Story 3. A bride in distress

Story 3. A bride in distress

A Chapter by Mrs Meggins

The Mrs Meggins Bedtime Stories are happy children stories from the imagination of the author. The author has been through difficult times and her lovable pet dog Meg is Mrs Meggins.


There is something you need to know about Mrs Meggins. She is a dog like no other. She sleeps in a bed with her head on a pillow face up and sometimes she snores. She can talk her own language, which other animals and humans understand. The funniest thing of all is that she likes to go on adventures. When she wakes up, everybody has to wake up as well and she makes sure of this. After breakfast is 'woofed' down Mrs Meggins sits cross legged and thinks. She has perfected the art of surprise and when you least expect it, she jumps up and barks,

"Time to go," she says.

"Oh no here we go again," her family sigh and then she is off.

She goes out the doggy door with a crash bang wallop and pushes her remote control, which automatically opens the garage door. She jumps on board her Segway electric scooter. Mrs Meggins is quite a sight in her crash helmet and cool sun glasses on board her Segway. As she leaves she barks,

"I will be home for tea!"

You can always count on this because Mrs Meggins is never ever ever late for tea. Down the road she goes swaying this way and that.

It is a beautiful sunny day, there are no clouds, the sky is blue and birds are singing. Mrs Meggins feels happy and carefree. She is not thinking about adventures, instead she is swaying lackadaisically this way and that on her journey to the canal, which is one of her favourite places to be.

On her way to the canal she sees a most peculiar sight. A long stretched white limousine is driving over a hump back bridge, but the car is too long. Half way over the bridge the middle of the car gets stuck on the top of the hump. The front and back wheels are several feet above the ground, and the car is rocking just like a giant see saw. It is a very funny sight but Mrs Meggins worries that someone is hurt.

Mrs Meggins goes rushing up to to the car and the driver winds down his window,

“Oh no, I think we are stuck,” he says. “We are on our way to the Church for a wedding and we took this short cut because we are very late.”

At the other end of the very long limousine the passenger winds down their window, and guess who is inside? A bride pokes her head out of the window in tears.

“I am missing my wedding,” she cries.

“Do not worry,” says Mrs Meggins “I will think of something, but also you should not lose sight of the things that matter most.”

The bride continues to cry,

“But there is nothing more important than my wedding” she sobs.

“The most important thing,” Mrs Meggins continues “is that you have someone who loves you and wants to marry you and you are going to spend the rest of your lives happily together, no matter what else happens today.”

This makes the bride cheer up, because she understands that she is lucky to have someone who loves her so much. Then Mrs Meggins, climbs on to the roof of the limousine and walks to the bonnet. Mrs Meggins is big and fat, so the front of the car tilts down like a see saw, until the front wheels are on the ground and the driver gets out. Mrs Meggins then walks to the boot of the car and the car rocks in the other direction until the back wheels are on the ground and the bride gets out.

Mrs Meggins can now see that she is a most beautiful bride indeed with long golden hair.

“There is no time to lose,” says Mrs Meggins “so jump on board my Segway electric scooter.” The bride is quite a sight in Mrs Meggins crash helmet and cool sun glasses on board the Segway. Mrs Meggins places the veil on top of the crash helment, which makes her head look too big for her body. Mrs Meggins then runs behind under the bride's dress, to hold up the long train to stop it getting dirty.  They travel together swaying this way and that.

On their way Mrs Meggins asks the bride about her wedding arrangements. The bride tells her about the beautiful church with great golden arches. She also tells her about the white decorations, beautiful flowers and magnificent church bells. This makes the bride very sad because they are too late for her wedding. They journey on because she is looking forward to seeing her fiancée the groom and explaining the terrible things that happened on the way to the church.

“I have a plan,” says Mrs Meggins “There is a beautiful Rose Garden just around the corner from the church and I am sure this is a perfect place for a wedding. When we arrive at the church tell your guests all about the plan and I will find a vicar and get the garden ready.” Mrs Meggins knows about this garden because she goes there most days at midday to play. At midday the sprinklers come on and Mrs Meggins just loves to play in the water and she usually gets very wet and dirty.

Not all of Mrs Miggins ideas go to plan and unfortunately this is one of them and soon everything gets out of hand. They turn the corner through the church entrance, gliding on the scooter through the graveyard and then they hear a terrible scream,

“A ghost is floating through the graveyard” screams one guest.

“A corpse bride” screams another.

“She has a swollen head and a tail” another one screams.

“Oh no my beautiful bride has died on our wedding day, how terrible, no wonder she was so late” sobs the groom.

Mrs Meggins then appears from under the dress and explains everything. They love her plan and agree to meet at the Rose Garden in half an hour. Mrs Meggins goes off on her Segway, swaying this way and that to get things ready.

The Rose Garden is beautiful, there is a fountain in the middle, which comes on with the sprinklers. There are paths from each corner to the fountain and at the end of the garden there is a pergola. The pergola is the perfect place for the wedding service, she thinks to herself as she goes about making things ready.

The guests, the groom and the vicar arrive first. The vicar stands under the pergola and the guests seat either side of the path. Mrs Meggins waits for the bride just outside of the garden. She is not late this time. The bride looks into the garden, and thanks Mrs Meggins,

“The garden is beautiful she says and the flowers are perfect.” I am sure I will not miss the white decorations, the golden arches and church bells, she thinks to herself. She is a tiny bit disappointed. The bride goes to enter the garden, but Mrs Meggins tells her to wait. The church bells then ring out a celebratory chorus for midday, which is just the start of magnificent things to follow.

The fountain comes on. Mrs Meggins had filled the fountain with bubble bath and the bubbles shoot up from the fountain like beautiful white wedding decorations. They float around the guests who all gasp with delight.

Mrs Meggins had also adjusted the sprinklers so that only the ones either side of the path to the pergola come on and Mrs Meggins had pointed them upwards. They form a great archway keeping everyone dry either side and through the middle. With the sun shining brightly through the droplets of water, they look golden and a most wondrous sight.

As you already know not all of Mrs Meggins ideas go to plan and for the second time today something unexpected happens. With the sun and sprinklers together a huge rainbow appears at the end of the garden over the pergola. There were many more gasps of delight and cameras start flashing and they cheer the bride as she enters the garden. The rainbow is a good luck sign for the bride and her future.

Although Mrs Meggins is a dog like no other she is still very much a dog at heart.  The sight of bubbles and water is just too much of a temptation.  Mrs Meggins cannot control herself and she runs around jumping trying to catch bubbles in her mouth.  She tries to bite the water as it comes out of the sprinklers and she chases the water as it cascades away.  She knocks several guests off their chairs chasing the bubbles. The ones she does not knock off just fall off their chairs laughing, until the sprinklers stop and Mrs Meggins calms down.

It was the most beautiful wedding and although Mrs Meggins disgraced herself a little bit, nobody really minded, in fact they all thought she was very funny.

The bride thanks Mrs Meggins for all her help,

“I have learnt that the love of my husband is the most important thing of all about my wedding” she says laughing, because this is the first time she has ever called her fiancée husband.  When you are just married it always sounds a little funny at first.

Mrs Meggins journeys home on her Segway scooter, swaying this way and that. She pushes the button on her remote and the garage door opens. She runs through the doggy door with a crash bang wallop, just in time for tea.

"Where have you been?" Everyone asks.

"I have been to a wedding," says Mrs Meggins.

"But Labradors cannot be invited to weddings," everyone replies, or can they? We all know Mrs Meggins can!

Mrs Meggins cleans her teeth and goes to bed. She lies down with her head on a pillow and yawns again and again and again until drifting off to sleep with wondrous dreams about today's great adventure.

© 2014 Mrs Meggins

Author's Note

Mrs Meggins
All comments are welcome

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Featured Review

I really like the part about Mrs. Meggins making the sprinklers come n, and then not being able to resist the urge to play in the water. Really good story.

But if you put these into a book, you shouldn't have to start with the same explanation every time.

Posted 11 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Mrs Meggins

11 Years Ago

The real Mrs Meggins does this every day at 17:00 when our sprinklers come on. It is very funny and.. read more


I really enjoyed this chapter love mrs meggins smart dog

Posted 11 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Mrs Meggins

11 Years Ago

Thanks wordman, for taking the time to read my story :-)
I really like the part about Mrs. Meggins making the sprinklers come n, and then not being able to resist the urge to play in the water. Really good story.

But if you put these into a book, you shouldn't have to start with the same explanation every time.

Posted 11 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Mrs Meggins

11 Years Ago

The real Mrs Meggins does this every day at 17:00 when our sprinklers come on. It is very funny and.. read more
An enjoyable read. Thanks to Mrs Meggins Segway that the bride made to her wedding.

Posted 11 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Mrs Meggins

11 Years Ago

We used to live near a canal and limos really did used to get stuck on the hump back bridges, it can.. read more

11 Years Ago

A great way to incorporate your experiences into your write.
A delightful always...enjoyed :) x

Posted 11 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Mrs Meggins

11 Years Ago

Thanks Tia, I am thrilled that you took the time to read my story and you enjoyed it :-) WOX

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4 Reviews
Added on February 5, 2014
Last Updated on February 18, 2014
Tags: dog stories, cute dog stories, really cute dog stories, bedtime stories, children stories, wedding stories


Mrs Meggins
Mrs Meggins

Walking in a park somewhere, wagging my tail.

I am man's best friend so someone please like me. Hey, someone just liked me, I now have one friend. Ahh another like, now I have friends - I am just so popular. I like friends -more likes please. .. more..
