![]() LESSON OF MULTIPLICITY. PART THREE. FROM HEGELIAN CONTINUED FROM PARTS 1 AND 2A Story by moonbeam40![]() TEACHINGS FROM ANOTHER HIGH BEING NAMED HEGELIAN.![]() Here again the responsibility is shared by many, not only in a certain country. It has already been pointed out that a certain country cannot exist in it's present form indefinately, the many individual differences, in men, while weakening their concerted action, must inevitably rise to the surface, and obtain self expression. Not one in millions of your so called democrats, doubted the eventual outcome of the recent war, [second world war] but many, many of the satellites, of dictators so-doubted, because deep in the consciousness of men, lies a recognition, of natural law of progress, and it's inevitability. However vague the recognition, it will always exist. And because it exists, the eventual ascendancy of human society, can never be under the auspicies of dictators or similarly inclined beings. Always a dictator will hear the distant thunder of Gods ordinance, then will doubt his own strength at times. Witness the bulk of your English people who turned from Mr Churchill, when a danger point was reached, not because they preferred another man, not because they thought less of his ability, but because of their own dormant knowledge, intuitivily told them that progress was not betokened in warriorship, however doughty. Therefore in a certain country, the regeneration will occur from within; as for every human or group of humans . In the case of a certain country regeneration will occur within a period not beyond your Earthly appreciation. Without recourse to wars, friendships and understandings will grow between a certain country and her neighbours. A host of good spirits are directly striving to awaken, the spiritual consciousness of millions, whose developement has been stunted, or stopped, by the brutality of enforced thinking. But in an expression often used by men on Earth, "it will get worse before it gets better"-as night precedes dawn. Be not decieved by rumour and discordant speaking. You live in one world; it is the endeavour of discordant spirits, on the Earth to instill the assumption of two worlds, you are all firstly human beings. In spite of all efforts of states, a child is born the offspring of the parents, to be loved and taught with care, devotion, and hope, for the childs future. A child is born either wearing jackboots, or holding in it's tiny hands, a text book of politics. In that fact and many others, lies the hope of you all. Truth abides with the children of truth.
© 2011 moonbeam40Author's Note
Added on November 2, 2011 Last Updated on November 3, 2011 Authormoonbeam40ESSEX, CLACTON, United KingdomAboutWestern zodiac sign Gemini, Eastern Zodiac I am The Metal Dragon. Born June 7th 1940, was evacuated until 1947, when war ended 1945? Born in Hornchurch Essex although I am not in any records? Many st.. more..Writing