![]() rainbows in the makingA Poem by ice_cubes![]() for the broken and the beautiful![]()
it's the crown of the rain
adorning the earth with its rays its beauty unfathomable its tranquility among the dark clouds of unrest,unbelievable isn't a rainbow incredible? the rainbow taught me it taught me the secrets of its magnificence "beauty isn't an easy come thing it says" "if you think shining is easy watch the diamonds get battered if you think glowing is natural watch the gold ores melt it takes both sun and rain to make flowers grow and only the bent and scattered rays form rainbows like rainbow rays we transverse new worlds outside the ones we're used to we get bent , worn out and scattered but we are rainbows in the making we get beauty in our brokenness and our voice in the silence its not until we get lost and confused that we find the way to go its not until we are all alone that we find a place we belong the day we fall is the day our feet understand what it feels like to get a good grip on the ground and our smile will only get some shine after tears glitter our eyes this is to the broken and the beautiful who've got there hearts crushed once,twice or repeatedly we'll pick up the broken pieces and make an art piece we'll wear our scabs and scars like crowns coz we are rainbows in the making © 2020 ice_cubesReviews
StatsAuthor![]() ice_cubesAboutLover of poetry and arts who recently stumbled upon her poems from 4 years ago. Nice to meet you too :D more..Writing
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