![]() Mind ConfusionA Story by Melissa R. Schnorr![]() The introduction of my thoughts and feelings without actually writing my thoughts of why i was feeling the way i was.![]()
I feel like a real writer; one with writers block that is. Any moment now all my thoughts and feelings are going to pour out of me uncontrollably. Any moment now. I’m at the point where I have too many thoughts and feelings to express that I just don’t know where to start. I’m exploding inside; it’s about to burst through my eyes. I can’t help but want to figure out what’s going on in my mind. When I think about it my mind goes blank and the exploding starts. This happens to me once in a while. I’m just glad it’s not angry confusion! The kind of confusion that makes me want to scream and swear, finds fault in everyone and everything. What kind of mind confusion is it that makes you want to cry and find fault in yourself? © 2008 Melissa R. SchnorrAuthor's Note
1 Review Added on November 1, 2008 Author