![]() A Fool And His Money Are Soon PartedA Story by Jack Crueso![]() prologue for a short story/novella![]() A Fool And His Money Are Soon Parted I was gliding above the stars, souring through the clouds, I was on the heavens themselves even. I can't believe how easy it was, I strolled in and out within minutes and yet here I was now loaded down with bags upon bags of severance pay and I was now walking the city’s dusty cobbled streets, I knew it would be minutes perhaps ten at the most before the alarm was sounded, and so I hurried. The leather rucksack was weighty and the contents clinked as I walked, I found even the slowest of walk was causing a disturbance and I knew it would only take the wrong sort, y’know a guard with a few brain cells or even a professional thief to pass me and for all to be lost. I would be hauled into Halvyns basement chamber, strapped into his chair and would never see the light of day again, it had been done. I of all people should know the truth of the matter. I had accompanied him since childhood, with myself seeing the change that came over my lord through his adolescent years but ultimately the master servant divide between us was the rift that tore our friendship apart and now I stood by a carriage a traitor. "to Osdale please, and twice your usual rate if you get me there in one piece" The carriage driver jumped down and began to do his job by opening the door and trying to lift my bags for me but I knew I couldn't let him. I heard the chorus of cascading coins as I pulled away the bags from his enclosing hands and knew he could guess what was in the bags. "to Osdale please" I said in a cautious manner "ten times your usual fair if you get me there intact and with all of my belongings" I looked him full in the face, his eyes showed no dishonesty but his eyes showed distrust like I was making him party to some crime that as yet was unreported. "I have been charged with the deliverance of chain mail links to a forge in Osdale" I knew it was a far fetched story, especially as links could be bought in Osdale and it was hardly worth having them delivered a few hundred miles for any old mail uniform "special links made of onyx for the lord Halvyn, the Osdale smithy is quite the master you know, only the best armours come from Osdale" this was far more plausible, for I was chief among the masters servants, perhaps not master of the house, nor chief steward but among the lowly servants I was highest. "Begging your pardon m'Lord but should I be taking on extra men" it was easier then I had hoped, he had believed what I had thought of without question but perhaps I had pushed too far? If he thought it required more men but to not arouse suspicion I went along with it. "If you believe that is best" I could deal with the hired help when we came to Osdale. "In you get then sir, Argyn will be out to assist us in a minute" ah slow, dim-witted Argyn, give him enough cash to buy a lady friend and he was as docile as a puppy. "Lets be off then" the coachman, whose name was Ceribrim called out, another man who was apparently searching for a mail coach to deliver the letters to Alexandria, the same country that Osdale was situated in. “mail seems like a theme for today’ travel east" Down at the castle the bells began to chime with strong vigour. "I wonder what that's about?" Argyn didn't look up from his club which he was busy whittling away into dragon with care and attention, I had to admire the attention to detail. "Paid not to seem too bright" he muttered, must have caught me looking, but this posed a small problem, he would want silence money or worse. His brutish callused fingers were a big contrast compared to the tiny, delicateness of the wood. "Probably just another fire, you know what these castles are like. I'm always having to take people to local neighbourhoods to get maintenance supplies" Cerebrim “like just the other day when I took that thing that passes for a cook, couldn’t cook an egg without needing a new kitchen, I tell you i'm all for equality of the species but I wont have no pointy cooking me food. Never have I ever….” It was going to be a long night "Yea" I mumbled absent-mindedly staring out of the window It began to rain.
© 2008 Jack Crueso |
1 Review Added on February 5, 2008 Author![]() Jack Cruesonorwich, United KingdomAboutwell im currently at college, i write stuff for fun mostly, i dont think im good personally but other people seem to think i am more..Writing