A New Kind of Dragon Tales

A New Kind of Dragon Tales

A Story by MonarchAida

Theodora Edith. She had the brains of a scholar, the looks of a princess, and her heart? That was a secret even she doesn't know. Only the message on her necklace has the answers.


--Day 138 (Sixth of the Second Month)--

With the wind chilling our bones, causing my teeth to chatter, Leaf and I were curled up in the back of the cave. It was one of the more comfortable caves we’ve slept in so far. Not to mention this time we had bed rolls and blankets. Also a fire, which was making the most pleasant crackling noise.

Hm, must be more exhausted than I first thought, I yawn, getting closer to Leaf and his small, boney frame.

“Wait, Miss Aldric! You can’t sleep yet. You still haven’t told me a story,” Leaf pouted, looking up at me with is insanely green eyes.

I sighed. “It’s Theo,” I reminded him. “And I know, leafling--”


“--I was just getting comfortable,” I continued. Hiding a smirk at getting back him with the sprite’s nickname. “Are you ready?”

Leaf nodded. “Yes, Miss Theo. What story are you going to tell me?”

I thought for a moment. I knew a lot of stories and tales from my studies back home, but Leaf knew most of this.

“Ah, I got it. How about the tale of Odysseus’s encounter with Sirens?” I asked, thinking back to the short story.

The sprite groaned and shook his head. “I’m tired of hearing about Odysseus! I want to hear real stories. That you’ve been in.”

I frowned. “I don’t have any of my own stories. With the exception of this one, I suppose. Though, it is clearly not finished yet.”

“Then tell me what happened before we met. You promised me the tale of The Dragon if I helped you. I wish for that promise to be fulfilled.”

I paused for a moment, as my frown became deeper. “Our deal was I would tell you after you helped me on my quest.”

The green haired boy shook his head. “Not anymore. If you want my help, you have to tell me now. Unless you want the forest to destroy itself before we ever get to... See! I don’t even know where we’re traveling too!”

Sprites, I thought darkly. Curse their trickery and lies.

“Fine, fine,” I sighed once again. “I’ll tell you my story. It all started back in fall. As the leaves were just turning, and school once again started teaching...”

--Day 1 (Twenty First of the Ninth Month)--

It was early morning, on the first day of school. I was waiting for my mother to call me down for breakfast. As I was passing the time, I was writing a letter. It was a silly thing to do, since the the person I intend to read this letter is an unknown location, and could be either dead or alive.. Yet, I couldn’t stop writing to wherever my father is, or, was.

Dear Father,

It’s the 21st of September. Which means school is finally back. I convinced my other father and mother to let me take Runes! Finally! Though, I am hoping that in the spring semester they will let me take more scholar type of courses.

Runes are such an amazing thing, father. They tell so many stories, just from the carvings and inscriptions. I cannot wait to start being able to read them. Maybe I can figure out what my amulet says. It would much easier if you were here to tell me though.

Am I princess? Or a daughter of a famous adventurer? Mother believes I’m childish to think of such things. Other father says it’s not proper for a lady. ‘Proper’. Despite how well I speak and write, I do not plan on being another princess type.

One day I hope you answer me.

Until then, with much love

                    Theodora Edith.

Once I finished re-reading my letter, I rolled up the parchment, and placed in a bottle. I’ve been doing this a lot, as of late. The more I grow distant from this family, the more I write to the family I should have. Or at least, what I hope I would have.

I began packing my bag for the day. Pens, parchments, journals, arithmetic materials, a few books, and of course the bottled letter.

Whenever I write one of those letters, I always make sure to throw it into the ocean in the morning. One day, if he’s even alive, I hope for my father to reach this. I know he was alive when he dropped me at my new family. It said so in the letter left me. Along with my mother’s (Who passed once I was born) amulet. Father, in the letter, said that it was unknown even to him what is was.

Once I reached the age of ten, I made myself and my father a promise that I would find out what it was. Along with finding my father, whether it be in person, at a graveyard, or meeting his bones. I will find him.

I walked slowly along the shore line. Making sure the waves were close, but not enough to get my shoes wet. I learned that lesson from last time.

I turned to face the ocean, and allowed my few moments of playing the cliche role of the lost princess. Closing my eyes, wishing for a reply, I threw the bottle in the sea. I took a deep breath and counted to ten, opening them and turning away from the ocean. I usually try to stay away from what all the kids tease me about. Especially for being a lost princess. Yes, I hate the princess ‘type’, but not being a princess.

Or at least, I don’t mind the idea of being rich and powerful.

With a shake of my head to focus back to the present, I made the walk to school. I was only fifteen, and finally started my last three years of school. As exciting as that is, it also means I’m due to start my profession. Usually, in most cases, everyone can chose what they want to be. A deliverer, a butcher, a maid, and so on.

There are the few unlucky ones you have no choice. Usually it’s only nobility and farmers. Every now and then you have someone like me. With parents who force them to be a certain way. It was like that in the past, back when life was lead by a harsh ruler, but now that’s been disbanded to go with the happier choices in life. Though, there will always be people who wish to follow the way of old.

Other kids who are forced like this (With the exception of the farmers and nobility) have fought against this. Hoping the our Queen will ban the whole thing all together. Sadly, despite how much she would want to, she simply can’t. It was one of the agreements she made when she took over.

I can’t complain too much, Queen Harth is quite kind to her people. Refusing to even call them subjects. Unlike her daughter, Agatha. Or Princess Suka, as most of my language class calls her.

--Day 138 (Sixth of the Second Month)--

“What does Suka mean?”


“I thought you didn’t like foul language?”

“No, I said I didn’t like people speaking foul for no reason.”


--Day 1 (Twenty First of the Ninth Month)--

“Day dreaming again, Miss Lost?”

Speak of the Devil...

I gave a fake smile. “I was thinking of how nice the mornings is. Or was, anyway.”

Agatha’s smirk faded to a look a disbelief. “No one likes a b***h, Theodora.”

“Yet, you have friends,” I pointed out, with a genuine confusing tone.

The princess and her ‘friends’ all scoffed and shared looks. Then Agatha looked back to me. “You know, just because my mother adores your father, doesn’t mean I have to tolerate you.”

I raised an eyebrow, a little confused by the sudden turn of the conversation. “Glad we agreed. I’ll be off then,” I informed her and continued moving to the school grounds.

I heard Agatha and her future subjects whisper about, as I pressed forward. School was only few more moments away and I’d get to hide in my first block. Which was thankfully, arithmetic. I was pretty good at arithmetic. Which made up for having smelting and building right after.

Smelting and building is a combo class. It runs for three hours, and it’s just awful. Granted I get to move around and show my skill, but I never wished to be known for blacksmithing. Though, everyone knows the Edith family is famous for their smelting.

Which is why sometimes I hide behind the excuse of not being a real Edith. Though my unfortunate knack for being a smith betrays that excuse.

The truth is, I want to be scholar. I want to go out into the world, travel with parties and record their tales. Experience it first hand while being protected and writing it down. I love to share stories, real or not. As long as if they’re new, I’ll read it, share, and even write down theories, till it runs dry. Which, they way my life has been going... Is going to be pretty soon.


Most of school passed with a breeze. Even my smithing class. Lunch, on the other hands, was terribly awkward. Despite being in my seventh year, I still don’t have anyone to really sit with. Sure, I have classmates, but I still don’t have friends. Sad and pathetic I know. I just simply can’t find anyone who wants to talk for more than a few days.

Though, Lunch passes quickly to the point where I stopped caring a few years ago.

Currently, it’s last hour, with only fifteen minutes left. All I have to do is to get through metal class and I can go to the library.

Metal isn’t a bad class. It’s not even just metal, it’s other materials too, but metal is the main focus.. It’s also extremely boring. I know almost every single metal, and material, plus it’s value in the world. Not to mention it’s origin, what’s made with it, and just about any other fact you can think of. Yet there’s still more. Stuff I already know, and still my parents force me to learn it again.

“Psst! Miss Smithy,” a whisper came from behind me. Despite it being pointless because the rest of class is doing whatever at this point. (Even the teacher is doing other work).

I ignored, figuring it wasn’t even for me. I mean, honestly, I don’t have any friends in metal and materials.

There was a groan and a tap on my shoulder. “Hey, Smithy,” the voice grew louder.

I turned around and gave a polite smile. “Yes...?” I asked, trailing off as I looked at the person talking.

“Hey, hi, um, my name is Dani, and well... ‘Ya seem to really know your stuff and I don’t. I saw your books and ‘ya take other smithin’ classes and I was hopin’ ‘ya could help, ‘ya know?” Dani, who seems to be a new girl in school, rambled.

I took a few moments to respond. “Um, yeah I know a few things. I could help. I think. Help with what exactly?”

Dani grinned, showing a missing front tooth. “I wanna be Rogue explorer when I graduate, but I've been avoidin’ material classes so I have honestly no idea. Which is bad, ‘cause ‘ya know, I need to stuff to collect to sell. For, well, everythin’. So can ‘ya like, teach me? Help me determine what metal and materials are what? Prices would be nice? Hey! You’re a smith, ‘ya could totally make me a dagger or two. I’ll buy it of course. I ain’t tryin’ to like, get free stuff. Nu huh, my Pa taught me well. He used to sa--”

“Yes!” I shouted, earning a few looks from my classmates. I cleared my throat. “I mean, yes, I’ll help. Just... Don’t ramble as much. Okay?” I asked. I wasn’t trying to be rude, but I really hate rambling.

Dani full on winced. “Oopsie, sorry! It’s an awful habit. Ma says I get it from my Uncle. Says he always goes on, and on, and on, and I’m doin’ it again. S**t, sorry.”

Great. A rambler and foul mouthed. Please don’t use it abusively. Please.

I just smiled, usually the best option to react to people. “It’s alright, Dani. I can help you, and I will. What days and times work for you.”

“Well--” at that point the bell rang. Of course, that didn’t stop Dani. “--That was loud. Anyway, I’m usually free most Wednesdays, and uh Fridays. Oh! The weekend too. ‘Cept for Sunday morn’. ‘Cause that’s family breakfast. So, Wednesdays, Fridays, and the Weekends.”

I made a mental note, as I began to pack. “Alright, then Wednesday, we can go to the library and I’ll help teach you.”

“Oh awesome! You’re the best smithy, ever. Oh! I never got your name. Though, I kinda like Smithy. Maybe that can be your nickname. Smithy the... Uh, Smith. No that’s lame. Smithy the Kn-Know--,” Dani huffed and closed her eyes. “The Knowledgeable,” she finally got out and opened her eyes.

I smiled a bit. Dani was very energetic yes, but she was kind of funny.

“Theodora. One day to be Theodora the Smith,” I introduced, resisting the urge making a face at the name.

Dani, however, made no resist, and wrinkled her nose. “That doesn’t sound like ‘ya.”

I laughed. “No. I’d rather be Theodora the Scholar. But, my family doesn’t believe scholars will make it out in the real world.”

“Ew. Your parents sound boring. My Ma and Pa don’t care. As long as if I’m not bummin’ around,” Dani explained sounding proud. Before gasping. “Oh shitcakes! I gotta go help with dinner. See ‘ya around Theo the Scholar!”

As she got up to ran, I shouted after her. “It’s Theodora!”

--Day 138 (Sixth of the Second Month)--

“It was needless to say that my first day at school went completely unexpected. It was definitely memorable, in a good way, though,” I finished the first part of the story.

Leaf gave a long yawn, and looked to be on the verge of drifting off. “Dani sounds really nice.”

“She really was,” I whispered.


I shrugged. “We... Parted ways. Haven’t talked to her since.”

Leaf frowned as his eyes fell closed. “That’s sad. Is there any more?”

“There is yes, but it’s too long to finish in one night. I’ll tell you more before we set off tomorrow,” I told him, adjusting the two of us so we can sleep comfortably.

Leaf gave a slight nod. “Okay, Miss Theo. Sleep good, okay?”

“I’ll sleep well, yes,” I laughed a bit, as I finally closed my eyes, allowing my body the rest it needed.

© 2016 MonarchAida

Author's Note

I had a plan for a huuuuge story but Idk if this is even a good concept so I don't know,
Thoughts? If anyone reads this XD
If I do continue this I'll have to change tags around and such.
Oh! And I wrote this like a year ago, and my writing improved much more, I just didn't want to edit it too much because I might over think about posting in this.

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Added on June 21, 2016
Last Updated on June 21, 2016
Tags: dragons, fantasy, first story, rpg elements, magic, secrets, lies



Phoenix, AZ

Just a gaymer and a wanna be author. more..
