![]() Expect The UnexpectedA Chapter by Ekai StoneThink about a time in your life that something unexpected happened to you; whether it was good or bad. Did more than one come to mind? Take Lemony Snickets quote, "Fate is like a strange, unpopular restaurant filled with odd little waiters who bring you things you never asked for and don't always like." You may not want what those waiters are bringing you but those are what we call "blessings in disguise". I strongly believe that, even though you're dished out a series of untasty entreés, right around the corner a scrumptious dessert by a famous pastry chef is served to you. The lesson today is, stay hopeful. Hope, but without expectations. Fill your mind with all things positive and reality will catch up with it. When a series of unfortunate events hit you, stay calm and see it as TRAINING for what's coming around the corner. Expect the unexpected. © 2014 Ekai Stone |
Added on September 10, 2014 Last Updated on September 10, 2014 Tags: #LFAMRC, lesons, mixed race, children, teens, parents, adults, family, drama, suspense, shocking, tragedy, tragic, autobiography, experiences Author