NATE and KELLYA Chapter by Michael R. Barnard1915. A businessman and a prostitute find love. And hate. This is a segment from of a chapter from the novel. It is written as of 1915, so language is sometimes offensive to today's sensibilities.CHAPTER XII Nate passes the Placer-Nevada Counties Joint Tuberculosis Sanitarium along the
dirt road that becomes Main Street in downtown Clipper Lakes, lined with a few
wood buildings. As he passes Clipper Lakes Livery, he hears a woman’s voice
behind him.
“You look like a fine, upstanding young man.”
Nate, surprised, turns. The woman is beautiful, with exotic good looks, not
much more than perhaps four inches shorter than himself. Her lips were painted
scarlet, her cheeks dead white, her eyes blue. She was surprising in her
fashion, appearing as the girls at the Rotonde, as he had seen when visiting France.
She has a little round hat, black hair cut short, low-throated waist and long
cape down to her feet, the ends tossed over her shoulder Spanish-fashion to
keep it from the dirt of the street. And a parasol, of course. She seems young,
perhaps 20, but she also seems old, or rather, older, with an air of wisdom as
one who has lived more years than she should have and been around more people
than she should have.
“Ma’am, good day,” he says to her.
“Are you travelling alone today?”
“Ma’am, I am, yes.”
“May I accompany you?”
Nate notices that she is undeniably and unabashedly promenading down the
thoroughfare. He saw lots of promenading in San Francisco, even with the
approaching crackdown on brothels and cribs, but is a little surprised to see
it in a small town.
“Ma’am, I’m afraid not. I do not prefer the company of prostitutes.”
“Well, thank God for that, sir. I myself do not prefer the company of big city
Kelly is offended, of course, but being that she is a prostitute, she is only
mildly offended. Her comment catches Nate off-guard; his pace suddenly slows
while he thinks about her reaction.
“Ma’am, I assume you know, and I hope you will direct me to the hotel?”
She points further down the road.
“Keep going, mister, and you will hit it. The Clipper Lakes Inn, just down the
road a bit.”
“Thank you, ma’am.”
Nate keeps walking. Kelly continues her promenading. Nate glances back toward
her, confirming that she is, indeed, beautiful.
The concept of prostitution annoys Nate, and, again, his unique attitude is
another thing he learned from his father, as neither prudishness nor
Puritanism, but as a matter of human dignity and equality. Whether his attitude
serves him well or not, he does not know, but suspects not. He thinks it to be
a scandal that the Gold Rush brought a scent of legitimacy to the profession in
higher society, when women arrived in the Bay area to service the throbbing
throngs of gold miners, who were so smitten by their lonely pursuit of greed
that they considered women to be nothing more than another tool for their
endeavors. Ten thousand men arrived in San Francisco for the gold rush, and
only a couple hundred women. It was often said, ‘There were some honest women
in San Francisco, but not very many.’
It seemed to him to be a nasty remnant of a low society, where the common
lower-class women rarely had any choices other than to be the wife of a
husband, a household domestic who earned less than the cost of a pair of shoes,
or a prostitute. It was especially nasty for this day and age when women were
beginning to have success in their fight for the right to vote.
Further, the endeavor of prostitution was purely slavery for some races,
particularly for Chinese girls, who were stolen or sold to be brought here for
profit, held as slaves just as surely as Negroes had been, and so horribly
mistreated that few lived past the age of 20 years. A few right-minded citizens
undertook the rescue of these stolen souls, even while their customers
continued to assure profits to those who procured and enslaved them.
Not long ago, Nate was shocked to learn that three Chinese slave girls made
their escape to the Presbyterian Mission House at 920 Sacramento Street, near
the Expo, where Superintendent Donaldina Cameron and her staff now care for
them. The slave owners made efforts to recover them, but they will be held and
educated. The leader in the escape, Suey Lin, is about 12 years old and seems
very bright. She made her way to the Baptist church in Chinatown, and was there
found by Mrs. Lake of the Methodist mission, and told that she would be
protected. The girl could speak no English, but a Chinese minister from the
Presbyterian Mission House talked to her and told her she would be safe at that
place. She was taken there and made welcome, but soon departed, and Donaldina
Cameron supposed that she had gone back to her owners. However, she soon
returned, bringing with her two other girls, Ah Young and Ah Lon, each about 14
years old. They all said they were slaves and were badly treated and asked to
be taken in. Suey Lin said that her mother had sold her, and the man to whom
she belonged beat her cruelly and otherwise abused her, and was making
preparations to sell her to another man to be used for prostitution. The
12-year-old girl knew she could not resist and protect herself, so she was
determined to make a break for liberty, and went to the church, hoping to find
help there.
Nate had studied in school about the racist rantings of demagogues, claiming
anti-immigrant issues three decades ago that led Congress to pass Chinese
exclusion acts which prevented all but a few privileged classes of Chinese men
from sending for their families in China and forbidding single men from
marrying non-Chinese wives. Now in San Francisco, Nate sees how this helped a
uniquely horrible market of rampant prostitution fester in the Chinese areas of
the great city, fed by kidnapping and coercing girls from China. They would be
presented with fraudulent papers claiming they were wives or daughters of the
few privileged classes allowed to send for family. Once in San Francisco, the
Chinese girls were sold. They were pressed into brutal prostitution, where most
died from horrible mistreatment within a few years. The little Chinese girls,
when younger than 12 or so, were sold for household servants known as “Mui
Tsai’s.” A Mui Tsai performed heavy labor and endured severe physical
punishments. When a Mui Tsai became about 12, she was sold into prostitution as
well. Nate admired Superintendent Cameron for rescuing and protecting the Mui
Tsai and the Chinese prostitutes.
Nate thinks it is fortunate, for all prostitutes of all colors, that there are
new red-light abatement laws that are beginning to close down the brothels and
As is common, given the complexity and political diversity of the United
States, Nate is, however, uncomfortable about some of these efforts because
right-minded actions are also paralleled by the nefarious who prey upon and
manipulate the emotions of followers, driving them to reactionary self-serving
presumptions rather than reasoned and compassionate evaluations.
Those nefarious persons attack the prostitutes themselves, but not their owners
or their customers. They forced the closure of the one medical clinic that
served and protected the ‘fair but frail,’ claiming it was an endorsement of
sin to protect the women’s health. The need for a clinic for streetwalkers was
desperate but hidden from society. In most newspaper offices, the words
syphilis and gonorrhea are still tabooed, and without the use of these terms,
it is almost impossible to correctly state the desperate need. They also wanted
to dispose of the prostitutes without allowing them any alternatives for
survival. The Reverend Paul Smith of the Central Methodist Church at O’Farrell
and Leavenworth streets refused to consider provision of opportunities for the
women, and even suggested sending them off to a far-away ‘farm’ for internment.
Such loud people seized upon the collision between respectable women and their
fair-but-frail sisters, and ignored those critics of Rev. Smith’s crusade who
argued that closing down the houses would merely spread the individual
prostitutes, whose options for survival were few, around the city while also
closing down the clinic will increase the spread of the unmentionable diseases.
Nate opposes prostitution as an affront to humanity and morality, applying a
commerce value to human beings and an abuse of power by those with money.
“Nothing is more phallus than the dollar bill,” Nate thinks.
Yet, he does not embrace the attacks on prostitutes, separate from attacks on
prostitution, since it is men who are the paying customers. It is men who
usually turn women into a profitable business (such as, he sadly recalls,
Jerome Bassity with his hundreds of prostitutes). It is men who refuse women
other opportunities to earn a living. It is men who deny women the right to
vote on the laws that affect them.
© 2011 Michael R. BarnardAuthor's Note
Added on December 18, 2011 Last Updated on December 18, 2011 Tags: 1914 ford, 1915, american telephone and telegraph, american, baltimore, bigotry, birth of a nation, california, civics & citizenship d.w. griffi, discrimination & race relations, drama, earthquake AuthorMichael R. BarnardNew York City, NYAboutAuthor Michael R. Barnard grew up in Minneapolis, Minnesota, then moved to Hollywood to write scripts for film and TV. He now lives in New York City. “NATE and KELLY” is his first novel. I.. more..Writing