Call me implosive, but I’m afraid of exploding sometimes. When I lie awake sometimes I daydream about nightmares.
Mind you it ain’t so terrible imploding. I do it all the time. Exploding is what I am afraid of though. You don’t have to be afraid of it because you don’t implode.
Whenever I explode, I’m afraid I couldn’t ever implode again, which is why it is a strange fetish of mine to daydream about it.
It would be a nightmare though of course. No one likes nightmares, but it’s a sort of rush, waking up to that adrenaline feel of that thing...I’m actually not quite sure of it because I haven’t had that particular nightmare yet.
I would imagine it being a surreal out-of-body experience.
I would hope and pray it would be what I expect from a nightmare, especially one, that is not me. It would be interesting to be something the total opposite of me, but that thing scares me. That exploding man scares me. I am the imploding man.
I’m an implosive organism.
Have you ever seen anything implode?
It’s like when you use a word so excessively, your whole diction collapses or like a car imploding on itself. Think of a big ginormous fellow sitting on the top of your car.
Think of your intestines, instead of being so bloated and full of gas, it just deflates and eats itself. It’s the same thing as when a balloon just sucks itself up, a reverse big bang.
I am a professional imploder, in case you didn’t know. I do this for a living. I don’t mind imploding all the time; it doesn’t hurt much in case you’re wondering. People think it does, but it doesn’t matter much because when you implode it’s like a dream come true. Constantly imploding, it’s the opposite of exploding, like a satisfying nightmare.
It’s the best way to keep the fat off really, funny how the universe works, giving people strange abilities to do silly things
This implosive business, I learned it by impulse. So don’t you think it’s something anyone can do either just because I said I learned it. It’s more like a natural talent the way I remember it.
The first time I ever imploded, as I can recall from my first few memories was when I was being breast fed. I drank the breast milk down and somehow when my mother held me up to her chest to burp me, I imploded.
- my name is 21, professional imploder