Letter to My Sister

Letter to My Sister

A Poem by Mercedes

A poem dedicated to my sister, who died 12 years ago this coming Friday.

Little baby sister
It's been much too long
Since I last saw your face,
Heard your voice.

The time has passed much too fast,
And try as I do, I can't slow it down.

I want to go back to those days,
Those sweet, slow, beautiful days
When we were together,
Happy and safe.

But that's been gone, for much too long,
We can't have it back, no matter the wishes.

You'd be 18 now,
Much to my surprise,
My little baby sister
Would have been all grown up by now.

But you're stuck in time, in a far away place,
Stuck forever in my mind, at the tender age of six.

Remember your party,
The balloons, the gifts?
All your friends were there,
We laughed and played, who could have known?

Just one small, tiny, seemingly insignificant week,
And then you were gone, forever left in my memory.

Who could have predicted,
That my little heart could hurt so much?
You'd be surprised at how much heartache,
A little 7-year-old girl can take.

I called your name, but you couldn't come back.
I wished every night, for my sister to come home.

I sat in the living room,
Shell-shocked, with our cousin.
We told God we'd give anything,
For you to come home, safe, even if you could never walk again.

But God let us down, and kept you for himself, up there in the clouds.
And I'm still down here, missing you, always thinking about 'might-have-beens'.

I hope it's beautiful, up there in Heaven.
And I hope that when it's my time,
You'll save a spot for me,
Right next to you on a perfect little cloud.

We'll make up for all our lost time, and be the sisters we never had the chance to be.
And things will be perfect, just you and me, little sis.

© 2010 Mercedes

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Added on September 7, 2010
Last Updated on September 7, 2010



Des Moines, IA

I'm an avid reader, I always have a book in my hand. I like to write poetry, the occasional story, and novels. I'm a cat freak (my email is dedicated to my cat and her various nicknames). I'm fairly r.. more..

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