Becomming an English MajorA Poem by Mohl083not sure how i feel yet
From the time I’d blown out enough birthday candles And I was too big to throw back The great assumption was made That as soon as I had one diploma in hand I would need another to compliment it. The bulging wallet and purse, though, Offered no folded up roadmap of advice Out of their own glove compartments To aid in the decision About what type of clothes I’d wear For the rest of my life. Outside the brick walls of the school In a little tin shack The girl in the yellow tank-top unhinges my jaw But it snaps like a bear trap When the red-bearded goliath Presses me to point out predicate nominatives In a sentence about Dickens. A year later they let me inside But the little shrew’s bloody pen Marks up the first five pages of a notebook I’ll never use again. We sit in a big circle While the parrots spit back the exact words They just heard to protect their coveted A. The middle-aged man with subdued flamboyancy Who can do the Southern, female accent Just a little too well Let’s me wander around a white vacuum For most of the year Occasionally tossing me a few scraps From the plates of Poe and Twain. On a dim porch in the heat of July Watching the black dog Sniff and piss on the surrounding shrubbery The final piston falls into place And the engine starts sputtering and barfing up Clouds of murky vapor. My watering eyes focus through the haze And I see the night sky in full glory. © 2009 Mohl083 |
Added on October 13, 2009 Author