If being a liberal means having to pay for one lazy b*****d gaming the system, and it also means lending a hand up to the nine who truly need it, then I'm proud to be a liberal. If being liberal means caring more about the innocent kids in a school massacre than the unfeeling monstrosity that is the NRA, then I'm proud to be called liberal. If being a liberal means speaking out when an absolute travesty of a human being is elected president, then I'm proud to be a liberal. If being a liberal means railing against a president who is supposed to represent all of us, not just the thirty-some percent who believe President Obama was this close to declaring Sharia law and ordering government storm troopers in black helicopter to swoop down from the heavens and confiscate everybody's guns, then I'm proud to be a liberal;
If believing healthcare should be available to all, not just those wealthy enough to pay whatever the greedy b*****d insurance company decides it'll cost, then I'm proud to be a liberal. I being a liberal means believing in the separation of church and state, then I'm proud to be called a liberal. Contrary to some, liberal is not a contagious disease that will spread to you, it's being a good human being. Liberal is spelled c-o-m-p-a-s-s-i-o-n, not g-u-l-l-i-b-l-e.