lessons of multiplicity. october 25th 2011.A Story by moonbeam40ADDED ON CHANNELLINGS FROM THE COMFORTER. 25TH OCTOBER 2011.OCTOBER 25TH 2011.
LESSONS OF MULTIPLICITY PART TWO. A "mass" however can be taught, and advanced, as in true religion, where a table of laws is offered to each individual, to adapt to themselves as best they may, by constant aspiration and endeavour. Which in turn, means that each must adapt themselves, to the rest as best they may, briefly, the free spirit, even with only a gleam of understanding is obtaining, self-advancement, by serving all, in the process of self-adaption, in your totalitarian, and capitalistic states, the penalised and midguided spirit, is pressed to work against itself, by serving a false God; represented by a section of humanity instead of all humanity. In this connection you need to be aquainted with the truth concerning a leading topic of your world today, - the topic of countries, whatever the quantities of evil, ignorance, and wilful self-agrandisment that exist in your body politic of any one nation or group of nations there is also a huge leavening of good, as in some nations, as some of you experienced. Villians and fools there must be, but many are those - others, who will extend a hand in frienship, a word of kindness, a deed of goodness, generosity, and courage, because this huge leavening of people in certain countries have been misled and mispromised, and dazzled by dreams of power in peacetime as much as they were dased by the victory of recent war, the present situation has been precipitated, a situation which, be not decieved, would be fanned into flame, from the present smouldering, and exploited, by many discordant spirits, if they had their way, here again the burden of responsibility is sharedby many, not only certain countries.
© 2011 moonbeam40 |
Added on October 25, 2011 Last Updated on October 25, 2011 Authormoonbeam40ESSEX, CLACTON, United KingdomAboutWestern zodiac sign Gemini, Eastern Zodiac I am The Metal Dragon. Born June 7th 1940, was evacuated until 1947, when war ended 1945? Born in Hornchurch Essex although I am not in any records? Many st.. more..Writing