![]() THE HEGELIAN DOCTRINE OF OPPOSITES.A Story by moonbeam40![]() CHANNELLINGS FROM HEGELIAN.![]() About Sex, it is vitally important that you know the truth. I would point out the humaness, in attributing sex- consciousness solely to self of mankind. As you look down upon nature, and in the scale of nature, you see sex in little things, in plants, flowers, animals, birds, and in fish. they are all sexed the whole world is sexed. Sex is throughout the whole universe. Then we climb up and reach Man, looking to man we see sex, common to man and lesser creations. Man says, we are the ultimate creation of birth, we have understanding and consciousness, therefore we derive much more from sex, than do the beasts of the fields, which automatically performs the functions of sex, because of the desire connected with sex. I speak very literally, of the human organism. Now it is not good for man to attribute the "highest" to himself, and for anything beyond. I say you believe you have a body physical and a spiritual body, Yes ?- and a very muddled conception it is too'. Now you say to yourselves, when the spiritual body is parted from the physical, at what you call "death" - what happens ? - the spiritual counterpart steps out. Is it logical to suppose that the new and spiritual, in stepping out of the physical, leaves behind any part of the physical ?. Does the spiritual man who passes from Earth-life, leave behind his genital organs.? - no'-no'- no' Truly I say to you, your modern philosphers and scientists have suddenly begun to observe that sex is the powerful motivation in life,- but it is not the all embracing motivation in life'. Nevertheless, in telling you that sex is universal, I speak the truth. Truth is my witness. If sex is in little fish, and a little worm, and a little microcosm in water, invisible to the human eye, and in Man, and in all things, you percieve, is that the limit?, No' -No'-No' just as the atom is pregnant with ,and contains within itself characteristics of sex, so is the whole world sexed. Sex is in relation to the whole universe, and beyond the universe, and being part of the whole, should not therefore be confused with the whole - but should be relegated to its correct function, which is part of the whole, for there is no life without sex, in the beginning there was sex. It is necessary that I touch upon sex especially. It began something like this, (when I was on Earth, as Teacher and lecturer, logician and philospher of understanding and reputation, the maxim was, held by us, which I believe is prevalent today, that it is wrong to demonstrate and explain an incorrectness, because the recieving pupil is apt to take the incorrect illustration along with the correct one, but I must disregard that rule now) it began something like this. It was about the time when Otto was Emporer of the Germans, and a single man, whose name is not essential, looked at life and endeavoured to get conceptions of life. Especially of facets and opposites, heat and cold, light and dark, hate and love, avarice and generousity, and all their kindred. And this man told himself, these opposites are of eternal conflicts', and there was a tiny foundatory mistake which strecthed into eternities. He was wrong', The opposites are not in conflict, heat does not conflict with cold, light with dark, love with hate - rather - each is a compliment! The words begin with same letter in your language. The man said CONFLICT instead of COMPLIMENT! I ask you - is it reasonable to suppose that God would create a universe of eternal conflict ? But as LIFE (or love) demands, for it's full realisation, male with female, each to compliment the other and bring both to full bloom and expression - it is logical to assume that it is the same everywhere, Darkness loves Light, - Light loves Darkness, Heat loves Cold, - Cold loves Heat, and the fruition of their love is Temperance'. Temperance - what you call "in between". It is that I am cutting down this teaching to a very elementary expression. It has been told to me that I am speaking not to pupils in a school of science or school of philosphy, but to children. I would rather have children, with thoughts that can be moulded, instead of the "set" thoughts of men. Then my children, I will tell you of Temperance, and now you will see why I stressed sex in my early part of the lecture. Paul spoke of the "fruits" of the spirit, which are Temperance, and so on, He enumerates many of them for you. There is soil and a tiny seed, without the soil the seed would remain a seed, without the seed the soil would remain the soil, there is love there, everything you see growing is an expression of natural love.There is a sex motivation in the tiny seed which finds its expression in the soil, a coming together in growth, it is endless, (Soil to seeds, flower to flower,etc;) and so deeply interwoven, in constant flux, so that there is no beginning and no end, moreover, bearing in mind the illustration of soil and seed, how can there be fruit of the Spirit, without a coming to-gether of Spirit? Modern convention tends to draw a curtain, over matters pertaining to sex, do not imagine we are hermaphrodite - or without sex, is it a reasonable conception? is it logical? if you live in a main street and have a child, when you move to a more refined neighbourhood, or worse, a slum, there is no reason to suppose that you still cannot have intercourse. There are children of spirit, just as there are children of flesh - in other spheres, scattered in their millions. This is only ONE universe. there are many worlds in the universe, and many universes within God. As your scientists have discovered and shown in their most up-to-date teachings, this universe is not infinite, it is finite. I can only say, - for ultimate reasons, I cannot tell, in other planets and suns there is sex, growth, and children everywhere. Man is a mere speck on one of the smallest planets . It is the height of abysmal ignorance for man to attribute sex to himself as an ultimate being. Remember to praise and appreciate Temperance! There are those here with mis-understanding, who pursue backward courses, who abuse sex - Just as you abuse sex, on the other hand, I know and understand sex. I see sex as part of a fitting whole, and which must be regarded in that light. Sex is part of a fitting whole, but not a whole, it is the expression of love. Even on this planet, heat and cold built to form temperance. They are not in conflict, otherwise they could not be part of the whole. The Earths Temperate Belt. What is the result of this temperance. Paul speaks of attributes of spirit as man's mind and mentality, and which Paul does not speak of as man's enviroment. The temperate belt around the Earth is an enviroment for the one's who live in it, temperance in climate is exactly the same as emanates from man's character, but in a vastly different degree. The result is - you find that the temperate belt men are the rulers, they are the most active and endowed. The eskimos, in their cold enviroment, are slow and torpid, of deep superstition, sluggish and hot headed. Temperance brings a race, who would rule the world in peace and harmony. So long as you build upon a right foundation it is good. In opposites there is a sex element, and the middle course is the highest. Everything must be male and female, if there is to be a "coming together". If you have two parents, and they have a child, the child has attributes of both, consequently, is better than either parent. If temperance is the child of heat and cold, it will be greater and more advanced thereby, - it's fruition will be greater, for it has attributes of both, and more besides. It was centuries back, about the time of Otto, and another man elaborated, and another and so on. You will see this in all huge books and libraries, in schools of phisosophical thought, especially in Germany, the theory of opposites was built on a tiny foundatory word, "Conflict", which was wrong, and from that, you will find throughout the world today, is the theory of logic dealing with opposites, thus what he thought was --if there is heat and cold, when they come together----Conflict --, what is the result, he said to himself, brooding and brooding-- what can we do to stop it?, He accepted "Conflict" as conflict, and he said, Now' since there is conflict, the only thing to overcome it, would be for these warring opposites to be sublimated to a common course, to a middle course, an in-between, - x - and that is the root essential of his theory, you will see that it only requires a slight to become a perfect Truth. ** Man attempting "x" which is, ALREADY PRODUCED BY GOD'S NATURAL LAW. Heat and cold coming together, and you have "x", the resulting sublimate of the two, now how can the child lose it's parents so easily? "x" the sublimate is my illustration, would be temperance, which is good, - but how much better, if you have cold - heat And Temperance, which is one. GOD creates wholes, and in perfect harmony and accord. I built a huge structure upon a single word, - conflict, forgetting that God does not create conflict. I am blessed that I am able to come back to correct this wrong. I bless the Lord and praise Him for the short time of happiness He, has given me, in coming back to speak to you God Bless you, my son's and remember, I will speak again.
I am Hegal. ( recieved May 28th; 1944)
© 2011 moonbeam40Author's Note
Added on November 6, 2011 Last Updated on November 18, 2011 Authormoonbeam40ESSEX, CLACTON, United KingdomAboutWestern zodiac sign Gemini, Eastern Zodiac I am The Metal Dragon. Born June 7th 1940, was evacuated until 1947, when war ended 1945? Born in Hornchurch Essex although I am not in any records? Many st.. more..Writing