![]() CHAPTER 1A Chapter by shannonIt was 5 something in the morning and I couldn’t sleep. I pointlessly scrolled through Tumblr, then YouTube, and then checked Facebook constantly. As I scrolled through Tumblr bored outta my mind I came across a funny Omegle chat picture on Tumblr. Omegle is a random stranger site which either has creeps, horny people, and just some bored people like me. I thought to myself ‘Ah what the hell’ little did I know I met the perfect stranger, possibly my soulmate, but we both made the decision to disconnect…it was painful but deep down I’m glad we did… Stranger: F**K YOU Stranger: B***H You: N****R Stranger: BIIIIIIIIIIIIIITCH Stranger: :( You: N***A Stranger: what would possess you into saying that You: F**K YO COUCH You: idk, I’m a typical white person Stranger: you must be some delinquent You: totally Stranger: u browse 4chan Stranger: 4chan.org Stranger: TOTALLY COOL WEBSITE Stranger: BRO Stranger: I SEE LIKE Stranger: TONS OF FUNNY PICS Stranger: GIVES GOOD LULZ LOL You: so i heard Stranger: ITSSSSSS SOOOO FUNNY Stranger: theres these things called summerfags Stranger: n oh man they get me mad You: I’m glad you're enjoying yourself lol Stranger: thank you You: summerfag? XD Stranger: do you even lift? You: bro......I’m a chick You: dont be sexist now! You: I’m a tomboy and all my friends are guys Stranger: man Stranger: y u gotta playa hate on me You: i prefer talking to guys cause they're mad chill lol You: what you mean dawg? Stranger: y u trickz me Stranger: wut ur name Stranger: is it Tammy? You: LOL You: yea its Tammy You: Tammy in the hammy Stranger: lewlz Stranger: LEEEEEEEEWWWWWWWWLZ Stranger: sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo, i was
watching the VHZ modeling awards last night, got to an hour and 30 mins and
finally turned it off. was wondering when u walk on the stage You: I lost my number, can I have yours? Stranger: I lost my virginity, can I have urs? You: YES You: I’m a dick diva Stranger: I’m a drag queen You: then we're the perfect team Stranger: lol Stranger: so Tammy Stranger: Tammy Tammy in the hammy Stranger: u hate females Stranger: cuz of the drama Stranger: wut kinda drama You: pretty much You: and all drama dude Stranger: like? You: like "omg he didn’t call me last night Becky!!!!!!
do you think hes back with his ex?" Stranger: ooooooooo Stranger: muh Stranger: gawd Stranger: nothing gets me more mad Stranger: when a man mistreats a woman Stranger: and the woman goes back Stranger: it really rustles my jimminies You: i hate gossip too and LOL really rustles my jimminies You: i wont deny, i went back to a guy that treated me like
s**t once You: NEVER DOING THAT MISTAKE AGAIN Stranger: Listen baby, let’s cut to the chase. You don’t have to
pretend to act interested in what I’m saying; if u wanted to get laid just say
it. You: f**k.....you figured me out You: *whispers* how did you know? Stranger: you're human right? Stranger: we all have needs You: lol not my need, I’m just bored Stranger: neither is it mine Stranger: I’m on no fap Stranger: 3 MONTHS Stranger: BIG BOI Stranger: CHYEAH Stranger: WHAT U GOT ON THAT Stranger: HU You: HOLY F**K Stranger: THATS WHAT I THOUGHT Stranger: hey wuts ur real name Stranger: tellz me Stranger: i wanna know Stranger: i wont tell ne1 You: you wont! you cant make it! Stranger: cmooonnnn You: lol its Shannon Stranger: Shannon the cannon Stranger: watch this video! Stranger: it’s my favorite song You: s**t just got real Stranger: wuts ur fav song Stranger: im lookin 4i t You: too many to count, but it would have to be one of Eminems
songs Stranger: Stranger: this is my favorite Stranger: all time Stranger: #1 Stranger: <3<3 Stranger: watch plzz Shannon Stranger: PLEASE SHANNON Stranger: PLLLLLLLLLEASE Stranger: WATCH IT Stranger: OMMMMMMMMMFG You: im listening to it!!!!!! Stranger: I IMPLORE YOU Stranger: ok Stranger: :) You: LOL nice screeching Stranger: :) Stranger: :):):):):) Stranger: I like Stan Stranger: from Enimen You: that one is alright Stranger: NO Stranger: ITS BETTER THAN ALRIGHT Stranger: ITS Stranger: im thinking of a word to describe it Stranger: give me a second Stranger: its.. You: I mean how he made the song into a story was awesome Stranger: immaculate You: but, I can’t really relate to it Stranger: i suppose Stranger: wuts ur fav You: IMMACULATE Stranger: yas Stranger: yus Stranger: YEWZ You: OK my fav song is this You: You: fast forward to 2:30 You: PLEASE Stranger: i need a YouTube account Shannon! Stranger: i dont hav eone You: what!!!!!!!! You: why! Stranger: :( idk Stranger: im sorry You: lol its such a good song, like the beat is pretty sick Stranger: lets take a ride on my disco stick? Stranger: cuz this beat is sick You: lol what music genres do you like? Stranger: all Stranger: u? You: pretty much all, i listen to barley any country though You: i LOVE jazz Stranger: MAH GOOSTA Stranger: JAZZ 4 LIFE You: ~jazz diva You: so why are you up at 4:15 in the morning? Stranger: its 1:15 am Stranger: i could ask you the same Stranger: question Stranger: i just did ab ripper X Stranger: and I can’t fall asleep Stranger: with my protein shake it wakes me up You: I just don’t want to sleep for some reason You: and I’m at my bros house Stranger: real brother Stranger: or just a bro You: no, just bro Stranger: is he anything more than a bro Stranger: have u Stranger: tickled his pickle You: LOL nah, we aren't like that. He has a gf Stranger: n his gf doesn’t get jealous? Stranger: sorry to impose but it sounds a lil odd Stranger: i mean if u were at my house You: i sleep over all my guy friends places because I don’t
have really have any female friends, except one Stranger: our cloths would implode on us within the moment both
our eyes connect You: my mom doesn’t care which is awesome You: LOL you don’t even know what I look like, I don’t even
know what you look like Stranger: with a personality that you have, trust me, i wouldn’t
care what you look like You: awe thanks, that is the best compliment to get. Stranger: :) Stranger: im sure you hear it all the time Stranger: if not, you should You: i do and that im funny Stranger: im not suprised Stranger: ay Stranger: chh chh You: you're pretty cool too Stranger: na Stranger: im not You: what is your name? Stranger: Diego You: OH S**T You: you from Dora! Stranger: hahahahhahaah Stranger: >_> Stranger: ima kill myself You: lol thats healthy Stranger: ;) its great for psychological health You: wanna exchange fbs after this epic chat? Stranger: i dun has fb Stranger: eh Stranger: no need to lie Stranger: ehh Stranger: it usually doesn’t last Stranger: when I add peepz from omegle on fb You: thats because those n****s dont know how to keep a
convo alive Stranger: id rather remember you as this awesome person than
both of us fading into strangers You: i get your point Stranger: :) You: smart thinking :) Stranger: :D Stranger: where do u live? Stranger: ur 3 hours ahead of me You: Florida, i live in a town where people go to die Stranger: HAHA Stranger: WHAT Stranger: THATS SO COOL Stranger: Ohh Stranger: i get it Stranger: i get it Stranger: cuz You: NO! you mean so boring! Stranger: alot of old people Stranger: ooooooohhhhhh u're good Stranger: u r real good Stranger: well unlock ur door ill be coming over soon Stranger: tell ur bro to GET THE F**K OUT Stranger: no sexy time You: ding ding ding we have a winner, yep LOTS of old
people -_- Stranger: i need someone to keep my abs warm as i sleep Stranger: O Stranger: F**K Stranger: SHANNON Stranger: MY INTERNET BROKE You: lol so im talking to a hot spanish guy? Is that what
you're telling me? Stranger: o man Stranger: i thought my internet broke Stranger: for a second Stranger: I’m not Spanish! Stranger: who said I was Spanish!!! Stranger: >:( You: but.....Diego is a Spanish name :0 Stranger: >_> Stranger: <_< Stranger: >_> Stranger: <_< Stranger: >_> Stranger: <_< Stranger: u are god Stranger: good Stranger: how old are ui! Stranger: im white Stranger: and Indian You: 18 Stranger: not native American Stranger: Indian Stranger: Indian Stranger: I am 19 Stranger: n u Stranger: what ethnicity You: white You: just white You: nothing interesting lol Stranger: pale skin? You: NO Stranger: pale skin is my omega Stranger: weakness Stranger: EW Stranger: NOT PALE You: I’m tan dude Stranger: man Stranger: tan is SO BORING Stranger: SO LAST GENRATION Stranger: SO 2000 Stranger: it was so last yera Stranger: year You: HEY, I was tan before that snookie b***h, and its real
too! Stranger: >_> Stranger: im tanned too Stranger: u know in the end in the end of the day the only thing
that matters in life is having a tan You: plus i don’t purposely tan! It just happens. I like
going outside :0 Stranger: meh Stranger: same.. Stranger: >_> Stranger: samme same same same.. Stranger: i thot u were black You: <_< Stranger: when i heard the name Shannon You: lol hell no Stranger: u hate blacks Stranger: U HATE N*****S? You: no XD Stranger: ok Stranger: illl just have ot take ur word for it wont i Stranger: Stranger: N****R You: i say it like im raciest but im really not You: N****R Stranger: :) Stranger: you make me so proud Stranger: <3 You: thank you ;) Stranger: Shannon Stranger: rate my body You: :)* Stranger: 1-10 You: um let me rate my imaginary friend.... You: hmmmm You: an 8? Stranger: http://bodyspace.bodybuilding.com/img/user_images/growable/2009/07/04/123840/profilepic/1Gs4U2PZf9e21TTyYk695p8oWHH2542.jpeg Stranger: that should make it easier 4 u You: that aint you! You: you google n***a! Stranger: WHA WHA Stranger: SUCH ACCUSTATIONS Stranger: ANOTHER Stranger: HOLD Stranger: http://cdn.simplyshredded.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/04/4-2.jpg Stranger: THATS ZYZZ You: LMAO Stranger: YOU GET ON UR KNEES Stranger: AND PRAY You: I’m dyeing Stranger: Y U LULZING Stranger: 4 You: if that’s you, you sure don’t look 19 Stranger: pish posh Stranger: http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash2/hs202.ash2/46503_428813272225_351749002225_4765972_47404_n.jpg Stranger: you are f*****g mirin You: LMAO You: its not you Stranger: http://a4.ec-images.myspacecdn.com/images02/78/8dde31e109a94ebfaf3376d70e5e97eb/l.jpg You: BADASS Stranger: https://fbcdn-sphotos-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/292548_227833650649992_220347101398647_312368_779095455_n.jpg Stranger: BELIEVE IT Stranger: RATE You: im guessing you are a model? lol Stranger: simplyshredded.com Stranger: CUH Stranger: GET PAID Stranger: 4 LEWKIN GOOD You: so....I’m talking to a hot guy with a awesome
personality? HELL NO...I must be sleeping Stranger: <_< ONLINe yes Stranger: irl im quiet Stranger: its crazy what people hold inside Stranger: wake up Stranger: eat Stranger: gym Stranger: eat Stranger: eat Stranger: eat Stranger: eat Stranger: eat Stranger: sleep Stranger: sleep Stranger: sleep Stranger: wake up Stranger: repeat Stranger: welcome to my world You: You: that’s what I look like ^ You: and doesn’t that get boring after awhile? Stranger: u would think so right? Stranger: well, I try to up my max Stranger: more weights Stranger: keeps it from goin stale Stranger: and wowie Stranger: what do we have here? Stranger: a heavenly blessed beauty! Stranger: no wonder so many guys want you at their house! You: LOL riiighht You: my guy friend made a point last night that I’m cute
but not beautiful XD Stranger: well I’d have to disagree with them completely You: so how long have you been hitting up the gym for? Stranger: lol Stranger: 9 years Stranger: since I was 10 Stranger: not really gym Stranger: but Stranger: I started at 9 Stranger: erm Stranger: 10 You: gym sounds like a good plan since I’m going to join
the army, got to work out A LOT Stranger: what! Stranger: shannnonn Stranger: nuu Stranger: whhhy Stranger: why army? Stranger: with that face you could go far in life Stranger: army is good and all but what if u get hurt You: been wanting to do it since 8th grade, been in the
rotc program and i love it Stranger: i could never forgive myself if i let such a
perfection become put to ruin Stranger: ahh Stranger: gotchaaaaaaaaaaaz You: LOL I love adventure Stranger: u wanna shoot some nigz up? You: eh no, just meet people on the road You: travel Stranger: u should join the national patrol Stranger: eh Stranger: fuk it Stranger: ARMY You: I would love to try boxing too Stranger: army is great way to travel the world Stranger: i wanna try boxing! Stranger: u would think with all my muscles I know what I’m
doing rite Stranger: well Stranger: without coordination I’m s**t Stranger: u could prolly beat the s**t outta me You: lol I would love to try it! I rough house a lot and i
just love fighting. (i never got in a fight before i mean play fight) Stranger: same Stranger: same same Stranger: tell me if u could travel anywhere in the world where
would it be? You: nah, you are probably like metal or some s**t! i would
probably break my hand Stranger: thats why u punch me in the face! Stranger: u silly goose Stranger: just poke me in the eyes Stranger: or better yet just shoot me Stranger: best way to take me down You: sounds like I’m taking down a shark 0.0 Stranger: hahahahaha Stranger: so where would u travel??? You: hmmm thats a hard question. I would love to see the
northern lights so Alaska, and I would like to go to Mexico with my best
friend, idk where to after that, just somewhere over seas with a s**t load of mountains Stranger: oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo Stranger: I’ve never heard anyone tell me Alaska Stranger: northern lights must be absolutely breath taking Stranger: not as breath taking as looking into ur eyes but still
pretty breath taking Stranger: Mexico IS EHHH Stranger: I almost went You: in the movies it looks awesome! Brother bear and snow dog’s
n***a Stranger: SNOW DAWGZ CUH Stranger: 4 LIFE You: and i just want to go to Mexico cause my best friend
is Mexican and he would be would happy mofo if we ever took a road trip there Stranger: u gotta be careful of the drug cartel Stranger: my friend is also Mexican and his family has been
wanting to take me since i was in 9th grade Stranger: but my gay a*s passport got rejected Stranger: or some s**t You: oh :/ thats gay Stranger: very Stranger: i hate HAAAATE airports! You: yea, they're complicated -___- Stranger: whenever i walk through a metal detector it goes off
because of my abs of steel You: lol riiiight Stranger: I’ve been wanting to say that Stranger: for like Stranger: 1 kajabillion yeras Stranger: years Stranger: N I DID Stranger: :) Stranger: feels good man You: s**t, I would use that line too if I had abs XD Stranger: with great power comes great responsibility -
spiderman You: well said sir Stranger: :) Stranger: u tired yet? You: eh I am but there’s no sense in sleeping for 2 hours You: i gotta get up at 7 Stranger: what for? You: btw where do you live? California? Stranger: yeah Stranger: cali You: why am I not surprised!!! Stranger: wuuuut?! You: every time I meet someone online they're from cali :o Stranger: hmm Stranger: whenever i meet someone online there from florid Stranger: Florida and really beautiful You: Florida and really DEAD You: haha Stranger: for such a state that inhabits death u really brought
me to life Stranger: that was bad Stranger: I must say Stranger: bleh Stranger: BLEH You: i take it you love using corny lines lol Stranger: only on girls that are absolutely perfect looking and
named Shannon You: cheeseball XD Stranger: :) You: look at Diego, trying to butter up Shannon. N***A IM
MADE OUT OF ICE Stranger: I guess I’ll have to warm you up until you melt Stranger: or just get u wet You: omg lmao Stranger: ure such a perv Shannon Stranger: talkin about gettin people wt Stranger: wet Stranger: wut is gettin into you! You: DA F**K BRO? You: idk man You: must be bath salts Stranger: bath salts! Stranger: i need that s**t Stranger: im growing like one pimple on my lower back Stranger: i hear bath salts super good 4 acne Stranger: u can cleanse my lust for you with that bath salt You: i would be honored and just die from that one
beautiful bath salt Stranger: would i be in that bath too? You: no Diego, go with Dora and find your own bath
>_> Stranger: i don’t want Dora she is too young and so last boring Stranger: id much rather have you You: i would hope not, for that is incest and that’s
illegal kids *thumbs up* Stranger: i know :( so sad its illegal Stranger: wouldn’t it be a blast just doin ur family Stranger: no1 knows u like family You: a blast in a glass Stranger: first family member id do would have to be my dog You: random off the topic question: what do you plan to do
as a career? Stranger: a lil mixed atm Stranger: career.. Stranger: i wanted to be a psychologists Stranger: but learning that there isnt much opportunity within
it Stranger: lots of bad mouthing about it You: i wanted to be that! buuuut with years of taking college
and all.plus im not the richest so. but army isnt bad so im not down about it. Stranger: what about you? Stranger: army doesnt sound so bad right about now..free living,
food..and most importantly i might see you You: lol idk, its not made for everyone. in basic you'll
have a guy screaming inches away from you face Stranger: yeah, sounds exhilarating Stranger: it would all be worth it if i could just catch a
glance of dat red hair of urs Stranger: n like Stranger: free gym too i hear You: dat a*s Stranger: DAT Stranger: A*S Stranger: SI You: lmao You: yea i think its free gym Stranger: Shannon! u never told me why u have to wake up in 2
hours! do you have a model shoot to attend or what? You: yes diego! i have to model at 7am! Stranger: :O Stranger: why u going to the army then Stranger: u already set! You: i gotta babysit my sister and i forgot i had to watch
her saturday. going to miss legend of korra :/ Stranger: amg You: LEGEND OF KORRA IS THE S**T Stranger: it so is Stranger: I think I’ve watched one episode Stranger: thought they would only make one episode You: it’s my summer addiction You: so far they made i think like....8 Stranger: my summer addiction is staying home being emo Stranger: EIGHT Stranger: :O Stranger: i need to catch up You: you do! the season finale is on either next week or
next next week You: *cut cut fap fap* Stranger: FAP Stranger: FAAAAAPFAPFAPFAPFPAFAP Stranger: time to grab the lotion Stranger: gonna break my no fap for this season final You: put the lotion on the skin Stranger: put the dog in the basket You: are you seriously not going to fap for 3 months?! dude
your balls will explode! Stranger: im already on month 1 Stranger: are u proud of me? Stranger: i dont even get boners anymore You: lol yea Stranger: im like broken You: damn :0 Stranger: i only had one wet dream Stranger: i got super mad Stranger: at my dongle gong Stranger: I WAS LIKE Stranger: THE F**K N***A Stranger: WE ARE BOTH SUPPOSE TO BE IN ON THIS You: LMFAO holy s**t Stranger: TWO MOH TO GO Stranger: talking to u almost broke my streak You: how did i know you were going to say something like
that? -.- Stranger: ;)! u know me so well Stranger: its like we were meant for each other <3 You: YEAH. A hot guy in cali and a girl in a dead beat town You: MAKES SENSE Stranger: don’t let a location prevent u from true happiness! Stranger: wtf! Stranger: oh s**t Stranger: this movie is fucken NUTS Stranger: kick-a*s Stranger: im gettin sweaty watchin it Stranger: gettin PUMPED Stranger: i wish i was a super hero Stranger: back to the subject to Stranger: i would fo real Stranger: realz Stranger: u are a 10/10 You: just a small town girl...livin in a lonely
wooooorrrrllld! Stranger: would marry Stranger: WOULD MARRY You: what movie? lol Stranger: u always remember that Stranger: thats a song Stranger: not a movie Stranger: the movie is kick-a*s You: i know its a song!!!!!!!! Stranger: lol :) You: what movie are you watching sir? Stranger: kick-a*s You: OH. i thought you were saying it is kick a*s Stranger: hahahaha Stranger: nooo You: fail Stranger: it is "kick-a*s" Stranger: lol You: i never seen it, from the previews it looks good Stranger: come over Stranger: watch it with me Stranger: it will blow yah f****n mind dawg Stranger: afterwards we can workout Stranger: n eat Stranger: OH F**K Stranger: ITS 2:00 Stranger: I MISSED MY MEAL Stranger: MY GAINS Stranger: HAVE BEEN LOST You: lemme just pull the magic carpet out my a*s, fly
hundreds of miles away, watch a movie with a hot cali guy, and fly back in time
to watch my sister Stranger: don’t be ridiculous! Just bring ur sister You: god i wish i was a jumper T_T Stranger: sometimes i wish i were too Stranger: i could jump to the fridge You: HELL YEAH Stranger: lol Stranger: Shannon! Stranger: i have gotz to go Stranger: we have been talking for like Stranger: 4hours Stranger: my gains have been lost You: really? it felt shorter Stranger: when you're having fun everything feels like it’s
going faster Stranger: you must have been having a blast Stranger: cuz i sure was You: yea, i haven't had a great convo like that in A WHILE Stranger: i haven’t been on this website in like 4eva You: me either, i was just really bored and said "ahh
what the hell" Stranger: same Stranger: same Stranger: same Stranger: same Stranger: same Stranger: i guess we are cross starred lovers aren’t we? Stranger: meeting on omegle Stranger: or it was fate Stranger: for me to miss my gains Stranger: either will do You: what do you mean by that? Miss my gains? You: wth is a gain?! Stranger: it means Stranger: like Stranger: when i eat Stranger: i call it gains Stranger: cuz Stranger: i eat protein Stranger: n protein restores ur muscles Stranger: and then u "gain" muscle You: oh gotcha Stranger: so Stranger: like Stranger: gainz Stranger: naw'sayin You: lol i get you home slice Stranger: u should breast feed me, i hear theres s**t load of
gains in that You: WOW lmao You: smh diego >.< Stranger: what! Stranger: dont act like you weren’t thinking the exact same
thing You: da f**k? how did you read my mind? :o Stranger: because we are one Stranger: duh You: ok rafikki lol Stranger: rafikki Stranger: whats that from! Stranger: lion king? You: YES Stranger: WOO Stranger: got it! You: btw if you ever get the chance look up lion king on
urban dictionary and read the first definition! Stranger: ima do it right now baby boy You: good sugar mama ;) Stranger: :( Stranger: Shannon Stranger: damn you Stranger: stop seducing me Stranger: gonna make it super hard 4 me to disconnect You: my bad lol Stranger: i would love to use the lion king on you You: LMFAO omg if i was a guy, i'd so do it Stranger: u should do it to me You: #fuckbitchesgetmoney You: I SHOULD Stranger: id let you Stranger: ID LET U DO WHATEVER U WANT Stranger: ID LET U RAPE ME Stranger: S**T Stranger: IDGAF You: cause we in MERICA' Stranger: GEORGE DUBYA BUSH Stranger: murrica You: i love saying merica X) Stranger: me too Stranger: nothing makes me feel more american Stranger: lol Stranger: omg Shannon Stranger: i am seriously starving Stranger: and talking to you is only feeding my hunger You: ok Edward Cullen Stranger: WOH Stranger: WOH Stranger: isnt that the guy from Stranger: twilight Stranger: ALL BOUT JACOB Stranger: CUH You: the gay guy that used way too much makeup? Yeah him Stranger: thats mah boy Stranger: i wish i looked like him Stranger: i love his pale skin Stranger: makes me envious You: 0.0 Stranger: what!? Stranger: don’t judge me You: im not judging :) You: im guessing you're striving to be flawless? Stranger: ...who are you... Stranger: you should always strive for perfection because if ur
not u might as well be dead You: JUST A SMALL TOWN GIRL, LIVIN IN A LONELY WOOOOOORLD.
i took the midnight train going anywhere too Stranger: i said the quote wrong Stranger: but Stranger: u get the point Stranger: U'RE SAYING S**T Stranger: THAT Stranger: LIKE Stranger: IS IN MY HEAD Stranger: N IM THINKING Stranger: N URE FREAKING ME OUT Stranger: LIKE IM TALKING TO MYSELF You: im sorry :0 Stranger: i must be hallucinating from hunger You: that or we are two awesome n****s You: that found each other on a stranger site lol Stranger: imagine how many awesome n****s we could create!? Stranger: u know Stranger: by REPRODUCING Stranger: NAW'SAYIN You: lol yep Stranger: kick a*s finished Stranger: i wasnt even paying attention to the movie Stranger: some 10/10 distracted me! >:( You: what a selfish b***h! Stranger: i know that movie was a selfish b***h keepin me from
her You: sometime this week im going to see if its on netflix Stranger: it is Stranger: IT IS U SILLY BILLY Stranger: WATCH IT Stranger: think of me Stranger: think of me nibbling on ur neck Stranger: then imagine how fuckkin hungry I am Stranger: imagine my unimaginable hunger You: dont make me seduce you and mess up your 3 month
record XP You: LMAO go eat Stranger: hm Stranger: this is really tuff Stranger: im trying to say a corny line Stranger: but its not comin out Stranger: IMAGINE MY HUNGER Stranger: N Stranger: WAT Stranger: ID Stranger: EAT Stranger: ON Stranger: UR Stranger: BODY? Stranger: na You: omg....lmao Stranger: i dun goofed Stranger: i blew it You: YA BLEW IT Stranger: ! Stranger: TELL ME Stranger: WHERE U FOUND THAT LINE Stranger: OH Stranger: i said Stranger: i blew it You: are you going to bed after you eat? Stranger: TROLLED ME Stranger: yas Stranger: i dont want too You: no, my best friend and i troll people and whenever
someone f***s up we yell YA BLEW IT Stranger: lol Stranger: is ittt fromm Stranger: tim n eric AWESOME SHOW GREAT JOB? You: no, my best friend just randomly said it one day Stranger: o :( You: and we stuck with it Stranger: i got it from that show You: do you know who kingsley/ryan higa/ luan legacy/ jenna
marbles is? You: any of those? Stranger: none You: OMG Stranger: NONE You: HOW COULD YOU You: if you ever want to laugh, look up kingsley on youtube
:) Stranger: <_, Stranger: if i want to laugh ill just think of you Stranger: and what joy u brought me You: LOL that sounds so mean Stranger: what You: the first line Stranger: hahahahahahah Stranger: rango is on! Stranger: have u seen it You: dass that s**t! You: yeppers Stranger: this show Stranger: gets me horny Stranger: omg Stranger: this gecko Stranger: my body Stranger: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAUGH You: HIS SHIRT You: UMF Stranger: this movie Stranger: the graphics Stranger: FUARKING CRAZY Stranger: Shannon, id f**k you in the a*s so hard u wouldn’t
s**t for weeks You: that’s hot Stranger: i know Stranger: thats why i said it You: ill remember to use that line on someone Stranger: its my intro when meeting new people You: oh really? its not You: F**K YOU You: B***H You: BIIIIIITCH You: hmm? Stranger: :( You: lol what? Stranger: idk! Stranger: u just cussed me out! You: no, im saying thats how we first talked You: you said "f**k you b***h" Stranger: o i c Stranger: what an a*****e i was Stranger: if i only knew Stranger: IF I ONLY KNEW Stranger: IT WAS U Stranger: SHANNON Stranger: N NOT Stranger: TAMMY' You: 0tammy in your hammy ; Stranger: :,) never forget You: never forget tammy? Stranger: i am lolin hard Stranger: at the intro Stranger: 2 new people You: yea, our convo....WAS BEYOND EPIC Stranger: i love you You: lol love you too stranger Stranger: i am no stranger Stranger: i am mr. F**K YOU B***H, BIIIIIIIIIITCH You: for you are *drum roll* DIEGO You: and that too Stranger: if i ever f*****g see you in the army Stranger: im going to tear my f*****g shirt off Stranger: throw it to the ground Stranger: pick u up Stranger: slam u against a wall EXTREMELY HARD Stranger: and tongue blast ur mouth with my mouth You: lmao SQUIRTLE MY MOUTH UP You: and that really is hot Stranger: only hot cuz ure there You: you corn ball X) Stranger: u perfect heavenly blessed beauty goddness beyond
porportion You: so...are you sure you never want to talk again? Stranger: my heart almost broke just thinkin about it You: yeah :/ Stranger: we wouldnt see each other Stranger: im not on alot Stranger: i dont want what we have to diminish Stranger: or better yet, what "I" Stranger: just move to f****n cali! Stranger: or let us join the same army group Stranger: if u go to the army Stranger: u better be careful Stranger: there are SOO many girls that are raped there Stranger: im not even kidding Stranger: i couldnt imagine that happening 2u Stranger: they dont usually announce it to the pbulic due to
recuirtment reasons Stranger: but it happens so much You: i wouldnt think twice of shooting a n***a, and ha i
wish i could move to cali Stranger: u best shoot him 3 times Stranger: one for me You: and one for the money Stranger: LOL You: and one for me lol Stranger: i cant top that Stranger: one for the money Stranger: when hes on the ground ill give him the ol fashion
lion king You: i don't know where i got that from, it just popped in
my head Stranger: did i TOP IT? Stranger: WITH THE LION KING? You: YES YOU DID Stranger: :):):):) Stranger: Shannon! Stranger: send me another pic of u! You: i dont know how, i just sent you my tumblr address
with my pics on it Stranger: ehh forget it, i just wanted to make sure i remember
ur face Stranger: im sure i will Stranger: cant forget gods greatest creations You: nah, im easily forgotten lol Stranger: says who? You: nvm haha Stranger: you show me who said this and ill show you a liar You: i shall, i will drag them all on your footstep Stranger: they will be leaving with 3 shoes Stranger: 2 on their feet and one in their anus You: yummy Stranger: lol Stranger: ill hold em and u can practice ur boxing You: that would be awesome Stranger: what time is it there? You: 5:58 Stranger: im ruining ur beauty sleep You: im doing a all nighter Stranger: i swear if im the reason to giving bags to that
beautiful fae Stranger: face Stranger: well..i just dont know what ill do Stranger: probably on the lines of suicide Stranger: or something Stranger: its like destroying the pyramids Stranger: or like Stranger: sacrilege You: lol don't worry, ive been doing all nighters on and
off the last couple of days Stranger: what have u been doing all night?! You: PORN You: PORN You: PORN Stranger: i remember those days.. Stranger: was a month ago.. >_> Stranger: depressing times You: you poor thing Stranger: u wanna know my secret Stranger: u wanna know why i did no fap Stranger: my friend showed me this psychological thingy You: was it a bet? Stranger: named like colital trilettee Stranger: no it was 4 me Stranger: whenever i use to fap Stranger: i would get like super sad Stranger: i HATE Stranger: fappin Stranger: can u imagine that? Stranger: yet im like addicted to it You: i wouldnt know, i just thought guys were horny Stranger: we are Stranger: and i hate it Stranger: i use to think as a child Stranger: man Stranger: ill never get addicted to anything Stranger: i was in the D.A.R.E program Stranger: n there like u smoke ull get hooked Stranger: n i was like Stranger: ADDICTION IS F****N STUPID DAWG Stranger: i stood up Stranger: and told the teacher Stranger: THE ONLY 3 LETTERS I NEED TO KNOW IS U,S AND A You: lol but jacking off is different, every guy has to do
it, its natural. its not like you chose to do it. people who get addicted to
drugs choose to do it Stranger: u dont haveee to d oit Stranger: well Stranger: it got to the point You: yea or you have wet dreams Stranger: where id like Stranger: get withdrawal Stranger: n s**t Stranger: id do it everyday Stranger: once per day Stranger: IM LIKE DESENSITISING MY WEINER Stranger: since age TEN Stranger: i gotsa stop Stranger: before i lose it Stranger: ima have erectile dysfunction You: one of my guy friends brag about doing it 5 times a
day Stranger: man Stranger: f**k him Stranger: ill kil him Stranger: ILL KILL HIM!!!!!!!!! Stranger: LET ME AT HIM You: LOL Stranger: when did our convo get so depressing! Stranger: GOSH GOLLY Stranger: i miss the parts where u would tease me with ur
seductive ways! You: people usually get deep after midnight haha Stranger: >_> Stranger: I AM SO MESSED UP SHANNON Stranger: HELP ME You: join the club, i got jackets Stranger: my penis is dead Shannon, Stranger: can i bury it in ur a*s? You: lmao da duck i look like? a garden? plant yo seed
somewhere else! You: f**k* You: wow Stranger: i thought you were the garden of eve! Stranger: you looked pretty fertile to me Stranger: NO MANURE NEEDED You: tempting You: WHY CANT I BE SURROUNDED BY PEOPLE LIKE YOU????
>.< Stranger: arent you? Stranger: well Stranger: i know why You: HELL NO Stranger: if i saw u around other guys id get super envious You: that was my last ex's problem....he wanted me to cut
off all my friends and give all my attention to him. i almost lost my friends
cause of him Stranger: well i wouldn’t do that, well i don’t think i would Stranger: i would want u happy Stranger: but like Stranger: if i saw u doin lion kings with other guys Stranger: id get like a lil envious Stranger: like Stranger: why isnt she doing lion kings with me? You: lmao i would only do a lion king to you Stranger: promise? You: and thats a promise ;) You: lol read my mind Stranger: so thoughtful :,) You: of course, you deserve one :) Stranger: how stupid can a man get to actually leave you? i mean
was he mentally retarded? You: my last ex cheated on me LOL Stranger: what? you're kidding right? Stranger: he was mentally retarded then Stranger: if you were my gf i would cherish every moment with
you Stranger: like Stranger: i can only imagine Stranger: waking up to you Stranger: smelling ur hair right as i wake up would be like
literal heaven to me You: haha thank you :) You: i think i would smell you hair too ^.^ Stranger: NO Stranger: only for me to smell You: YES Stranger: alright Stranger: but Stranger: but Stranger: but Stranger: but Stranger: u have to pay the toll Stranger: toll being me slamming u against the wall EXTREMELY
HARD Stranger: and like Stranger: BASHING my skull into urs Stranger: our lips would like Stranger: become one Stranger: and like Stranger: to remove it u would have to cut our lips off Stranger: idk You: LMFAO im laughing so hard XD Stranger: U PEE URSELF? Stranger: LEMMIE DRINK THAT PEE PEE UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You: good god, no! Stranger: wtf y not? You: but shiiiit i would let you slam me against a wall ANY
DAY Stranger: <_< Stranger: i wanna You: do it! you wont, you wont Stranger: i prolly wont Stranger: r u a virgin Stranger: well Stranger: i probably would Stranger: with you Stranger: ure not like any1 else You: im 18 -_- whatcha think Diego? Stranger: u're special Stranger: WELL IDK Stranger: want to know a secret You: you are not a virgin! Stranger: im a virgin Stranger: i am You: .... You: NO WAY Stranger: i am really quiet irl Stranger: like You: LIES! Stranger: i wish i could say these things irl Stranger: they just come to me Stranger: when i type Stranger: im like a f****n novelist Stranger: of porn Stranger: and penis's Stranger: but irl Stranger: im like Stranger: UHHH Stranger: UGHH Stranger: AUH Stranger: HI Stranger: um Stranger: i like to lift Stranger: n Stranger: ya.. Stranger: <_< You: lmao im glad im not the only one who cant start a
convo in person You: im shy in person You: but i warm up after like 10 minutes You: if a person still tries to get to know me Stranger: im sure if i met u Stranger: id be comfortable Stranger: like i said Stranger: u're not like everyone else Stranger: u could use that line on me Stranger: i lost my virginity, can i have urs Stranger: it works 4 ya You: lol, but thats cool, that you kept it. you should save
it for someone you care about Stranger: yeah Stranger: yea.. Stranger: yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee................... Stranger: thats the plan Stranger: i think i just met her You: but after this we will probably never speak or see
each other again :( Stranger: i have no corny line Stranger: :( Stranger: just Stranger: :( Stranger: idk You: sorry You: im such a downer sometimes Stranger: I KNOW Stranger: YA BLEW IT Stranger: YA DOWNER You: omg LOL You: YA BLEW IT Stranger: ;) Stranger: i am starving Stranger: if u were here Stranger: omg Stranger: i would Stranger: bite ur lip Stranger: go down Stranger: nibble Stranger: down Stranger: down Stranger: take the party down town Stranger: and then Stranger: when im gettin to ur pants Stranger: i would Stranger: BITE THE F****N S**T Stranger: OUTTA UR STOMACH Stranger: SHUVE MY HAND INTO UR STOMACH Stranger: EAT UR LIVER Stranger: great 4 gains You: YOU SURE YOU A VIRGIN?!?!?!?!?!?!!?!?!!?!?!?! well i
mean the beginning of that You: n***a....you on bath salts? Stranger: wut!? You: ohhhh nothinggggggggggg X) Stranger: bath salts? i only use that for acne Stranger: the only baths i like are the ones with u in it You: damn straight Stranger: tell me what sex feels like Stranger: does it hurt Stranger: i hear Stranger: its like Stranger: alot of bloo Stranger: blood Stranger: all over the place Stranger: and akwkard faces Stranger: n like the guy jizzes in like 30 seconds You: 0.0 You: no You: you are describing a period Stranger: oh Stranger: i hear it hurts like super bad Stranger: n like Stranger: the guy s***s on ur chest or something You: i think thats a cosby sweater? if a dude would ever do
that to me......i would shove an umbrella up his dick hole and open it while
its inside him Stranger: if a girl did that to me Stranger: man Stranger: MAN Stranger: That would make my day! Stranger: nothing could give me a bigger smile Stranger: id like pick it up and show her it goes into the
toliet Stranger: i like how our convo went from Stranger: depressing jizzing Stranger: to Stranger: shitting on chest Stranger: to Stranger: death in florida You: yeah, various switch ups of topics haha Stranger: are u tired? You: yea but i have to leave my friends house in 40 mins Stranger: then ill make this fast Stranger: shannon Stranger: you better Stranger: YOU BETTER Stranger: NOT GET WITH A GUY Stranger: THAT WILL TREAT U LIKE S**T Stranger: OR Stranger: ILL KILL YOU Stranger: i swear!!!! Stranger: you deserve the best Stranger: THE BESSSSSSSSSST Stranger: you better make ufckin damn sure ure not settling for something
that isnt perfection or beyond it You: you do too Diego, and don't be afraid to talk. you
have a AMAZING personality. any girl who ends up with you is really lucky Stranger: tell me something i dont know Stranger: DUUHHHH Stranger: THATS NOT WHAT THEY SAY TO ME Stranger: there like u're annoying Stranger: n im like Stranger: ...inside my head Stranger: imlike Stranger: f**k uo Stranger: f**k up You: f**k yo couch Stranger: you always know what to say :) You: eh, i have my moments lol Stranger: T_T Stranger: is ur friend asleep? Stranger: u should put his hand in some warm water Stranger: or Stranger: put a s**t load of glue Stranger: on his weiner Stranger: or Stranger: put the remote in his anus You: he is sleeping right in front of me, he was talking in
his sleep a few minutes ago Stranger: really? Stranger: i really think my friend jacked off in the bathroom Stranger: when i was talkin2 u Stranger: he was talkin to his gf You: i would make him eat his own sperm! You: his dead children! Stranger: :) i love you Stranger: theres no1 like u Stranger: why cant everyone be like u Stranger: would be a better world You: im wondering the same thing about you Stranger: this world sucks You: indeed it does Stranger: is everyone in flordia so beautiful and blessed with a
amazing personality? Stranger: or is it just u You: everyone in my town is either a w***e, a old imp, a
"hipster", or a pot head Stranger: F**K HIPSTERS You: i don't belong here >.> Stranger: AND F**K POT HEADS Stranger: IDK WHAT AN OLD IMP IS Stranger: that sounds the same here Stranger: but Stranger: put mexican infront of everything u just said You: haha my gay best friend acts exactly like me, just
mexican version, him and i usually keep to ourselves Stranger: if i met him id f**k him so hard because he would
remind me of you You: 0.0 You: i'd be envious of him Stranger: id be envious that he was able to pierce into your big
beautiful eyes Stranger: and be lucky enuff to even feel ur breathe against his
skin Stranger: btw Stranger: i think ur eyebrows Stranger: are Stranger: f*****g Stranger: HAWT Stranger: trying to think of a word Stranger: immaculate was first but i already used it Stranger: i really Stranger: really You: my eyebrows? XD Stranger: really Stranger: really Stranger: like ur eyebrows Stranger: yes You: never got a eyebrow compliment before You: thanks Stranger: 27 mins until my labtop dies Stranger: no problem dawg! Stranger: DEM EYEBROWS Stranger: DAT Stranger: EYEBROW Stranger: *Bite bottom lip* You: DAT You: LIP You: BITE Stranger: DAT IMMACULANT Stranger: I HAVENT eaten Stranger: in Stranger: like Stranger: 4 hours Stranger: n Stranger: i dont Stranger: give a f**k Stranger: at all Stranger: f**k my gains Stranger: i got my daily serving of shannon 4 the day Stranger: that will keep me going You: im sorry to keep you from eating Stranger: f**k ya couch You: N***A Stranger: SHANNON You: first i park my car, then i f**k yo b***h Stranger: TELL ME SOMETHING QUICK Stranger: ITS GONNA Stranger: TURN OFF ANYMOMENT Stranger: hahahahahahahahahha You: :((((( Stranger: if i log off outta no where Stranger: just know You: IS IT REALLY? Stranger: i love you Stranger: yes Stranger: its blinking Stranger: with a X You: wheres your charger? You: i love you too, it was great talking to you Stranger: IDK THIS IS MY FRIENDS LABTOP Stranger: i think its with his brother You: :( Stranger: NO FROWNING Stranger: remember this as :) You: of course i will :) Stranger: remember this as a lion king Stranger: a big lion king Stranger: a lion king of words You: "simba" You: lol Stranger: mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm yessssssssssss Stranger: SIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMMMMMMMMMBBBBBB-AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGUHUGFUHGUHGUHUGHUGU You: lmao i wont forget this convo Stranger:AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Stranger: if we meet Stranger: u better let me do u the minute i see u Stranger: no words Stranger: just Stranger: take ur cloths off Stranger: n let me do u You: lmao, deal Stranger: thats mah boy Stranger: always makin me proud You: thats my sugar momma ;) Stranger: :D Stranger: im gonna eat some tuna Stranger: will remind me of the scent of what i could of had if
i met you today You: LMFAO You: you're a sick cookie XD You: yuck...sea food is gross XP You: im guessing the lap top shut off but the convo isn't
disconnected yet…. Stranger: i found the charger Stranger: U WAITED Stranger: =:::)::: You: i was just going to turn off my computer lol Stranger: i was like Stranger: nuuu Stranger: i made a piggie squeel Stranger: when it turned off You: lol piglet Stranger: lol Stranger: only 4 u Stranger: how many minutes until u leave? You: 20 :/ Stranger: i didnt even get my tuna Stranger: since u dont like sea food Stranger: ill get cereal You: lol, you better get tuna Stranger: u want me too? Stranger: i will! Stranger: u tell me what to eat Stranger: n ill get it You: TUNA You: :) Stranger: u sure?! Stranger: i ate tuna today Stranger: but i also ate cerela today Stranger: OK Stranger: TUNA IT IS You: whoop whoop :D Stranger: ya manipulated me Stranger: ya seduced me this entire convo just to make me eat tuna! Stranger: EVIL Stranger: may i run to the kitchen n get it?? Stranger: with ur permission You: yes sir :) You: i want you to eat Stranger: i would prefer to eat u but ight mah nig! You: lol good grief Stranger: more like good tuna You: nasty >.< Stranger: BRBRBRBRB Stranger: gonna lick this tuna up Stranger: put my tongue between its tuna flaps Stranger: n move my index finger in clockwise movement on the
upper tunna Stranger: to induce tuna juices You: i want to throw a berry at your head... Stranger: a berry!? You: a berry Stranger: why a berry? Stranger: black berry? Stranger: the phone? You: no, the food Stranger: ill eat that s**t up Stranger: ill catch it with my teeth Stranger: and make u eat it out of my mouth You: not if ill throw it fast enough! Stranger: i have buff a*s mouth Stranger: did u see my jawline Stranger: JAWLINE OF THE GODS You: whats funny is i always told my bestie that, a strong
jawline is my #1 turn on You: geez you're my dream lover 0.0 Stranger: wait.....are you telling me i actually turned you on? You: lol no no You: jawlines are my turn on! Stranger: ah i see..i failed, failed terribly You: oh shush >.< you had your turning me on moments Stranger: when! You: the slamming me against the wall part! You: and nibbling You: i was like...WOAH 0.0 Stranger: i was like Stranger: WOAH Stranger: when u said Stranger: N****R Stranger: if i was a dimmer switch u would have turned me on to
the highest light section dimmer thingy mah jiggie You: i love how we always use caps when we write N****R You: lmao Stranger: lol Stranger: i like how you even talked to me in the first place You: im weird like that Stranger: i know Stranger: i need to start being weird Stranger: maybe ill meet a man with a jawline Stranger: who would slam me against a wall Stranger: and slowly unbutton my shirt Stranger: while lickin my tender flesh Stranger: which would convulse me into the most unimaginable
orgasm i will ever have in my entire life. guauranteed. You: omg lmao Stranger: whats the timer at? Stranger: i already miss you Stranger: after this Stranger: im going to leave the house Stranger: which i havent done in forever Stranger: the sun will blind me Stranger: u have given me the penis urges to leave the house Stranger: out of all the people on this site Stranger: what are the chances id meet the only perfect one You: yea i really dont want to leave :(( after this im
going home and on the way blasting music You: i miss you already to Stranger: make sure to blast some eminen 4 me You: you already know :) Stranger: play some stan! Stranger: it will remind u of me You: it will Stranger: man Stranger: next guy u meet Stranger: just know Stranger: you could of had me Stranger: i would f****n marry you Stranger: in a heart beat Stranger: if he doesnt compete with me Stranger: dont u ever hesistate with a guy u dont love
absolutely Stranger: if u end up in a relationship that ur sad in Stranger: DONT BE Stranger: u deserve the best and i cant stress that enough Stranger: what im trying to say is You: i honestly think you will have no need to compete Stranger: if u're not hystarically happy with ur next
relationship Stranger: nothing would make me more sad Stranger: whhhattt You: next guy u meet Stranger: i dont even know what i said Stranger: :( Stranger: i confuse myself You: its all good haha Stranger: I SO CONFUSED Stranger: i keep reading it Stranger: n i dont understand You: i have to get going :/ :( Stranger: shannon Stranger: it was Stranger: utter Stranger: honor Stranger: and pleasure Stranger: meeting u Stranger: i love you Stranger: lol Stranger: have a wonderful life Stranger: i dont think any guy in this world could ever honestly
be good enough for you Stranger: you are beyond this world Stranger: WAIT Stranger: let me tell u one last thing You: i feel the same exact away about you, its great to
know a handsome guy can actually have a personality Stranger: dont always go 4 the looks Stranger: i was just blessed Stranger: i know what u mean Stranger: ive never met a beautiful girl like urself who treated
me nicely Stranger: shannon....my last words... Stranger: Are those space pants? Cuz your a*s is out of this
world! You: LOL goodbye Diego, it was a pleasure. and hey, if its
meant to be it will happen. i hope we meet one day, i really do Stranger: :) nothing would make me more happier, good bye
shannon. You: <3 Stranger: <# Stranger: <3 Stranger: woops Stranger: WOOPZ Stranger: looks like a picked a whole batch of whoopsie dasies You: lmao god this hard You: goodbye Stranger: that isnt the only thing that is hard You have disconnected. Find
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© 2012 shannonFeatured Review
1 Review Added on June 16, 2012 Last Updated on June 16, 2012 Author