In your endeavours to accumalate knowledge of multiple spirit, it is desirable and essential to establish certain facts in your own minds. First, regard each human being as a single unit. This unit is the everyday personality known to the world of humans. Thus you will observe that the unit may be multiplied or divided. There must be stressed a danger point, in the assessment of selves. It was said from the beginning of your instruction that the whole testimony of multiplicity, must not be confused, with the lack of integration we call dividibility; which the world of humans calls dissociated personality. Obviously, in such cases the fragments of self, or divisions of self are only parts of one. The disintegrated personality has been reduced to so many fractions of the unit. Conversly, the known and correctly assessed multiple spirits, is one, multiplied to become many, all bound together by ties of affinity. On the one hand is loss, on the other hand is gain, it is necessary to clear this point in your minds, lest it arouse dissention among you. Many are easily confused by present day beliefs, and the spate of words used, in the professed science called psychology. So often faced with manifestations of multiple spirit, (which is strength) - many fingers will point adversly, many tongues will babble of disunity of the mind, fear driven and appre-hensive souls, will scream of confusion and disorder in the face of clean truth and organised harmony of spirit; hoping thereby to induce their own confusion into the clearness which threatens to uplift them from confusion. Always the devils will cry that they are legion. From the beginning as you know, down through the ages, men and women, who rightfully laid claim to multiple spirituality, (with all its advantages, of psychic mediumistic practice). Have been accused of madness, even though the world has been forced to admit, that in some cases the "madness" was divinely inspired. It is apparant that students of this truth are standing on a border line, which is a danger in itself; for man is the border line, and the only border line, between downward, and upward, paths of understanding and integrity. This suggests, according to logical thinking, that there is a standard of normality, - a "norm" - a platform, from which all people descend or ascend spiritually and mentally, but here it must be stressed that there can be no generalising. The platform of normality is on a slightly different level, for each living soul. Each is born into flesh on Earth, with a difference, great or small, in heritage, in enviroment , in wordly possessions, in material advantages, in physical, and spiritual growth and facility. Individually, would become mere regimentation if it were not so, and this is the greatest and living proof of the frailty of creeds which are addressed to masses of men, demanding exact and undeviating standards of behaviour from all. Totalitarian creeds must inevitably fail, or end in disaster, for the makers of such creeds limit humankind to so many clearly distinct grades, usually, according to manual ability, soldier, artisan, clerk, and so on.Their mental grading is from leading propagandist of state downwards. In theory, artistry, freedom of thought, and the kindred attributes of spirit cannot survive in such states, where utility and material advance-ment are Gods; but in practice the spirit must and does always survive; for mankind is never a "mass" as long as the thoughts and appreciations of one man differs from those of another, A so-called "mass" can only be ruled by force; for which reason it is recorded that when the multitude would have made Jesus a king, he turned aside into the byways. However wise and worthy the governership of a state, the only true governnent is government of self, from within, ultimatley, the state must be dependent on the component parts of its whole; which parts are human individuals. If every man were self-disciplined and wisely governed in accordance, with the highest moral knowledge, from within, you would see the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth; and the necessity for Kings and goveners would pass away.
© 2011 moonbeam40Author's Note
Added on October 24, 2011 Last Updated on October 24, 2011 Authormoonbeam40ESSEX, CLACTON, United KingdomAboutWestern zodiac sign Gemini, Eastern Zodiac I am The Metal Dragon. Born June 7th 1940, was evacuated until 1947, when war ended 1945? Born in Hornchurch Essex although I am not in any records? Many st.. more..Writing