Swiftly flowing chiffon brushes against your skin,
eyes close,
the sparkle of the night music rings in your ears,
twirling me into the abyss,
bright as the night,
deep as the sky,
dancing to the sweetest of tumes, all underneath the blue full moon.
Magickal boundaries surround you and I,
our eyes are still shut,
the music has died,
but the twirling shant stop,
it has only begun,
its only forever,
thats not long at all,
gliding the hilltops,
we’ll stop, never, dancing.
if my eyes were to open I’d find myself alone once more,
I dare not let go of your grasp,
I dare not open my eyes,
this dancing will not cease,
I never want to stop,
I will be with you forever,
never ending nothingness into a night,
filled with blue moonlight,
lost in a depth of destruction I am oblivious to,
all because of you,
because of my refuse,
to let go of you,
or open up my eyes and be back home alone,
the dancing ended once more.