can often think of...It is therefore wiser to enjoying the blessings of presence of all that we have now, because nobody, and nothing lasts forever...People specifically!
Love them with all your heart, till you have them, and don't regret their departure, stay contented for the fact that you played your part well...What's not meant to be never stays, no matter how hard one tries, because life certainly has a plan for blessing us with better people than them, removing some people often.. though some we meet can never be forgotten...But then how it is.Hope heals, but expectation hurts!
Only a broken heart can truly let in the light. A healthy heart is blind to all that's ugly. That's not a bad thing. But that type of heart, a healthy-whole one, has much to learn.
Posted 7 Years Ago
7 Years Ago
I agree with you Jessica, a healthy whole heart indeed has a lot to learn...
Thank you! :)
Critique: (I wish you loved me, the way I did) the way I did you - you want someone to love you as much as you love yourself?
(I wish you looked at me, the way I did) the way I did you
Review: Strong feelings from highs to lows taking your readers on an emotional roller-coaster. Just so you know the feeling don't fade with time, if anything they grow stronger as they become memories with time. Bravo! Clap! Clap! Clap! Clap! Clap!
Posted 7 Years Ago
7 Years Ago
Thank you so much Bear for the feedback and review!
First of all... I love to write! It has always been my passion to write since... last year! :D I can easily pour my emotions in writing without telling them to anyone.
I love to review people's work.. more..