![]() Does God Answer Prayers?A Story by Moomin![]() Billions of people today pray. Is it in vain?![]() Have you ever prayed desperately for something? Perhaps someone you love
was seriously ill, or even dying. Maybe you were in a dangerous
situation, and asked God to help you. Or you have sincerely prayed for
“World Peace” when you became saddened at the chaotic state of the
Billions of people around the world, of all faiths and denominations, pray every day. Some people believe that God hears all their prayers, about even the most trivial things in life. Sports stars pray for success, governments pray for victory in war, and many sucessful rich people claim that they are “blessed” - that God has granted them success. No doubt you have known people who have prayed for something, but did not get an answer. You yourself may have said many prayers, but have been disappointed by the lack of response. The “World Council of Churches” often prays for World Peace. Surely, God would answer such a prayer, by such a prestigious organisation of religious leaders? Unfortunately that is not the case, as we can see if we look around the world. So then, does Almighty God answer prayers? and, if so, whose prayers, and what kind? Can we pray for anything, or are there limits? The Bible answers these questions, and the answers may surprise many religious, and non-religious people. Prayer is described by one Biblical encyclopaedia as “Worshipful address to God.” It involves more than just speech. Someone can talk to God, without any request, or worship included. Many Bible characters spoke to God disrespectfully, or questioned his will. That would not be a prayer. What, therefore does prayer involve? People often have a fixed idea of praying - that it is done with the eyes closed, hands clasped together, kneeling, while speaking in whispers or grandiose words. Is that what God requires? Although the Bible does urge great reverence and respect for God, many prayers by faithful men and women in the Bible were simple, sudden, and often very few words. Those praying often looked upwards, not down. The Bible tells us that God is “The hearer of prayer.” But whose prayers does God hear? The Bible goes on to tell us that “Without faith it is impossible to please God well, for whoever approaches God must believe that he is and that he becomes the rewarder of those earnestly seeking him” - (Hebrews 11.6). So, a person who prays has to believe in God, to have faith that he is actually listening. Does God place any conditions on answering prayers? The Bible reveals that - “Whatever we ask we receive from him, because we are observing his commandments and doing what is pleasing in his eyes.” So, a person must be living in harmony with God's approval. God will not answer prayers from wicked, violent, decietful or greedy people. Jesus always directed his prayers to his heavenly Father - Almighty God - Jehovah. But, Jesus also told us that he himself is “The way” to God, that is, all prayers should be made through Jesus, in his name, for his Father to accept them. When Solomon became king of Israel, the first action he took was to pray, (1 Kings 3). God asked Solomon what he wanted, as king. Solomon humbly asked for wisdom. Today, Solomon is widely recognised as one of the wisest people that have ever lived. He wrote many of the proverbs of the Bible, as well as the book of Ecclesiastes, and some of the Psalms. Here is a lesson for all of us - that God listens to humble requests for wisdom - his wisdom, not human wisdom. Jesus made certain things priorities in his prayers. He asked that God's holy name be sanctified, “hallowed”, vindicated - (Matthew 6.9). Most people on earth today are not told God's name by their churches. God deserves our praise and honour, because he gave us life, and all good things. Jesus prayed for God's kingdom to come. Millions of people today pray for world peace, and an end to hunger and disease. But, that is exactly what God's kingdom promises to do. History records that - while Jesus was on earth - he actually cured many ill people. Although Jesus had the power to cure all ill people, he did not do so. The reason he didn't cure everyone was that - his miracles were just a taste - a preview, of what would happen on a global scale, when God's kingdom takes over rulership of the earth. You might recall that promise by Jesus - in the “Lord's Prayer”? - “Thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth, as it is in heaven.” So we should pray for God's kingdom. That way, we are expressing faith in God, not imperfect men to solve all problems permenantly. It is important to express gratitude, for life, and all other things, in our prayers. If we took for granted everything God has done for us, including sacrificing his own beloved son, we would be guilty of ingratitude, and God would not hear our prayers. When praying, it is good to think of what God has done for you already. It is also essential to confess, or admit our failings to God, in prayer. No-one is perfect, no matter how hard we try. That is one of the reasons why Jesus gave his perfect life, so that we might be forgiven when we sin. The Bible also urges us to forgive others. In fact, if we do not, God will not forgive us. So, we should not hang on to resentment or hate. Jesus commanded us to “Forgive your enemy” and to “Pray for those who persecute you” - (Matthew 5.44). So, we can pray for others - for them to come to know God, for them to have peace, and for them to be forgiven. And, of course, God invites us to turn to him in prayer when we are in genuine need. The Bible assures us that God will always provide lifes needs (not wants) for faithful, humble people - (Matthew 6.31-33). Contrary to what many religious leaders today claim, God does not shield us from harm, or cure all our illnesses, or make us wealthy. In fact, the Bible condemns the obsessive pursuit of wealth, and urges us to “Let your way of life be free of the love of money, while you are content with the present things. For he has said: “I will never leave you, and I will never abandon you." - (Hebrews 13.5). And rather than miraculously save us from accidents, especially those caused by our own selfishness or recklessness, the Bible realistically warns that “Time and unforeseen events happen to us all” - (Ecclesiastes 9.11). If we are in distress, or facing danger, we can pray for “The peace of God that surpasses all understanding” - (Pilippians 4.6, 7). God gives us wisdom to deal with any crisis, and courage to face any obstacle. Yet, even if our prayers are in harmony with God's standards, there will be times that God will not answer them, or will answer them in a way that we do not want - why? Jesus tells us - “If you, although being wicked, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more so will your Father who is in the heavens give good things to those asking him.” Notice that Jesus compares God to a loving Father. Does a caring parent give a child everything that they ask for? - No, sometimes children want things that their parents know are not good for them. A child lacks wisdom, and has little experience in life. Just like children, we do not see the full picture of life, and we are sometimes unaware of something that God knows. But, we do know that, like any loving Father, God will never do anything to deprive us, or hurt us. The Bible tells us that God does not send problems to test us, and He does not punish us for mistakes (see James 1.13). Jesus declared - “Happy are those concsious of their spiritual need.” That means those who come to know God - (see John 17.3). This is perhaps one of the greatest benefits of prayer - genuine happiness and contentment. Only God can provide this. And everytime we pray - “Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth, as it is in heaven,” we are showing our desire for God to step in and undo all the problems mankind have created. So, pray to your heavenly Father regularly. Pour your heart out to him about your concerns. Glorify his holy name, and praise him. Thank him for all good things in life. Ask him to help you have peace and joy, despite the troubles of life. Trust in him, and notice when he answers your prayers. If you do all this, God will answer your prayers, and he will reward you - soon, with everlasting life, in perfect peace and health (Revelation 21.4, Psalm 37.29). © 2023 Moomin |
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