![]() Real life story: Close Erotic Encounters IIIA Story by Paul Ramnora![]() Soft porn stories: Covering my real life close erotic encounters![]() My failed internet dating relationship I remember once telling myself that I would never ever get involved with the 'internet dating' phenomenon; because I can't see how you can go fall in love with somebody who you've never even met/seen/or, spoken to face to face in real life, before?!
I mean, say if they were to go send you a photo of themselves; well, it could be somebody else's photo?! Or, it could have been taken like, maybe, 20 years back?! Sometimes, a guy might even try impersonating being a girl?!/-Etc. So, how the hell are you supposed to know what's either true/or, false???
Then, one fateful day I stepped into a 'public' internet chatroom where I met an American girl called, Tiffany Desjarlais. Much to my surprise when I left the 'public' chatroom; Tiffany decided to go follow me by opening up a 'private' IM/Instant Message chat between us, instead. For, at least, a week or so she kept on chasing me; which being single I must confess I found all of this constant non-stop attention to be extremely flattering. Next thing I know when she had threatened me to leave as I wasn't responding in kind; quite suddenly, I found myself chasing after her to keep her attentions, instead.
We did everything imaginable online; including court, kiss, caress, have sex/-etc.; but, of course, all of this being done entirely inside of our imagination, alone; none of it for 'real'. We even discussed buying a plane ticket; as she was in America/and, I was in the UK.
I can still, quite vividly, recall -just like it was, yesterday, in fact- one of our endlessly long whispering "sweet nothing's" IM/Instant Message session chats; where we both typed to one another...
Tiffany: I love everything about you; and, more.
Paul: I love you, too, DDG.
Tiffany: Er...what's DDG???
Paul: Why, Drop Dead Gorgeous, of course.
Tiffany: LOL
Well, to cut one very long story short; at first, the girl told me she was single, and, had no kids. But, as we spoke for, at least, 6 whole months long; sometimes, chatting from 12 midday straight up until 12 midnight. More and more of her 'hidden' life got revealed to me. She, later explained, that she had not 1/not 2/but, 3 kids; and, that her ex-husband would constantly drop in to go check on and go visit with his kids. Finally, as each truth started to gradually reveal itself, we both decided to go break up!
This was my very first, and, also, my last 'serious' internet relationship; because I told myself never ever again; boy, what a lot of precious time and effort wasted in sending each other emails/IM-Instant Message chats/photos/even, making long distance phone calls/singing her love songs/-etc.
So, now-a-days, I've given up completely on chasing after internet based relationships; and, the only kind of relationship I'm after is one that's based in 'real life', instead.
===== Both essay, and, also, artwork created by me, Paul Ramnora. (c)copyright, Mr. Paul Ramnora, 2008-2010./All rights reserved. © 2010 Paul RamnoraReviews
4 Reviews Added on September 26, 2009 Last Updated on July 9, 2010 Author![]() Paul RamnoraLONDON, United KingdomAboutI like general arts, education, keep fit, martial arts, tv/video's/dvd's, computers and programming/-etc. more..Writing