![]() night of the plague chapter oneA Chapter by Monica Hicks Labranche![]() This is about a plant of some kind blows up and it is effecting the insects and other animals. They are getting bigger and mean . It is going to be added to a lot so stay tuned.![]() I was frozen with fear. I opened my eyes, the tent is dark. It is chilly must be early morning, I can see the dew still on the tent. As I look more closely, I can see the shadows, from the moonlight, I see 100s of spiders and centipedes, ants covering the tent. I was instantly frozen with fear. I have always been scared of spiders and other creepy crawling things . I caught my breath and then started to look around for a flashlight. In the moonlight I could see the spiders and the other bugs all over the tent. I was shaking with fear . I was breathing so fast I thought my heart was going to pound out my chest . Thinking how was I going to get out of the tent. I slowly got on my knees, and started for the door. I gently opened the tent and to my surprise there were 1000's of spiders and other insects all over the place . I could hear mosquitoes and other insects. I thought I am not going to make it out of here alive. I stood up and stepped outside the tent. They were all over me by this time biting me. I turned on my flashlight and started to run. I could feel them under my feet crunching as I stepped on them. By this time I was screaming for someone to help me. No one was around. I was running and looking around. To my horror I see people on the ground with the tarantulas all over them . Now I was by the office of the campground. I could hear blood curdling screams of people who were overcome by the spiders. I see people everywhere spiders and praying mantis , centipedes, ants , beetles eating them ripping their flesh off the bone. I get to the office door make my way inside to find the owner and his wife on the floor in a pool of their blood. The tarantulas have spun a web around them. As I look around for the phone. I can hear more screams, I look around frantically for the phone so I can call for help. When I find it I pick it up and it's dead. So I run outside and jump in the truck outside. Thank god the keys are in it. I start it and take off. On the radio station they were saying that some type of explosion at the chemical weapons plant down the road had made the insects turn into vicious blood sucking predators. As I was driving there were vehicles off the road with people dead. They were being eaten by the bugs. It was affecting all the animals. Then I started to wonder is it affecting people as well. I was tuning in other radio stations to try to see how far it had spread. I could see and hear the bugs. The bees and hornets, wasps sounded like helicopters. Their stingers were the size of fence posts. The bees wings were the size of a small car. As i drove through town i could see grasshoppers jumping on people . At that moment i decided i needed some weapons . i needed guns, ammo , bow and arrows. I needed to be able to fight against these oversized huge blood sucking creatures. By this time it was daylight and i could really see the magnitude of the devastation . I was not from around here . I only came here to go camping and fishing . I wanted a out in the middle of nowhere ! I was enjoying my trip then this s**t happens. The closest town to the camping area was a one horse town. It had a gas station , little convenience store , hardware place a pet store. It had a few other shops . i was thankful that i was a country girl and could take care of myself . I could hunt , fish and live off the land. So i pulled over in front of the hardware store. I cautiously sat there a moment and listened and looked around . I was hoping the bugs had moved on . I was going over in my head what I needed . I opened the door of the truck and got out . I stood there and looked around. With it silent , I decided to go into the hardware store. I opened the door and went inside. I got a bag and started putting stuff in . i grabbed shovels, axes, hammers anything i could use to build s**t . I was going along and filling the bag when i heard something , i big bang , someone or something was in the back . I grabbed an ax and made my way to the back of the store. I yelled out “ hey who’s there “ I waited for a response. I saw a door i thought why not open it . I stepped up to the door and yelled out “ anyone here” just then i heard someone say “ hey “ the door opened and a young guy , maybe 25ish stepped out. Well he was young to me , I am 46 . He said his name was jake . I told him my name was Michaela. It was nice to know there were people still alive. We talked for a few minutes , then i told jake i was getting s**t together to leave . he agreed that we should go now. We both grabbed stuff and loaded up the truck. © 2016 Monica Hicks LabrancheAuthor's Note
Added on November 10, 2016 Last Updated on November 10, 2016 Author