![]() Please Wait!!!A Chapter by Revenge<3'sMePlease Wait!!!
30 minutes later Man this gets easier and easier every time,Cameo thought slipping passed the knocked out guards. Walking down the hallway towards the room the diamond was being held in, Cameo stopped inches in front of the door. Taking something that resembled sparkly dust, Cameo threw it on the ground and in the air around the door. Red laser beams surrounded the door. Crap, motion detectors! Well at least they all aren't morons, Cameo thought going over to the 'hidden' control panel. "But they aren't as smart as I," Cameo whispered, disabling the detectors. Going through the door, Cameo saw the prized diamond. Walking over to said jewel, Cameo whispered, "Come to Momma." Cutting the glass around the diamond and taking out the jewel, Cameo froze when she heard laughter and the cocking over a gun. "You're not going anywhere with that, Ringleader!" Jackson yelled, pointing his gun at Cameo. "Now drop it and come over here with your hands where we can see them!" Doing as she was told, but she did it in a different order. Turning around the face them, Cameo walked with her hands up, the diamond in her right, and started backing up. Taking a brief look back, she saw the window had been left open. Rookie mistake. With that Cameo turned around quickly and jumped through the window, hearing gun shots after her. Sliding down the roof, Cameo put the diamond into a pouch she had tied around her waist. Jumping off the roof, Cameo made a three story drop. Carefully landing on her feet, Cameo ran down the alley only to hear footsteps after her. "Please wait! We just want to take a picture for our newspaper!" Cameo's friend, Ruby and Jen, yelled. Turning around, Cameo was blinded with the cameras flash. Grabbing two smoke bombs out of her pocket, Cameo threw the where they were at and ran off, hearing more footsteps. Running to her little ran down shack on the out skirts of Las Vegas, Cameo kicked open her house down and ran to her room. Violet awoke from her nap and stared happily at Cameo. "Hey girl, anyone come over here?" Violet barked in response as Cameo went to the little bathroom, throwing her mask and hat on her bed and grabbed new night clothes before she left. Taking off her clothes, Cameo stepped into the show, cleansing her. Guess I'm going to have some explaining to do for why I blew them off, Cameo thought, letting the steam fill up the room. © 2011 Revenge<3'sMeAuthor's Note
2 Reviews Added on January 2, 2011 Last Updated on January 2, 2011 Author![]() Revenge<3'sMeMidland, TXAbout[url=http://www.mnpls.com/quotes-7363.html][img]http://i.mnpls.com/73/7363.png[/img][/url] pimp myspace more..Writing