Open sore.

Open sore.

A Poem by laura hope

regret and heart ache.


The moon soothes the hurt in my eyes
As it's beams make them dry
The ache that I fight to deny
Appears in doses through the sky

Lights on the street blink when I pass
As the sores in my chest make it hard to relax
Memories of the late nights gash me upon impact
What once was so clear now seems dark and abstract

Uneven pavement of the road sways me back and forth
As I realize it's relation to us of course
The chance to go back I can't force
Know that my heart drowns in the deepest remorse.

© 2011 laura hope

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GREAT, i enjoooyed this

Posted 13 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Love the rhyme. Paints a sad but beautiful picture in my mind. Wonderful. My advise is to definitely keep writing these poems. Your good at it and they are a pleasure to read. Keep up the good work.

Posted 13 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

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2 Reviews
Added on June 17, 2011
Last Updated on June 18, 2011
Tags: love, broken, heart, sadness, couple, relationships, regret, mistake, remorse, nostalgia, tears, crying


laura hope
laura hope

London, Ontario, Canada

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