A Poem by moonbeam40



The road men trod was wearisome; the obstacles grew thicker;

Barbarians attacked Romes' rule, and many men lost hope;

Some even bowed so low to Sin they made a man Gods' vicar;

Symbol of all material things: His Holiness the Pope!

Rome and the news of Jesus Christ reached Albions' white-cliffed shore,

And ancient Britons died hard deaths opposing the invader;

Longboats came out from the north: Odin snarled with Thor,

Romans left Britons alone at last, to face the Saxon raider.

 Onslaught of Goths! Rome dying hard! the world as dark as night!

Two gleams of light seeped through the dark: one was from Romes' old site,

From ruins came the Popish Church - a sorry gleam of light, -

But still a gleam; and men revived, and soon forgot their plight.

The second gleaming light was strong, attracting countless hordes,

Who raised a cry to Allahs' Son, following young Mohammed,

Swooping down on many towns, and killing many lords;

Until these swarming fanatics who followed young Mohammed.

Had conquered northern Africa and crossed to conquer Spain,

And soon it seemed that all the west would fall 'neath Moslem sword;

Till Charles the Hammer, Charles Martel, the Frankish fighting lord

Defeated all Mohammeds'  hosts  chased them out of Tours;

The Pope succumbed and crowned Charlemagne, and gnashed his teeth in rage;

Thus ways were paved for future duels 'Twixt Popish wily lures,

And forceful German Emperors with forceful German ways!

The first Russian states was formed; a tiny babe that cast

Gargantuan Russian shadows, as it learned to crawl and puke,

And farther West, the Norsemen fought, and then the Norsemen fled,

Leaving another growing babe to a growling Norman Duke.

Chivalry grew in England;  men clad themselves in mail,

Used sword and lance and armoured horse; kept castles strongly manned,

The highest aim of Christian knight was to find the Holy Grail,-

But second best was another quest - to free the Holy land.

 So fighting Christians gathered might, began the first crusade

Straggled wearily on ' neath the mighty cross, banners afloat, unfurled,

To beat the Saracan from the field or die there unafraid;

Tales of their deeds and courage were to ring throughout the world,-

Who never heard of Coear-de lion, or the lays that Blondel played?

There in the press of the Christian West was a  mixed male medley,

Opposing in the Moslem hordes a mixture much the same,-

With darker skins and slimmer swords no whit less sharp or deadley;

In painful war men worked out Sin -  but in  Religions ' name!

So day by day in grimly war the Knightly Christians flung,

Against Mohammeds' teeming hordes, their rallied weary might,

Until the waving cross of blood in tattered ribbons hung,

Or falling, swiftly vanished 'neath the trampling of the fight;

At last the battle ended: ten thousands voices sung,

Fanatic songs, triumphant, for the overlords' delight;

This warlord, ruler of the host, throned in imperious might,

Gazed from his messy banners, where star and crescent flaunted -

To last defiant Christian dog they had brought to him by night,

A battered, dying, sorry dog: but a snapping dog, undaunted!

One hand fingered a black-curled beard; a pair of fierce dark eyes,

Looked down on a blonde and curly head, on a fair and unkempt beard,

Pausing to dwell on the mist of pain that clouded the pale blue eyes,-

Eyes glazing fearlessly upwards: and gazing, suddenly cleared:

By careless chance a gleaming lance lay close to the Monarchs' throne,

The captors' grasp was loose at last; the captive ill and alone;

What could one dying Cristian do, surrounded by his foes?

A weak and bleeding English dog who tottered on his toes?

Ah, they could not foresee the prayer-sought inspiration,

That gave the captive strength to leap to a glorious consummation,!

The under-dog had seen his chance: the chance to strike and die,

Seized it and struck with all his might in the twinkle of an eye!

Below, there lay the stricken Lord, dead as the Christian Knight;

Above, two souls were blinded by a sudden piercing light:

The Moslem soul could only pray and dread some fresh disaster;

The Christian soul, with covered  eyes, could only murmer "Master"!

A voice of beauty came to both: lowly and full of pain:

"Why do you fight" why do you kill? why are men so insane:

Who gave you cause to murder, or authority to maim"?

The Christian cried   " For Jesus", the Moslem " Mohammeds" Name!"

Then as they lifted wondering eyes, the voice gave this reply:

" O foolish men like foolish babes, which neither live nor die!

I gave you Earth and all therein; I gave universal law,

That men should spend their days in peace, in love and not in war;

You have trangressed; you must understand your Lords are two great brothers,

Mohammed and Christ live hand in hand - my Sons, with many others others!"

Then daringly, the Moslem answered, raising up his head:

"I never killed a Christian, Lord!   True Christians were all dead!"

The Christian sighed and spoke in turn: "forsooth,'tis true indeed!

I never yet killed man on Earth who lived Mohammeds' Creed!"

"The fault then rests with men" He said, " and they must pay the price;

But ere you go to other spheres, I give you this advice:

In future times, in future lives, abhor Mans huge duplicity;

Conform to law, my unchanging law,- cling to its' great simplicity!

Chance after chance I give to men; you have trangressed before;

Go then in peace to live again; go now, and sin no more,

I allot to you a single creed: you both shall be re-born,

Of common birth in a Christian land at peace, and not a land wartorn".

© 2011 moonbeam40

Author's Note

Channelled in 1944 on Sunday August 30th, in World WAR 11, by a group of Officers, because of their Status did not have to work, so used their time meditating and praying for guidance,the very high Spiritual Being who gave this information is called THE COMFORTER. Both men are now resting in the Spiritual Realms, this information was given to me by William B Johnston, to be given out when I deemed the time to be right.
The whole of this writing is called Spiritual Teachings.
ANNO DOMINI,is one part of These Spiritual Teachings.

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absolutely wise, how curious that i just spoke with a guy in town here who has been so deligent in trying to find out what happened to his uncle in WWII. His bomber went down in the Phillipines and there were supposed to be 6 crewmembers but only 4 bodies were found. eventually, after a lot of research, his uncles remains were found, they had been buried in a memorial spot in St. Louis unidentified.

Posted 13 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


A amazing poem. Need larger letters. A poem needed to be read and understood. I like the ideas and the storyline of the characters. Last lines were amazing. Thank you for the research and a outstanding poem.

Posted 13 Years Ago

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well constructed kept this poem together and relevant even with the rhyme. You didn't waver..this kept focused and I really liked the message..

Posted 13 Years Ago

This is brilliant! I was thoroughly captivated throughout, I love the ending and thank you for the history lesson (it never did sink it at school!). Annie

Posted 13 Years Ago

Another stunning piece, with it's wisdom engraved in history.........there is so much to digest and think about, and shows us simplicity should be cherished.

Posted 13 Years Ago

a wonderful poem that should be read by all xxxxx

Posted 13 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

This is outstanding love! I am so in awe....there is so much here to take in....literally so powerfully written I am going to re-read and save to favs! lol

Posted 13 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

absolutely wise, how curious that i just spoke with a guy in town here who has been so deligent in trying to find out what happened to his uncle in WWII. His bomber went down in the Phillipines and there were supposed to be 6 crewmembers but only 4 bodies were found. eventually, after a lot of research, his uncles remains were found, they had been buried in a memorial spot in St. Louis unidentified.

Posted 13 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

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8 Reviews
Added on June 22, 2011
Last Updated on June 23, 2011



ESSEX, CLACTON, United Kingdom

Western zodiac sign Gemini, Eastern Zodiac I am The Metal Dragon. Born June 7th 1940, was evacuated until 1947, when war ended 1945? Born in Hornchurch Essex although I am not in any records? Many st.. more..


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